
Thermal conductivity of liquid rubidium in the interval of 312–873 K
Agazhanov A., Abdullaev R., Samoshkin D., Stankus S.
Thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of samarium in the temperature range of 293–1773 K
Samoshkin D., Savchenko I., Stankus S., Agazhanov A.
Prediction of thermal conductivity of liquid and vapor refrigerants for pure and their binary, ternary mixtures using artificial neural network
Ghalem N., Hanini S., Naceur M., Laidi M., Amrane A.
Numerical investigation of the two-dimensional natural convection inside the system based on phase change material with a source of volumetric heat generation
Bondareva N., Sheremet M.
Studying the effective longitudinal turbulent transfer at transverse streamlining of in-line tube bundles
Rachkov V., Fedoseev V., Pisarevskiy M., Korsun A., Merinov I., Balberkina Y.
Effect of Brownian motion on flow and heat transfer of nanofluids over a backward-facing step with and without adiabatic square cylinder
Bouazizi L., Turki S.
Experimental study of the dynamics of phase changes in a heat storage of thermal control system of electronic equipment
Vasil’ev E., Derevyanko V., Korkhova M.
Asymptotic analysis of solution to the nonlinear problem of non-stationary heat conductivity of layered anisotropic non-uniform shells at low Biot numbers on the front surfaces
Yankovskii A.
Thermal conductivity of R-410A mixture in the vapor phase
Verba O., Raschektaeva E., Stankus S.
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