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卷 212, 编号 5 (2016)


A Note on Makeev’s Conjectures

Karasev R.


A counterexample is given for the Knaster-like Makeev’s conjecture for functions on S2. Some particular cases of another conjecture of Makeev on inscribing a quadrangle into a smooth simple closed curve are solved positively.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;212(5):521-526
pages 521-526 views

Polygons Inscribed in a Convex Figure

Makeev V.


The paper contains a survey of results about the possibility of inscribing convex polygons of particular types into a plane convex figure. It is proved that if K is a smooth convex figure, then K is circumscribed either about four different reflection-symmetric, convex, equilateral pentagons or about a regular pentagon.

Let S be a family of convex hexagons whose vertices are the vertices of two negatively homothetic equilateral triangles with common center. It is proved that if K is a smooth convex figure, then K is circumscribed either about a hexagon in S or about two pentagons with vertices at the vertices of two hexagons in S. In the latter case, the sixth vertex of one of the hexagons lies outside K, while the sixth vertex of another one lies inside K.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;212(5):527-530
pages 527-530 views

Estimating the Surface Area of Spheres in Normed Spaces

Makeev V., Nikanorova M.


The surface area of a polyhedron in a normed space is defined as the sum of the areas of its faces, each divided by the area of the central section of the unit ball, parallel to the face. This functional naturally extends to convex bodies. In this paper, it is proved, in particular, that the surface area of the unit sphere in any three-dimensional normed space does not exceed 8. Bibliography: 2 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;212(5):531-532
pages 531-532 views

On the Space of Convex Figures

Makeev V., Netsvetaev N.


Let T be the set of convex bodies in ℝk, and let T be the set of their similarity classes. If k = 2, then F is written instead of T. Ametric d on T is defined by setting d({K1}, {K2}) = inf{log(b/a)} for the classes {K1}, {K2} ∈ T of convex bodies K1 and K2, where a and b are positive reals such that there is a similarity transformation A with aA(K1) ⊂ K2 ⊂ bA(K1). Let D2 be the planar unit disk. If x > 0, then Fx denotes the set of planar convex figures K in F with d({D2}, {K}) ≥ x. In addition, the sets T and F are equipped with the usual Hausdorff metric. It is proved that if y > log(sec(π/n)) ≥ x for a certain integer n greater than 2, then no mapping Fx → Fy is SO(2)-equivariant. Let Mk denote the space of k-dimensional convex polyhedra and let Mk(n) ⊂ Mk be the space of polyhedra with at most n hyperfaces (vertices). It is proved that there are no SO(k)-equivariant continuous mappings Mk(n + k) → Mk(n). Let T s be the closed subspace of T formed by centrally symmetric bodies. Let Tx denote the closed subspace of T formed by the bodies K with d(T s, {K}) ≥ x > 0. It is proved that for each positive y there exists a positive x such that no mapping Tx → Ty is SO(k)-equivariant. Bibliography: 3 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;212(5):533-535
pages 533-535 views

Lattice Packings of Mirror Symmetric or Centrally Symmetric Three-Dimensional Convex Bodies

Makeev V.


We prove a number of statements concerning lattice packings of mirror symmetric or centrally symmetric convex bodies. This enables one to establish the existence of sufficiently dense lattice packings of any three-dimensional convex body of such type. The main result states that each three-dimensional, mirror symmetric, convex body admits a lattice packing with density at least 8/27. Furthermore, two basis vectors of the lattice generating the packing can be chosen parallel to the plane of symmetry of the body. The best result for centrally symmetric bodies was obtained by Edwin Smith (2005): Each three-dimensional, centrally symmetric, convex body admits a lattice packing with density greater than 0.53835. In the present paper, it is only proved that each such body admits a lattice packing with density \( \left(\sqrt{3}+\sqrt[4]{3/4}+1/2\right)/6>0.527 \). Bibliography: 5 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;212(5):536-541
pages 536-541 views

Affine Diameters of a Convex Body

Makeev V., Zvagel’skii M.


We prove that each convex body in ℝn has n pairwise orthogonal affine diameters d1, . . . , dn such that it is possible to shift each of them through a linear combination of direction vectors of the diameters with smaller numbers so that their translates will intersect at their common midpoint.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;212(5):542-543
pages 542-543 views

Triangular and Quadrangular Pyramids in a Three-Dimensional Normed Space

Makeev V.


The main results are as follows. Let T be a Euclidean tetrahedron such that the ratio of lengths in each pair of edges of T is at least \( \left(\sqrt{8/3}+1\right)/3<0.878 \). Then each three-dimensional real normed space contains an isometrically embedded set of vertices of T . Let E be a three-dimensional normed space, and let x be a preassigned real number greater than \( \sqrt{2/3} \). Then E contains an affine image Π of a regular quadrangular pyramid such that the lateral edges of Π have equal length, the base edges of Π have equal length, the base diagonals also have equal length, and the ratio between the length of the lateral edges and the length of the base edges is equal to x. Bibliography: 5 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;212(5):544-549
pages 544-549 views

Linear Wavefronts of Convex Polyhedra

Makeev V., Makeev I.


Let M ⊂ ℝn be a convex polyhedron, i.e., the intersection of a finite number of closed half-spaces that is bounded and has nonempty interior. Let each hyperplane of the hyperfaces f1, . . . , fm of M move inwards M in a self-parallel fashion at a constant nonnegative speed (it is assumed that at least one face has nonzero speed). This yields a “shrinking” polyhedron. Let reg(f1), . . . , reg(fm) be the parts of M (with disjoint interiors) swept by the faces f1, . . . , fm during the “shrinking” process. The main result is as follows. Let F be a functional on the class of convex compact subsets in ℝn. It is assumed that F is nonnegative and continuous (with respect to the Hausdorff metric) and, furthermore, F(K) = 0 if and only if dim(K) < n. Then for each m-tuple (x1, . . . , xm) of nonnegative reals with nonzero sum there exists an m-tuple of “velocities” for the faces f1, . . . , fm such that the m-tuple (F(reg(f1)), . . . , F(reg(fm))) is proportional to (x1, . . . , xm). Bibliography: 1 title.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;212(5):550-551
pages 550-551 views

Inscribed and Circumscribed Polyhedra for a Centrally Symmetric Convex Body

Makeev V., Netsvetaev N.


We construct new polyhedra such that some of their similar or affine images can be inscribed in (or circumscribed about) every centrally symmetric convex body.

One of the main theorems is as follows. If K is a centrally symmetric, three-dimensional, convex body, then either an affine-regular dodecahedron is inscribed in K or there are two affine-regular dodecahedra D1 and D2 such that nine pairs of opposite vertices of Di, i = 1, 2, lie on the boundary of K. Furthermore, the remaining two vertices of D1 lie outside K, while the remaining two vertices of D2 lie inside K.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;212(5):552-557
pages 552-557 views

Groups Acting on Dendrons

Malyutin A.


A dendron is defined as a continuum (a nonempty, connected, compact Hausdorff space) in which every two distinct points have a separation point. It is proved that if a group G acts on a dendron D by homeomorphisms, then either D contains a G-invariant subset consisting of one or two points or G contains a free noncommutative subgroup and, furthermore, the action is strongly proximal.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;212(5):558-565
pages 558-565 views

Pretrees and Arborescent Convexities

Malyutin A.


The theory of pretrees has been developed by L. Ward, B. Bowditch, S. Adeleke and P. Neumann, and others. It is proved that the class of pretrees is canonically isomorphic to the class of arborescent convexity spaces introduced by P. Duchet in the framework of the abstract convexity theory.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;212(5):566-576
pages 566-576 views

Two-Chord Framings of Spanning Trees

Maslova Y., Nezhinskij V.


We find sufficient conditions under which a finite connected graph has a spanning tree with the following property. There is a numbering of edges and an injective mapping of the set of all edges of the tree to the set of all pairs of different chords (i.e., edges of the graph not contained in the tree) such that for any pair of chords in the image of the mapping, the cycles containing one chord from the pair and containing no other chords intersect along an edge in the preimage, and, maybe, along other edges of the tree with smaller numbers. The problem of study of graphs that possess this property appeared in the process of study the (isotopic) classification problem of embeddings of graphs in the 3-space. Bibliography: 3 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;212(5):577-583
pages 577-583 views

Graphs with Framed Vertices

Nezhinskij V., Maslova Y.


We reduce the topology classification problem of finite graphs with framed vertices to a topology classification problem of plane trees. Bibliography: 1 title.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;212(5):584-586
pages 584-586 views

On Homotopy Invariants of Finite Degree

Podkorytov S.


We prove that homotopy invariants of finite degree distinguish homotopy classes of maps of a connected compact CW-complex to a nilpotent connected CW-complex with finitely generated homotopy groups. Bibliography: 12 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;212(5):587-604
pages 587-604 views

Cycles on the Hyperbolic Plane of Positive Curvature

Romakina L.


We study properties of hyperbolic and elliptic cycles of a hyperbolic plane Ĥ of positive curvature. An analog of the Pythagorean theorem for a right triangle with a parabolic hypotenuse is proved. For each type of lines, we obtain formulas expressing the length of a chord of a hyperbolic cycle in terms of the radius of the cycle, the measure of the central angle corresponding to the chord, and the radius of curvature of Ĥ. The plane Ĥ is considered in the projective interpretation. Bibliography: 11 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;212(5):605-621
pages 605-621 views

Atiyah–Patodi–Singer \( \eta \)-Invariant and Invariants of Finite Degree

Trefilov A.


Let η be the Atiyah–Patodi–Singer invariant considered on smooth, compact, oriented, threedimensional submanifolds of ℝn, and let A be an additive subgroup of ℝ. The problem of computing the degree of invariants of the form η mod A is examined. Here, the functional definition of invariants of finite degree is used. (A similar approach is used in S. S. Podkorytov’s paper “Quadratic property of the rational semicharacteristic.”) The main results are as follows. If 1 ∉ A, then the degree is infinite. If \( \frac{1}{3}\in A \), then the degree is equal to 1. Bibliography: 10 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;212(5):622-642
pages 622-642 views