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Vol 239, No 3 (2019)


Approximating the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation by a Two Level Linearly Implicit Finite Element Method

Asadzadeh M., Standar C.


We study a numerical scheme for an initial- and Dirichlet boundary-value problem for a nonlinear Schrödinger equation. For the proposed fully discrete scheme we show convergence both in the L2– and H1–norms.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;239(3):233-247
pages 233-247 views

Perturbation of Threshold of the Essential Spectrum of the Schrödinger Operator on the Simplest Graph with a Small Edge

Borisov D.I., Konyrkulzhaeva M.N.


On a star graph consisting of two infinite edges and one small edge, we consider the Schrödinger operators with piecewise-constant potentials on the infinite edges and with a singular potential on the small edge respectively. A δ′-interaction is given at the interior vertex of the graph, and the Dirichlet or Neumann condition is imposed at the boundary vertex of the small edge. We determine the limit boundary conditions, obtain two-term asymptotics for the resolvents in the operator norm and error estimates. The phenomenon of isolated eigenvalues emerging from the threshold of the essential spectrum is discussed. We establish efficient and easily verified sufficient conditions for the existence or absence of such eigenvalues. We establish the holomorphic dependence of the appeared eigenvalues on the edge length and write explicitly the first terms of the Taylor expansions of such eigenvalues.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;239(3):248-267
pages 248-267 views

Analog of the Riesz Identity and Sharp Inequalities for Derivatives and Differences of Splines in the Uniform Metric

Vinogradov O.L.


We establish an analog of the Riesz interpolation formula owing to which it is possible to obtain a sharp estimate for the first order derivative of the spline of minimal defect with equidistant knots /σ, j ∈ , in terms of the first order difference in the uniform metric. Based on the constructed identity, it is possible to improve the inequality by replacing the right-hand side with a linear combination of differences, including higher order differences, of the spline. In the case of the difference step π/σ, iterations of this identity lead to formulas analogous to the Riesz formula for higher order derivatives or differences, which makes it possible to obtain the corresponding Riesz and Bernstein type inequalities in strengthened form.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;239(3):268-281
pages 268-281 views

Differential Operators of Infinite Order in the Space of Formal Laurent Series and in the Ring of Power Series with Integer Coefficients

Gefter S.L.


We study the Hurwitz product (convolution) in the space of formal Laurent series over an arbitrary field of zero characteristic. We obtain the convolution equation which is satisfied by the Euler series. We find the convolution representation for an arbitrary differential operator of infinite order in the space of formal Laurent series and describe translation invariant operators in this space. Using the p-adic topology in the ring of integers, we show that any differential operator of infinite order with integer coefficients is well defined as an operator from [[z]] to p[[z]].

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;239(3):282-291
pages 282-291 views

Many-Particle Hardy Type Inequalities

Guzu D.


We study a variant of the many-particle Hardy type inequality with the number of particles N ≥ 3 and discuss the sharpness of the constant in the inequality.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;239(3):292-298
pages 292-298 views

Algorithm for Constructing Simple Partial Fractions of the Best Approximation of Constants

Danchenko V.I., Kondakova E.N.


It is known that for the best uniform approximation of real constants c by simple partial fractions ρn of order n on a real segment it is necessary and sufficient to have an alternance of n + 1 points on this segment for the difference ρn − c, n ≥ n0(c). We propose an algorithm for constructing the alternance and simple partial fraction of the best approximation of constants c.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;239(3):299-308
pages 299-308 views

Modeling of a False Aneurysm in an Artery: Equilibrium and Development of a Hematoma

Kozlov V.A., Nazarov S.A.


We present a new one-dimensional model of a false aneurysm in an artery describing several stages of development of aneurysm by expanding a hematoma that exchanges blood with a vessel channel through a small hole in the thin elastic vessel wall. The model involves one hyperbolic and two parabolic partial differential equations joined by common unknowns (the artery and hematoma pressures and the radial displacement of the wall) and by the classical Kirchhoff transmission conditions on the pressure and blood flows which simulate the blood exchange through the hole. We obtain the equilibrium state condition for an aneurysm and propose criteria for aneurysm developing by hematoma thickening or lengthening. We propose a simplified “0-dimensional” model applicable only for detecting an aneurysm by using peripheral examination and solving inverse problems.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;239(3):309-328
pages 309-328 views

Poisson Formulas for Boundary Value Problems for the Euler–Poisson–Darboux Equation

Lyakhov L.N., Yeletskikh K.S., Sanina E.L.


We consider the Cauchy problem for the Euler–Poisson–Darboux equation with boundary conditions. The Bessel operators in the equation can have different parameters. We establish a representation of the solution in the form of the Poisson formula with a special shift generated by the product of cylindrical functions of the first kind and different orders.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;239(3):329-338
pages 329-338 views

The Carathéodory and Plis–Davy Theorems, Krasovsky Regularization, and Continuous Dependence of Solutions on Parameters on the Right-Hand Side

Mychka E.Y., Filippov V.V.


We weaken the assumptions of the classical Carathéodory and Plis–Davy theorems. We prove theorems on continuous dependence of solutions on parameters on the right-hand side and their corollaries generalizing the known results of the classical theory. Based on the axiomatic theory of ordinary differential equations, we expand the theorem on continuous dependence of solutions on parameters on the right-hand side to a larger class of differential equations and inclusions.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;239(3):339-348
pages 339-348 views

The Elastic Polarization Matrix for a Junction of Isotropic Half-Strips

Nazarov S.A., Slutskii A.S.


We introduce an elastic polarization matrix M for a junction Ξ of isotropic homogeneous half-strips Π1, . . . ,ΠJ. Thematrix M is used to describe the boundary layer phenomenon near nodes of elastic lattices and is formed by coefficients in expansions at infinity of special solutions to the problem of elasticity theory for the body Ξ. It is shown that the 3J × 3J-matrix M is symmetric and degenerate on a subspace of dimension three, but, under the “correct” choice of local coordinates in the half-strips, it corrsponds to a positive definite operator on the orthogonal complement of this subspace.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;239(3):349-362
pages 349-362 views

A Class of Orthogonal Polynomials on the Boundary of an Ellipse

Nikolaev V.G.


We construct a class of polynomials of one complex variable that are pairwise orthogonal with some weight on the boundary of an ellipse. We prove that an arbitrary λ-holomorphic Hölder function defined in an ellipse is represented as a series with respect to given polynomials. This result is applied to prove the existence and uniqueness of a solution to some functional equation in the ellipse in the Hölder classes.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;239(3):363-380
pages 363-380 views

The Riemann–Hilbert Boundary Value Problem for the Moisil–Theodoresco System

Soldatov A.P.


We consider the Riemann–Hilbert boundary value problem for the Moisil–Theodoresco system in a multiply connected domain bounded by a smooth surface in the three–dimensional space. We obtain a criterion for the Fredholm property of the problem and a formula for its index æ = m − s, where s is the number of connected components of the boundary and m is the order of the first de Rham cogomology group of the domain. The study is based on the integral representation of a general solution to the Moisil–Theodoresco system and an explicit description of its kernel and cokernel.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;239(3):381-411
pages 381-411 views

Integrable Third and Fifth Order Dynamical Systems with Dissipation

Shamolin M.V.


We establish the integrability of some homogeneous (with respect to a part of variables) dynamical systems of odd (third and fifth) order. In the class of such systems, we extract a system on the tangent bundle of smooth manifolds. The force field is separated into the internal (conservative) force field and the external force field with alternating dissipation. The external force field is introduced by using a certain unimodular transformation and generalizes the cases studied by the author earlier.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;239(3):412-423
pages 412-423 views

Relative Structural Stability and Instability of Different Degrees in Systems with Dissipation

Shamolin M.V.


We study the relative structural stability (relative roughness) of dynamical systems in some subspace of the space of all dynamical systems; moreover, the space of deformations of (dynamical) systems does not coincide with the space of all admissible deformations. We give some examples of relatively rough systems and relatively nonrough systems of different degree of nonroughness arising in rigid body dynamics and oscillation theory.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;239(3):424-435
pages 424-435 views

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