Disinfection and sterilization measures in medical organizations of the Ural and Siberian Federal Districts: Results of 2022 and a long-term quality rating

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BACKGROUND: Disinfection and sterilization activities are integral parts of the epidemiological safety system in healthcare aimed at preventing healthcare-associated infections. The quality of disinfection and sterilization activities affects healthcare efficiency and the safety of both patients and healthcare professionals. Continuous monitoring of key disinfection and sterilization indicators is an important constituent of a healthcare-associated infection surveillance system implemented in healthcare institutions, organizations, and bodies of Rospotrebnadzor (Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing).

AIM: To analyze data on the disinfection and sterilization activities implemented in healthcare institutions of the Ural and Siberian Federal Districts.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Based on the information obtained from State Federal Statistical Monitoring form No. 27 “Information on disinfection activities” for 2015–2022 presented by the Rospotrebnadzor offices of the respective Russian Federation constituents, long-term average annual and Russia’s nationwide average figures were compared. The rating of the quality of disinfection and sterilization measures in the healthcare institutions of the Ural and Siberian Federal Districts was analyzed using Statistica 10, and the most significant groups of indicators were selected for analysis.

RESULTS: The resulting rating scores and their long-term annual kinetics suggest that the steadiest quality indicators of the disinfection and sterilization activities were observed in healthcare institutions in the Khakass Republic, Tyumen, and Omsk Oblasts.

CONCLUSIONS: Continuous monitoring of key disinfection and sterilization indicators in healthcare institutions allows the development of task-oriented preventive activities and their adjustment to changes in the epidemiologic situation in the region.

About the authors

Svetlana S. Smirnova

Federal Scientific Research Institute of Viral Infections “Virome”; Ural State Medical University

Email: smirnova_ss69@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9749-4611
SPIN-code: 3127-4296

MD, Cand. Sci. (Med.), Associate Professor

Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg; Yekaterinburg

Nikolai N. Zhuikov

Federal Scientific Research Institute of Viral Infections “Virome”

Email: zhuikov_nn@niivirom.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7018-7582
SPIN-code: 2218-5795
Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg

Ivan A. Egorov

Federal Scientific Research Institute of Viral Infections “Virome”

Email: egorov_ia@niivirom.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7153-2827
SPIN-code: 6465-0182
Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg

Elena V. Malkova

Federal Scientific Research Institute of Viral Infections “Virome”

Email: ismp@niivirom.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6647-9531
SPIN-code: 9781-3200
Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg

Elena S. Shelkova

Federal Scientific Research Institute of Viral Infections “Virome”

Email: shelkova_es@niivirom.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2837-375X
SPIN-code: 4387-0173

MD, Cand. Sci. (Med.)

Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg

Ylia S. Stagilskaya

Federal Scientific Research Institute of Viral Infections “Virome”

Author for correspondence.
Email: stagilskaya_ys@niivirom.ru
ORCID iD: 0009-0000-9261-5624
SPIN-code: 2923-4892
Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Table 6. Rating assessment of the quality of disinfection and sterilization measures in medical organizations of the Ural and Siberian Federal Districts in 2022

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3. Table 7. Final rating of the quality of disinfection and sterilization measures in medical organizations of the Ural and Siberian Federal Districts in 2018–2022

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4. Fig. 1. The structure of sanitary and bacteriological studies during surveillance activities in medical organizations of the Ural and Siberian Federal Districts in 2015–2022, %.

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5. Fig. 2. The structure of sanitary and bacteriological studies during surveillance activities in medical organizations of the Ural and Siberian Federal Districts in 2022, %.

Download (380KB)
6. Fig. 3. Results of the study of environmental objects flushes in medical organizations of the Ural and Siberian Federal Districts in 2015–2022.

Download (188KB)
7. Fig. 4. The share of non-standard samples of flushes from environmental objects in medical organizations of various profiles of the Ural and Siberian Federal Districts in 2015–2022, %.

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8. Fig. 5. Results of microbiological control of air samples in medical organizations of the Ural and Siberian Federal Districts in 2015–2022.

Download (184KB)
9. Fig. 6. The share of non-standard air samples in medical organizations of the Ural and Siberian Federal Districts in 2015–2022, %.

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10. Fig. 7. Results of control of disinfectants and solutions for the content of the active substance in medical organizations of the Ural and Siberian Federal Districts in 2015–2022.

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11. Fig. 8. The share of non-standard samples of working solutions of disinfectants in medical organizations of the Ural and Siberian Federal Districts in 2015–2022, %.

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12. Fig. 9. Equipment of disinfection chambers of medical organizations of the Ural and Siberian Federal districts in 2022, %.

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13. Fig. 10. The share of non-standard samples detected during the control of disinfection chambers in the Ural and Siberian Federal Districts in 2015–2022, %.

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14. Fig. 11. Survey coverage of disinfection chambers in medical organizations of the Ural and Siberian Federal Districts in 2021–2022, %.

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15. Fig. 12. Results of quality control of sterilization of medical devices in medical organizations of the Ural and Siberian Federal Districts in 2015–2022.

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16. Fig. 13. The share of non-standard sterility samples of medical devices in medical organizations of the Ural and Siberian Federal Districts in 2015–2022, %.

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17. Fig. 14. Equipment of centralized sterilization departments of medical organizations of the Ural and Siberian Federal districts in 2022, %.

Download (209KB)

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