
Biogeochemical Processes in Steppe Landscapes of the Ergeni Upland in the Holocene
Kalinin P., Kudrevatykh I., Vagapov I., Borisov A., Alekseev A.
Dynamics of benzo[α]pyrene accumulation in soils under the influence of aerotechnogenic emissions
Sushkova S., Minkina T., Mandzhieva S., Deryabkina I., Vasil’eva G., Kızılkaya R.
Vertical distribution of radiocesium in soils of the area affected by the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant accident
Konoplev A., Golosov V., Yoschenko V., Nanba K., Onda Y., Takase T., Wakiyama Y.
Changes of the content of oil products in the oil-polluted peat soil of a high-moor bog in a field experiment with application of lime and fertilizers
Erkenova M., Tolpeshta I., Trofimov S., Aptikaev R., Lazarev A.
Quantitative Estimate of the Heterogeneity of Solute Fluxes Using the Dispersivity Length for Mathematical Models of Pesticide Migration in Soils
Shein E., Belik A., Kokoreva A., Kolupaeva V.
Regional clarkes of chemical elements in soils of southern European Russia
D’yachenko V., Matasova I.
Quantification of the vertical translocation rate of soil solid-phase material by the magnetic tracer method
Gennadiev A., Zhidkin A.
Quantitative assessment of pedodiversity and soil erosion within a karst sinkhole in the dry steppe subzone
Smirnova M., Gennadiev A.
Soil contamination in the impact zone of mining enterprises in the Bashkir Transural region
Opekunova M., Somov V., Papyan E.
Self-purification of agrosoddy-podzolic sandy loamy soils fertilized with sewage sludge
Plekhanova I.
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