Imbalance between Social and Economic Functions of Cities and Regions


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The article substantiates the growing destructive impact of imbalance in the level and disproportions of development between social and economic functions of cities in economic growth in modern-day Russia. It presents a set of tools for functional typologies of cities based on identity of levels of social and economic functions in cities, which is different from the existing pool of instruments available for regional research. The typology of cities is built based on experimental calculations of integral indices of social and economic functions of cities. The study substantiates a need to monitor balance between social and economic functions of cities for practical application in day-to-day city management and strategic planning.

Об авторах

T. Belkina

Institute of Economic Forecasting, Russian Academy of Science

Автор, ответственный за переписку.
Россия, Moscow, 117418

E. Shcherbakova

Institute of Economic Forecasting, Russian Academy of Science

Россия, Moscow, 117418

L. Protokalistova

Institute of Economic Forecasting, Russian Academy of Science

Россия, Moscow, 117418

© Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2019

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