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Том 218, № 6 (2016)


Elasticity and Plasticity Problem for a Square Plate Weakened by a Hole with Partially Unknown Boundary

Abashidze Z.


We consider an elasticity and plasticity problem for a square plate weakened by a square hole with rounded vertices. The plasticity region contains only the unknown rounded part of the hole contour and is not spread inside the plate. We contract the solutions and obtain the equation of the unknown part of the hole contour when the normal displacement is constant on the linear parts of the boundary and there is no normal stress on the unknown part of the hole contour.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;218(6):699-702
pages 699-702 views

Analysis of Spatial Economic Processes for Defining Investment Policy

Akhobadze M., Zumburidze O., Kurtskalia E.


In this paper, we consider principles of construction of mathematical models of spatial economic systems. By a spatial economic system we mean a region (system) whose constituent districts (subsystems) exchange goods, products, and investments.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;218(6):703-708
pages 703-708 views

Some Results of the Theory of Exponential R-Groups

Amaglobeli M., Bokelavadze T.


This paper is devoted to the study of groups from the category M of R-power groups. We examine problems on the commutation of the tensor completion with basic group operations and on the exactness of the tensor completion. Moreover, we introduce the notion of a variety and obtain a description of abelian varieties and some results on nilpotent varieties of A-groups. We prove the hypothesis on irreducible coordinate groups of algebraic sets for the nilpotent R-groups of nilpotency class 2, where R is a Euclidean ring. We state that the analog to the Lyndon result for the free groups (see [10]) holds in this case, whereas the analog to the Myasnikov–Kharlampovich result fails.The paper is dedicated to partial R-power groups which are embeddable to their A-tensor completions. The free R-groups and free R-products are described with usual group-theoretical free constructions.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;218(6):709-714
pages 709-714 views

Derivations of the (n, 2, 1)-nilpotent Lie Algebra

Bartolone C., Di Bartolo A., Falcone G.


In the present paper, we study derivations of a (n, 2, 1)-nilpotent Lie algebra.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;218(6):715-718
pages 715-718 views

Limiting Theorems on Some Complete Groups

Bokelavadze T., Lominashvili G.


The notion of a W-exponential Hall group is introduced and the limiting theorems on w-complete groups are proved.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;218(6):719-723
pages 719-723 views

Properties of the Riemannian Curvature of (α, β)-Metrics

Cheng X.


In this paper, we discuss some important properties of the Riemannian curvature of (α, β)-metrics. When the dimension of the manifold is greater than 2, we classify Randers metrics of weakly isotropic flag curvature (that is, Randers metrics of scalar flag curvature with isotropic S-curvature). Further, we characterize (α, β)-metrics of scalar flag curvature with isotropic S-curvature. We also characterize Einstein (α, β)-metrics and determine completely the local structure of Ricci-flat Douglas (α, β)-metrics when the dimension dim M ≥ 3.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;218(6):724-730
pages 724-730 views

Optimality Conditions and Solution Algorithms of Optimal Control Problems for Nonlocal Boundary-Value Problems

Devadze D., Beridze V.


In the present paper, the Bitsadze–Samarski boundary-value problem is considered for a quasi-linear differential equation of first order on the plane and the existence and uniqueness theorem for a generalized solution is proved; the necessary (in the linear case) and sufficient optimality conditions for optimal control problems are found. The optimal control problem is posed, where the behavior of control functions is described by elliptic-type equations with Bitsadze–Samarski nonlocal boundary conditions. The necessary and sufficient optimality conditions are obtained in the form of the Pontryagin maximum principle and the solution existence and uniqueness theorem is proved for the conjugate problem. Nonlocal boundary-value problems and conjugate problems are solved by the algorithm, which reduces nonlocal boundary value problems to a sequence of Dirichlet problems. The numerical method of solution of an optimal control problem by the Mathcad package is presented.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;218(6):731-736
pages 731-736 views

Operator Splitting for Quasi-Linear Abstract Hyperbolic Equation

Dikhaminjia N., Rogava J., Tsiklauri M.


We consider an abstract hyperbolic equation with a Lipschitz continuous operator, where the main operator is self-adjoint and positive definite and represents a sum of two similar operators. For this equation, we construct a decomposition scheme of high order of accuracy. This scheme is based on rational splitting of cosine-operator function.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;218(6):737-741
pages 737-741 views

Lie Groups as Multiplication Groups of Topological Loops

Figula Á.


In this paper, we present some new results on the question whether a Lie group can be represented as the multiplication group of a three-dimensional topological loop. We deal with the classes of quasi-simple Lie groups and nilpotent Lie groups.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;218(6):742-747
pages 742-747 views

A Weighted Inequality for a Potential-Type Integral

Gabidzashvili M.


A sufficient condition is found for a pair of weights (v, w), which ensures the boundedness of a potential type operator from one weighed Lebesgue space to another.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;218(6):748-753
pages 748-753 views

New Invariants for the Graph Isomorphism Problem

Gamkrelidze A., Varamashvili L., Hotz G.



In this paper, we introduce a novel polynomial-time algorithm to compute graph invariants based on the idea of a modified random walk on graphs. Though not proved to be a full graph invariant yet, our method gives the right answer for the graph instances other well-known methods could not compute (such as special Fürer gadgets and point-line incidence graphs of finite projective planes of higher degrees).

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;218(6):754-761
pages 754-761 views

On Weighted Degree for Polynomial Rings

Golasiński M., Ruiz F.



We take up a systematic study of all steps to derive a proof of [5, Lemma 2] from that of [1, Lemma 6.8.3].

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;218(6):762-769
pages 762-769 views

On The Stability of the Disturbance Algorithm for a Semi-Discrete Scheme of Solution of an Evolutionary Equation in the Banach Space

Gulua D.



A purely implicit three-layer semi-discrete scheme of second-order approximation is considered in the Banach space. The three-layer semi-discrete scheme is reduced by means of the disturbance algorithm to two two-layer schemes. Using the solutions of these schemes, we construct an approximate solution of the initial problem. The stability of the constructed scheme is proved.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;218(6):770-777
pages 770-777 views

B-Algebra Structure in Homology of a Homotopy Gerstenhaber Algebra

Kadeishvili T.



The minimality theorem states, in particular, that on cohomology H(A) of a dg algebra there exists sequence of operations mi : H(A)i→ H(A), i = 2, 3, . . . , which form a minimal A-algebra (H(A), {mi}). This structure defines on the bar construction BH(A) a correct differential dm so that the bar constructions (BH(A), dm) and BA have isomorphic homology modules. It is known that if A is equipped additionally with a structure of homotopy Gerstenhaber algebra, then on BA there is a multiplication which turns it into a dg bialgebra. In this paper, we construct algebraic operations Ep,q : H(A) pH(A) q→ H(A), p, q = 0, 1, 2, . . ., which turn (H(A), {mi}, {Ep,q}) into a B-algebra. These operations determine on BH(A) correct multiplication, so that (BH(A), dm) and BA have isomorphic homology algebras.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;218(6):778-787
pages 778-787 views

Construction of a Monadic Heyting Algebra in a Logos

Klimiashvili A.


Connections between certain types of categories (logoses and toposes) and intuitionistic predicate logic was established in 1960–1970 by Lowvere. The possibility of extending this connection to some types of modal logics by using the internal structure of categories of particular type (logos) was also established. Category-theoretical constructs were hence used as one of the possible semantic interpretations of intuitionistic logic. This interpretation has also included intuionistic modal logics using different semantical tools such as adjoint pair of functors. In this paper, we discuss one of the possible extension of intuitionistic logic.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;218(6):788-793
pages 788-793 views

Projection of Rational Lie Rings

Lashkhi A.


This paper is a direct continuation of [26], where we proved that every normal lattice isomorphism of supersolvable Lie ring is induced at the isomorphism. In the present paper,we generalize this theorem for rational Lie rings.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;218(6):794-802
pages 794-802 views

Algebraic Approach in Pseudo-Spectra Estimation

Milnikov A., Prangishvili A.


We prove that m principal singular vectors of a matrix Xd constructed on the basis of a time series, contained periodical deterministic components with additive white noise, have equal pseudospectra and their pseudo-spectral structure is identical to that of the time series. The structures of pseudo-spectra of the rest singular vectors differ from the structures of pseudo-spectra of the principal vectors and the time series. It is shown that the time series allow one to increase the resolving capacity and to improve the statistical stability of spectral estimation.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;218(6):803-807
pages 803-807 views

New Developments in Holonomy Theory of Differentiable Systems

Nagy P.


We define the abstract holonomy group of a family \( \mathcal{S} \) of left loops on M such that the holonomy groups with respect to different points are isomorphic and consider new developments in holonomy theory of differentiable systems.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;218(6):808-812
pages 808-812 views

Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Duality

Rossi O., Saunders D.


We propose a setting for De Donder–Hamilton field theory in jet bundles, generalizing the usual multisymplectic formalism. Using a reformulation of Hamilton theory for the family of local Lagrangians related to a global Euler–Lagrange form, we construct a dual Hamiltonian bundle and corresponding Legendre maps, linking a Lagrangian system on a jet bundle with a canonical Hamiltonian system on the affine dual. Our approach significantly extends the family of regular variational problems that can be treated directly within a dual Hamiltonian formalism, thus avoiding the necessity to use the Dirac constraint formalism.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;218(6):813-819
pages 813-819 views

On the Nonlinear Dynamical System of Amplitude Equations Corresponding to Intersections of Bifurcations in the Flow Between Permeable Cylinders with Radial and Axial Flows

Shapakidze L.


In the present work, we study various modes that arise after a circular Couette flow loses its stability in the presence of an axial flow due to a constant axial pressure gradient and a radial flow through the permeable walls of the cylinders. The basic object of our investigation is a nonlinear system of amplitude equations describing multiple flow bifurcations between permeable cylinders. Different bifurcations will be investigated theoretically with application of numerical methods.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;218(6):820-828
pages 820-828 views

General Representation of Solutions of the Equation of Penetration and Diffusion of X-Rays in Plane Geometry

Shulaia D., Ghurtskaia P.


In this paper, we present a general procedure for solving of homogeneous equations that describe penetration and diffusion of X-rays in plane geometry. Starting from Van Kampen’s and Case’s observation that it suffices that “solutions” be distributions, elementary solutions of a homogeneous equation are found. We also prove that general solutions can be obtained by superposition of elementary solutions.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;218(6):829-833
pages 829-833 views

Weighted Cauchy Problem for Differential Equations with Deviating Arguments

Sokhadze Z.


For higher-order nonlinear differential equations with deviating arguments and with non-integrable singularities with respect to the time variable, we establish sharp sufficient conditions for the Cauchy problem to be solvable and well posed.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;218(6):834-838
pages 834-838 views

Weakly Locally Compact Topological Abelian Groups and Their Basic Properties

Surmanidze O.


The notion of a weakly locally compact topological abelian group introduced in this paper generalizes the notion of a fibrous topological abelian group studied by N. Ya. Vilenkin.

Since in the class of locally compact topological abelian groups we distinguish classes of compact and discrete topological groups, in the class of weakly locally compact topological abelian groups we distinguish classes of quasicompact and quasidiscrete groups which are dual in the sense of Pontryagin’s theory of characters. We prove here that the group of characters of a weakly locally compact topological abelian group is weakly locally compact and construct universal groups for weakly locally compact groups.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;218(6):839-843
pages 839-843 views

On the Well-Posedness of the Cauchy Problem for a Functional Differential Equation Taking Into Account Variable Delay Perturbation

Tadumadze T.


In the present paper, theorems on the continuous dependence of solution on perturbations of the initial data and the right-hand side of equation are formulated. Under initial data we imply the collection of initial moment, variable delay, initial vector and initial function.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;218(6):844-847
pages 844-847 views

Idempotent Elements of the Semigroup BX(D) Defined by Semilattices of the Class Σ3(X, 8) when Z7 = Ø

Tavdgiridze G., Diasamidze Y., Givradze O.


The paper presents a full description of idempotent elements of the semigroup of binary relations BX(D), which are defined by semilattices of the class Σ3(X, 8). For the case where X is a finite set and Z7 = Ø, we derive formulas for calculating the number of idempotent elements of the respective semigroup.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;218(6):848-856
pages 848-856 views

On the Regular Elements of the Semigroup of Binary Relations

Tsinaridze N., Makharadze S., Partenadze G.


In this paper we give a full description of regular elements of the semigroup that are defined by semilattices of the class, when Z7Z6 ≠ ∅. Formulas are derived by means of which the number of regular elements of the semigroup is calculated when it is a finite set.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;218(6):857-867
pages 857-867 views

Idempotent Elements of the Semigroup BX(D) Defined by Semilattices of the Class Σ2(X, 8)

Tsinaridze N., Makharadze S., Rokva N.


A complete semigroup of binary relations is defined by semilattices of the class Σ2(X, 8). A description of idempotent elements of this semigroup is given. For the case where X is a finite set and Z7Z6 ≠ ∅, formulas are derived by calculating the number of idempotent elements of the semigroup.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;218(6):868-878
pages 868-878 views

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