
Modeling the Processes of Self-Organization in Crystal-Forming Systems: New Two-Layer Clusters–Precursors 0@(Na2Cd6)@(Na12Cd26) and 0@(Na3Cd6)@(Na6Cd35) for the Self-Assembly of the Na26Cd141hP168 Crystal Structure
Shevchenko V., Blatov V., Ilyushin G.
Cluster Self-Organization of Intermetallic Systems. New Cluster Presursor (InNa5)(AuAu5) and Primary Chain with the 5m Symmetry for the Self-Assembly of the Na32Au44In24oP100 Crystal Structure
Shevchenko V., Blatov V., Il’yushin G.
Symmetrical and Topological Self-Assembly Code of the Crystalline Structure of a New Aluminosilicate Zeolite ISC-1 from Templated t-plg Suprapolyhedral Precursors
Ilyushin G., Shevchenko V., Blatov V.
Crystal structure of new polymorphic modification β-Ca3B2SiO8, β-α phase transition and thermal expansion of α- and β-modifications
Bubnova R., Volkov S., Yukhno V., Krzhizhanovskaya M.
Crystal structure and mechanical properties of titanium nitride films synthesized by magnetron sputtering with a hot target
Shapovalov V., Useinov A., Kravchuk K., Gladkikh E., Kozin A., Smirnov V.
Crystal structures and thermal expansion of Sr1–xBaxBi2B2O7 solid solutions
Bubnova R., Shablinskii A., Volkov S., Filatov S., Krzhizhanovskaya M., Ugolkov V.
Modeling Self-Organization Processes in Crystal-Forming Systems: New Two-Layer Cluster–Precursor K44 = 0@8(Na2In6)@36(In6Cd6K6)2 for the Self-Assembly of the K23Na8Cd12In48hP91 Crystal Structure
Shevchenko V., Blatov V., Ilyushin G.
Crystal structure of new compound (Rb,K)2Cu3(P2O7)2
Krivovichev S., Chernyat’eva A.
Modeling Self-Organization Processes in Crystal-Forming Systems: Suprapolyedic Na18Hg157 Precursor Clusters for the Self-Assembly of the Na99Hg468hP567 Crystal Structure
Shevchenko V., Blatov V., Ilyushin G.
The Crystal Structure and Thermal Expansion of Zinc Phosphate Li0.5Na0.15K0.85ZnP2O6.75
Volkov S., Bubnova R., Petrova M., Popova V., Shilovskikh V.
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