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Том 243, № 2 (2019)


Construction of Lyapunov Functions in the Form of Pencils of Quadratic Forms

Hrod I., Kulyk V.


By using the method of alternating Lyapunov functions, we investigate the problem of regularity of linear extensions of dynamical systems on manifolds. The structures of Lyapunov functions are constructed in the form of pencils of quadratic forms.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;243(2):183-191
pages 183-191 views

Approximation of Solutions to the Optimal Control Problems for Systems with Maximum

Dashkovskiy S., Kichmarenko O., Sapozhnikova K.


We consider optimal control problems for nonlinear systems whose dynamics depends on the maximum of the control function and the maximum of the state over a certain time interval of prehistory. We are interested in the approximation of solutions for this kind of problems. An averaging method is developed for this purpose.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;243(2):192-203
pages 192-203 views

Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations of the nth Order with Regularly Varying Nonlinearities

Evtukhov V., Doroshenko A.


We establish conditions for the existence of some classes of solutions of nonautonomous differential equations of the nth order with regularly varying nonlinearities and asymptotic representations of these solutions and their derivatives up to order n – 1; inclusively, as tω ( ω ≤ + ∞ ).

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;243(2):204-229
pages 204-229 views

Fundamental Solution of the Cauchy Problem for \( \left\{\overrightarrow{p},\overrightarrow{h}\right\} \)-Parabolic Systems with Variable Coefficients

Litovchenko V.


We define a class of parabolic systems of partial differential equations and substantiate their \( \left\{\overrightarrow{p},\overrightarrow{h}\right\} \) -parabolicity. We study the properties of the spatial behavior of fundamental solutions of the Cauchy problem for \( \left\{\overrightarrow{p},\overrightarrow{h}\right\} \) -parabolic systems with time-dependent coefficients and present examples of these systems.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;243(2):230-239
pages 230-239 views

Asymptotic Properties of the Solutions of Functional-Differential Equation with Linearly Transformed Argument

Pelyukh G., Bel’skii D.


We establish new properties of the solutions of functional-differential equation with linearly transformed argument.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;243(2):240-278
pages 240-278 views

Optimal Morse–Smale Flows with Singularities on the Boundary of a Surface

Prishlyak A., Loseva M.


We consider the optimal flows on noncompact surfaces with boundary, which have a minimum number of fixed points and all these points lie on the boundary of the surface. It is proved that the flow is optimal if it has a single sink and a single source. We describe the structures of the optimal flows on a simply connected region, on a Möbius strip, on a torus with hole, and on a Klein bottle with hole.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;243(2):279-286
pages 279-286 views

Mathematical Model of the Solar System with Regard for the Velocity of Gravitation

Slyusarchuk V.


We construct a mathematical model of the Solar system taking into account the finite velocity of gravitation. We also correct Kepler’s laws and present the properties of the studied system.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;243(2):287-312
pages 287-312 views

A Numerical-Analytic Method for the Solution of Two-Point Problems for Some Systems of Partial Differential Equations

Tkach B., Urmancheva L.


We establish sufficient conditions for the existence of solutions of two-point problems for more general systems of partial differential equations

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;243(2):313-325
pages 313-325 views

Periodic Matrix Boundary-Value Problems with Concentrated Delay

Chuiko S., Sysoev D.


We establish necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of solutions of a linear periodic matrix boundary-value problem for a system of differential equations with concentrated delay in the critical case. We deduce conditions for the existence of the best solution (in a sense of the least-squares method) of the linear periodic matrix boundary-value problem for a system of differential equations with concentrated delay and find this solution.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;243(2):326-337
pages 326-337 views

Scenarios of Transitions to Hyperchaos in Nonideal Oscillating Systems

Shvets A., Sirenko V.


We consider a class of nonideal oscillating (by Sommerfeld and Kononenko) dynamical systems and establish the existence of two types of hyperchaotic attractors in these systems. The scenarios of transitions from regular to chaotic ones attractors and the scenarios of transitions between chaotic attractors of different types are described.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;243(2):338-346
pages 338-346 views

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