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Vol 52, No 3 (2017)


Periodic products of groups

Adian S.I., Atabekyan V.S.


In this paper we provide an overview of the results relating to the n-periodic products of groups that have been obtained in recent years by the authors of the present paper, as well as some results obtained by other authors in this direction. The periodic products were introduced by S.I. Adian in 1976 to solve the Maltsev’s well-known problem. It was shown that the periodic products are exact, associative and hereditary for subgroups. They also possess some other important properties such as the Hopf property, the C*-simplicity, the uniform non-amenability, the SQ-universality, etc. It was proved that the n-periodic products of groups can uniquely be characterized by means of certain quite specific and simply formulated properties. These properties allow to extend to n-periodic products of various families of groups a number of results previously obtained for free periodic groups B(m, n). In particular,we describe the finite subgroups of n-periodic products, Also, we analyze and extend the simplicity criterion of n-periodic products obtained previously by S.I. Adian.

Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2017;52(3):111-117
pages 111-117 views

Differential Equations

The radius of convexity of particular functions and applications to the study of a second order differential inequality

Engel O., Páll-Szabó Á.O.


In this paper we determine the radius of convexity of particular functions. The obtained results are used to deduce sharp estimates regarding functions which satisfy a second order differential subordination. A lemma regarding starlikeness that involves the notion of convolution is established, and is used in order to obtain a sharp starlikeness condition.

Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2017;52(3):118-127
pages 118-127 views

A note on solutions of some differential-difference equations

Qi X., Liu Y., Yang L.


This research is a continuation of the recent paper by X. Qi and L. Yang [15]. In this paper, we continue our study concerning existence of solutions of a Fermat type differentialdifference equation, and improve the results obtained by K. Liu et al. in [8, 10].

Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2017;52(3):128-133
pages 128-133 views

Functional Analysis

Commutators of homogeneous fractional integrals on Herz-type Hardy spaces with variable exponent

Wang H.


Let Ω ∈ Ls(Sn−1), s ≥ 1, be a homogeneous function of degree zero, and let σ (0 < σ < n) and b be Lipschitz or BMO functions. In this paper, we establish the boundedness of the commutators [b, TΩ,σ], generated by a homogeneous fractional integral operator TΩ,σ and function b, on the Herz-type Hardy spaces with variable exponent.

Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2017;52(3):134-143
pages 134-143 views

Real and Complex Analysis

An entire function that shares a small function with a homogeneous differential polynomial

Lahiri I., Pal B.


In connection to a result of R. Brück,we study the uniqueness of an entire function when it shares a small function with a homogeneous differential polynomial.

Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2017;52(3):144-148
pages 144-148 views

On Haar series of A–integrable functions

Gevorkyan G.G., Navasardyan K.A.


In this paper we obtain a necessary and sufficient condition on the sequence of natural numbers {qn} such that the almost everywhere convergence of the cubic partial sums Sqn(x) of the multiple Haar series Σnanχn(x) and the condition lim inf \(\lambda \cdot mes\left\{ {x:\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {\sup } \\ n \end{array}\left| {S{}_{qn}\left( x \right)} \right| \succ \lambda } \right\} = 0\) , imply that the coefficients an can be uniquely determined by the sum of the series. Also, we have obtained a necessary and sufficient condition for the series \(\sum\limits_{n = 1}^\infty {{\varepsilon _n}{a_n}} {\chi _n}\left( x \right)\) with an arbitrary bounded sequence {εn} to be a Fourier-Haar series of an A-integrable function.

Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2017;52(3):149-160
pages 149-160 views

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