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Vol 30, No 1 (2019)

Economic Policy

On Immediate Actions to Reinvigorate Social and Economic Growth

Aganbegyan A.G.


This article analyzes the causes of insufficient economic growth in Russia in 2014–2018. It is concluded that an immediate increase is required in fixed capital and human capital investment. A detailed analysis is given of new sources of economic growth and possible pathways of change in financial policy aimed at accelerating economic growth in Russia.

Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2019;30(1):1-9
pages 1-9 views

Problems of Forecasting in Small and Medium Business

Fal’tsman V.K.


The article shows how the sectoral and industrial structure of the economy can change as the economy’s dependence on oil weakens. In this regard, the role of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) as an institutional factor for economic growth and labor productivity will increase. As the SME sector strengthens, it is necessary to increase the decentralization of economic management, economic role of municipalities and regions, and a dual structure of the national economy should be formed.

Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2019;30(1):10-14
pages 10-14 views

Science and Technology

Development Prospects of Technological Integration: Regional Perspective

Kuznetsov S.V., Miller A.E., Davidenko L.M.


Technological integration is considered as an effective measure to increase the technological performance of Russian industrial companies and improve their adaptation to a system of industrial and economic relations based on digital technology. Common issues related to integration of new technologies are identified for Russian regions, emphasizing the importance of cluster-type economic relations. A current state evaluation and a development forecast are given for petrochemical clusters. To improve technological performance, it is proposed to use technological integration as a process of transforming production resource flows into new technologies. The experience in technology advancement accumulated by world science has been investigated and summarized. It is shown that the Russian economy is on the right path to a new technological paradigm.

Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2019;30(1):15-21
pages 15-21 views

Analysis of the Main Factors of Innovative Development of the Arctic Regions of Russia

Komkov N.I., Tsukerman V.A., Goryachevskaya E.S.


The article analyzes the main factors affecting innovative development of the Arctic regions. It is shown that the Arctic regions have rather stable positions in terms of innovation activity, the number of organizations and the number of highly qualified scientific personnel. However, it lags significantly behind federal indicators in terms of effectiveness of innovation, creation and implementation of advanced production technologies and inventive activity. The available resources are not used to increase the effectiveness of scientific, technological and innovative development of the Arctic, which has almost no effect on the main socio-economic indicators of the region.

Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2019;30(1):22-27
pages 22-27 views

Industries and Interindustry Complexes

Promotion of Investments in the Technological Renewal of the Thermal Power Industry

Veselov F.V., Solyanik A.I.


The article considers the consequences of various price decision scenarios to promote investments in the technological renewal of the Russian thermal power industry. It is shown that in the context of the balance of interests of the industry and consumers, flexible control of the marginal price level in a competitive capacity market and its segmentation with allowance for the expected growth of gross revenue in the thermal power industry is preferable to the transition to marginal pricing for electricity and power based on the economic return from new power plants.

Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2019;30(1):28-37
pages 28-37 views

Development Trends of Global Energy Consumption

Karpov K.A.


The article is devoted to the analysis of the development trends of per capita global energy consumption, which is based on the historical data with allowance for long-term forecast studies of the global fuel and energy complex development. For the period 1850–2035 three similar cycles are revealed, which almost coincide in time with the Kondratiev cycles, corresponding to the formation of the third, fourth and fifth technological waves.

Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2019;30(1):38-43
pages 38-43 views

Innovativeness as a Competitiveness Factor of the Russian Chemical Industry

Vdovenko Z.V., Shipkova O.T., Klepikov D.N., Kukushkin I.G.


This paper analyses the Russian chemical industry in respect of the problems and prospects for the implementation of the state strategic objectives in the field of innovative development. The external and internal conditions for the scientific and technological development of the Russian chemical industry are identified. The main promising areas for the transformation of the Russian chemical industry aimed at boosting the country’s competitiveness are determined.

Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2019;30(1):44-51
pages 44-51 views

Transport Freight Sharing Based on Strategic Freight Traffic Forecasting

Levitskaya L.P., Zamkovoi A.A., Strokov M.M.


The article is devoted to the issues of strategic transport management in the context of freight sharing based on freight traffic forecasting. The process of transport freight sharing is considered as a complex production and economic task of strategic forecasting, the solution of which requires the use of mathematical and statistical, as well as information and analytical, approaches.

Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2019;30(1):52-57
pages 52-57 views

Retail in the Russian Federation in the Economic and Social Context. Part I. Industry-Specific Problems in Retail

Aizinova I.M.


The paper analyzes the current state of the retail network in the Russian Federation, such as: its place in the economic structure, the presence and geographical location of retail outlets, their specific structure, the size of retail space including modern formats, the distribution of chain retail and distance selling, employment and wages. Shortcomings of state retail regulation and the potential for the development of the economic sector are discussed.

Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2019;30(1):58-65
pages 58-65 views

Acceleration of the Development of Agriculture in the Russian Economy by Increasing the Efficiency of the State Support of Rural Commodity Producers

Denisov V.I.


This article focuses on the underestimation of the potential of the state support of agricultural enterprises on the basis of well-designed principles for its further use. It is proposed to reveal the trends of production growth that are profitable for enterprises and, at the same time, meet the interests of the population and general social and economic development of the region. Advantages in obtaining state assistance should be provided to economic entities, the activity of which contributes to solving the issues of increasing the volume of sales of agricultural products reducing their prices, as well as to developing the labor market and decreasing its imbalance in Russian regions, developing innovative high-performance technologies and expanding their market, and developing the territorial production and social infrastructure.

Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2019;30(1):66-73
pages 66-73 views

Joint Shared Ownership of Land as a Condition and Factor of the Agricultural Sector in Post-Soviet Russia

Lipski S.A.


The article provides insight into the changes in type of relations to land ownership in agricultural production in post-Soviet Russia. The main and most problematic process was the privatization of these lands, which has resulted in a situation where a significant part of the land belongs to citizens (they became owners of land shares) but is used by agricultural organizations. The results of privatization were generally positive, although many of the expectations that were initially associated with it did not materialize. In the near future, the most significant event in this area is going to be the final solution to the problem of unclaimed land shares.

Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2019;30(1):74-78
pages 74-78 views

Financial Problems

Concentration of the Russian Insurance Market: Trends and Predictive Estimates

Grishchenko N.B.


The article discusses the concentration of the insurance market in Russia, its influence on the state of insurance in the country and regions. The indicators of the concentration of the insurance market, including by types of insurance, are analyzed, the factors of their changes in the period of 2014–2018 are specified. Predictive estimates of the concentration of the insurance business on the basis of identified trends are given.

Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2019;30(1):79-85
pages 79-85 views

Social Problems

Job Satisfaction and Its Decisive Parameters

Ustinova K.A., Gordievskaya A.N.


Based on the survey of the employed population of the Vologda oblast for 2016, a regression model was constructed that reflects the relationship between job satisfaction and the parameters characterizing job stability, fairness of labor remuneration in relation to labor contribution, and availability of additional guarantees. The research results indicate that the main factor affecting job satisfaction is the material factor.

Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2019;30(1):86-92
pages 86-92 views

Demographic Research

Migration as a Source of Population Growth in the Capital Megalopolises of Russia in the Period between 1989 and 2010 Censuses

Doronina K.A.


This paper assesses the role of migration in forming the population of Moscow, Moscow oblast, St. Petersburg, and Leningrad oblast over the 22-year period between the censuses of 1989 and 2010. Data of the censuses and current vital statistics are used they are deemed more reliable than current migration statistics. Using indirect methods, the dynamics of age-sex structures, population aging, and the contribution of migrants to birth rates are estimated. It is shown that the specifics of migration in the main Russian megalopolises consist in a positive migration balance across almost all ages; shifts in the age structure occur in favor of the younger age groups of the able-bodied population, compensating for the effects of aging.

Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2019;30(1):93-101
pages 93-101 views

Foreign Economic Relations

Scenario Forecasts for the Impact of Integration Processes on Food Markets of the Eurasian Economic Union

Siptits S.O., Romanenko I.A., Evdokimova N.E.


The integration of agri-food markets in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) is analyzed. The results of scenario forecasts for meat, milk, grain, oilseed, vegetable oil and sugar exports in EAEU member states are presented.

Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2019;30(1):102-110
pages 102-110 views

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