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Volume 59, Nº 4 (2017)


Kinetics of Pu(VI) reduction with carbohydrazide in nitric acid

Zavalina O., Dvoeglazov K., Pavlyukevich E.


The kinetics of the Pu(VI) reduction with carbohydrazide in nitric acid solutions was studied by spectrophotometry. The reaction rate increases with increasing carbohydrazide concentration and temperature and decreases with increasing HNO3 concentration. The reaction order with respect to Pu, carbohydrazide, and HNO3 is 1, 2.3, and–3, respectively. The activation energy of the reaction is 111 kJ mol–1. The final reduced Pu form is Pu(III), with Pu(V) being an intermediate.

Radiochemistry. 2017;59(4):331-336
pages 331-336 views

Preparation of unsupported granulated triuranium octoxide and its use as catalyst of conversion of ammonium nitrate to nitrogen in an NH4NO3–H2O vapor–gas mixture

Legin E., Khokhlov M., Trifonov Y., Miroslavov A.


Formulation of the forming paste for preparing unsupported granulated triuranium octoxide U3O8 was developed. The mixture contains U3O8 and (NH4)2U2O7 in a weight ratio from 1: 1 to 1: 1.5, and also water in an amount of 25–40 wt % relative to the sum of the dry components. Calcination of crude granules at 800–1100°С results in formation of strong ceramic granules with 57–45% open porosity, consisting of U3O8. Granulated U3O8 efficiently catalyzes the conversion of ammonium nitrate to nitrogen in an NH4NO3–H2O vapor–gas mixture with the addition of ammonium carbonate. The absence of support makes the catalyst composition more definite and simplifies its regeneration.

Radiochemistry. 2017;59(4):337-340
pages 337-340 views

High-temperature interaction of components of spent uranium nuclear fuel with alkali metal carbonates in the course of voloxidation in the Carbex process

Chekmarev A., Vazhenkov M., Stepanov S., Boyarintsev A., Tsivadze A.


Interaction of UO2, U3O8, ZrO2, Nb2O5, CeO2, Ce2O3, Pr6O11, Eu2O3, Yb2O3, Tb7O12, and Re metal with lithium, sodium, and potassium carbonates in the temperature interval 300–900°С was studied using methods of thermal analysis and X-ray diffraction. The major products of the high-temperature reactions are alkali metal uranates and diuranates, and in the case of ZrO2, Nb2O5, and lanthanide oxides, oxides of metals in higher oxidation states and salts of the corresponding metal-containing acids, formed by reactions of the oxides with sodium carbonate.

Radiochemistry. 2017;59(4):341-344
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Physicochemical principles of preparation of U(VI) carbonate solutions for extraction reprocessing in the Carbex process

Tsivadze A., Chekmarev A., Boyarintsev A., Stepanov S.


Physicochemical principles of preparation of U(VI) carbonate solutions in the step of oxidative dissolution of U3O8 and UO2 in the Carbex process are considered. Carbonate solutions with the U(VI) concentration higher than 100 g L–1, suitable for subsequent final purification of uranium by extraction, can be prepared under the conditions of formation of U(VI) carbonate–peroxide complexes in the course of dissolution with prevention of hydrolysis of U(VI) compounds. The behavior of impurities simulating some fission products in the course of oxidative dissolution was studied, and the decontamination factors of U(VI) from the chosen simulated fission products were determined.

Radiochemistry. 2017;59(4):345-350
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Influence of temperature on Pu(IV) extraction from nitric acid solutions into 30% TBP, considered within the framework of A.M. Rozen’s model and of a new (multireaction) model

Puzikov E., Zilberman B., Fedorov Y., Blazheva I.


Published and newly obtained data on the influence of temperature on the extraction of Pu(IV) from nitric acid solutions into 30% TBP are analyzed. The analysis shows that both A.M. Rozen’s model and the new (multireaction) model insufficiently accurately describe the influence of temperature on the Pu(IV) extraction at HNO3 concentrations in the aqueous phase of 1 M and lower, where Pu(IV) can undergo partial hydrolysis, and at HNO3 concentrations of 4 M and higher. Changes are made in the system of equilibrium constants in both models.

Radiochemistry. 2017;59(4):351-353
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Extraction of U(VI) and Th(IV) ions from nitric acid solutions with N,N,N′,N′-tetra-2-ethylhexylglutaramide

Mohamed D.


N,N,N′,N′-Tetra-2-ethylhexylglutaramide (TEHGA) was used as a new extractant for the extraction of U(VI) and Th(IV) from nitric acid solutions. Toluene was found to be the most suitable diluent for TEHGA. The extraction of nitric acid was also studied. The influence exerted on the distribution ratio (D) of U(VI) and Th(IV) by the concentrations of HNO3, TEHGA, and LiNO3 as salting-out agent, and also by the equilibration time, temperature, and kind of diluent was examined. Good U–Th separation can be achieved using 2–3 M HNO3. The results obtained show that U(VI) and Th(IV) are mainly extracted as UO2(NO3)2·2TEHGA and Th(NO3)4·TEHGA, respectively. The IR spectra of the extracted species were analyzed. The thermodynamic functions of the process were calculated. Back-extraction of U(VI) and Th(IV) from the organic phases was also studied.

Radiochemistry. 2017;59(4):354-359
pages 354-359 views

Extraction of REE(III), U(VI), and Th(IV) from perchloric and nitric acid solutions with N,N,N′,N′-tetrabutyl-2-(di-p-anisylphosphinoyl)butanediamide

Turanov A., Karandashev V., Yarkevich A.


Extraction of microamounts of REE(III), U(VI), and Th(IV) from HClO4 solutions with solutions of N,N,N′,N′-tetrabutyl-2-(di-p-anisylphosphinoyl)butanediamide (I) in organic diluents was studied. The stoichiometry of the extractable complexes was determined, and the effect of the organic diluent and aqueous phase composition on the efficiency and selectivity of the extraction of U(VI), Th(IV), and REE(III) into the organic phase was considered. In going from nitric to perchloric acid solutions, the efficiency of the extraction of REE(III), U(VI), and Th(IV) with solutions of I considerably increases, but the extraction of U(VI) and REE(III) becomes less selective. The “perchlorate effect” is the most pronounced in extraction with solutions of I in o-xylene.

Radiochemistry. 2017;59(4):360-364
pages 360-364 views

Effect of ionizing radiation on the extraction of Am(III) with p-tert-butylthiacalix[4]arene from alkaline carbonate solutions

Smirnov I., Stepanova E., Tyupina M., Ivenskaya N., Tananaev I., Zaripov S., Kleshnina S., Solov’eva S., Antipin I.


The effect of γ-irradiation of tert-butylthiacalix[4]arene (TCA) solutions in m-nitrobenzotrifluoride (NBTF) and tetrachloroethylene (TCE) on the extraction of 241Am from alkaline carbonate solutions was studied. TCA itself remains stable upon γ-irradiation of its solutions in NBTF to a dose of 200 kGy, but the diluent undergoes strong degradation. The radiation resistance of TCA in TCE is considerably lower: A dose of 70 kGy causes complete degradation of TCA. In the TCA–TCE–aqueous phase system, sulfate ions appear upon γ-irradiation as the final product of the extractant radiolysis. A large number of γ-radiolysis products of TCE and TCA were detected by HPLC and GCMS. The products of radiolysis of TCA in TCE, compared to the initial extractant, have lower molecular mass and higher polarity. The results show that chlorinated diluents are not promising diluents for thiacalixarene in extraction processing of alkaline high-level waste.

Radiochemistry. 2017;59(4):365-371
pages 365-371 views

Radiochemical analysis of a sample of mixed uranium–plutonium nitride fuel

Erin E., Momotov V., Volkov A., Khamdeev M., Kupriyanov V., Shadrin A., Dvoeglazov K.


Radiochemical analysis of a mixed uranium–plutonium nitride (MUPN) fuel sample irradiated in a BOR-60 reactor was performed. The study was made using the set of procedures developed at the Research Institute of Nuclear Reactors for determining the nuclide composition and gravimetric content of U, Pu, Am, Cm, Nd and other fission products, platinum group metals, and transition metals, including nuclear physical methods, atomic emission spectrum analysis, mass spectrometry for determining the nuclide composition, and isotope dilution mass spectrometry for determining the gravimetric content of nuclides with preliminary radio-chemical separation of fractions of elements by ion-exchange, extraction-chromatographic, precipitation, and distillation methods. The MUPN fuel burn-up was determined from the ratio of the number of atoms of the fission product selected as a burn-up monitor to the number of heavy atoms in the dissolved fuel sample (method of fission product accumulation, MFP). The 145Nd + 146Nd sum and 148Nd were used as burn-up monitors.

Radiochemistry. 2017;59(4):372-378
pages 372-378 views

Phase distribution of iodine in the course of production of 99Mo concentrate

Denisov E., Betenekov N., Logunov M., Voroshilov Y.


A novel procedure was suggested for studying the phase distribution of radioactive iodine in the liquid–gas system. Without redox reactions, the degree of iodine transfer into the gas phase is maximal for sulfuric and nitric acid solutions at pH ≤ 1.5. In weakly acidic, neutral, and alkaline solutions, the iodine transfer into the gas phase is insignificant (degree of transfer <0.05). Conditions for stabilization of iodine species (presence of redox reagents, solution acidity) were found. The most efficient purification of 99Мо to remove iodine radionuclides is observed in sulfuric acid solutions, where the probability of formation of IО3 anions, exhibiting the highest affinity for titanium hydroxide, is minimal. Silver-modified Termoxid sorbents are suitable for selective sorption of iodine only from alkaline solutions (0.3–0.5 M NaOH), with the best result obtained for Т-5(Ag) (iodine distribution coefficient 2000–3000 mL g–1). An additional step of purification of alkaline molybdenum concentrates to remove iodine on Т-5(Ag) sorbent was suggested; it allows the residual iodine content of the molybdenum concentrate to be decreased by a factor of 20.

Radiochemistry. 2017;59(4):379-388
pages 379-388 views

Preparation and preclinical evaluation of radioiodinated secnidazole as a possible tumor imaging agent

Amin A., Ibrahim I., Abd Elhalim S.


To develop a radiopharmaceutical localizing in tumor hypoxic tissues, secnidazole (SECN) was labeled with 125I. The labeled product was prepared with the radiochemical yield higher than 96% when performing the reaction at 45°C for 30 min. The electrophilic radioiodination of SECN was done using different oxidizing agents. Iodogen appeared to be more effective than chloramine-T (CAT) and N-bromosuccinimide (NBS). 125I-SECN was tested in vivo with a tumor model prepared by the intramuscular injection of Ehrlich cell line into the thigh muscle of mice. 125I-SECN showed high accumulation in tumor hypoxic tissue (3.6% of injected dose per gram of organ at 2 h post injection). The target/nontarget (T/NT) ratio was high (T/NT = 6 at 24 h post injection). Thus, radioiodinated SECN shows promise as a selective imaging agent for diagnosis of tumor hypoxia.

Radiochemistry. 2017;59(4):389-395
pages 389-395 views

Radiodiagnosis of peptic ulcer with technetium-99m-labeled esomeprazole

Sanad M., Talaat H.


Esomeprazole was labeled with 99mTc in high (up to ~98.0%) radiochemical yield. The optimum conditions are as follows: pH 8, 50 μg of SnCl2·2H2O, 30 min, and 2 mg of the substrate. The complex is stable for 8 h. The reaction mixture was separated by gel chromatography using such eluents as NaCl solution and, phosphate, citrate, and carbonate buffer solutions. Free 99mTcO4 and the complex were also efficiently separated by reversed-phase HPLC, paper chromatography, and electrophoreses. Intravenous biodistribution studies of 99mTc-esomeprazole complex showed high uptake in the stomach ulcer, reaching about 30.5% ID/g at 1 h post injection. Such a high 99mTc-esomeprazole uptake makes this agent promising for stomach ulcer imaging.

Radiochemistry. 2017;59(4):396-401
pages 396-401 views

Effect of thermal annealing on the properties of borobasalt systems containing simulated radioactive waste from pyroelectrochemical technology

Ivanov V., Kuznetsov D., Popov I.


The effect of thermal annealing performed in the temperature range 400–800°С on the hydrolytic durability of borobasalt systems containing simulated radioactive waste from pyroelectrochemical technology was studied. Three types of simulated waste were examined: type 1, waste from reprocessing of reactor-grade plutonium; type 2, waste from reprocessing of weapons-grade plutonium; type 3, waste from gallium recovery from type 2 waste (virtually pure americium phosphate). Depending on the waste type and temperature, annealing can both increase and decrease the host material leach rate.

Radiochemistry. 2017;59(4):402-406
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Processes for treatment of liquid radioactive waste containing seawater

Avramenko V., Egorin A., Papynov E., Sokol’nitskaya T., Tananaev I., Sergienko V.


The main sources of formation of liquid radioactive waste (LRW) containing seawater are determined, and the main problems arising in management of such waste are analyzed. Sorption methods for removing long-lived Cs and Sr radionuclides from highly mineralized (>1 g L–1) LRW are determined. The main physicochemical and sorption characteristics, advantages, and drawbacks of candidate sorbents for removing Cs and Sr radionuclides are described. Examples of using SRM and VS-5 chemical reaction sorption materials developed for removing Sr from LRW with the mineralization of up to 60 g L–1 are given. The results of studying composite materials based on BaSiO3 and resorcinol–formaldehyde resins, intended for removing Cs and Sr radionuclides from seawater, are analyzed. Composite sorbents of such type efficiently remove Cs and Sr radionuclides from seawater. Processes developed by the authors and brought into practice at various plants of the Far East for treatment of multicomponent LRW formed in the course of operation, repair, and decommissioning of nuclear-powered surface ships and submarines are described.

Radiochemistry. 2017;59(4):407-413
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Sorption characteristics of materials of the filtration barrier in upper aquifers contaminated with radionuclides

Andryushchenko N., Safonov A., Babich T., Ivanov P., Konevnik Y., Kondrashova A., Proshin I., Zakharova E.


Sorption and desorption characteristics of natural materials (apatite, vermiculite, haydite, wood sawdust, perlite, zeolite produced by Tseolit-Treid, shungite) were studied, and the possibility of using them in filtration barriers in upper aquifers contaminated with cesium, strontium, uranium, and technetium was discussed. Changes in the sorption properties of the materials under the action of natural groundwater microflora were evaluated. Under the conditions of the barrier operation, microbiological action does not significantly affect the sorption characteristics of the materials studied.

Radiochemistry. 2017;59(4):414-424
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Barrier properties of crystalline rocks in radionuclide migration

Martynov K., Konevnik Y., Zakharova E.


The parameters of the diffusion–sorption interaction of rocks with Sr, Cs, U, Np, Pu, and Am isotopes dissolved in simulated groundwater were determined by in- and through-diffusion methods for monolithic rock samples (gneisses, dolerites, lamprophyres) from the Yeniseisky site of the Nizhnekansy massif. Despite heterogeneous mineral composition and structure of the rocks, these parameters mainly depend on the physicochemical properties of the element and on the open porosity of the rock. The effective diffusion coefficients De vary in the order Sr = Cs ≫ U > Np > Am ≥ Pu, dividing these elements into two groups, the difference between which is 1.5–2 orders of magnitude. With respect to the apparent diffusion coefficient Da, the elements are also subdivided into two groups, Sr = Cs > Np ≥ U ≫ Am > Pu, differing by 5 orders of magnitude because of different sorbability of the elements: Pu > Am ≫ Cs = Sr > U > Np. The end members of this series differ in the sorption capacity coefficient of the rocks, α = De/Da, by 4.5 orders of magnitude.

Radiochemistry. 2017;59(4):425-433
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Radiochemical evaluation of groundwater around Mika uranium mineralization and environs

Arabi A., Daniel A., Funtua I.


Seventeen groundwater samples around Mika uranium mineralization were collected, and the 222Rn concentrations were measured using a DURRIDGE RAD7 electronic radon detector. The 222Rn concentrations in the groundwater ranged from 2350 to 46200 Bq m–3 with an average of 29 400 Bq m–3. The results show that 76.5% of the groundwater samples collected have 222Rn concentrations far above the US EPA maximum contaminant level (MCL) of 11.1 Bq L–1 (for states without radon monitoring policy and enhanced indoor air programs), and only 23.5% have lower values. On the other hand, all the 222Rn levels were below the MCL of 100 Bq L–1, recommended by EU as the level that warrants consideration of possible remedial actions. Borehole samples show relatively higher 222Rn concentrations than samples collected from open wells. The annual effective dose due to ingestion (Hing) of 222Rn in the groundwater ranged from 0.05 to 0.92 mSv, with an average of 0.59 mSv. These values are within the ICRP recommended reference level of 1 mSv year–1 for the intake of the radionuclide in water by the general public for a prolonged exposure.

Radiochemistry. 2017;59(4):434-438
pages 434-438 views

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