
A carbon composite based on pyrolyzed diphthalocyanines for immobilization of high-level waste from nuclear industry
Tikhonov V., Kapustin V., Lebedev V., Sovestnov A., Bairamukov V., Mishin K.
Numerical Modeling of Leaching of Aluminophosphate Glass in the Batch Mode in the Presence of Bentonite
Boldyrev K., Martynov K., Kryuchkov D., Zakharova E., Ermolaev V.
Influence of the Compound Composition on Its Strength in Cementation of Spent Oils
Volkova T., Samus’ M., Tananaev I.
Magnesium Potassium Phosphate Compound for Radioactive Waste Immobilization: Phase Composition, Structure, and Physicochemical and Hydrolytic Durability
Vinokurov S., Kulikova S., Krupskaya V., Myasoedov B.
Interaction of plutonium with iron- and chromium-containing precipitates under the conditions of reservoir bed for liquid radioactive waste
Romanchuk A., Gusev I., Vlasova I., Petrov V., Kuzmenkova N., Egorova B., Zakharova E., Volkova A., Kalmykov S.
Structure and hydrolytic durability of a glass containing waste from spent tributyl phosphate reprocessing
Stefanovsky S., Barinova E.
Sorption of Cesium from Alkaline Solutions onto Resorcinol-Formaldehyde Sorbents
Milyutin V., Zelenin P., Kozlov P., Remizov M., Kondrutskii D.
Use of Reactor Palladium for Immobilization of Transuranium Elements
Pokhitonov Y.
Development of a technology for protecting groundwater from 137Cs on the territory of the BN-350 reactor facility
Bulenova K., Panova E., Blynskiy P., Yakovlev I., Zhaksybekova K.
Membrane–sorption technology for reprocessing liquid radioactive waste from nuclear reactors
Epimakhov V., Moskvin L., Prokhorkin S., Oleinik M.
Sorption of 90Sr onto Manganese Oxides Prepared in Aqueous-Ethanol Media
Ivanets A., Milyutin V., Prozorovich V., Kuznetsova T., Petrovskaya A., Nekrasova N.
Diffusion of some critical radionuclides in mineral-like ceramic materials
Tsvetkov V., Ivanov I., Nechaev A.
Geochemical model of the environmental impact of low-level radioactive sludge repositories in the course of their decommissioning
Boguslavskii A., Gas’kova O., Shemelina O.
A New Method for Removing and Binding Th(IV) and Other Radionuclides by In Situ Formation of a Sorbent Based on Fibrous Cerium(IV) Hydrogen Phosphate in Liquid Media
Romanchuk A., Shekunova T., Petrov V., Baranchikov A., Ivanova O., Erov K., Ivanov V., Kalmykov S.
Processes for treatment of liquid radioactive waste containing seawater
Avramenko V., Egorin A., Papynov E., Sokol’nitskaya T., Tananaev I., Sergienko V.
Geochemical aspects of environmentally safe conservation of liquid radioactive waste
Razvorotneva L., Boguslavskii A., Markovich T.
Electrolytic Method for Preparing Chemically Resistant Alloys for Americium Immobilization
Ivanov V., Popov I.
Effect of thermal annealing on the properties of borobasalt systems containing simulated radioactive waste from pyroelectrochemical technology
Ivanov V., Kuznetsov D., Popov I.
Role of simple anionic ligands in deep decontamination of liquid radioactive waste
Vinnitskii V., Nechaev A., Chugunov A.
First Data on the Efficiency of the Conservation of the Near-Surface Radioactive Waste Repository at the Former Radium Extraction Plant
Rachkova N.
Behavior of U(VI) under the Conditions of a Reservoir Bed for Liquid Radioactive Waste
Gusev I., Romanchuk A., Vlasova I., Zakharova E., Volkova A., Kalmykov S.
Microbiological treatment of oil-containing radioactive waste prior to cementation
Tregubova V., Safonov A., Babich T., Proshin I., Zakharova E., German K.
A rapid method for analysis of radioactive waste for the presence of fuel matrix components
Stepanov A., Simirskii Y., Semin I., Volkovich A.
Influence of pressure (temperature) on the nitric acid distribution between the liquid and vapor in the course of evaporation of nitric acid radioactive waste
Zilberman B., Ryabkov D., Puzikov E., Andreeva E., Mishina N.
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