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Volume 60, Nº 1 (2018)


Stereochemistry of Neptunium in Oxygen-Containing Compounds

Serezhkin V., Serezhkina L.


Coordination of Np(III–VII) atoms in the crystal structures of all the oxygen-containing compounds characterized with the R-factor lower than 0.1 was analyzed with the aid of Voronoi–Dirichlet polyhedra (VDPs). Nine types of NpOn coordination polyhedra (6 ≤ n ≤ 12) are realized. The most characteristic of them are trigonal dodecahedra [Np(IV)], penta- and hexagonal bipyramids [Np(V) and Np(VI)], and octahedra [Np(VII)] based on square NpO4 cores. For Np atoms of a fixed oxidation state, the volume of their VDPs in the NpOn complexes is virtually independent of the coordination number n. The VDP parameters can be used for determining the valence state of the Np atoms, finding compounds with the maximal nonlinearity of the NpO2+ and NpO22+ dioxocations, and revealing errors in the crystal structure data. Anion–anion interactions involving NpO4 and OH ions are an important structure-forming factor in Np(VII) compounds. In sublattices consisting of Np atoms only (Np sublattices), the rule of 14 neighbors is fulfilled. Compounds in which binding Np···Np 5f interactions in crystal structures are possible were revealed by analysis of the VDPs of the atoms in the Np sublattices. In such compounds, the metal atoms form bent Np=O–Np bridging fragments and the NpVO7 bipyramids are combined in dimers sharing a common axial edge, with the Np atoms of the dimers being also bound via two carboxylate bridges.

Radiochemistry. 2018;60(1):1-12
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Synthesis of M(NpO4)2·nH2O (M = Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba) Using Н3ВО3 Solutions and Properties of These Salts

Krot N., Charushnikova I., Bessonov A.


Two procedures for preparing the compounds M(NpO4)2·nH2O (M = Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba) using boric acid were suggested. In the first procedure, samples of freshly prepared salts M3(NpO5)2·nH2O (M = Ca, Sr, Ba) are treated with excess 0.5 M H3BO3 with vigorous stirring. In the process, the initially light green salts rapidly transform into black products of the general composition M(NpO4)2·nH2O. In the second procedure, a measured volume of a Np(VII) solution with a known LiOH concentration was added to excess 0.5 M H3BO3 solution containing a calculated amount of Mg, Ca, Sr, or Ba nitrate. The reaction yields black precipitates of the same compounds as in the previous case. After washing with water and drying in an oxygen stream, the final products contain a small impurity of Np(VI). The IR spectra suggest that the compounds obtained are structurally related to the previously studied salts MNpO4 (M = K–Cs), i.e., in their lattices there are neptunium–oxygen layers built of NpO23+ cations and bridging O atoms. New data on the properties of the compounds M3(NpO5)2·nH2O with M = Ca, Sr, and Ba were also obtained.

Radiochemistry. 2018;60(1):13-17
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Separation of Am and Cm by Extraction from Weakly Acidic Nitrate Solutions with Tributyl Phosphate in Isoparaffin Diluent

Kulyako Y., Malikov D., Trofimov T., Vinokurov S., Pilyushenko K., Zevakin E., Myasoedov B.


Trivalent transplutonium (TPE) and rare earth (REE) elements are extracted to more than 80% with 30% TBP in Isopar M from solutions containing 0.06–0.5 M HNO3 and a salting-out agent, NH4NO3, in a concentration of ≥6 M. The elements are stripped from the organic phase with 0.1 M HNO3. The Am(III)/Eu separation factors vary from 1.8 to 2, which can be used for their extraction separation. The Cm/Am(III) separation factors in 0.06–3 M HNO3 are in the range from 1.1 to 1.2; therefore, to separate these elements, higher oxidation states of Am, Am(VI) and Am(V), should be used. The effect of various factors on the stability of Am(VI) was examined, and the conditions of the existence of Am(VI) and Am(V) in ≤0.1 M HNO3 solutions containing ~8 M NH4NO3 were determined. Curium is extracted with 30% TBP in Isopar M virtually completely, whereas americium only partially (≤30%) passes into the organic phase in the form of Am(III). In the process, high degree of separation of Cm from Am(V) remaining in the aqueous phase is reached (≥99.9%).

Radiochemistry. 2018;60(1):18-22
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Deposition of 63Ni onto a Semiconductor Structure of Power Cells

Kharitonov I., Merkushkin A., Veretennikova G., Magomedbekov E., Kalmykov S.


A procedure was developed for electrochemical deposition of 63Ni onto the surface of a siliconbased semiconductor converter. A special electrochemical cell allowing the electrolysis to be performed in an inert atmosphere was developed. The principal possibility of preparing Ni metal films of preset thickness on the surface of a semiconductor converter was demonstrated.

Radiochemistry. 2018;60(1):23-25
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Influence of pH of Nitric Acid Solution on the Kinetics of the 99Мо Sorption onto Titanium Hydroxide

Denisov E., Betenekov N.


The kinetics of the 99Мо sorption onto T-5 sorbent at different pH values of the nitric acid solution was studied. The previously suggested limiting steps of the 99Мо sorption onto Т-5 sorbent were confirmed. The effective rate constant of the molybdenum sorption onto titanium hydroxide (fast step) as a function of pH passes through a maximum at pH from 4.5 to 5.5, which does not correspond to the maximum of the pH dependence of the distribution coefficient but correlates with the maximal content of one of the sorbable species, НМоО4, in the solution. Thus, the rate of Mo sorption onto titanium hydroxide as a function of pH passes through a maximum at a minimal negative charge of the sorbate near pH of the isoelectric point of the sorbent. The kinetic studies confirm the scheme of the sorption of molybdenum hydroxo complexes onto titanium hydroxide, suggested previously on the basis of the logkd–рН and log ε–log[m] sorption isotherms. According to this scheme, simultaneous redistribution and sorption of sorbable molybdenum species, МоО2ОН+, Н2МоО4, and НМоО4, are possible.

Radiochemistry. 2018;60(1):26-34
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Determination of the Parameters of Selective 137Cs Sorption onto Natural and Ferrocyanide-Modified Glauconite and Clinoptilolite

Voronina A., Kulyaeva I., Gupta D.


The effect exerted by surface modification of natural aluminosilicates, glauconite and clinoptilolite, with ferrocyanides on the parameters of selective 137Cs sorption was studied. The modification leads to an increase in the specific sorption and in the radiocesium interception potential in the presence of potassium, RIP(K). RIP(K) of the modified sorbents NPF-Gl and NPF-Cl was 6.1 × 105 and 5.0 × 106 mmol kg–1, and the specific sorption capacity, 138 ± 14 and 136 ± 12 mg g–1, respectively. The regular trends in variation of the 137Cs distribution coefficients in sorption onto the natural and modified sorbents at K+ and Са2+ concentrations ranging from 10–4 to 2.0 M were found. The modified sorbents exhibit high specificity to 137Cs in a wide range of Ca and K concentrations in the solutions.

Radiochemistry. 2018;60(1):35-41
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Preparation of Fentanyl Labeled with Carbon-14

Nami M., Dabiri M., Shirvani G., Ahmadi Faghih M., Javaheri M.


A convenient synthetic pathway for 14C labeling of fentanyl [N-(1-phenethyl-4-piperidinyl)- propionanilide], a widely used narcotic analgesic agent, with good radiochemical yield was developed.

Radiochemistry. 2018;60(1):42-44
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Modification of Automatic Synthesis of [18F]Fluoromisonidazole on a GE TracerLAB Fx F-N Synthesis Module

Antuganov D., Ryzhkova D., Zykova T., Timofeev V., Antuganova Y., Timofeeva K., Samburov O., Zykov M.


A procedure for preparing 1-(2-hydroxy-3-[18F]fluoropropyl)-2-nitroimidazole ([18F]fluoromisonidazole, [18F]FMISO) on a commercially available GE TracerLAB Fx F-N synthesis module was developed. The product obtained meets all the requirements of the European Pharmacopoeia (8th ed.) for clinical use. Its decay-corrected radiochemical yield is 59 ± 4% (n = 5).

Radiochemistry. 2018;60(1):45-50
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Synthesis of 99mTc-Radiolabeled Uridine as a Potential Tumor Imaging Agent

Talaat H., Ibrahim I., Bayomy N., Farouk N.


Uridine, a pyrimidine nucleoside essential for the synthesis of RNA and biomembranes, was radiolabeled with 99mTc to obtain a potential tumor imaging agent. The maximal radiochemical yield of about 96.5%, as determined by paper chromatography and instant thin-layer chromatography, was reached under the following optimum conditions: 1 mg of uridine, 20 μg of SnCl2·2H2O as reducing agent, 20 mg of mannitol as a stabilizer, and pH 8. 99mTc-uridine is stable in vitro at room temperature for up to 6 h post labeling. The biodistrbution study in tumor-bearing mice shows high target-to-nontarget ratio. These results match with the high docking score of the complex on uridine phosphorylase enzyme. 99mTc-uridine shows promise as a tumor imaging agent.

Radiochemistry. 2018;60(1):51-57
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99mTc-Oxiracetam as a Potential Agent for Diagnostic Imaging of Brain: Labeling, Characterization, and Biological Evaluation

Sanad M., Sallam K., Salama D.


Oxiracetam was labeled with 99mTc using sodium dithionite (Na2S2O4) as a reducing agent. The influence exerted on the labeling yield by the amounts of the reducing agent and substrate, pH, temperature, and reaction time was studied to optimize the labeling process. Biodistribution studies show that the 99mTcoxiracetam complex is suitable as a highly selective tracer for brain imaging.

Radiochemistry. 2018;60(1):58-63
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Synthesis and Physicochemical Properties of Nickel-Containing Nanoparticles

Revina A., Magomedbekov E., Veretennikova G.


Ni and Ni/Pd nanoparticles stable in the liquid phase and in the adsorbed state were prepared by radiation-chemical reduction of metal ions in aqueous-organic inverse micellar solutions. The optical absorption and luminescence spectra of nanoparticle solutions were studied immediately after preparation in the presence of oxygen and without it. Changes in these spectra, resulting from evolution of the nanoparticles in the course of storage and from pH variation, were examined.

Radiochemistry. 2018;60(1):64-69
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Magnesium Potassium Phosphate Compound for Radioactive Waste Immobilization: Phase Composition, Structure, and Physicochemical and Hydrolytic Durability

Vinokurov S., Kulikova S., Krupskaya V., Myasoedov B.


Low-temperature mineral-like magnesium potassium phosphate (MPP) compounds were synthesized in the course of immobilization of nitric acid solutions containing cesium, strontium, sodium, ammonium, lanthanum, and iron as simulated radioactive waste (RW). The phase composition and structure of the compounds and the distribution of the RW components were studied. The mechanical strength (15 ± 3 MPa), heat resistance (up to 450°С), and radiation resistance (absorbed dose 1 MGy) of the compounds were evaluated in accordance with the existing regulations. The MPP compound exhibits high hydrolytic durability: The differential leach rate of 239Pu and 152Eu on the 28th day, measured in accordance with GOST (State Standard) R 52 126–2003, is 2.1 × 10–6 and 1.4 × 10–4 g cm–2 day–1, respectively. Introduction of wollastonite into the compound decreases the radionuclide leach rate by a factor of up to 5. The MPP compound shows promise for industrial solidification of liquid RW, including high-level highly saline multicomponent actinidecontaining waste.

Radiochemistry. 2018;60(1):70-78
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Nuclear Chemical Effects in the Paragenetic Mineral Association Based on Polycrase

Hosseinpour Khanmiri M., Bogdanov R.


A natural polymineral compound in which the major uranium-containing mineral is polycrase (Ti- Ta-niobate) described by the formula АВ2О6 was chosen as a model for studying the behavior of recoil atoms produced by α-decay of actinides. Polycrase, despite its metamict structure, is characterized by the following features distinguishing it from Ti-Ta-niobates of the formula А2В2О7 (pyrochlore and betafite): (1) 1/3 of uranium atoms preserve the initial valence state, U(IV); (2) the U(IV) fraction is characterized by the isotope activity ratio AR(234U/238U) close to that at secular equilibrium; (3) the uranium atoms that underwent oxidation “memorize” their radiogenic origin; as a result, the AR(234U/238U) ratio in the U(VI) fraction is 0.90, and in the most altered part of the mineral it decreases to 0.77; (4) the parent uranium is relatively stable in the metamict structure of polycrase: The half-leaching time for 238U atoms is 2 times longer than that in betafite, zircon, or sphene.

Radiochemistry. 2018;60(1):79-91
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Estimation of U, 226Ra, and 210Po Concentrations in Cauvery River Basin, South Interior Karnataka Region, India

Kavitha E., Paramesh L.


The radioactivity concentration of 210Po, 226Ra, and U in Cauvery river basin was analyzed using radiochemical analysis, emanometry, and LED fluorimetry, respectively. Due to transfer with water in cracks and pores, leaching, and heavy usage of phosphate fertilizers, 210Po, 226Ra, and U radionuclides get into the environmental samples studied. The 210Po concentration ranges from 0.7 ± 0.11 to 5.0 ± 0.7 and from 0.83 ± 0.12 to 5.2 ± 0.8 mBq L–1; the 226Ra concentration, from 11.7 ± 1.8 to 62 ± 9 and from 10.5 ± 1.6 to 68 ± 10 mBq L–1; and the U concentration, from 0.08 ± 0.01 to 4.4 ± 0.7 and from 2.0 ± 0.3 to 7.4 ± 1.1 ppb in river and borewell water samples, respectively.

Radiochemistry. 2018;60(1):92-99
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Effect of the Organic and Mineral Constituents of Sapropels from Belarus Republic on the Selective Sorption of Radiocesium

Maskalchuk L., Baklai A., Leont’eva T.


The radiocesium interception potential (RIP) characterizing the ability of a sorbent to retain 137Cs+ cations in the presence of competing K+ or NH4+ cations [RIP(K) or RIP(N)] under the conditions controlled by selective sorption was determined for various materials. RIP(K) (mg-equiv kg–1) is 44–720 and 260–1200, and RIP(N), 21–189 and 96–250 for sapropels of the organic and silica types, respectively. For sapropels of the organic type, the selectivity coefficient Ks(N/K) for the 137Cs-selective sorption sites varies from 2.1 to 3.8, and for silica sapropels (Lake Dobeevskoe) it reaches 4.5–4.8, suggesting the presence of illite-type particles, which significantly influence the 137Cs uptake by these types of sapropels. The highest RIP(K) values for the sapropels studied are reached at the organic to mineral matter ratios in the interval 0.43–0.61.

Radiochemistry. 2018;60(1):100-103
pages 100-103 views

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