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Том 60, № 10 (2017)


Thermogravimetric Analysis of Moisture Desorption from Coal

Smirnov V., Manakov A., Dyrdin V., Khitsova L., Mikhaylova E., Ismagilov Z.


In coke production, the moisture content of the initial coal is an important parameter. The moisture present in the pores of coal changes the properties of the coking batch. Note also that, together with methane and/or carbon dioxide, water may form gaseous hydrates in the coal bed. In the present work, to study the state of the moisture in coal, attention focuses on eight samples of natural gas saturated to constant moisture content in an atmosphere where the relative partial pressure of water vapor is 91%. The moisture sorbed from the atmosphere has a U-shaped dependence on the metamorphic stage of the coal, with a minimum at coking coal (K coal). In similar conditions, the more mature T and A coal contains twice as much moisture as K coal, while the younger D and G coal contains about four times as much moisture. Thermogravimetric analysis of coal samples saturated to constant moisture content permits calculation of the rate of mass loss and activation energy for the evaporation of moisture in the heating of the given samples. For each coal sample, the temperature range where the evaporation of moisture may be described by a first-order Arrhenius equation is determined. The upper limit of this range is compared with the temperature corresponding to maximum rate of mass loss and also with the temperature corresponding to the maximum thermal effect.

Coke and Chemistry. 2017;60(10):375-379
pages 375-379 views

Flotational Enrichment of the Semidull Lithotype of Coking Coal

Semenova S., Patrakov Y., Kharlampenkova J., Klein M.


The flotation of the semidull lithotype of coking coal by means of various reagents is studied. In the separation of the organic and mineral components of fusinized coal, heteropolar reagents with ether groups prove most effective. In flotation by heteropolar OPSB and TPREG reagents alone or in the presence of apolar reagents, the concentrate yield is increased by 23–24%, with significantly lower reagent consumption than when using hydrocarbon compounds based on kerosene.

Coke and Chemistry. 2017;60(10):380-383
pages 380-383 views

Refined Estimates of the Biochemical Microelement Concentrations in Coal

Admakin L.


By determining the distribution function of the biochemical microelement concentrations on the basis of the gross concentrations in coal, better estimates of the concentrations in the paleophytomass may be obtained. The proposed method permits estimation of the biogeochemical concentrations at the significance level α = 0.05 for coal with low and relatively high microelement content. For coal with anomalous microelement content, α = 0.01.

Coke and Chemistry. 2017;60(10):384-386
pages 384-386 views

Hydraulic and Thermal Regulation of Coke Batteries with Unidirectional Gas Input and Product Output

Lipunov P., Chouurasia V., Patnaik B., Sahu I.


The problems arising in the operation of coke battery 3 at Rourkela Steel Plant (India) are considered. The design of coke battery 3 is described. It has an Otto system; the capacity of a single coking chamber is 21.6 m3. Hybrid heating is employed, and heating gas is supplied to the bottom of the chamber. A method is proposed for hydraulic regulation of the coke battery with unidirectional heating-gas input and product output.

Coke and Chemistry. 2017;60(10):387-392
pages 387-392 views


System for Final Cooling of Coke-Oven Gas and Byproduct Extraction at Durgapur Steel Plant

Mialitsyn A., Ekgauz V., Pokryshkin K., Dementyeva N., Zolotukhina T., Todi R., Guin A., Subrahmanya U.


A new system for final cooling of coke-oven gas has been installed in the byproduct-capture shop of the coke plant at Durgapur Steel Plant (India). This system, designed by AO VUKhIN under a contract with Bengal Tools Limited (now BTL EPC, India), also removes naphthalene from the gas and ensures the absorption and distillation of benzene. The main design features are outlined. The treatment technology for the coke-oven gas is described; along with the organization of the final cooling and the removal of naphthalene, the trapping of phenolic hydrocarbons by petroleum absorbent, and the distillation of absorbing oil. This system ensures the specified quality of the products—purified coke-oven gas and raw benzene.

Coke and Chemistry. 2017;60(10):393-396
pages 393-396 views

Interaction of Copper, Zinc, and Manganese Cations with Lignite and Humic Acids

Zherebtsov S., Malyshenko N., Bryukhovetskaya L., Ismagilov Z.


By IR Fourier spectroscopy, EPR, and 13C NMR analysis in solids, the sorption of copper, zinc, and manganese cations by various materials from aqueous solutions is studied. The materials considered are Tyul’gansk lignite, Tisul’sk lignite in unoxidized and oxidized forms, humic acids, and the coal residues remaining after separation of the humic acids. The zinc cations are sorbed by ion exchange; copper and manganese cations are sorbed by a mixed mechanism: ion exchange and complex formation. All the samples are selective in terms of sorption of the cations: Cu2+ > Zn2+ > Mn2+.

Coke and Chemistry. 2017;60(10):397-403
pages 397-403 views

Environmental Protection

Assessing the Sorption of Methane by Kuznetsk Basin Coking Coal

Kozyreva E., Nepeina E., Tsuran E., Plaksin M.


The physicochemical properties of Kuznetsk Basin coal are studied in the laboratory. The composition and specific surface of the coal samples are compared, as well as their adsorption of CO2 at different pressures and temperatures. In an atmosphere typical of a mineshaft, coal of moderate metamorphic development is characterized by the greatest sorptional potential in dynamic conditions. Current methods permit assessment of the sorptional properties of coking coal, regarded as a coal–methane system.

Coke and Chemistry. 2017;60(10):404-409
pages 404-409 views

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