
Investigation of thermal radiation of furnace gases generated from solid-fuel combustion in a steam boiler
Kuzmin V., Zagrai I., Maratkanova E., Desiatkov I.
The influence of radiative-convective heat transfer on ignition of the drops of coal-water fuel
Syrodoy S.
Model of solid fuel rocket engine: thermal emission characteristics from a plume calculated with account for temperature and speed non-equilibrium between gas and particle flows
Kuzmin V., Zagrai I., Maratkanova E.
Unsteady boundary layer flow of a nanofluid over a stretching sheet with variable fluid properties in the presence of thermal radiation
Daba M., Devaraj P.
Determining the temperature of an opaque object by its thermal radiation spectrum: forms of initial data presentation and methods
Rusin S.
Using spectral distribution of radiance temperature and relative emissivity for determination of the true temperature of opaque materials
Rusin S.
The influence of heat radiation on mixed convection boundary layer flow of a viscoelastic fluid over a circular cylinder with constant surface temperature
Ahmad H., Javed T., Ghaffari A.
Concerning the adequacy of the emissivity model to experimental data when determining the true temperature of an opaque material by the thermal radiation spectrum
Rusin S.
Influence of thermophoresis on heat and mass transfer under non-Darcy MHD mixed convection along a vertical flat plate embedded in a porous medium in the presence of radiation
Kishan N., Jagadha S.
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