
Interpretation of data on the aggregate composition of typical chernozems under different land use by cluster and principal component analyses
Kholodov V., Yaroslavtseva N., Lazarev V., Frid A.
Characteristics of Organic Carbon Changes in Brown Earth under 37-year Long-Term Fertilization
Gao M., Yang J., Li Y., Liu N., Li N., Huang Y., Luo P., Han X.
Assessing the Degree of Physical Degradation and Suitability of Chernozems for the Minimization of Basic Tillage
Trofimova T., Korzhov S., Gulevskii V., Obraztsov V.
Effects of Land Use on Concentrations and Chemical Forms of Phosphorus in Different-Size Aggregates
Ahmad E., Demisie W., Zhang M.
Enzymatic activity inside and outside of water-stable aggregates in soils under different land use
Garbuz S., Yaroslavtseva N., Kholodov V.
Changes in the Ratio of Aggregate Fractions in Humus Horizons of Chernozems in Response to the Type of Their Use
Kholodov V., Yaroslavtseva N., Farkhodov Y., Belobrov V., Yudin S., Aydiev A., Lazarev V., Frid A.
Role of plants in the spatial differentiation of 137Cs and 90Sr statuses on the aggregate level
Fokin A., Torshin S., Bebneva Y., Gadzhiagaeva R., Taldykina L.
Relationships between the Organic Carbon Content and Structural State of Typical Chernozem
Dubovik E., Dubovik D.
Distribution of transformed organic matter in structural units of loamy sandy soddy-podzolic soil
Kogut B., Yashin M., Semenov V., Avdeeva T., Markina L., Lukin S., Tarasov S.
Organic Matter of the Air-Dry and Water-Stable Macroaggregates (2–1 mm) of Haplic Chernozem in Contrasting Variants of Land Use
Kogut B., Artemyeva Z., Kirillova N., Yashin M., Soshnikova E.
Submicroscopy of Aggregates of Luvic Phaeozems under Different Land Uses in the Southeast of the Buenos Aires Province, Argentina
Maria Fernanda Alvarez , Margarita Luisa Osterrieth
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