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Vol 57, No 1 (2018)

Systems Theory and General Control Theory

Inversion of Linear Systems on the Basis of State Space Realization

Pushkov S.G.


This paper considers the problem of constructing an inverse system for a given linear timeinvariant dynamical discrete-time system. We suggest a method to obtain the matrices of the inverse system based on calculating a finite-dimensional state space realization of the input-output map represented by a sequence of matrices.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2018;57(1):7-17
pages 7-17 views

Design of Linear Absorbing Feedback

Leonov G.A., Seledzhi S.M.


This paper considers dynamic vibration absorbers using the theory of linear control. We introduce an axiomatic definition of absorbing feedback. Next, we establish frequency domain stability criteria for the control systems with absorbing feedback by constructing a Lyapunov function and employing the Kalman–Yacubovich–Popov lemma. Finally, we demonstrate that linear absorbing feedback can be applied to suppress the vibrations of an ellastic plate with synchronous machines and induction motors and also to design ultranarrow bandpass filters.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2018;57(1):1-6
pages 1-6 views

Automation of Scientific Research

Functionality Evaluation Model for Machine Translation Systems

Kostin A.V., Smirnov V.V.


The principal concepts, models and methods for software quality evaluation are presented. Since the definitions of functionality in the existing standards for software quality evaluation are inconsistent, this concept here is defined as a particular case of the concept of quality in qualimetry as applied to software quality evaluation. A generalized model for software functionality evaluation is proposed. A functionality evaluation model for machine translation systems that was developed based on it and can be a prototype for more detailed models is given. Some ways to use such models to evaluate the functionality of machine translation systems numerically are considered.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2018;57(1):157-169
pages 157-169 views


On the Workspace of a Free-Floating Space Robot

Lapshin V.V.


The planar problem of controlling the motion of a free-floating space robot is investigated. The robot consists of a body and a telescopic manipulator arm. The motion of the manipulator arm changes the body’s center of mass and causes the body to rotate. It is assumed that the length of the manipulator arm and the angle of its turn relative to the body are restricted. It is shown that the workspace of such a robot is significantly larger than the workspace of a robot with a fixed body. Due to the special motions of the manipulator arm, the robot’s body can be turned and the gripper can be moved from an arbitrary position to another arbitrary position if they are within the workspace, which is a ring centered at the robot’s center of mass. In addition, the prescribed angle between the manipulator arm and the body in the terminal position can be ensured.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2018;57(1):149-156
pages 149-156 views

Control Systems of Moving Objects

Quadratic Optimal Control in Reorienting a Spacecraft in a Fixed Time Period in a Dynamic Problem Statement

Levskii M.V.


A dynamic problem of a spacecraft (SC) turning from an arbitrary initial angular position to the required final angular position is considered and solved. The termination time of the maneuver is known. To optimize the turn control program, the quadratic criterion of quality is used; the minimized functional characterizes the energy consumption. The construction of the optimal control of the turn is based on quaternion variables and Pontryagin’s maximum principle. It is shown that during the optimal turn, the moment of forces is parallel to a straight line immobile in space and the angular momentum direction in the rotation process of the SC is constant relative to the inertial coordinate system. The formalized equations and calculation expressions to determine the optimal turn program are obtained. For a dynamically symmetric SC, a complete solution to the reorientation problem in the closed form is given. An example and results of the mathematical simulation of the dynamics of the SC’s motion under the optimal control are presented, which demonstrate the practical feasibility of the developed method to control the SC’s attitude.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2018;57(1):131-148
pages 131-148 views

Laboratory Facility for Microsatellite Mock-up Motion Simulation

Ivanov D.S., Koptev M.D., Mashtakov Y.V., Ovchinnikov M.Y., Proshunin N.N., Tkachev S.S., Fedoseev A.I., Shachkov M.O.


A description of a COSMOS laboratory facility for the controlled motion simulation of microsatellites created in Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the results of its application to the simulation of the control algorithms are presented. The laboratory facility consists of an aerodynamic table and microsatellite mock-ups. Due to the air cushion between the table surface and the disks on which the mock-ups are installed, free motion with three degrees of freedom becomes possible: two translational and one rotational. A review of the simulator’s international analogues has revealed its advantages and disadvantages. A motion determination algorithm based on video processing is described and its accuracy is studied. The results of the investigation of perturbations acting on the mock-ups on the aerodynamic table are presented. The performance of the control algorithms is demonstrated.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2018;57(1):115-130
pages 115-130 views

Control in Deterministic Systems

LMI-Based Criteria of Controllability and Observability for a Descriptor MIMO System

Zubov N.E., Mikrin E.A., Misrikhanov M.S., Ryabchenko V.N.


This paper develops simple LMI-based criteria of controllability and observability for a linear time-invariant descriptor (differential-algebraic) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system. Several examples illustrate the efficiency of the developed criteria. A restriction of these criteria is that the number of inputs (outputs, respectively) must not be smaller than half the states of the space dimension.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2018;57(1):18-24
pages 18-24 views

Application of a Memetic Algorithm for the Optimal Control of Bunches of Trajectories of Nonlinear Deterministic Systems with Incomplete Feedback

Panteleev A.V., Pis’mennaya V.A.


The application of a hybrid memetic constrained minimization algorithm that uses the ideas of evolutionary methods operating the concept of population and the algorithms of simulation and mutual learning of the population’s individuals for designing the optimal control of bunches of trajectories of nonlinear deterministic systems with incomplete feedback is proposed. Memetic algorithms use the concept of meme as a unit of information transmission between individuals of the population. In the proposed algorithm, the meme is a promising solution obtained in the course of executing a procedure to find an extremum. Since the proposed method uses a number of different heuristic procedures for solving the problem, in particular, the simulated annealing, ant colony optimization methods, and the path-relinking procedure for accelerating the search, the algorithm is a hybrid modified one. To demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed approach, the problem of stabilization and attitude control of a satellite is solved and the results are compared with those obtained using the local variation method.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2018;57(1):25-36
pages 25-36 views

Simple Group Pursuit Subject to Phase Constraints and Data Delay

Petrov N.N.


The problem of the simple pursuit of a single evader by a group of pursuers subject to phase constraints is considered. It is assumed that the pursuers receive information about the evader’s control and affect the control system with a time delay. Sufficient conditions for the solvability of the pursuit problem are obtained.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2018;57(1):37-42
pages 37-42 views

Discrete Systems

Development of Hypergraph Theory

Wang L., Egorova E.K., Mokryakov A.V.


In recent decades, the theory of hypergraphs has been applied to real-life problems. The tools of hypergraph theory can be used for modeling networks, biological networks, data structures, scheduling processes and computations, and many other systems with complex relationships between the entities. From the theoretical point of view, hypergraphs make it possible to generalize certain theorems in graph theory or even replace a number of theorems on graphs by one theorem on hypergraphs. However, the majority of the potentials in the development of hypergraph theory are blocked due to inconsistencies in the basic terms. It is proposed to make up a list of basic terms related to hypergraph theory, which can help standardize this theory.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2018;57(1):109-114
pages 109-114 views

Decomposition in Multidimensional Boolean-Optimization Problems with Sparse Matrices

Kovkov D.V., Lemtyuzhnikova D.V.


In this paper, we review problems associated with sparse matrices. We formulate several theorems on the allocation of a quasi-block structure in a sparse matrix, as well as on the relation of the degree of the quasi-block structure and the number of its blocks, depending on the dimension of the matrix and the number of nonzero elements in it. Algorithms for the solution of integer optimization problems with sparse matrices that have the quasi-block structure are considered. Algorithms for allocating the quasi-block structures are presented. We describe the local elimination algorithm, which is efficient for problems with matrices that have a quasi-block structure. We study the problem of an optimal sequence for the elimination of variables in the local elimination algorithm. For this purpose, we formulate a series of notions and prove the properties of graph structures corresponding to the order of the solution of subproblems. Different orders of the elimination of variables are tested.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2018;57(1):97-108
pages 97-108 views

An Average Polynomial Algorithm for Solving Antagonistic Games on Graphs

Lebedev V.N., Tsurkov V.I.


An algorithm that determines the winner in a cyclic game in polynomial time is proposed. The two-person game occurs continuously on the edges of a directed graph until a vertex visited earlier is reached. If the weight of the resulting cycle is nonnegative, then the maximizing player wins; if this cycle has a negative weight, then the minimizing player wins. A polynomial estimate of the expected algorithm execution time is obtained under the condition that the weights of the game’s graph edges are distributed uniformly. A brief justification of the time estimate of the algorithm is given. Such games have applications in the validating the correctness of parallel-distributed computer systems, including problems of making up a feasible schedule with logical precedence conditions and preprocessing possibilities.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2018;57(1):88-96
pages 88-96 views

Optimal Control

Optimal Shock Isolation of a Two-Component Elastic Object

Prourzin V.A.


We consider the problem of the optimal shock isolation of an object whose mechanical model is described by two masses with a linear elastic connection between them. The object is situated on a base whose movement is considered as a shock load. The base acceleration law (shock action) is given. For the sake of safety, the object is fastened to the base by a special device—an shock isolator. The isolator is characterized by the force of the action on the object. We pose the problem of constructing the force law of the isolator such that the stroke of the isolator (the maximum change in the distance between the fastening points of the isolator on the object and on the base) is minimal under the condition that the force of the elastic connection between the masses of the object does not exceed the given admissible value. We obtain approximate solutions of the problem, as well as exact solutions for various classes of shock actions. We provide examples. We show that the solutions include the summands that are the impulse functions. The results can be used to create highly effective devices to protect against shock of technical systems and humans in industry and in transport.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2018;57(1):72-87
pages 72-87 views

Transfer of a Dynamic Object onto the Surface of an Ellipsoid

Akulenko L.D., Shmatkov A.M.


Using Pontryagin’s maximum principle, the problem of the quickest transfer of a multidimensional object onto the surface of an ellipsoid is reduced to solving a scalar algebraic equation. The concentration of the endpoints of optimal trajectories in the vicinity of the points forming the boundary in the case of a degenerate ellipsoid is demonstrated. An example in which the optimal control has a jump and the Bellman function has a discontinuity when the magnitude of the initial velocity vector undergoes a small change is constructed. It is also shown that the jump in the optimal control can occur without the discontinuity of the Bellman function.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2018;57(1):63-71
pages 63-71 views

Control in Stochastic Systems and Under Uncertainty Conditions

Optimal Nonlinear Recurrent Finite Memory Filter

Rudenko E.A.


A problem of best estimation of the current values of part of the state variables of a discrete stochastic Markovian plant using measurement results is considered. To ensure that these measurements are sufficiently simply processed, it is proposed to synthesize a finite-dimensional filter that stores only the last few measurements in its state vector. The filter’s memory size is arbitrary and can be chosen as a compromise between the attained estimation accuracy and complexity of the hardware implementation of the filter. The root-mean-squarely optimal structure of the filter is represented via the respective probability distribution, a recurrent way to find this distribution is found, and the algorithm for the numerical construction of the filter by the Monte Carlo method is given. Since it is cumbersome, analytical Gaussian and linearized approximations to the proposed filter are considered. A comprehensive example to compare the accuracies of these approximations with their known analogues is shown.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2018;57(1):43-62
pages 43-62 views

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