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Том 67, № 4 (2018)


Biologically active azolo-1,2,4-triazines and azolopyrimidines

Rusinov V., Charushin V., Chupakhin O.


The review presents current data on the methods of synthesis and biological activity of purine-isosteric azolo-annulated 1,2,4-triazines and pyrimidines with a bridgehead nitrogen atom, which are among the most promising classes of biologically active compounds.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(4):573-599
pages 573-599 views

Quantum dots in proteomic studies and medical diagnostics

Gladyshev P., Tumanov Y., Ibragimova S., Kouznetsov V., Gribova E.


Modern medical diagnostics requires the detection of minor amounts of target proteins at the background of numerous different biological components. With rare exception, these problems cannot be solved by purely physical research methods. In this case, the simplest and efficient approach is concerned with the principles of complementary affine interactions of biopolymers. In this case, high sensitivity of the analysis is achieved by the introduction of labels with certain physical properties in affinity bioreagents. This review is focused on the development of proteomic studies and medical diagnostics with the use of colloidal quantum dots (QDs) as labels in affinity bioreagents. This review is devoted to the description of in vitro proteomic approaches used in the studies and diagnostics, where the problem related to toxicity is not as crucial as in therapy and no restrictions on the types and composition of QDs are imposed. In this case, QDs are considered to be one of the key components of a bioanalytical system. The problems of proteomic medical diagnostics are discussed from the viewpoint of analytical chemistry with the account for the structure and properties of macromolecular analytes and appropriate bioreagents.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(4):600-613
pages 600-613 views

Aspartic and glutamic acids polymers: preparation and applications in medicinal chemistry and pharmaceutics

Maslova O., Senko O., Efremenko E.


The methods of the fabrication of polymers based on aspartic and glutamic acids as monomers are reviewed. The methods are perspective from the viewpoint of green chemistry and economics. Actual tendencies existing in the application of the polymers in medicinal chemistry and pharmaceutics are also considered. The results of using mentioned polymers of amino acids to obtain stable nanosized enzymatic complex drugs, based on organophosphate hydrolase and possessing both antibacterial and antineurotoxic action are presented. The drugs are effective destructors of N-acyl homoserine lactones, playing the role of signaling molecules for the quorum response of gram-negative bacteria. These enzymatic-polymer complexes in combination with well-known antibiotics reduce antimicrobial doses inhibiting growth of the pathogens.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(4):614-623
pages 614-623 views

Mechanism of action of anti-opioid peptides at pain syndrome

Levashova A., Myagkova M.


An important goal of modern medicinal chemistry is to study the mechanisms of pain and analgesia in order to design effective analgesic drugs. Opioid analgesics are the gold standard for the treatment of severe pain; however, the use of opiates is associated with the development of side effects which are, in particular, related to the activation of the anti-opioid system. Mammalians synthesize a number of endogenous peptides, such as orphanin FGGFTGARKSARKLANQ, neuropeptide FF (FLFQPQRF-NH2), tripeptide melanostatin (MIF) PLG-NH2, as well as related compounds. These anti-opioid peptides are to one extent or another involved in homeostatic control of transmission of pain impulses. The present review includes the data published to date in domestic and foreign literature on the involvement of these peptides in such undesirable phenomena as inhibition of opioid analgesia, development of opioid tolerance and dependence, and hyperalgesia. Cell-cell and molecular ligand-receptor and receptor-receptor interactions of the opioid and anti-opioid systems are considered. These data can be useful for the design of new pharmaceuticals for pain relief. The generalization and study of these mechanisms are reflected in various approaches to treatment of pain syndromes and require analysis and further investigation.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(4):624-635
pages 624-635 views

Effect of the hyaluronidase microe nvironment on the enzyme structure–function relationship and computational study of the in silico molecular docking of chondroitin sulfate and heparin short fragments to hyaluronidase

Maksimenko A., Beabealashvili R.


The review addresses the biochemical interactions of hyaluronidases with components of the natural microenvironment. The effect of subtle structural differences between ligands on the enzyme structure–function relationship regulation is noted. Docking of chondroitin sulfate (CS) trimers (hexasaccharides) and heparin tetramers (octasaccharides) to the 3D model of the bovine testicular hyaluronidase (BTH) was performed by computational chemistry methods in order to elucidate the mechanism of regulation of the enzyme functioning in the body (using virtual screening, molecular dynamics, and calculation of surface electrostatic potential of protein complexes). Several binding sites for glycosaminoglycan (GAG) ligands were found to occur on the hyaluronidase surface. They are identical for CS trimers and heparin tetramers. The calculations showed the possibility of both reversible and irreversible conformational changes of the 3D structure of BTH, depending on the arrangement of negatively charged ligands on its globule. When the changes are irreversible, Glu-149 and Asp-147, which are key amino acid residues for the catalytic activity of BTH, can migrate from the vicinity of the native enzyme active site to the periphery of the protein molecule, thus inducing enzyme inactivation. The interaction of the GAG ligands with the BTH active site is mainly caused by electrostatic forces. Four or five binding sites of the chondroitin sulfate trimer proved to be critical for stabilization of the enzyme structure. Their occupation was sufficient for preventing irreversible deformation of the BTH molecule upon the insertion of the heparin ligand into the active site cavity. Protein stabilization is accompanied by the formation of a particular form of the surface electrostatic potential.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(4):636-646
pages 636-646 views

Full Article

Optimization of signal-to-noise ratio in the in vivo31P magnetic resonance spectra of the human brain

Manzhurtsev A., Semenova N., Akhadov T., Bozhko O., Varfolomeev S.


The main problem in 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy is a low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of spectra acquired with clinical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanners. Using spin-spin phosphorus-proton (31P-1H) decoupling and heteronuclear Overhauser effect and taking into account the effect of the longitudinal relaxation time T1 on the SNR, the method for localization and excitation of the region of interest (Image Selected in vivo Spectroscopy pulse sequence) was optimized to increase the SNR in the 31P magnetic resonance spectra of the human brain to ~50% without increasing signal acquisition time.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(4):647-654
pages 647-654 views

Cerebral quantification of N-acetyl aspartate, aspartate, and glutamate levels in local structures of the human brain using J-editing of 1H magnetic resonance spectra in vivo

Menshchikov P., Semenova N., Manzhurtsev A., Akhadov T., Varfolomeev S.


A procedure was developed for the first time for simultaneous in vivo quantification of local aspartate and glutamate concentrations in the human brain using 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H MRS) and spectral J-editing. The MEGA-PRESS pulse sequence was modified to observe β-CH2 nonequivalent proton resonances of aspartate (δ 2.65 and 2.80) and glutamate (δ 2.04 and 2.12) overlapped by signals of other metabolites. The frequencies, frequency selective pulse durations, and optimal echo times were selected by simulation and experimentally (for phantoms and in the brain in vivo).

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(4):655-662
pages 655-662 views

3α,14α,22R,25-Tetrahydroxy-5β(H)-cholest-7-en-6-one, a phytoecdysteroid from Acanthophyllum gypsophiloides possessing anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities

Tuleuov B., Zavarzin I., Shashkov A., Chernoburova E., Adekenov S.


A representative of the ecdysteroid series, 3α,14α,22R,25-tetrahydroxy-5β(H)-cholest-7- en-6-one, possessing anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities, was isolated from a water—ethanol extract of the aerial part of Acanthophyllum gypsophiloides Regel after chromatographic removal of non-polar components.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(4):663-666
pages 663-666 views

Synthesis of nitrogen-containing derivatives of 17(20)-pregnenoic, 17β-hydroxypregnanoic, and 17α-hydroxypregnanoic acids as new potential antiandrogens

Zolottsev V., Kostin V., Novikov R., Tkachev Y., Zavialova M., Taratynova M., Latysheva A., Zazulina O., Timofeev V., Misharin A.


A general scheme for the synthesis of oxazoline and benzoxazole derivatives of [17(20)E]-21-norpregnene differing in the structure of the steroid moiety as well as amides of 17β-hydroxy-3-oxopregn-4-en-21-oic and 17α-hydroxy-3-oxopregn-4-en-21-oic acids was developed. The scheme involved synthesis of the steroid building blocks (appropriately protected derivatives of pregn-17(20)-en-21-oic, 17β-hydroxypregnan-21-oic, and 17α-hydroxypregnan-21-oic acids) and subsequent transformation of these building blocks into the target compounds. Following the developed scheme, synthesis of new nitrogen-containing steroid derivatives exhibiting antiandrogenic activity was enabled.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(4):667-681
pages 667-681 views

Oxazoline derivatives of [17(20)E]-21-norpregnene – inhibitors of CYP17A1 activity and proliferation of prostate carcinoma cells

Kostin V., Latysheva A., Zolottsev V., Tkachev Y., Timofeev V., Kuzikov A., Shumyantseva V., Morozevich G., Misharin A.


Nine new oxazolinyl derivatives of [17(20)E]-21-norpregnene, differing in the structure of steroid moiety, were investigated for their potency to inhibit the CYP17A1 catalytic activity, as well as growth and proliferation of LNCaP and PC-3 prostate carcinoma cell lines. The activity of one of the investigated compounds, 2´-{[(E)3β-hydroxyandrost-5-en-17-ylidene]methyl}-4´,5´-dihydro-1´,3´-oxazole (1), was found to be comparable with that of Abiraterone, a known inhibitor of CYP17A1 used for treatment of prostate cancer. A model of the interaction of oxazoline 1 with the active site of CYP17A1 was constructed by the molecular dynamics method. A correlation was found between the structure and the biological activity in the series of [17(20)E]-21-norpregnene oxazolinyl derivatives.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(4):682-687
pages 682-687 views

Synthesis of steroid analogs of tubuloclustin, their cytotoxicity and effect on microtubules of A549 carcinoma cells

Nurieva E., Zefirov N., Mamaeva A., Wobith B., Kuznetsov S., Zefirova O.


Synthesis of analogs of tubuloclustin (N-(7-adamant-2-yloxy-7-oxoheptanoyl)-N-deacetylcolchicine (1)) with the colchicine fragment replaced with 2-methoxyestradiol scaffold attached via phenolic hydroxy group was described. Esters 3a–c exhibit moderate cytotoxicity (EC50 = 5–6 μmol L–1) and exert a weak effect on the microtubule network in A549 human lung carcinoma cells similar to the clustering effect of tubuloclustin and its derivatives. Conjugates 6a–c and 7a–c with the phenolic ester bond are low stable and compounds 7a–c are inactive to the microtubules of A549 cells, while compounds 6a–c cause an unusual effect of curling of the microtubules.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(4):688-693
pages 688-693 views

Synthesis of oxalic acid derivatives and their antitumor activity in experiments in vivo

Fedorov B., Goncharova S., Rajevskaya T., Eremeev A., Utenyshev A., Fadeev M., Bogdanov G., Konovalova N., Aldoshin S.


A series of amino acid derivatives of oxalic acid were obtained. In combination therapy with conventional cytostatics used in lower doses, the new compounds substantially increase the efficacy of the drugs in the treatment of experimental P388 murine leukemia and some its drug-resistant strains.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(4):694-699
pages 694-699 views

Sulfur-containing phenolic antioxidants increasing antitumor efficiency of cyclophosphamide and its combination with nitric oxide donor

Bogatyrenko T., Kandalintseva N., Sashenkova T., Mishchenko D.


Due to the multifactorial nature of cancer diseases, investigations of combinations of the known cytostatics with substances that are chemosensitizers and act on various molecular target in the organism gain increasing significance. Polyfunctional compounds, whose molecules contain several reaction centers, serve as resources improving the efficiency of the chemosensitizing effect of various substances for chemotherapy by cytostatic agents. Classical representatives of such polyfunctional substances are sulfur-containing derivatives of alkylated phenols, the high oxidation activity of which is determined by a combination of the antiradical activity of the phenol fragments with the antiperoxide activity of the sulfur-containing groups. It is shown that the sulfur-containing phenolic antioxidant sodium S-[3-(3-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl) propyl] thiosulfate (TC-13) has no antitumor activity but enhances chemotherapeutic activity of cytostatic cyclophosphamide taken in a subtherapeutic dose, increasing the index of average life span of mice with leukemia P388 from 196 to 283%. In addition, a combination of TC-13 with the nitric oxide donor (NaNO2) increases the antitumor activity of cytostatic cyclophosphamide by 110% for the same experimental model of mice at 50% survived animals.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(4):700-704
pages 700-704 views

Xymedon conjugate with biogenic acids. Antioxidant properties of a conjugate of Xymedon with l-ascorbic acid

Vyshtakalyuk A., Semenov V., Sudakov I., Bushmeleva K., Gumarova L., Parfenov A., Nazarov N., Galyametdinova I., Zobov V.


Antiradical activity and antioxidant properties of a conjugate of Xymedon with l-ascorbic acid were studied. In contrast to Xymedon, a conjugate of Xymedon with l-ascorbic acid was found to react with free radicals. Pro-oxidant activity of the conjugate of Xymedon with l-ascorbic acid in a chemiluminescence system is weaker as compared to individual l-ascorbic acid. This is the evidence of the increase in the stability of ascorbic acid upon conjugation with a molecule of Xymedon. Conjugate of Xymedon with l-ascorbic acid facilitates the decrease in the concentration of a lipid peroxidation product (malondialdehyde) and the activity of superoxide dismutase in liver and serum of laboratory animals exposed to intoxication with a known hepatotropic toxin CCl4. This observation shows the contribution of the antioxidant action to the hepatoprotective effect of the studied Xymedon derivative.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(4):705-711
pages 705-711 views

Synthesis and study of new phenolic antioxidants with nitroaromatic and heterocyclic substituents

Mikhalev O., Shpakovsky D., Gracheva Y., Antonenko T., Albov D., Aslanov L., Milaeva E.


New polyfunctional aromatic, nitroaromatic, and heterocyclic compounds linked to the 2,6-di-tert-butylphenol moiety via –NH–, –C(O)NH–, –S–, or–C=N– spacers were synthesized. These structures provide intramolecular charge transfer (ICT) and exhibit antioxidant activity. The structures of the new compounds were established by X-ray diffraction. The novel compounds were evaluated for antioxidant activity using the DPPH assay. The presence of the 2,4,6-trinitrophenyl moiety in combination with the –NH– spacer leads to a considerable increase in the antioxidant activity of 2,6-di-tert-butylphenols. These compounds are also weak lipoxygenase inhibitors. The results of this study provide an opportunity to search for new types of antioxidants with ICT.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(4):712-720
pages 712-720 views

Antistress properties of sodium 1-N-acetylamino-1-carboxy-2-(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)propionate

Zhigacheva I., Rasulov M.


The effect of a spatially-hindered phenol, namely sodium 1-N-acetylamino-1-carboxy-2-(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)propionate, on the functionality of mitochondria of rat liver was studied. Stress impact caused a 3 to 4-fold increase in the fluorescence intensity of the products of lipid peroxidation (LPO) in the membranes of these organelles. The preparation reduced the intensity of LPO to the control level, which was conductive to maintaining high functional activity of the mitochondria. Prevention of mitochondrial dysfunction was probably associated with an increase in the resistance of animals to stress factors.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(4):721-725
pages 721-725 views

Pro- and antioxidant characteristics of natural thiols

Zinatullina K., Kasaikina O., Kuzmin V., Khrameeva N.


In aqueous solutions at physiological temperature, the mechanism of antioxidative action of natural thiols (glutathione, cysteine, and homocysteine) mainly involves reactions with reactive oxygen species (ROS), peroxyl radicals and hydrogen peroxide. Reduction of hydrogen peroxide by thiols is accompanied by radical generation. The kinetic characteristics of these processes, including those for the reactions of hydrogen peroxide and glutathione immobilized on solid supports such as sodium montmorillonite (clay) and cellulose were determined. Prooxidative effects of thiols are related with the reactions of thiyl radicals formed in the exchange reactions of thiols with other radicals and in the reactions between thiols and hydroperoxides. Thiyl radicals are known to react easily with double bonds. Resveratrol and caffeic acid, phenolic antioxidants containing double bond in their molecules, were shown to be consumed when reacted with glutathione and the process accelerated in the presence of hydrogen peroxide.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(4):726-730
pages 726-730 views

Synthesis and biological activity of fluorine-containing amino derivatives based on 4-caranethiol

Sudarikov D., Krymskaya Y., Il’chenko N., Slepukhin P., Rubtsova S., Kutchin A.


Fluorine-containing N-substituted sulfinamides were synthesized via 4-caranethiol-based sulfenimines and sulfinimines. Stereochemical features of oxidation of sulfenimines and addition of fluorine-containing reagents to sulfinimines were discussed. Antimicrobial activities of the obtained compounds were screened.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(4):731-742
pages 731-742 views

Multicomponent reactions in the synthesis of dihydropyrimidine-containing podands having tuberculostatic activity

Fedorova O., Filatova E., Titova Y., Kravchenko M., Medvinskiy I., Rusinov G., Charushin V.


Dihydropyrimidinethione podands, as well as podands containing 2-thienyl substituents have been synthesized via the multicomponent Biginelli reaction. Tuberculostatic activity of the novel podands was shown to depend on the polyether unit length. In particular, activity of dihydropyrimidinethione podands against laboratory strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, H37Rv, M. avium, M. terrae, and the clinical strain of multi-drug resistant M. tuberculosis (MDR), increases with a shortening of the polyether unit length.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(4):743-746
pages 743-746 views

Development of a polymer system for the delivery of daunorubicin to tumor cells to overcome drug resistance

Nikolskaya E., Faustova M., Mollaev M., Zhunina O., Sokol M., Yabbarov N., Gukasova N., Lobanov A., Shvets V., Severin E.


Method for the synthesis of polymeric nanoparticles (NP) with encapsulated daunorubicin (DNR) was developed on the basis of double emulsion solvent evaporation technique using biodegradable poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA), which is aimed at customization of pharmacokinetic properties of the preparation, enhanced accumulation of DNR in tumor cells and prolongation of its action. The obtained polymer nanoparticles (DNR-PLGA) had average size ranging around 138±36 nm, with zeta-potential of –25.3 mV and the polydispersity index (PDI) of 0.072. The release kinetics of DNR from polymer nanoparticles at pH 7.4 and 5.0 has been studied. In vitro studies showed similar specific activity of DNR- PLGA in K562 and MCF-7 cancer cell lines together with an increase in activity in K562 Adr and MCF-7 Adr cell lines, which are anthracycline resistant, by 1.6 and 3.4 times. The study demonstrated the efficacy of the developed PLGA-based DNR delivery system in the improvement of antitumor effect of DNR, overcoming multidrug resistance in cancer cells, and also in the decrease in nonspecific toxicity of the preparation.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(4):747-756
pages 747-756 views

Macromolecular systems and nanocomposites based on N-succinylchitosan and silver nanoparticles

Alexandrova V., Revina A., Busev S., Sadykova V.


A water-soluble chitosan derivative, namely, N-succinylchitosan (NS-Chit), was used as a matrix for the formation of silver nanoparticles (AgNP) by metal ion re duction under influence of microwave irradiation in the presence of D-glucose as a reducing agent. The electron plasmon resonance spectra (λmax = 410 nm) obtained for the irradiated solutions were typical of spherical silver nanoparticles. The in vitro tests confirmed a high bactericidal activity of the colloidal solution containing AgNP in a NS-Chit polymer matrix against strains of grampositive bacteria, namely, Bacillus subtillus (ATCC 6633), B. coagulans (429), and Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 21027).

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(4):757-761
pages 757-761 views

Detection of natural antibodies to endogenous bioregulators for the diagnostics of the functional state of the body

Myagkova M., Petrochenko S., Morozova V.


An immunological method for the detection of natural antibodies (NAb) to endogenous bioregulators (β-endorphin, orphanin, angiotensin, serotonin, dopamine, histamine, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), and glutamate) has been developed for the evaluation of the functional state of the human body. The antibody level was determined at various stages of exercises during the period of sport training. A relationship was established between the change in the NAb level and the increased training load or the duration of exercises. The difference in the NAb levels for athletes specializing in Greco-Roman wrestling, soccer, and hockey was established. The initially high values for orphanin, GABA, and glutamate were found in hockey players, while these indicators in wrestlers were dynamically increased during the training process. Immunological indicators for soccer players were close to the physiologically normal ones and were similar to the parameters of people engaged in sports and recreational gymnastics. It was demonstrated that the diagnostic tests for the detection of natural antibodies to the listed biomolecules could have a practical application to evaluate the effectiveness of the functional state of the human body.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(4):762-767
pages 762-767 views

The complex of zinc with N-(5,6-dihydro-4H-1,3-thiazine-2-yl)benzamide

Trofimova T., Orlova M., Severin A., Shalamova E., Proshin A., Orlov A.


A complex of zinc with N-(5,6-dihydro-4H-1,3-thiazin-2-yl)benzamide (L) ligand, LZnCl2, was synthesized for subsequent medical trials. The molar extinction coefficients were determined for LHBr solutions in water and physiological saline, and for LZnCl2 ethanol solution. The ligand stability in various solvents was evaluated and the value of its protonation constant was found for the physiological saline solution, logK = 5.3±0.2. The impossibility of determination of the complex stability constant by the potentiometric titration method was demonstrated. The complex exhibited an insufficient stability in aqueous and physiological saline solutions, but was stable as the solution in alcohol. There was no sorption observed upon the treatment of ligand with hydroxyapatite nanoparticles, which could be a potential carrier for the therapeutic form of LZnCl2, providing additional degrees of freedom for the interaction of ligand with cell membranes and a prolonged action of zinc ions.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(4):768-773
pages 768-773 views

Complex 69mZnLigCl2 (Lig is N-(5,6-dihydro-4H-1,3-thiazin-2-yl)benzamide) as a potential radiopharmaceutical

Orlova M., Trofimova T., Orlov A., Ivanov I., Severin A., Aleshin G., Belyshev S., Vasiliev A., Kalmykov S.


The cytotoxicity of complex 69mZnLigCl2 (Lig is N-(5,6-dihydro-4H-1,3-thiazin-2-yl) benzamide) against the K-562 cell line (chronic myeloid leukemia) was considered in comparison with the cells of healthy donors. The 69mZnLigCl2 complex was obtained and characterized by TLC and autoradiography methods. The kinetics of zinc sorption on hydroxyapatite was studied.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2018;67(4):774-778
pages 774-778 views

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