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Vol 58, No 2 (2019)

Control in Stochastic Systems and Under Uncertainty Conditions

Effect of Displacement of Optimal Control in Stabilization Problems for Quasi-Linear Diffusion-Type Stochastic Systems

Khalina A.S., Khrustalev M.M.


A displacement effect of a linear optimal control in stabilization problems for diffusion-type stochastic systems that operate on an unbounded time interval is studied. Hidden asymmetry of perturbations is shown to exist in systems without deterministic drift, where the equilibrium state of the open-loop system is zero. A displaced linear controller helps improve stabilization quality despite the asymmetry of the oscillations of the system.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2019;58(2):159-166
pages 159-166 views

Computer Methods

Decomposing a System of Boolean Functions into Subsystems of Connected Functions

Bibilo P.N.


This paper suggests some algorithms for decomposing a system of Boolean functions into subsystems of connected functions for representations such as truth tables (TTs), systems of disjunctive normal forms (DNFs), and binary decision diagrams (BDDs). The connectivity of functions consists of the presence of identical parts in the domains of functions from a given system. The algorithms are heuristic and can be used in computer-aided synthesis systems for real-dimension problems with several hundred functions, each having several tens of arguments. The experiments described below prove the efficiency of this decomposition approach in the logic optimization of a system of Boolean functions based on Shannon’s decomposition with the possible use of subfunction inversions.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2019;58(2):167-182
pages 167-182 views

Systems Analysis and Operations Research

From the Calculation of Combat Effectiveness Indices to the Operations Research Theory and Non-Zero-Sum Games: Scientific Legacy of Professor Yurii Borisovich Germeier

Kostyuk F.V.


The main scientific results of Professor Yurii B. Germeier are presented, including the results of calculations of combat effectiveness indices of aviation systems and theories of non-zero-sum games, hierarchical games, reliability, and operations research. Milestones of his scientific, teaching, and life paths are listed. Directions for the further development of the Moscow school of operations research created by him are given.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2019;58(2):183-193
pages 183-193 views

Synthesizing a Multiprocessor System for Scheduling with Interruptions and Execution Intervals

Furugyan M.G.


A problem of finding processor performances in a multiprocessor system is studied such that an admissible schedule with interruptions exists for the given set of jobs with execution intervals. Cases are considered when (1) the amounts of jobs are fixed and (2) linearly depend on the amount of extra resources allocated for them; (3) processor performances are bounded above and below. In all three cases, the original problem is reduced to the system of linear inequalities. The algorithm for finding Pareto optimal solutions is described.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2019;58(2):194-199
pages 194-199 views

Artificial Intelligence

Risk Analysis: Fuzzy Cognitive Maps Vs Fault Trees

Rothstein A.P.


Restrictions of the method of fault trees in risk analysis problems are analyzed. As an alternative to this method, we consider the possibility to apply fuzzy cognitive maps; this new modelling technique is not sufficiently propagated in the reliability theory. Based on fuzzy cognitive maps, we propose a method to rank risk factors and illustrate it by an example of a man-machine system.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2019;58(2):200-211
pages 200-211 views

Algebraization of Inferring Functional Dependences in Relational Databases

Pomortsev L.A., Tsurkov V.I.


The paper considers a closed automaton with six not more than two-address instructions called inference axioms. Its purpose is to transform the so-called functional dependences over an arbitrary finite set R called a scheme. We establish the possibility of a functionally equivalent replacement of algorithms for inferring functional dependences by algebraic expressions with one of the binary algebraic operations ▶ and ▷ with the addition of very simple nullary and unary operations (instructions) to them, which together comprise the universal D-algebra.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2019;58(2):212-228
pages 212-228 views

Control Systems for Technological Processes

Direct Method for Forming the Optimal Open Loop Control of Aerial Vehicles

Korsun O.N., Stulovskii A.V.


A direct method for finding the optimal open loop control of an aircraft is proposed. It is based on the preliminary parameterization of controls with the subsequent parameter estimation using the numerical minimization of a given functional. Conditions for the application of this method and possible constraints are discussed. The efficiency of the method is confirmed by examples that use the results of simulation and flight data. The results are compared with the solutions obtained using the classical approach to finding the optimal control based on the solution of a two-point boundary value problem.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2019;58(2):229-243
pages 229-243 views

Dynamic Blocks and Efficacy Bounds of Active Vibration Isolation Systems

Melik-Shakhnazarov V.A., Sofiyanchuk D.V., Strelov V.I., Tregubenko A.A.


Miscellaneous active vibration isolation systems designed for laboratory (workshop), transport, and space applications with the decoupled control of six vibration modes of the bearing plate are studied. Using the electric circuit method, a compact mathematical description of the dynamic behavior of individual mechanical and electrical units and of the control of active vibration isolators is obtained. It is shown how, given the basic parameters of a vibration isolation system (the active frequency range and maximal vibration attenuation factor, which are together called efficacy bounds), the parameters of the dynamic blocks of the device and its design characteristics can be determined. The factors that limit the active frequency range and the maximal vibration attenuation factor of vibration isolators are analyzed.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2019;58(2):244-251
pages 244-251 views

Control Systems of Moving Objects

Reorientation of a Rigid Body Controlled by a Movable Internal Mass

Naumov N.Y., Chernous’ko F.L.


The problem of controlling the orientation of a rigid body using a movable internal mass is studied. A method for calculating the motion of a point mass relative to the rigid body under which the body acquires a desired attitude in space is proposed. The reorientation maneuver consists of three planar turns about the principal central axes of inertia of the body. Finding the required planar turns is based on solving the corresponding optimal control problems.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2019;58(2):252-259
pages 252-259 views

Calculation of Program Control Not Generating Singularities in Gyrosystems

Druzhinin E.I.


A new approach to calculating the program controls of the spacecraft (SC) attitude by single-gimbal control moment gyros (gyroscopes in English terminology or gyrodynes in Russian terminology) is described in details. The novelty of the proposed method of calculating program controls is the virtual kinematic configuration of the actuator gyrosystem and the use of the angular momentum of the SC as a state variable when describing its dynamics. The formulation of the problem of calculating the control laws, based on these innovations, made it possible to directly use the total angular momentum of all the rotors of the gyrosystem in their motion relative to the main body of the SC, rather than its derivative, as a working tool for controlling the SC, and to accept the laws of the precessions of the gyro units, rather than the velocities of these precessions. A new approach to solving the problem of reorientation enables us to obtain control laws without such special (singular) positions of the gyro units in which the execution of the calculated laws is interrupted. This feature solves the well-known singularity problem of an actuator gyrosystem consisting of gyrodynes, and suggests that the presence of a singularity problem in the process of executing the calculated laws should be due only to their calculation method rather than due to certain specific features of the gyrosystem itself. The new method of calculating the control presented in this paper uses the structure of the space trajectory given a priori and the law of the motion along this trajectory is calculated in the process of forming the control. All the calculations are carried out on the standard onboard digital computer.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2019;58(2):260-269
pages 260-269 views

Stabilizing the Motion of a Low-Orbit Electrodynamic Tether System

Voevodin P.S., Zabolotnov Y.M.


This paper considers the motion of a low-orbit electrodynamic tether system designed to raise the orbit of a small spacecraft or nanosatellites. The system operates in the thrust generation mode. The orbit is raised by the Ampere force resulting from the interaction of the conducting tether with the Earth’s magnetic field. The mathematical model of motion is constructed using the Lagrange method taking into account the effect of the distributed loads from the Ampere force and the aerodynamic forces on the tether. It is shown that the motion of the system relative to the center of mass is unstable if the current is constant. It is proposed to use a linear regulator to stabilize the motion of the system with respect to the local vertical. Bellman’s dynamic programming principle is used to synthesize the regulator.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2019;58(2):270-285
pages 270-285 views

Reconstruction of a Spacecraft’s Attitude Motion Using the Data on the Current Collected from Solar Panels

Belokonov I.V., Kramlikh A.V., Lomaka I.A., Nikolaev P.N.


The problem of reconstructing a spacecraft’s (SC’s) attitude motion using measurements of a current from solar panels with the use of the differential evolution algorithm is considered; in this case the model of measurements takes into account the Earth-reflected light flux. The possibility of using the differential evolution algorithm and the model of measurements in the problem of the attitude motion reconstruction is substantiated by the example of the Aist SC. The application of this algorithm considerably simplifies the traditional technique for reconstructing the attitude motion.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2019;58(2):286-296
pages 286-296 views


Observer Design for an Inverted Pendulum with Biased Position Sensors

Aranovskiy S.V., Biryuk A.E., Nikulchev E.V., Ryadchikov I.V., Sokolov D.V.


Inverted pendulums can be considered as an approximation for the stabilization problem for legged robots. In this paper we design a linear observer for a reaction wheel inverted pendulum under biased angle measurements. The reaction wheel is a flywheel that allows the free spinning motor to apply the control torque on the pendulum. In this paper we consider the stabilization problem in the presence of a constant unknown bias in the pendulum angle measurements; this problem has important practical implications, allowing for less precise sensor placement as well as a closer approximation for the control of legged robots. This paper provides a theoretical and experimental basis for the estimation of the velocities and the bias in the system.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2019;58(2):297-304
pages 297-304 views

Program Displacement Tracing of Executive Devices by the Manipulator Drives of Parallel-Sequential Structures

Vorob’eva N.S., Zhoga V.V., Nesmiyanov I.A.


Synthesis methods for program displacements are developed for executive cylinders of the manipulator of a parallel-sequential structure, that ensure implementation of the required trajectories of the executive device of a manipulator. Program displacements of executive cylinders are interpolated by a finite collection of third-order and fourth-order splines. At each point of the trajectory of the executive device, the manipulator configuration is determined by resolving an optimization problem with the minimum condition of the generalized energy criterion.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2019;58(2):305-316
pages 305-316 views

Automatic Grasping of Objects by a Manipulator Equipped with a Multifinger Hand

Bazhinova K.V., Leskov A.G., Seliverstova E.V.


We consider the problem of controlling a manipulator during the operation of the automatic grasping of a noncooperative object. The manipulator is equipped with a gripper in the form of a multifinger hand. The solution of the problem includes the planning and execution stages. When planning, the coordinates of contact points on the surface of the object, along with the coordinates of the manipulator and the fingers of the hand at the instant of a grasping are determined. When executing, the manipulator and the hand move from the initial position into the planned position.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2019;58(2):317-327
pages 317-327 views

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