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Volume 229, Nº 5 (2018)


Properties of Some Extensions of the Quadratic Form of the Vector Laplace Operator

Bolokhov T.


We consider the action of the quadratic form of the Laplace operator and its extensions in subspaces of linear combinations of the “transverse” and “longitudinal” functions with the fixed orbital momentum with respect to the coordinate origin. In the statement of the problem, it is required that the extensions obtained, after the transfer back to the space of vector functions, can be represented as simple limit expressions with two coefficients. We study the behavior of these coefficients with respect to the initial choice of the linear subspace. Bibliography: 5 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;229(5):487-496
pages 487-496 views

An Analog of the Hyperbolic Metric Generated by a Hilbert Space with the Schwarz–Pick Kernel

Videnskii I.


It is proved that a Hilbert function space on a set X with the Schwarz–Pick kernel (this is a wider class than the class of Hilbert spaces with the Nevanlinna–Pick kernel) generates a metric on the set X which is an analog of the hyperbolic metric in the unit disk. For a sequence satisfying an abstract Blaschke condition, it is proved that the associated infinite Blaschke product converges uniformly on any fixed bounded set and in the strong operator topology of the multiplier space. Bibliography: 8 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;229(5):497-505
pages 497-505 views

Notes on the Codimension One Conjecture in the Operator Corona Theorem

Gamal’ M.


Answering a question of S. R. Treil (2004), for every δ, 0 < δ < 1, we construct examples of contractions whose characteristic function F ∈ H(ε →ε) satisfies the conditions ‖F(z)x‖ ≥ δx‖ and dim ε ⊝ F(z)ε = 1 for every z ∈ ????, x ∈ ε, but is not left invertible. In addition, we show that the condition where is the trace class of operators, which is sufficient for the left invertibility of an operatorvalued function F satisfying the estimate ‖F(z)x‖ ≥ δx‖ for every z ∈ ????, x ∈ ε, with some δ > 0 (Treil, 2004), is necessary for the left invertibility of an inner function F such that dim ε ⊝ F(z)ε < ∞ for some z ∈ ????.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;229(5):506-517
pages 506-517 views

Composition Operators Between Bloch and BMOA Spaces on Polydisks

Dubtsov E.


Let ???? be a holomorphic map between polydisks. We characterize the maps ???? for which the composition operator f ↦f ° ???? maps the Bloch space into the small BMOA space.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;229(5):518-527
pages 518-527 views

Estimates in the Problem of Ideals in the Algebra H

Zlotnikov I.


By using the fixed-point approach due to D. Rutsky, the problem of ideals in H is solved for “data sequences” in H(l1) (instead of H(l2) in the traditional setting). Bibliography: 7 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;229(5):528-533
pages 528-533 views

Comparison of Boundary Smoothness for an Analytic Function and for its Modulus in the Case of the Upper Half-Plane

Medvedev A.


Results of a recent paper by A. V. Vasin, S. V. Kislyakov, and the author are extended to the case of outer functions in the upper half-plane. As in the case of the disk, it can only be guaranteed that the smoothness of an outer function is at least one half of that for its modulus, but the quantitative manifestation of this effect is different; in particular, it depends on the position of the point at which the smoothness is measured. Bibliography: 8 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;229(5):534-544
pages 534-544 views

Generators for Spaces of Entire Functions with a System of Weighted Estimates

Polyakova D.


We consider spaces of entire functions with systems of weighted estimates. The case of twoterm weight sequences consisting of radial and nonradial components is studied. Under some assumptions on the weight sequence, we obtain a complete description of generators in these spaces. We apply this result to the problem of normal solvability of systems of convolution equations in the Roumieu spaces of ultradifferentiable functions and, as a particular case, in Gevrey classes.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;229(5):545-560
pages 545-560 views

A1-Regularity and Boundedness of Riesz Transforms in Banach Lattices of Measurable Functions

Rutsky D.


Let X be a Banach lattice of measurable functions on ℝn × Ω having the Fatou property. We show that the boundedness of all Riesz transforms Rj in X is equivalent to the boundedness of the Hardy–Littlewood maximal operator M in both X and X′, and thus to the boundedness of all Calderón–Zygmund operators in X. We also prove a result for the case of operators between lattices: If Y ⊃ X is a Banach lattice with the Fatou property such that the maximal operator is bounded in Y ′, then the boundedness of all Riesz transforms from X to Y is equivalent to the boundedness of the maximal operator from X to Y , and thus to the boundedness of all Calderón–Zygmund operators from X to Y .

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;229(5):561-567
pages 561-567 views

Smoothness of a Holomorphic Function in a Ball and of its Modulus on the Sphere

Shirokov N.


Let a function f be holomorphic in the unit ball ????n, continuous in the closed ball \( {\overline{\mathbb{B}}}^n \) , and let f(z) ≠ 0, z ∈ ????n. Assume that |f| belongs to the α-Hölder class on the unit sphere Sn, 0 < α ≤ 1. The present paper is devoted to the proof of the statement that f belongs to the α/2-Hölder class on \( {\overline{\mathbb{B}}}^n \).

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;229(5):568-571
pages 568-571 views

Exponential Synthesis in the Kernel of a Symmetric Convolution

Shishkin A.


The paper describes a certain class of homogeneous equations of convolution type in spaces of analytic functions on convex domains. We obtain sufficient conditions under which every solution of an equation from this class is approximated by its elementary solutions.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;229(5):572-599
pages 572-599 views

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