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Vol 30, No 3 (2019)

Economic Policy

Effective Action Strategy to Cope with Climate Change and Its Impact on Russia’s Economy

Porfiryev B.N.


In continuation of the topic of choosing an effective strategy on coping with climate change and its impact (see [1]), this paper considers the strategy above within the framework of the conditions, imperatives, and prospects of the socio-economic development of modern Russia. It is substantiated that this strategy should imply the implementation of interrelated sets of institutional, economic, and technological measures that prioritize (1) boost of economic growth through improving production efficiency using the best available resource management technologies; (2) reduction of the hazardous impact of economic activity on the environment and the communities (primarily, cutting emissions of toxic and hazardous pollutants, including those containing carbon, into the air); (3) communities’ and ecosystems’ adaptation and protection against such an impact and its consequences, including climate change; (4) alleviation of accumulated effects and reduction of current and future technological impact on climate forcing environmental factors.

Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2019;30(3):235-244
pages 235-244 views

On the Concept of Structural Policy for the Long Term Perspective

Fal’tsman V.K., Krakhina M.V.


The article analyzes two landmark events in the fuel and energy complex and the military-industrial complex, which predetermine Russia’s long-term structural policy: (1) reduction in oil production and exports and (2) optimization of defense expenditures. The possible types of curves for the upcoming decline in oil production and exports due to the depletion and (in the foreseeable future) exhaustion of its reserves are considered. Hypothetical calculations of natural rent losses and their compensation due to anticrisis measures of import and export substitution prove the possibility of an evolutionary path of structural transformations that exclude a new transformation crisis in Russia. The economic problems of defense sufficiency cycles, the future diversification of the military-industrial complex, and the optimization of armaments production are discussed. Taking into account national projects (programs) for the period up to 2024, factors of compensating growth in construction, engineering, production of consumer goods, construction materials, and services are considered. The problem of finding that which is optimum for world economic relations and limited globalization in the conditions of the foreign economic activity crisis is formulated. The perspectives of human capital accumulation and the achievements of leadership in the competition for sales markets are analyzed.

Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2019;30(3):245-251
pages 245-251 views

Prices and Taxes for Oil and Oil Products in the Context of Long-Term Development of Russia

Volkonskii V.A., Kuzovkin A.I.


The article considers issues related to prices, taxes, and export duties for oil and oil products in Russia and foreign countries. The act adopted in August 2018 related to the gradual (within 6 years) cancellation of export duty on oil with the corresponding increase in severance tax (ST) is analyzed. This will lead to the growth of domestic prices for oil and oil products, as well as rise in inflation, and will have an adverse impact on economic growth rates (This will result simultaneously in the rise in prices for oil-importing EAEU countries. The rates of oil and diesel fuel price growth in Russia significantly exceed the inflation rate in 2018). The comparative analysis of the structure of prices for gasoline in Russia and the United States, as well as prices for oil and diesel fuel in countries throughout the world in 2018, are given.

Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2019;30(3):252-260
pages 252-260 views

Macroeconomic Problems

Russia 2030: Science and Technology Foresight: Revisiting the Draft

Kryukov V.A., Suslov V.I., Baranov A.O., Blam Y.S., Zabolotskii A.A., Kravchenko N.A., Sokolov A.V., Suslov N.I., Untura G.A., Churashev V.N.


A brief analysis of the draft document “Russia 2030: Science and Technology Foresight” (of December 19, 2017) is presented. The authors, who are leading researchers at the Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, reveal discrepancies between a series of provisions in the document and the current level of Russia’s economic development, primarily in science and technology. The document provides virtually no economic rationale or analysis of what causes the loss of science and technology potential in Russia. The attempt to foresee the technological development of individual Russian regions is unsuccessful. The general conclusion is that the foresight document does not provide a single platform for the development and implementation of strategic planning documents in the field of science and technology.

Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2019;30(3):261-267
pages 261-267 views

Industries and Interindustry Complexes

Agglomeration Effect as a Tool of Regional Development

Lavrinenko P.A., Mikhailova T.N., Romashina A.A., Chistyakov P.A.


The article describes the influence of the agglomerative factor on the development of certain territories, and methodology for the calculation of such effects based on Russian data is offered. The agglomeration effects were quantitatively assessed by applying the above-mentioned methodology.

Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2019;30(3):268-274
pages 268-274 views

Major Export Opportunities and Obstacles in the Meat Industry of the Russian Federation’s Agro-Industrial Complex

Osyanin D.N., Neburchilova N.F., Petrunina I.V.


Characteristics of the current state of the meat industry in the agro-industrial complex in Russia and its export potential are discussed. An analysis was made on the compatibility of the ongoing agrarian state policy in Russia with the WTO standards, problems in the system of state support were characterized, and the main directions of its improvement were identified.

Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2019;30(3):275-278
pages 275-278 views

Regional Problems

Viability of Farm Households in Russia: Theoretical Approaches and Practical Conclusions

Ahrens H.D., Galiev R.R.


The article describes a relatively new theory not previously discussed in Russian scientific literature, the subjective equilibrium theory of the farm household, and applies it to analyse the behaviour of Russian part-time farm households. The purpose of the study is to reveal key factors of these farmers’ behaviour in order to make a forecast for the future. The analysis is carried out using the example of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2019;30(3):279-290
pages 279-290 views

Development of Ethnic Entrepreneurial Economy: Republic of Bashkortostan Case Study

Aidarbakov F.F., Barlybaev A.A., Barlybaev U.A., Nasyrov G.M., Sitnova I.A.


The article demonstrates that the development in rural households of spheres and kinds of activity traditional for the study locality in the post-Soviet period is equally accompanied by augmentation of factors impeding such development and risks that threaten its sustainability in the territory. The study identifies the forms and extent to which a mutual aid network as a basic institutional structure of a rural economy during the transition period is being superseded by market relations as well as positive and negative trends in the changing “institutional appearance” of a rural area.

Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2019;30(3):291-298
pages 291-298 views

Modern State and Development Trends in Small Forms of Agribusiness in the Republic of Bashkortostan

Luk’yanova M.T., Kovshov V.A.


The current state of small business patterns in agriculture and the experience of their progressive development in the Republic of Bashkortostan and other regions of Russia are described. Government support for small agribusiness is also considered.

Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2019;30(3):299-302
pages 299-302 views

Social Problems

Retail in the Russian Federation in the Economic and Social Context: Part II. Retail and Human Well-Being

Aizinova I.M.


The article discusses the relationship between the dynamics and structure of retail turnover and the population’s level of money income. It analyzes features in individual income groups in the territorial context, the impact of rising prices on food and nonfood products, the structure of consumer expenditures, and the quality problems of consumer goods.

Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2019;30(3):303-312
pages 303-312 views

Housing Construction in Russia: Trends and Medium-Range Forecasts

Asaul A.N., Asaul M.A., Liulin P.B., Chepachenko N.V.


The article provides a comparative analysis of the growth in the volume of deliverable housing in the Russian Federation over the period of the Russian economic reforms (1991–2017), reflecting the general development trend and potential growth in the medium-range term. The factors affecting the growth of the annual volume of deliverable housing in terms of the target state housing policy are identified and systematized. The influence of these factors on the growth in the housing volume is estimated using economic and statistical modeling based on official statistical data for 1991–2016. Three forecast scenarios for the growth of annual supply of the total residential area in the Russian Federation for 2017–2023 is developed with allowance for all sources of funding.

Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2019;30(3):313-318
pages 313-318 views

Estimating the Effect of Higher Education on an Employee’s Wage

Potanin B.S.


This paper proposes a new method for estimating the effect of education on an employee’s wage: with the help of the generalized Heckman model with switching. Application of this method makes it possible to avoid the selection bias due to the endogenous accounting for nonrandom consideration of individuals both as employed and having higher education. This model makes it possible to estimate whether it is worthwhile for an individual to get a higher education in terms of changes in their expected income. Analysis of the distribution of the effect of the education level on wages among employees makes it possible to evaluate the efficiency of the higher education system in providing the population with skills and competencies that are significant in the labor market.

Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2019;30(3):319-326
pages 319-326 views

Impact of Temperature Waves on the Health of Residents in Cities of the Northwestern Region of Russia

Revich B.A., Shaposhnikov D.A., Anisimov O.A., Belolutskaya M.A.


Local trends in meteorological indicators in the northwestern cities (St. Petersburg, Arkhangelsk, and Murmansk) were analyzed. Over the last two decades, the trends have demonstrated a nearly 0.9°С per decade increase in St. Petersburg and Murmansk and a more than 1.5°С per decade increase in Arkhangelsk. The health effects of cold waves on mortality were stronger than those of heat waves. Relative predictive powers of ambient air temperature and apparent temperature were compared in the study of the effects of heat waves on mortality. Ambient air temperature was more informative predictor. Wind chill index better than ambient air temperature explained variations in daily mortality during cold spells.

Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2019;30(3):327-333
pages 327-333 views

Economy and Enterprises

Russian Enterprises at the End of 2018: Analysis of Global Sustainable Development Goals and Difficulties in Obtaining Bank Loans

Kuvalin D.B., Moiseev A.K., Zinchenko Y.V.


Abstract—The results of another survey of enterprises conducted by the Institute of Economic Forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences are analyzed and commented on. The opinions of enterprises on which macroeconomic problems of modern Russia pose the greatest difficulties for them and on global sustainable development goals are presented. Data on the activities of enterprises on production greening and resource and energy conservation are given. Estimates of enterprises of their relationships with banks, including loan obtainment, have been provided. Responses of enterprises to the questions on how their activities have been affected by mutual sanctions of the West and Russia are considered once again. Information on enterprises' modernization activities is presented. Enterprises’ estimates of how the real tax burden in the Russian economy is changing are given.

Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2019;30(3):334-345
pages 334-345 views

On Assessing the Efficiency of Intracluster Interaction for Industrial Enterprises

Stepnov I.M., Kovalchuk J.A., Gorchakova E.A.


The processes of ensuring intracluster interaction are discussed, its forms are presented, and a comparative analysis of various approaches to assessing the effectiveness of integration are carried out. An original model for assessing the effectiveness of intracluster interaction, including a specially developed criterion of the “cluster leverage degree,” is proposed. The applied results of using the model for a high-tech Russian cluster that confirm the effectiveness of intracluster interactions are presented. The possibilities of making management decisions according to the criterion of the “cluster leverage degree” are shown.

Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2019;30(3):346-354
pages 346-354 views

Foreign Economic Relations

Economic Sanctions of the West against Russia: Development of the Situation

Klinova M.V., Sidorova E.A.


The article analyzes the content of economic sanctions of Western countries against Russia (from 2014 to August 2018). It shows the evolution of the motivation and perception of sanctions by the main countries involved. Negative consequences for the countries not participating in the sanctions confrontation as well as for the world economy as a whole are considered. An increasing contradiction between the goal setting of the US and EU sanctions is shown.

Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2019;30(3):355-364
pages 355-364 views

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