Experimental Investigation of Electric Signal Transmission Through Vestibular Organ Tissues


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Experimental data on electric signal transmission through tissues of the vestibular organ of a guinea pig are presented. Stimulating electrodes are implanted in three ampullae of semicircular canals to which an alternating voltage of 170 mV is applied. The receiving electrode is implanted in the termination of vestibular nerves. The impedance of the vestibular organ tissues has been measured depending on the stimulating signal frequency. It is shown that the amplitude phase characteristics of the resulting signal at the termination of the vestibular nerves depend on the position of the stimulating electrodes and on the stimulating signal frequency. The presence of conductive disturbance currents and their influence on the resulting signal waveforms are established. A method for eliminating the influence of the conductive disturbance currents by means of application of additional electric pulses with a certain phase shift to the stimulating electrodes is suggested.

Об авторах

V. Demkin

National Research Tomsk State University

Автор, ответственный за переписку.
Email: demkin@ido.tsu.ru
Россия, Tomsk

S. Melnichuk

National Research Tomsk State University

Email: demkin@ido.tsu.ru
Россия, Tomsk

M. Svetlik

National Research Tomsk State University

Email: demkin@ido.tsu.ru
Россия, Tomsk

P. Shchetinin

National Research Tomsk State University

Email: demkin@ido.tsu.ru
Россия, Tomsk

H. Kingma

National Research Tomsk State University

Email: demkin@ido.tsu.ru
Россия, Tomsk

R. Van de Berg

National Research Tomsk State University

Email: demkin@ido.tsu.ru
Россия, Tomsk

O. Demkin

National Research Tomsk State University

Email: demkin@ido.tsu.ru
Россия, Tomsk

E. Udut

National Research Tomsk State University

Email: demkin@ido.tsu.ru
Россия, Tomsk

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature, 2019

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