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Vol 222, No 4 (2017)


On the Zeroth Stable \( \mathbb{A} \)1-Homotopy Group of a Smooth Projective Variety

Ananyevskiy A.S.


The zeroth stable \( \mathbb{A} \)1-homotopy group of a smooth projective variety is computed. This group is identified with the group of oriented 0-cycles on the variety. The proof heavily exploits properties of strictly homotopy invariant sheaves. Bibliography: 7 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;222(4):367-369
pages 367-369 views

Cubic Forms on Adjoint Representations of Exceptional Groups

Atamanova M.M., Luzgarev A.Y.


On the adjoint representation of the Chevalley group of type E7, cubic forms are constructed so that their partial derivatives are linear combinations of equations on the orbit of the highest weight vector. These forms are described in terms of new combinatorial notions related to maximal squares in root systems of exceptional types. Bibliography 17 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;222(4):370-379
pages 370-379 views

Compatibility Condition. A Possibility of Reduction to Commutative Situation

Bondarenko M.A., Lur’e B.B.


An example of embedding problem with kernel of odd order is constructed so that the compatibility condition cannot be reduced to accompanying Abelian problem. Some remarks concerning examples for groups of smaller order are given. Bibliography: 7 titles

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;222(4):380-385
pages 380-385 views

Normality of the Elementary Subgroup in Sp(2, A)

Voronetsky E.Y.


Let A be an associative ring with identity and involution, and let e1, . . . , en be a full system of Hermitian idempotents in A such that every ei generates A as a two-sided ideal. It is proved that the elementary subgroup is normal in Sp(2, A) if n ≥ 3 and A satisfies an analog of the local stable rank condition. Bibliography: 16 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;222(4):386-393
pages 386-393 views

Explicit Form of the Hilbert Symbol on Polynomial Formal Module for Multidimensional Local Field. II

Vostokov S.V., Volkov V.V.


The paper presents an explicit formula for the Hilbert pairing between the Milnor K-group of a higher-dimensional local field and a polynomial formal module. This formula generalizes similar results for the one-dimensional case and the higher-dimensional case of multiplicative group. The case where the field and its first residue field have different characteristics, is considered. Bibliography: 13 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;222(4):394-403
pages 394-403 views

Hochschild Cohomology for Algebras of Semidihedral Type. VI. The Family \( SD{\left(2\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}\right)}_2 \) in Characteristic Different from 2

Generalov A.I.


The Hochschild cohomology groups for algebras of semidihedral type that lie in the family \( SD{\left(2\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}\right)}_2 \) (in the famous K.Erdmann’s classification) over an algebraically closed field with characteristic different from two are computed. The calculation, relies upon the minimal projective bimodule resolution for algebras from the above family that was constructed in the previous author’s paper.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;222(4):404-416
pages 404-416 views

Cyclic Galois Extensions for Quintic Equation

Gudkov K.Y., Lur’e B.B.


The authors investigate cyclic Galois extensions for quintic equations and construct the resolvent for real fields and fields containing the square root of −1. Also they prove a theorem which characterizes all the Galois extensions for quintics. Bibliography: 9 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;222(4):417-425
pages 417-425 views

Proof of the Congruence Hypothesis for Generalized Rings

Evdokimov S.A.


In 2007, A. L. Smirnov formulated an interesting conjecture on the generalized rings introduced and studied by N. V. Durov. In this paper, the conjecture is proved.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;222(4):426-428
pages 426-428 views

Symmetries of a Flat Cosymbol Algebra of Differential Operators

Kalnitsky V.S.


In this paper, a structure theorem for the symmetries of a graded flat cosymbol algebra of differential operators is proved. Together with a lemma on equivariant polynomials also proved in the paper, this theorem gives an upper bound on the dimension of the graded Lie algebra associated with the symmetries of geodesic flow on a smooth variety. Bibliography: 14 titles

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;222(4):429-436
pages 429-436 views

Reduction Theorems for Triples of Short Root Subgroups in Chevalley Groups

Nesterov V.V.


Reduction theorems for triples of short root unipotent subgroups in Chevalley groups of type B and C are proved. The main result asserts that except for one case, any subgroup generated by such a triple is conjugate to a subgroup of G(B4, K)U(B5, K) or G(C4, K)U(C5, K), respectively.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;222(4):437-452
pages 437-452 views

On the Grothendieck–Serre Conjecture Concerning Principal G-Bundles Over Semilocal Dedekind Domains

Panin I.A., Stavrova A.K.


Let R be a semilocal Dedekind domain, and let K be the field of fractions of R. Let G be a reductive semisimple simply connected R-group scheme such that every semisimple normal R-subgroup scheme of G contains a split R-torus \( {\mathbb{G}}_{m,R} \). It is proved that the kernel of the map

\( {H}_{\overset{\prime }{e}t}^1\left(R,\kern0.5em G\right)\to {H}_{\overset{\prime }{e}t}^1\left(K,\kern0.5em G\right) \)
induced by the inclusion of R into K is trivial. This result partially extends the Nisnevich theorem.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;222(4):453-462
pages 453-462 views

Chow Ring of Generic Maximal Orthogonal Grassmannians

Petrov V.A.


The Chow ring of the maximal orthogonal Grassmannian corresponding to a versal torsor is computed. In particular, this shows that the ring has no torsion as an Abelian group. Bibliography: 5 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;222(4):463-465
pages 463-465 views

The Commutators of Classical Groups

Hazrat R., Vavilov N., Zhang Z.


In his seminal paper, half a century ago, Hyman Bass established commutator formulas for a (stable) general linear group, which were the key step in defining the group K1. Namely, he proved that for an associative ring A with identity,

\( E(A)=\left[E(A),E(A)\right]=\left[\mathrm{GL}(A),\mathrm{GL}(A)\right], \)

where GL(A) is the stable general linear group and E(A) is its elementary subgroup. Since then, various commutator formulas have been studied in stable and non-stable settings for classical groups, algebraic groups, and their analogs, and mostly in relation to subnormal subgroups of these groups. The basic classical theorems and methods developed for their proofs are associated with the names of the heroes of classical algebraic K-theory: Bak, Quillen, Milnor, Suslin, Swan, Vaserstein, and others.

One of the dominant techniques in establishing commutator type results is localization. In the present paper, some recent applications of localization methods to the study (higher/relative) commutators in the groups of points of algebraic and algebraic-like groups, such as general linear groups GL(n,A), unitary groups GU(2n,A, Λ), and Chevalley groups G(Φ,A), are described. Some auxiliary results and corollaries of the main results are also stated.

The paper provides a general overview of the subject and covers the current activities. It contains complete proofs borrowed from our previous papers and expositions of several main results to give the reader a self-contained source.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;222(4):466-515
pages 466-515 views

Overgroups of Elementary Block Diagonal Subgroups in Even Unitary Groups over Quasi-Finite Rings: Main Results

Shchegolev A.V.


Let H be a subgroup of the hyperbolic unitary group U(2n,R, Λ) that contains an elementary block diagonal subgroup EU(ν, R, Λ) of type ν. Assume that all self-conjugate blocks of EU(ν, R, Λ) are of size at least 6 (at least 4 if the form parameter Λ satisfies the condition RΛ+ΛR = R) and that all non-self-conjugate blocks are of size at least 5. Then there exists a unique major exact form net of ideals (σ, Γ) such that EU(σ, Γ) ≤ H ≤ NU(2n,R,Λ)(U(σ, Γ)), where NU(2n,R,Λ)(U(σ, Γ)) stands for the normalizer in U(2n,R, Λ) of the form net subgroup U(σ, Γ) of level (σ, Γ) and EU(σ, Γ) denotes the corresponding elementary form net subgroup. The normalizer NU(2n,R,Λ)(U(σ, Γ)) is described in terms of congruences.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;222(4):516-523
pages 516-523 views

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