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Vol 227, No 2 (2017)


Semiparametric Estimation of Distribution Function in the Informative Model of Competing Risks

Abdushukurov A.A., Makhmudova D.


In this paper we consider an informative model of competing risks. We offer a new power estimate for the distribution function and prove its asymptotic equivalence to the previously known estimates and its efficiency compared to the well-known multiplicative Kaplan–Meier estimate.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;227(2):117-123
pages 117-123 views

Empirical Bayesian Estimation in the Model of Competing Risks

Abdushukurov A.A., Muminov A.L.


We study empirical semi-parametric Bayesian estimates of exponential functionals in the model of competing risks. For these estimates we establish the properties of the uniform strong consistency and iterated logarithm type laws.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;227(2):124-130
pages 124-130 views

On the Asymptotic Efficiency of Tests in Hypothesis Testing Problems

Bening V.E.


The paper contains an introduction to the asymptotic theory of hypothesis testing and a review of recent results of the author and his students. We consider only the asymptotic approach, for which with increasing sample size n the test size is separated from zero, and the sequences of local alternatives, for which the power is separated from one. This paper focuses on asymptotically efficient tests when testing a simple hypothesis in the case of a one-parameter family. We study the difference between the powers of the best and asymptotically efficient tests. This difference is closely related to the notion of asymptotic test deficiency. We consider the formula for the limiting deviation of the power of asymptotically optimal test from the power of the best test in the case of Laplace distribution. Due to the irregularity of the Laplace distribution, this deviation is of order n1/2, in contrast to the usual regular families for which this order is n1. We also study the Bayesian settings and the case of increasing parameter dimension.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;227(2):131-152
pages 131-152 views

Stochastic Decompositions of Unbiased Estimators for Basic One-Parameter Distributions from the Exponential Family

Chichagov V.V.


Using the model of exponential family of distributions, we obtain asymptotic expansions for the unbiased estimators of a number of parametric functions that define the main characteristics of the Poisson, binomial, negative binomial, and gamma distributions.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;227(2):153-160
pages 153-160 views

On the Bayesian Stability in the Empirical Bayesian Approach

Drozhzheva O.V.


The empirical Bayesian approach is considered for Bayesian stable families of prior parameter distributions. It is shown that in these cases the derivation of the estimate for the Bayesian decision function is considerably simplified. We consider a generalization of the Deely–Lindley’s Bayesian approach to the problem of empirical Bayesian estimation, and present examples of application of the obtained results.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;227(2):161-168
pages 161-168 views

Poisson Random Walks with Alternating Jumps and Newtonian Mechanics

Frolov S.I.


We define a number of schemes for random walks having a common geometric structure and being the generalizations of a Poisson random walk. One of the schemes uses the laws of Newtonian mechanics to define the transition probabilities.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;227(2):169-175
pages 169-175 views

Median Modifications of the EM-Algorithm for Separation of Mixtures of Probability Distributions and Their Applications to the Decomposition of Volatility of Financial Indexes*

Gorshenin A.K., Korolev V.Y., Tursunbaev A.M.


In this paper we propose the median modifications of the EM-algorithm and demonstrate their advantages in comparison with conventional methods by the example dealing with the numerical solution of the problem of decomposition of the volatility of financial indexes. We provide examples of volatility decompositions for AMEX, CAC 40, NIKKEI, and NASDAQ indexes.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;227(2):176-195
pages 176-195 views

An Approach to Asymptotic Robustness Analysis of Sequential Tests for Composite Parametric Hypotheses

Kharin A.Y.


We consider the problem of sequential statistical testing of composite parametric hypotheses. We construct asymptotic expansions for the conditional probabilities of errors and conditional mathematical expectations of the sample size in the presence of “outliers” in observed values. To obtain these results we propose and use a new approach based on the approximation of the generalized likelihood ratio statistic by special Markov chains.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;227(2):196-203
pages 196-203 views

On the Mixing Property in the Sense of A. Rényi for the Statistics of Homogeneity Test

Dzhamirzaev A.A.


In this paper we present an R-mixing test for the sequence of random variables, introduced by A. Rényi, and prove a certain property of R-mixed sequences. It is proved that the statistics of homogeneity test has the R-mixing property with the limit chi-square distribution with k − 1 degrees of freedom. This result strengthens a well-known result on the asymptotic chi-square distribution of the statistics of homogeneity test.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;227(2):204-207
pages 204-207 views

Nonparametric Estimate of Monotonic Efficiency Function Under the Dose/Effect Relationship

Krishtopenko D.S., Tikhov M.S.


Under the dose/effect relationship we introduce estimates of monotonic efficiency function, which are monotonic as well. We also prove the asymptotic normality of the constructed estimates.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;227(2):208-218
pages 208-218 views

On the Maxima of Partial Samples of Random Sequences with a Pseudo-Stationary Trend

Kudrov A.V.


We prove a limit theorem for the joint distribution of the maximum of the initial sample and the maximum of randomly decimated arbitrary stationary random sequence with a trend. The results are illustrated by a numerical example.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;227(2):219-228
pages 219-228 views

Discrete Hedging in the Mean/Variance Model for European Call Options

Nikulin V.N.


We consider a portfolio with the call option and the relevant asset under the standard assumption that the market price is a random variable with a lognormal distribution. Minimizing the variance (hedging risk) of the portfolio on the maturity date of the option, we find the relative value of the asset per option unit. As a direct consequence, we obtain a statistically fair price of the call option explicitly. Unlike the well-known Black–Scholes theory, the portfolio cannot be risk-free, because no additional transactions within the contract are allowed, but the sequence of portfolios reduces the risk to zero asymptotically. This property is illustrated in the experimental section on the example of the daily stock prices of 18 leading Australian companies over a three year period.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;227(2):229-240
pages 229-240 views

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