Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді  Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

Том 59, № 5 (2017)


Synthesis and crystal structure of An(VI) complexes with cyclobutanecarboxylic acid anions, [AnO2(C4H7COO)2(H2O)2] (An = U, Np) and [AnO2(C4H7COO)2(H2O)] (An = Np, Pu)

Charushnikova I., Grigor’ev M., Fedoseev A.


New complexes of hexavalent actinides with cyclobutanecarboxylic acid (Hcbc) anions, dihydrates [AnO2(cbc)2(H2O)2] [An = U (I) or Np (II)] and monohydrates [AnO2(cbc)2(H2O)] [An = Np (III) or Pu (IV)], were synthesized and studied by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The crystal structure of dihydrates I and II consists of discrete complexes. The coordination polyhedron (CP) of An(VI) in the dihydrates is a distorted hexagonal bipyramid with oxygen atoms of two C4H7COO anions coordinated in the bidentate chelate fashion and two water molecules in the equatorial plane and two oxygen atoms of AnO22+ cations in the apical positions. The geometry of the An(VI) CP is influenced by Ow–H···Ocbc hydrogen bonding. Monohydrates III and IV have a chain structure. The CP of An(VI) is a pentagonal bipyramid with oxygen atoms of three C4H7COO anions and one water molecule in the equatorial plane. Two crystallographically independent C4H7COO–anions are coordinated in different fashions: one in the bidentate chelate fashion and the other, in the bidentate bridging fashion, linking the AnO22+ cations into electrically neutral chains oriented along the [010] direction in the crystal. The structure of the chain is strongly influenced by hydrogen bonding.

Radiochemistry. 2017;59(5):439-447
pages 439-447 views

Electrochemical properties and solubility of URh3 in nitric acid solutions

Zavarzin S., Anan’ev A., Fadeev A., Kalenova M., Kuznetsov I.


Electrochemical properties of the intermetallic compound URh3 in 0.5–8 M HNO3 solutions were studied by linear voltammetry. The electrochemical characteristics of URh3 in nitric acid solution were determined for the first time using the Tafel equation. URh3 is highly resistant to both chemical and anodic dissolution, which is due to formation of passive films on the electrode surface. All the anodic oxidation processes observed on the electrode led to secondary passivation of the alloy and not to its dissolution. The conclusions based on the electrochemical data were confirmed by experiments in 8 M HNO3.

Radiochemistry. 2017;59(5):448-452
pages 448-452 views

Kinetics of Np(VI) reduction with carbohydrazide in nitric acid

Zavalina O., Dvoeglazov K., Pavlyukevich E., Stepanov S.


The kinetics of the Np(VI) reduction with carbohydrazide in nitric acid solutions was studied by spectrophotometry. The reaction rate increases with increasing carbohydrazide concentration and temperature and decreases with increasing HNO3 concentration. The reaction order with respect to Np, carbohydrazide, and HNO3 is 1, 1.15, and–1.35, respectively. The activation energy of the reaction is 85 kJ mol–1.

Radiochemistry. 2017;59(5):453-457
pages 453-457 views

Kinetics of the reaction of Np(VI) with iminodiacetic acid

Shilov V., Gogolev A., Fedoseev A.


The stability of Np(VI) in 5–200 mM iminodiacetic acid (H2IDA) solutions at 23.5–55°С was studied by spectrophotometry. In a solution with pH 2 and excess Np(VI), 1 mol of H2IDA reduces 2 mol of Np(VI) to Np(V). In 1 and 0.5 M HClO4 solutions containing 200 mM H2IDA and 1 mM Np(VI), no more than 36 and 65% of Np(VI), respectively, is reduced at 44.5°С. Complete reduction of Np(VI) is observed in solutions containing 0.2 M HClO4 and less. In the examined ranges of H2IDA concentrations and temperatures, Np(VI) is consumed in accordance with the first-order rate law. The reduction mechanism involves formation of a Np(VI) iminodiacetate complex, which is followed by intramolecular charge transfer. The generated radical reduces Np(VI). The activation energy is 107 ± 3 kJ mol–1.

Radiochemistry. 2017;59(5):458-462
pages 458-462 views

A lumped parameter model of electrochemical reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel

Shults O., Simonenko V., Peshkichev I.


A lumped parameter model was developed for describing electrochemical processes. The model describes the kinetics of physicochemical processes occurring in the electrolyzer in the course of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) reprocessing, variation of the electrode material composition with time, component concentrations in definite regions of the electrolyzer, and partial reaction currents. The calculation results qualitatively agree with the expected relationships for both simple and complex (multicomponent) systems. The calculation for the setting similar to the experiment performed at the Argonne National Laboratory was presented as an example.

Radiochemistry. 2017;59(5):463-468
pages 463-468 views

Simulation of the dynamic beyond-design-basis regime in an extraction–scrubbing unit consisting of mixer–settlers or centrifugal contactors in reprocessing spent nuclear fuel from nuclear power plants and of impurex process

Puzikov E., Goletskii N., Zilberman B., Fedorov Y., Kudinov A., Naumov A., Kukharev D., Ryabkov D., Shmidt O.


The possibilities of calculating several successive perturbations without time restriction caused by reaching the steady state and of taking into account the uranium extraction efficiency in the steady state of the cascade operation in adjacent steps of the uranium concentration front were introduced into the algorithm for calculating the transient extraction regime in the Purex process. The results of long-term experiments concerning transient regime of the head mixer–settler unit of the RT-1 complex were reconsidered as applied to reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) from WWER (water-cooled water-moderated energy reactor), and good agreement of the experimental data and calculation results for beyond-design-basis regime was reached using the model of ideal mixing in a settling chamber without corrections for the efficiency of the step. The effect of significant extraction of Pu at limiting loading of the solvent with uranium was confirmed. Consideration of this effect allowed adequate description of the Pu accumulation in the uranium-free zone of the extraction–scrubbing unit. The adequacy of the ideal mixing model for a unit of centrifugal contactors was demonstrated as applied to reprocessing of SNF from fast reactors, although the difference between the calculation results obtained using the ideal mixing and plug-flow models becomes considerably smaller. A separate experiment has shown that the Pu accumulation in the uranium-free zone does not occur in this case because of higher acidity of the aqueous phase and higher process temperature, and the Pu distribution between the contactor steps correlates with the U distribution. Comparison of the result of the calculation using the corrected model with the results of step-by-step sampling demonstrated the possibility of complete recovery of Pu(IV) in the beyonddesign- basis (with respect to U) regime at lower values of the HNO3 concentration and temperature than it was assumed previously on the basis of published data.

Radiochemistry. 2017;59(5):469-481
pages 469-481 views

Uranium extraction from nitric acid liquors using 4-methylpentan-2-one

Ali A., Morsy A., El-Sheikh A.


Solvent extraction of uranium ions with 4-methylpentan-2-one was examined. The diluent, extractant concentration, aqueous to organic phase ratio, and contact time were varied. Different stripping agents were examined to reach the optimum stripping conditions. The results obtained show that uranium can be quantitatively extracted from 5 M nitric acid with 7% 4-methylpentan-2-one dissolved in refined kerosene and stripped from the organic phase with 5% Na2CO3. The equilibrium is attained within 10 min. Uranium can be efficiently separated from a large number of elements by adding EDTA salt to the stripping solution before uranium precipitation.

Radiochemistry. 2017;59(5):482-489
pages 482-489 views

Extraction of REE(III), U(VI), and Th(IV) from HNO3 and HClO4 solutions with (α-pyridyl)tetraphenylmethylenediphosphine N,P,P'-trioxide

Turanov A., Kadandashev V., Matveeva A., Bodrin G., Matveev S.


Extraction of microamounts of U(VI), Th(IV), and REE(III) from HNO3 and HClO4 solutions with solutions of (α-pyridyl)tetraphenylmethylenediphosphine N,P,P'-trioxide in dichloroethane was studied. The stoichiometry of the extractable complexes was determined, and the influence of the extraction structure and aqueous phase composition on the efficiency and selectivity of the extraction of U(VI), Th(IV), and REE(III) into the organic phase was studied. Introduction of the pyridine N-oxide fragment into the methylene bridge of the tetraphenylmethylenediphosphine dioxide molecule to obtain (α-pyridyl)tetraphenylmethylenediphosphine N,P,P'-trioxide leads to a decrease in its ability to extract U(VI), Th(IV), and REE(III) from nitric acid solutions, whereas the U/REE separation factors increase. The REE(III) extraction efficiency considerably increases in going from nitric acid to perchloric acid solutions.

Radiochemistry. 2017;59(5):490-494
pages 490-494 views

Clinoptilolite/Fe3O4: a magnetic sorbent for removing 90Sr from aqueous media

Fedorova V., Kobets S., Puzyrnaya L., Pshinko G., Kosorukov A.


The ability of a magnetic sorbent prepared by modification of clinoptilolite with magnetite to take up 90Sr was studied. 90Sr is sorbed most efficiently at pH in the range 6–9. At the sorbent dosage of 5 g dm–3 and sorption time of 24 h, the degree of 90Sr sorption from aqueous solution is as high as 99.8%.

Radiochemistry. 2017;59(5):495-499
pages 495-499 views

Thorium adsorption from waste effluents by phosphate-enhanced chitin

Gado M., Morsy A.


Phosphate-grafted chitin (PGC) was synthesized for thorium adsorption from acid solutions. FTIR analysis shows that the phosphate and amide groups of PGC are involved in the adsorption. The Th(IV) adsorption is pH-dependent and is maximal at pH 3.5. The adsorption kinetics is described by a pseudo-second-order kinetic model. The maximum monolayer adsorption capacity obtained from the Langmuir model is 50.5 mg Th(IV)/g at 25°C. Thermodynamic analysis shows that the adsorption is spontaneous and exothermic. The phosphate-grafted chitin can be reused by activating its surface with 0.5 M HCl–0.1 M EDTA.

Radiochemistry. 2017;59(5):500-506
pages 500-506 views

Thermodynamic modeling of thermal processes involving actinides (U, Am, Pu) in the course of heating radioactive graphite in steam

Barbin N., Kobelev A., Terent’ev D., Alekseev S.


The behavior of actinides (U, Am, Pu) in the course of combustion of radioactive graphite in steam was studied by thermodynamic modeling. Thermodynamic modeling was performed using TERRA program in the temperature interval from 373 to 3273 K to determine the possible composition of volatile actinide species formed in the course of graphite utilization by heating in steam. The modeling shows that the actinides at high temperatures are present in the following forms: U, as UO3 and UO2 vapors and as UO3 and UO2+ ions; Am, as Am vapor; and Pu, as PuO2 and PuO vapors and as ionized PuO+. The main reactions within separate phases and at the interface were revealed, and their equilibrium constants were determined.

Radiochemistry. 2017;59(5):507-511
pages 507-511 views

Exothermic processes in mixtures of TBP with nitric acid

Nazin E., Zachinyaev G., Belova E., Tkhorzhnitskii G., Myasoedov B.


Causes of initiation of exothermic self-accelerating oxidation processes in mixtures of TBP with HNO3 are analyzed. The main condition is heating of the mixtures to temperatures (Тst) above which the heat release in the chemical reaction starts to exceed the heat removal from the system. After the initiation of selfaccelerating exothermic reactions, their development and intensity depend on whether the vessels are sealed, on the HNO3 concentration, and on the heating time. Heat treatment and radiolysis of the extractant slightly decrease Тst of its mixtures with HNO3 compared to the values for the “fresh” extractant.

Radiochemistry. 2017;59(5):512-519
pages 512-519 views

Synthesis of deuterium- or tritium-labeled acetylcholine

Shevchenko V., V’yunova T., Nagaev I., Shevchenko K., Myasoedov N.


Halogenated acetylcholine precursors were synthesized. The prepared deuterium analogs of acetylcholine were characterized by HPLC and mass spectrometry. Uniformly tritium-labeled acetylcholine with the radiochemical purity of no less than 97–98% and molar radioactivity of 20–40 Ci mmol–1 was prepared at 190°С on a Lindlar catalyst. The molar radioactivity of [3H]acetylcholine allows using it for evaluating the specific binding on plasmatic membranes of striatum cells of intact rats by radioligand–receptor binding assay. Two sites of specific binding of acetylcholine, high-affinity (binding constant Kd = 12 nmol L–1, possible number of radioligand specific binding sites Bmax = 3 pmol mg–1) and low-affinity (binding constant Kd = 72 nmol L–1, possible number of radioligand specific binding sites Bmax = 13 pmol mg–1), were characterized.

Radiochemistry. 2017;59(5):520-524
pages 520-524 views

Labeling and biological evaluation of 99mTc-tricarbonyl-chenodiol for hepatobiliary imaging

Sanad M., Sallam K., Marzook F.


99mTc-tricarbonyl-labeled chenodiol (chenodeoxycholic acid, CDCA) intended for hepatobiliary imaging was prepared by 30-min heating at 100°C with a radiochemical yield of >98%. The radiolabeling yield and stability of the complex were evaluated using different chromatographic techniques. Biodistribution studies in Albino Swiss mice at different time intervals after administration of the complexes showed that the maximum uptake of the complexes in the liver was 35.5 ± 0.25% ID/g at 30 min post injection. 99mTc-tricarbonyl- CDCA shows promise for hepatobiliary imaging.

Radiochemistry. 2017;59(5):525-529
pages 525-529 views

Properties of cement compounds containing spent vacuum oil contaminated with radionuclides

Volkova T., Tananaev I.


Solidification of an oil–absorbent suspension in a cement host material under laboratory conditions was performed. Magnesium oxide and N910 synthetic polymer were used as absorbents. Experiments were performed with radioactively contaminated spent VM-4 vacuum oil. Its fraction in the compounds was 20%. The chemical and immersion durability and the radiation resistance of the compound specimens obtained were studied for evaluating to what extent the compounds meet the regulation requirements to solidified radioactive waste. The oil-containing compounds formed using the suggested formulations meet the requirements of GOST (State Standard) R 51 883–2002 in these characteristics.

Radiochemistry. 2017;59(5):530-533
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Effect of radioactive contamination of the medium on the durability of steel 20

Tsybulya S., Starchak V., Ivanenko K., Buyalskaya N., Kostenko I.


The effect that the ionizing radiation caused by radioactive contamination of soil exerts on the surface of carbon steel 20 samples, on their corrosion resistance, and on operation reliability according to lowcycle fatigue tests (taking into account that fatigue is one of the main causes of failures resulting from corrosion and mechanical damage of thin-wall metal structures, in particular, of pipelines) was studied. It was shown that even low activity levels (below maximum permissible levels) caused corrosion loss of the metal and a decrease in the operation reliability. Synergistic protective compounds suppressing the destructive radiation effects and ensuring reliable operation of metal structures due to chelation of the surface metal atoms were developed using computer simulation.

Radiochemistry. 2017;59(5):534-539
pages 534-539 views

Cesium-137 of Chernobyl origin in lake–river systems of Eastern Fennoscandia: 30 years after the accident

Bakunov N., Bol’shiyanov D., Makarov A.


Contamination of waters of lake–river systems after many-year migration of 137Cs in water bodies was studied. In lakes with the 137Cs fallout density lower than 8 kBq m–2, the radionuclide concentrations in water after 24–29 years did not exceed 2–3 Bq m–3, and at a fallout level of 37 kBq m–2 it was in the range 11–34 Bq m–3. The natural half-clearance time Т of lake waters from 137Cs was 6–7 years at the exposure of up to 20 years. The 137Cs migration in the lake–river systems that occurred during ~30 years did not lead to structural changes in the water contamination: The initially low 137Cs level in lake waters did not become high, and vice versa. Among rivers feeding Lake Ladoga, the 137Cs level in the Vuoksa River is ~3 times higher than in waters of the Volkhov and Svir rivers. During the period 1988–2015, 21.3 TBq of 137Cs was supplied to Lake Ladoga with Vuoksa waters. The Vuoksa source from the Saima lake system with increased contamination with 137Cs of Chernobyl origin leads to long-term supply of this radionuclide to Lake Ladoga.

Radiochemistry. 2017;59(5):540-546
pages 540-546 views

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