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Vol 51, No 3 (2016)


Method of induced activity for studying nuclear reactions on Pb and Sn isotopes

Balabekyan A.R., Gaginyan S.V., Drnoyan J.R.


Nuclear reactions at the interaction of particles with heavy targets were studied using the method of induced activity. This method permits an investigation of the mechanism of residual nuclei formation in a wide range of nuclear masses beginning from light nuclei up to the nuclei with masses near to the target mass. The results of investigations of nuclear reactions on separated isotopes of lead (206Pb, 207Pb, 208Pb) and tin (118Sn) isotope performed using the method of induced activity are given.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2016;51(3):211-217
pages 211-217 views

Model standards in nuclear physics methods for determination of an event date

Pop O.M., Stets M.V.


The method of standard sets is considered without use of a reference sample. In this method a set of ordered sequences of the activities of 232Th, 235U and 238U series radionuclides is used. The ordering of nuclide activities is determined by solving a system of Bateman–Rubinson differential equations. The calculated activities of nuclides are arranged in the form of a table of standards. The table of standards serves as an internal mathematical reference (the reference sample).

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2016;51(3):218-221
pages 218-221 views

Interaction of qubits in Furry–Magnus approach

Abovyan G.A., Kryuchkyan G.Y.


The system of qubits interacting with the perturbation field of an arbitrary envelope in the Furry representation based on the Magnus expansion in quantum electrodynamics is investigated. The general expressions for quantum transitions for probabilities between the states of a qubit are derived. The generalizations of this approach to the system of two interacting qubits are presented.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2016;51(3):222-228
pages 222-228 views

Expansions of the solutions of the biconfluent Heun equation in terms of incomplete Beta and Gamma functions

Ishkhanyan T.A., Pashayan-Leroy Y., Gevorgyan M.R., Leroy C., Ishkhanyan A.M.


Considering the equations for some functions involving the first or the second derivatives of the biconfluent Heun function, we construct two expansions of the solutions of the biconfluent Heun equation in terms of incomplete Beta functions. The first series applies single Beta functions as expansion functions, while the second one involves a combination of two Beta functions. The coefficients of expansions obey four- and five-term recurrence relations, respectively. It is shown that the proposed technique is potent to produce series solutions in terms of other special functions. Two examples of such expansions in terms of the incomplete Gamma functions are presented.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2016;51(3):229-236
pages 229-236 views

Threshold properties of free electron lasers without inversion

Klochkov D.N., Gevorgyan A.H., Izmailian N.S., Oganesyan K.B.


It is shown that the possibility to create the free electron laser without inversion (FELWI) has a threshold behavior on the field of intensity of amplified wave. In the collective approach, the description of threshold conditions is given. It is shown that the threshold of observation of amplification without inversion is sufficiently high, which hampers essentially the possibility of experimental realization of the FELWI.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2016;51(3):237-243
pages 237-243 views

Influence of self-phase modulation on coherent effects in five-level system

Gazazyan E.A., Grigoryan G.G.


The possibility of formation of a coherent dark state in the five-level system in the entire volume of the medium in an adiabatic pulse propagation is investigated. It is shown that the dark state formation is independent on the value of the first two-photon detuning from the resonance, which may be changed during the propagation in the medium. In the case of the M-type system with the equal strengths of oscillators at the extreme transitions it is shown that the self-phase modulation does not influence the coherent effects while in the ladder-type system it may lead to the destruction of the dark state. The estimation of the length of the medium in which the propagation effects are negligible is obtained.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2016;51(3):244-249
pages 244-249 views

Adiabatic transfer of population in five-level system in the absence of four-photon resonance

Tikhova O.S.


The influence of the nonzero four-photon detuning on the adiabatic transfer of population in five-level system has been studied both analytically and numerically. The estimations determining the permissible variation of the four-photon detuning have been obtained, which are well confirmed by numerical calculations.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2016;51(3):250-255
pages 250-255 views

Optical properties of human jawbone and human bone substitute Cerabone® in the terahertz range

Nikoghosyan А.S., Ting H., Shen J., Мartirosyan R.М., Tunyan M.Y., Papikyan А.V., Papikyan А.А.


The refractive indices n(ω) and absorption coefficients α(ω) of the jawbone and the human bone substitute Cerabone® were determined in vitro by the terahertz (THz) time-domain spectroscopy (TDS) in a wide frequency range from 0.2 to 2.5 THz. It is shown that the refractive index of the human jawbone changes between the values of 2.075 and 2.157, and of the Cerabone® between 2.4 and 2.65. The absorption coefficient of the human jawbone increases depending on the frequency from 1.7 cm–1 to 178.5 cm–1, showing several resonance absorption lines at the values greater than 1.6 THz. The absorption coefficient of Cerabone® increases from zero to 80 cm–1, and the resonance absorption occurs at 1.7 THz. The obtained results allow us to determine the proximity of the physical properties of the bone transplantation material Cerabone® with the natural bone matrix.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2016;51(3):256-264
pages 256-264 views

Identification of molecules through the fluorescence enhancement by a metal tip

Nerkararyan S.K.


A fluorescence enhancement phenomenon, which is realized as a result of a sharp increase in the radiative decay rate of a quantum dipole emitter (QDE) is investigated theoretically in the vicinity of a conical metal tip. The QDE relaxation process is considered as a self-stimulated transition from an excited state into the ground state due to the feedback field formation from the tip. The dynamics of the system shows a stepped relaxation behavior that differs significantly from the conventional exponential decay. This effect can be observed in a small region of the resonance frequency, which is defined by an angle of conical tip. The increase of fluorescence when approaching of molecule to the metal tip on the surface enables one to determine its location.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2016;51(3):265-269
pages 265-269 views

Forced convection in nanoparticles doped nematics without reorientation

Hakobyan M.R., Hakobyan R.S.


The problem of forced convection in the cell of nanoparticles doped nematic liquid crystal with both boundaries being free, plane and isotherm is considered. These boundary conditions, offered by Rayleigh, allow us to get simple and exact solution for boundary-value problem, from which its most important peculiarities can be clearly seen. Particularly, there appears a possibility to induce convection without reorientation of liquid crystal director. It was shown that nanoparticles could have significant influence on the convection.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2016;51(3):270-275
pages 270-275 views

Intensities of optical transitions of Nd3+ ions in Pb(MoO4)x(WO4)1–x crystals

Aghamalyan N.R., Kostanyan R.B., Hovsepyan R.K., Muzhikyan P.H., Nersisyan M.N.


Based on an analysis of absorption spectra from 4I9/2 ground state to the excited states of Nd3+ ions in Pb(MoO4)x(WO4)1–x crystals, the main spectroscopic characteristics, including the probabilities of intermultiplet transitions and radiative lifetimes, are determined with the help of Judd–Ofelt method. The values of Judd–Ofelt parameters Ω2 = 8.91 × 10–20 cm2, Ω4 = 4.50 × 10–20 cm2, and Ω6 = 3.89 × 10–20 cm2 are obtained for Nd3+ ions in Pb(MoO4)x(WO4)1–x crystals. The calculated radiative lifetime is compared with experimentally measured luminescence decay time.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2016;51(3):276-283
pages 276-283 views

X-ray phase contrast imaging with optical magnification using three-block interferometer with bi-level Fresnel zone plates

Haroutunyan L.A.


The possibility of X-ray phase contrast imaging using already suggested three-block interferometer consisting of bi-level Fresnel zone plates is considered. The interferometer operates in the amplitude-division mode and does not impose strong requirements to spatial and temporal coherences of an initial radiation. The use of the Fresnel zone plates as the interferometer blocks allows one to obtain an optically magnified image of an object and to condense the radiation incident on the tested object.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2016;51(3):284-288
pages 284-288 views

X-ray interferometric Fourier holography

Balyan M.K.


An X-ray interferometric Fourier holography was proposed and theoretically investigated. X-ray Interferometric Young fringes and the reconstruction of an object image were investigated by the Fourier transform method. It was shown that on the output surface of the analyzer crystal (the third plate of the interferometer) the interference pattern of two slits gives X-ray interferometric Young fringes. An expression for the period of X-ray interferometric Young fringes was obtained. The subsequent reconstruction of the slit image as an object is conducted by means of the Fourier transform method of intensity distribution on the hologram. Three methods for reconstruction of the function of complex transmission of the object are presented: an analytical one–the approximate method, the iteration method and the step-by-step approach. As examples a recording of X-ray interferometric Fourier hologram and the reconstruction of the function of complex amplitude transmission of a beryllium circular cylinder are given.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2016;51(3):289-298
pages 289-298 views

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