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Volume 219, Nº 5 (2016)


To the Memory of M. I. Gordin

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;219(5):605-606
pages 605-606 views

Several Words About Mikhail Iosifovich Gordin

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;219(5):607-608
pages 607-608 views

M. I. Gordin on Doeblin and on Doeblin–Fortet’s Work (Extracts from Letters)

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;219(5):609-611
pages 609-611 views

Equivalence of the Brownian and Energy Representations

Albeverio S., Driver B., Gordina M., Vershik A.


We consider two unitary representations of infinite-dimensional groups of smooth paths with values in a compact Lie group. The first representation is induced by the quasi-invariance of the Wiener measure, and the second representation is the energy representation. We define these representations and their basic properties, and then we prove that these representations are unitarily equivalent. Bibliography: 28 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;219(5):612-630
pages 612-630 views

Hyperbolic Ornstein–Uhlenbeck Process

Borodin A.


In this paper, we continue the study of the class of hypergeometric diffusions started by the author. A broad subclass of these diffusions consists of hyperbolic Ornstein–Uhlenbeck processes. An explicit formula for the transition density of a hyperbolic Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process is derived. Bibliography: 7 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;219(5):631-638
pages 631-638 views

On Mixing Properties of Some INAR Models

Bradley R.


Strictly stationary INAR(1) processes (“integer-valued autoregressive processes of order 1”) with Poisson innovations are “interlaced ρ-mixing.” Bibliography: 20 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;219(5):639-650
pages 639-650 views

Criteria of Divergence Almost Everywhere in Ergodic Theory

Weber M.


In this expository paper, we survey nowadays classical tools or criteria used in problems of convergence everywhere to build counterexamples: the Stein continuity principle, Bourgain’s entropy criteria, and Kakutani–Rokhlin lemma, the most classical device for these questions in ergodic theory. First, we state a L1-version of the continuity principle and give an example of its usefulness by applying it to a famous problem on divergence almost everywhere of Fourier series. Next we particularly focus on entropy criteria in Lp, 2 ≤ p ≤ ∞, and provide detailed proofs. We also study the link between the associated maximal operators and the canonical Gaussian process on L2. We further study the corresponding criterion in Lp, 1 < p < 2, using properties of pstable processes. Finally, we consider Kakutani–Rokhlin’s lemma, one of the most frequently used tools in ergodic theory, by stating and proving a criterion for a.e. divergence of weighted ergodic averages. Bibliography: 38 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;219(5):651-682
pages 651-682 views

On the Classification Problem of Measurable Functions in Several Variables and on Matrix Distributions

Vershik A., Haböck U.


We resume results of the first author on classification of measurable functions in several variables, with some minor corrections of purely technical nature. We give a partial solution of the characterization problem for so-called matrix distributions which are metric invariants of measurable functions introduced by the first author. Matrix distributions are considered as (S × S)-invariant, ergodic measures on the space of matrices; this fact connects our problem with Aldous’ and Hoover’s theorem. Bibliography: 14 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;219(5):683-699
pages 683-699 views

Discriminant and Root Separation of Integral Polynomials

Götze F., Zaporozhets D.


Consider a random polynomial GQ(x) = ξQ,nxn + ξQ,n − 1xn − 1 + ⋯ + ξQ,0 with independent coefficients that are uniformly distributed on 2Q+1 integer points {−Q, . . .,Q}. Denote by D(GQ) the discriminant of GQ. We show that there exists a constant Cn depending on n only such that for all Q ≥ 2, the distribution of D(GQ) can be approximated as follows: \( \underset{-\infty \le a\le b\le -\infty }{ \sup}\left|\mathrm{P}\left(a\frac{D\left({G}_Q\right)}{Q^{2n-2}}\le b\right)-{\displaystyle \underset{a}{\overset{b}{\int }}{\upvarphi}_n(x)dx}\right|\le \frac{C_n}{ \log Q}, \) where \( \varphi \)n denotes the probability density function of the discriminant of a random polynomial of degree n with independent coefficients that are uniformly distributed on [−1, 1]. Let Δ(GQ) denote the minimal distance between complex roots of GQ. As an application, we show that for any ε > 0 there exists a constant δn > 0 such that Δ(GQ) is stochastically bounded from below/above for all sufficiently large Q in the following sense: \( \mathrm{P}\left({\delta}_n<\varDelta \left({G}_Q\right)<\frac{1}{\delta_n}\right)>1-\varepsilon \). Bibliography: 14 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;219(5):700-706
pages 700-706 views

On the Convex Hull and Winding Number of Self-Similar Processes

Davydov Y.


It is well known that for a standard Brownian motion (BM) {B(t), t ≥ 0} with values in Rd, its convex hull V (t) = conv{B(s), s ≤ t} with probability 1 for each t > 0 contains 0 as an interior point. We also know that the winding number of a typical path of a two-dimensional BM is equal to +∞. The aim of this paper is to show that these properties are not specifically “Brownian,” but hold for a much larger class of d-dimensional self-similar processes. This class contains, in particular, d-dimensional fractional Brownian motions and (concerning convex hulls) strictly stable Lévy processes. Bibliography: 10 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;219(5):707-713
pages 707-713 views

Circular Unitary Ensembles: Parametric Models and Their Asymptotic Maximum Likelihood Estimates

Dakovic R., Denker M., Gordin M.


Parametrized families of distributions for the circular unitary ensemble in random matrix theory are considered; they are connected to Toeplitz determinants and have many applications in mathematics (for example, to the longest increasing subsequences of random permutations) and physics (for example, to nuclear physics and quantum gravity). We develop a theory for the unknown parameter estimated by an asymptotic maximum likelihood estimator, which, in the limit, behavesas the maximum likelihood estimator if the latter is well defined and the family is sufficiently smooth. They are asymptotically unbiased and normally distributed, where the norming constants are unconventional because of long range dependence.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;219(5):714-730
pages 714-730 views

On a Problem of Estimation of Infinite-Dimensional Parameter

Ershov V., Ibragimov I.


Let X be a random variable taking positive integer values and let P{X = k} = θ(k). We consider the problem of estimation of the parameter θ = (θ(1), θ(2), . . . ) on the base of a sample X1,X2, . . . , Xn, where the observations Xj are independent copies of X. Bibliography: 5 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;219(5):731-742
pages 731-742 views

A Bound for the Maximal Probability in the Littlewood–Offord Problem

Zaitsev A.


In this paper, we study a connection of the Littlewood–Offord problem with estimating the concentration functions of some symmetric, infinitely divisible distributions. It is shown that the values at zero of the concentration functions of weighted sums of i.i.d. random variables may be estimated by the values at zero of the concentration functions of symmetric, infinitely divisible distributions with the Lévy spectral measures which are multiples of the sum of delta-measures at ±weights involved in constructing the weighted sums.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;219(5):743-746
pages 743-746 views

Invariance, Quasi-Invariance, and Unimodularity for Random Graphs

Kaimanovich V.


We treat the probabilistic notion of unimodularity for measures on the space of rooted, locally finite, connected graphs in terms of the theory of measured equivalence relations. It turns out that the right framework for this consists in considering quasi-invariant (rather than just invariant) measures with respect to the root moving equivalence relation. We define a natural modular cocycle of this equivalence relation and show that unimodular measures are precisely those quasi-invariant measures whose Radon–Nikodym cocycle coincides with the modular cocycle. This embeds the notion of unimodularity into a very general dynamical scheme of constructing and studying measures with a prescribed Radon–Nikodym cocycle.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;219(5):747-764
pages 747-764 views

A Functional CLT for Fields of Commuting Transformations Via Martingale Approximation

Cuny C., Dedecker J., Volný D.


We consider a field f \( \circ {T}_1^{i_1}\circ \dots \circ {T}_d^{i_d} \) , where T1, . . . , Td are completely commuting transformations in the sense of Gordin. If one of these transformations is ergodic, we give sufficient conditions in the spirit of Hannan under which the partial sum process indexed by quadrants converges in distribution to a Brownian sheet. The proof combines a martingale approximation approach with a recent CLT for martingale random fields due to Volný. We apply our results to completely commuting endomorphisms of the m-torus. In that case, the conditions can be expressed in terms of the L2-modulus of continuity of f.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;219(5):765-781
pages 765-781 views

Kolmogorov Tests of Normality Based on Some Variants of Polya’s Characterization

Litvinova V., Nikitin Y.


Two variants of Kolmogorov-type U-empirical tests of normality are studied. They are based on variants of famous Polya’s characterization of the normal law. We calculate their local Bahadur efficiency against location, skew, and Lehmann alternatives and conclude that integral tests are usually more efficient.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;219(5):782-788
pages 782-788 views

On the Spectral Density of Stationary Processes and Random Fields

Lifshits M., Peligrad M.


In this note, we show that a stationary sequence obtained by applying a fixed deterministic function to shifts of a stationary sequence (satisfying a mild regularity condition) has a spectral density. In the multiparametric setting, we obtain a similar result for a function of a shifted i.i.d. field.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;219(5):789-797
pages 789-797 views

Estimation of a Function Observed in a Stationary Noise: Discretization

Solev V.


In this paper, we propose a new estimate of the unknown pseudo periodic function which is observed in stationary noise. We compare the accuracy of the proposed estimate with the minimax risk.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;219(5):798-806
pages 798-806 views

Closability, Regularity, and Approximation by Graphs for Separable Bilinear Forms

Hinz M., Teplyaev A.


We consider a countably generated and uniformly closed algebra of bounded functions. We assume that there is a lower semicontinuous, with respect to the supremum norm, quadratic form and that normal contractions operate in a certain sense. Then we prove that a subspace of the effective domain of the quadratic form is naturally isomorphic to a core of a regular Dirichlet form on a locally compact, separable metric space. We also show that any Dirichlet form on a countably generated measure space can be approximated by essentially discrete Dirichlet forms, i.e., energy forms on finite weighted graphs, in the sense of Mosco convergence, i.e., strong resolvent convergence.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;219(5):807-820
pages 807-820 views

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