Principles of functioning of a universal adaptive legal model of socially useful behavior of an individual during epidemics: State practices of the existence of the USSR as a key to solving modern problems

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The study outlines the principles of functioning of a universal adaptive legal model of socially useful behavior of a person during epidemics (pandemics). The study explore the legal and doctrinal sources, materials of meetings (congresses) of authorities, members of the public, related to the field of countering the development of epidemics, published during the existence of the USSR (1922–1991) and in modern Russia. The construction of a universal legal model of socially useful behavior of an individual should be organized based on the conditions that contribute to ensuring the individual’s compliance with formal requirements (empirical perception of risk, degree of trust in formal rules, and presence and strength of the influence of factors-obstacles). The following principles of functioning of the desired model were proposed: (1) the principle of a single source of origin, non-contradiction and factual validity of the application of special rules of conduct when threatened with the spread of dangerous diseases, (2) the principle of scientific validity of additional restrictions, prohibitions, and obligations, (3) the principle of systematic preventive work, and (4) the principle of rational planning for the preparation and use of human and material resources of public organizations of volunteers to prevent epidemiological emergencies.

About the authors

Tatiana G. Suranova

Federal Research and Clinical Center; University of Tyumen

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3411-1027

MD, Cand. Sci. (Med.), Associate Professor

Russian Federation, Moscow; Tyumen

Georgy N. Suvorov

Federal Research and Clinical Center; University of Tyumen; Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education; Kutafin Moscow State Law University

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8452-5522

Cand. Sci. (Law), Associate Professor

Russian Federation, Moscow; Tyumen; Moscow; Moscow

Sergey S. Zenin

University of Tyumen; Kutafin Moscow State Law University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4520-757X

Cand. Sci. (Law), Associate Professor

Russian Federation, Tyumen; Moscow


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