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Vol 224, No 1 (2017)


On Inverse Dynamical and Spectral Problems for the Wave and Schrӧdinger Equations on Finite Trees. The Leaf Peeling Method

Mikhaylov V.S., Nurtazina K.B., Avdonin S.A.


Interest in inverse dynamical, spectral, and scattering problems for differential equations on graphs is motivated by possible applications to nano-electronics and quantum waveguides and by a variety of other classical and quantum applications. Recently a new effective leaf peeling method has been proposed by S. Avdonin and P. Kurasov for solving inverse problems on trees (graphs without cycles). It allows recalculating efficiently the inverse data from the original tree to smaller trees, “removing” leaves step by step up to the rooted edge. In this paper, the main step of the spectral and dynamical versions of the peeling algorithm, i.e., recalculating the inverse data for a “peeled tree” is described. Bibliography: 12 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;224(1):1-10
pages 1-10 views

Rayleigh Waves Concentrated in a Small Neighborhood of a Moving Curve

Babich V.M.


An analytic expression for a Rayleigh wave concentrated in a small neighborhood of a moving curve is deduced. The cases of inhomogeneous and anisotropic media are considered.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;224(1):11-19
pages 11-19 views

An Interference Head Wave (Buldyrev Wave) and the Locality Principle

Babich V.M., Matskovskiy A.


In a series of articles, V. S. Buldyrev considered interference head waves, called now Buldyrev waves. The main goal in the present paper is to obtain formulas describing Buldyrev waves using the locality principle. Similar formulas have been deduced (from other but also heuristic considerations) by Buldyrev earlier. A different point of view on the Buldyrev wave is described by V. M. Babich. Some formulas for waves of this class contain an illusory contradiction with the concept of locality. It is demonstrated that the contradiction is fictitious and the formulas deduced by Buldyrev and the results obtained later perfectly agree with the locality principle.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;224(1):20-26
pages 20-26 views

Evolution of Wave Field Jumps Near Caustics (Elementary Approach)

Belishev M.I., Kazakov A.Y., Vakulenko A.F.


The Poisson formula solving the 3-dim Cauchy problem for the wave equation is applied to the study of the behavior of wave field singularities (jumps) near caustics in the 2-dim and 3-dim cases. A quite elementary approach enables one to describe focusing effects in detail.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;224(1):27-46
pages 27-46 views

Simple Solutions of the Wave Equation with a Singularity at a Running Point, Based on the Complexified Bateman Solution

Blagovestchenskii A.S., Kiselev A.P., Tagirdzhanov A.M.


Simple explicit solutions of the homogeneous wave equation with constant propagation speed, having a power-like singularity at a moving space point, are constructed. The constructions are based on a complexified Bateman-type solution. An example of such a solution showing exponential decay with distance from the singular point is presented.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;224(1):47-53
pages 47-53 views

Convolution Equations on a Large Finite Interval with Symbols Having Power-Order Zeros

Budylin A.M., Levin S.B.


A certain convolution equation is studied on a large finite interval. This equation arose in acoustics for description of a wave conductor surface with a bed of ice. The main feature of this equation is that the symbol of the corresponding operator has zeros of power order in the dual variable, so that the inverse operator is a long-range one. A complete power-order asymptotic expansion is constructed for the kernel of the inverse operator as the length of the interval tends to infinity.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;224(1):54-62
pages 54-62 views

To the Question on the Resolvent Kernel Asymptotics in the Three-Body Scattering Problem

Budylin A.M., Levin S.B.


The present paper aims at announcing a new approach to the construction of the asymptotics (at infinity in configuration space) of the resolvent kernel of the Schrödinger operator in the scattering problem of three one-dimensional quantum particles interacting by compactly supported pair repulsive potentials. Within the framework of this approach, the asymptotics of eigenfunctions of the absolutely continuous spectrum of the Schrödinger operator can be constructed explicitly. It should be emphasized that the restriction of the consideration to the case of compactly supported pair potentials does not lead to a simplification of the problem in its essence, since the potential of the interaction of all three particles remains nondecreasing at infinity, but allows one to put aside a certain number of technical details.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;224(1):63-68
pages 63-68 views

On the Inverse Source Problem for the Wave Equation

Demchenko M.N.


The question of identification of initial data in the Cauchy problem for the wave equation with a variable velocity is studied. The wave field on some surface in the time-space is assumed to be known. Under certain assumptions concerning the velocity, it is shown that some part of singularities of the initial data can be recovered.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;224(1):69-78
pages 69-78 views

Ray Type Solutions for Waves of Finite Deformation in Physically Linear, Nonlinear Inhomogeneous Elastic Media

Kachalov A.P.


The paper is devoted to ray type solutions for waves of finite deformation in nonlinear, physically linear elastic media. These waves are generalizations of Bland plane waves for isotropic nonlinear media. For the waves considered, the fast oscillation and slow oscillation parts interact in the process of propagation. The forms of waves change adiabatically. An example of plane waves in inhomogeneous elastic media is considered.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;224(1):79-89
pages 79-89 views

General Elastic Surface Waves in Anisotropic Layered Structures

Kiselev A.P.


A solution of homogeneous equations of elasticity equations, which describes surface waves and is based on the summation of plane waves, is presented. Bibliography: 15 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;224(1):90-93
pages 90-93 views

Transmission Conditions in a One-Dimensional Model of Bifurcating Arteries with Elastic Walls

Kozlov V.A., Nazarov S.A.


Transmission conditions at a bifurcation point in a one-dimensional model of blood vessels are derived by using a three-dimensional model. Both classical Kirchhoff conditions ensuring the continuity of pressure and the vanishing of the flux should be modified in order to reflect properly the elastic properties of blood vessels. A simple approximate method of calculation of new physical parameters in the transmission conditions is proposed. Simplified models of straight sections of arteries with localized defects such as micro-aneurysms and cholesterol plaques are developed; these models also require the statement of some transmission conditions. Bibliography: 34 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;224(1):94-118
pages 94-118 views

The Weyl–Van Der Pol Phenomenon in Acoustic Diffraction by a Wedge or a Cone with Impedance Boundary Conditions

Lyalinov M.A.


The paper deals with the asymptotic description of a diffraction pattern similar to the classical Weyl–Van der Pol phenomenon (the Weyl–Van der Pol formula). The latter arises in the problem of diffraction of waves generated by a source located near an impedance plane. An incident wave illuminates an impedance wedge or cone. The singular points of the wedge’s (the edge points) or cone’s (the vertex of the cone) boundary play the role of an imaginary source, giving rise to a specific boundary layer in some neighborhood of the corresponding impedance surface, provided that the surface impedance is relatively small. From the mathematical point of view, the description of the phenomenon is given by means of the far field asymptotics for the Sommerfeld integral representations of the scattered field. For small impedance of the scattering surface, the singularities describing the surface wave, which propagates from the edge (or from the vertex) along the impedance surface, may be located in a neighborhood of saddle points. The latter are responsible for a cylindrical wave from the edge of the wedge (or for a spherical wave from the vertex of the cone). As a result, the asymptotics of the Sommerfeld integral are uniformly represented by a Fresnel type integral for the wedge problem or by a parabolic cylinder type function for the cone problem.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;224(1):119-134
pages 119-134 views

Generalized Trigonometric Integral Transforms

Petrov V.E.


Some generalizations of the Fourier and Hartley transforms on ℝ and ℝn are studied. These transforms involve functional coefficients. The Parseval identities, convolution formulas, conditions of self-adjointness and unitary property for new transforms are obtained.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;224(1):135-149
pages 135-149 views

On the Calculation of the Morse Index and the Extension of Ray Formulas Beyond Caustics

Popov M.M.


Being the simplest and illustrative from the physical point of view, the ray method is extensively used for computations of short wave fields of a different physical nature: acoustic, electrodynamic, and elastodynamic. However it is not applicable in neighborhoods of caustics, where ray amplitudes get singular. Although caustics may appear in quantities in complex inhomogeneous media, they have zero measure, and therefore there are subdomains free of caustics in inhomogeneous media where ray formulas can be used for computations of wave fields. To this end it is necessary to calculate the phase jumps caused by the transition of rays through caustics. Mathematically, we must calculate the Morse index for a ray, i.e., the number of focal points (counting their multiplicity) on the ray between the source and the observation point. In the article, this problem is considered and a complete solution to it is given in the case of two space variables. Namely, a complex-valued function of the arc length along a ray is constructed and the increment of its argument between the source and the observation point, computed modulo 2π, gives the Morse index for that ray in the two cases where the field of rays is produced by a point source or is generated by an initially given wave front. Bibliography: 8 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;224(1):150-156
pages 150-156 views

The Complex WKB Method for Difference Equations in Bounded Domains

Fedotov A.A., Shchetka E.V.


The difference Schrӧdinger equation ψ(z+h)+ψ(zh)+v(z)ψ(z) = (z), z ∈ ℂ, is considered, where h > 0 and E ∈ ℂ are parameters and v is a function analytic in a bounded domain D ⊂ ℂ. An asymptotic method is developed for studying its solutions in the domain D for small positive h. Bibliography: 4 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;224(1):157-169
pages 157-169 views

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