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Том 42, № 10 (2017)


Hadley and Walker circulation anomalies associated with the two types of El Niño

Zheleznova I., Gushchina D.


The composite analysis of the structure of anomalies of vertical motions revealed disturbances in the Walker and Hadley circulations in the whole tropical zone associated with the two types of El Niño. The Eastern Pacific El Niño is characterized by the suppressed convection over the Maritime Continent and by the intensification of ascending motions in the central and eastern Pacific. The Central Pacific El Niño is characterized by the double Walker circulation cell with ascending motions in the central Pacific and descending motions in the western and eastern Pacific. Significant differences in the pattern of vertical circulation anomalies outside the Pacific region are also found in the north and west of the Indian Ocean and in the area of South America and the Caribbean.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017;42(10):625-634
pages 625-634 views

Assessing the probability of El Niño-related weather and climate anomalies in Russian regions

Mokhov I., Timazhev A.


The risk and predictability of weather and climate anomalies in Russian regions associated with differen types of El Niño are estimated using long-term data (1891-2015) on surface air temperature, precipitation, and indices of drought and excessive moisture. The probability of anomalies of these parameters in spring and summer months is estimated for different phase transitions of El Niño events.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017;42(10):635-643
pages 635-643 views

Atmospheric blockings in Western Siberia. Part 1. Detection features, objective criteria, and their comparison

Antokhina O., Antokhin P., Zorkal’tseva O., Devyatova E.


Based on the NCEP/NCAR and ERA-Interim reanalysis archives, we investigated different methods to detect atmospheric blocking events in Western Siberia. Two criteria were studied that are based on calculating meridional gradients of the 500 hPa height and potential temperature at the dynamic tropopause. A situation is considered blocking, when it features a gradient inversion of the investigated characteristics. Additionally, we performed a synoptic analysis of individual blocking events.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017;42(10):644-652
pages 644-652 views

Interdecadal variability of the meridional Ekman heat and mass transport in the North Atlantic and its relation to the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation

Polonskii A., Krasheninnikova S., Basharin D.


Average long-term and average annual values of meridional Ekman heat (mass) transport are estimated using the NCEP/NCAR (for 1948-2014) and 20CR (for 1871-2012) atmospheric reanalyses, and their interdecadal variability is analyzed. It was corroborated that the typical period of interdecadal variability of meridional Ekman transport in the North Atlantic coincides with that of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) and is about 60 years. The strengthening of northeastern trade winds and westerlies accompanied by the development of the negative phase of AMO occurred in the 1880s-1920s and in the 1960s-1990s. The opposite trend is observed for the 1930s-1950s and for the period from the 1990s till the beginning of the 21st century.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017;42(10):653-660
pages 653-660 views

On the correct use of cumulative applied climate indices for studying biological objects

Popova E., Yasyukevich V., Popov I.


The cumulative applied climate indices SAT and SET used in the Russian literature are considered in detail. These indices differ in calculation methods and, consequently, their values differ in different regions. The example is presented of the incorrect use of these indices by some authors for studying biological objects which leads to false conclusions. The method of calculation of the foreign applied climate index GDD is given. This index corresponds to the Russian index SET, and its interpretation as a counterpart of SAT is wrong.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017;42(10):661-664
pages 661-664 views

Long-term changes in the number and temperature of hot days in Georgia under global warming

Elizbarashvili E., Elizbarashvili M., Kutaladze N., Elizbarashvili S., Chelidze N.


Variations in the number of hot days, their frequency, intensity, and duration in Georgia are studied using observational data from 50 weather stations for the period of 1936-2013. The periods of the onset of hot days in the year and their maximum intensity in different physiographic conditions are identified. The zoning of Georgia was carried out according to the rate of changes in the number of hot days. The results enhance the understanding of climate change in Georgia under global warming conditions.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017;42(10):665-670
pages 665-670 views

Association between cloudiness and rainfall over Fars province in Iran

Halimi M., Rezaei M., Mohammadi C., Farajzadeh M.


Relationship between precipitation sum and cloud properties over Fars province in Iran was analyzed for the cases of light (4 mm), moderate (17 mm), and heavy (62 mm) precipitation. The cloud properties (temperature and pressure at the top, cloud optical thickness and cloud water path) were obtained from satellite data of spectoradiometer MODIS (MODO6). The spatial distribution of rainfall was obtained from the 3-hourly data of TRMM (3B42). The multivariate regression model was developed to predict the spatial distribution of rainfall. A strong significant positive association between the spatial distribution of cloud characteristics and heavy precipitation was found, while no clear correlation was revealed between light precipitation and cloud properties. The developed regression model comprised 64, 47, and 24% of spatial variance of heavy, moderate, and light rainfall, respectively. The influence of cloud water path on the spatial distribution of rainfall dominates.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017;42(10):671-676
pages 671-676 views


Analysis of early instrumental air temperature observations before and after the Tambora volcano eruption

Vakulenko N., Sonechkin D.


The study analyzes the recently summarized data on surface air temperature in the east of North America, in Western and Eastern Europe, and in India before and after the Tambora volcano eruption occurred in Indonesia in 1815. The well-known fact is proved that no cooling occurred after the Tambora eruption in the east of Europe and in India. It is found that the insignificant (at the decadal timescale) cooling was observed in all analyzed regions: it started earlier than the Tambora eruption and than the stronger eruption of another volcano in 1809. The paper demonstrates that it is impossible to reveal cause-effect relations between the general cooling and the eruption of the above volcanoes based on the available data on surface air temperature. Cold snaps that follow the later volcanic eruptions were identified by meteorologists using the data of the whole network of meteorological observations established in the second half of the 19th century. However, these cold snaps cannot be detected using data on surface air temperature only.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017;42(10):677-684
pages 677-684 views
pages 685-688 views
pages 689-690 views


Erratum to: “The usage of MTVZA-GYa satellite microwave radiometer observations in the data assimilation system of the Hydrometcenter of Russia”

Gayfulin D., Tsyrulnikov M., Uspensky A., Kramchaninova E., Uspensky S., Svirenko P., Gorbunov M.


Xo−H(Xf)=(Xo−Ht(Xt))+(Ht(Xt)−H(Xt))+(H(Xt)−H(Xf))==∑i=13ciPi+ηH+ηm+ηf.\(\begin{array}{*{20}c} {X^o - H(X^f ) = (X^o - H^t (X^t )) + (H^t (X^t ) - H(X^t )) + (H(X^t ) - H(X^f )) = } \\ { = \sum\limits_{i = 1}^3 {c_i P_i + \eta _H + \eta _m + \eta _f } .} \\ \end{array}\)

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017;42(10):691-691
pages 691-691 views

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