Analytical Algorithm for Constructing the Orbital Orientation of a Spacecraft with an Incomplete Measurement of the State Vector Components


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The problem of joint synthesis of a modal controller and observer is solved analytically for a sixth-order system that describes the rotational motion of a spacecraft with the available measurements of five components of the state vector. The modeling results that describe the application of the synthesized control and observation laws for the construction of the orbital orientation of a spacecraft are presented in the paper.

Об авторах

N. Zubov

Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Автор, ответственный за переписку.
Россия, Moscow, 105005

A. Lapin

Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Россия, Moscow, 105005

V. Ryabchenko

Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Россия, Moscow, 105005

© Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2019

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