Список статей

Выпуск Название Файл
Том 52, № 3 (2019) Molecular Structure of Humus Substances in Permafrost Peat Mounds in Forest-Tundra
Vasilevich R., Beznosikov V., Lodygin E.
Том 51, № 4 (2018) Monitoring of Soil Contamination by Heavy Metals in the Impact Zone of Copper-Nickel Smelter on the Kola Peninsula
Kashulina G.
Том 50, № 2 (2017) Morphogenetic features of soils in the Cat Tien National Park, southern Vietnam
Khokhlova O., Myakshina T., Kuznetsov A., Gubin S.
Том 52, № 12 (2019) Morphogenetic Features of Soils under Mountainous Larch Forests and Woodlands in the Subpolar Urals
Zhangurov E., Startsev V., Dubrovskiy Y., Degteva S., Dumov A.
Том 49, № 8 (2016) Morphology and physical properties of soil material in cryogenic cracks of permafrost-affected meadow-chernozemic soils of the Trans-Baikal Region
Tsybenov Y., Chimitdorzhieva G., Chimitdorzhieva E., Egorova R., Mil’kheev E., Davydova T., Korsunova T.
Том 49, № 5 (2016) Morphology and properties of the soils of permafrost peatlands in the southeast of the Bol’shezemel’skaya tundra
Kaverin D., Pastukhov A., Lapteva E., Biasi C., Marushchak M., Martikainen P.
Том 52, № 12 (2019) Morphology of Soils in the Impact Zone of Kuchiger Hot Springs, the Barguzin Depression
Khitrov N., Ubugunov V., Ubugunova V., Rupyshev Y., Ayushina T., Zhambalova A., Tsyrempilov E., Paramonova A., Nasatueva T.
Том 49, № 12 (2016) Morphology, properties, and regimes of migrational–mycelial agrochernozems with different ground moistening (Belgorod oblast)
Lebedeva I., Bazykina G., Grebennikov A., Smirnova L., Tyutyunov S.
Том 51, № 7 (2018) Morphology, Radiocarbon Age, and Genesis of Vertisols of the Eisk Peninsula (the Kuban–Azov Lowland)
Khitrov N., Zazovskaya E., Rogovneva L.
Том 51, № 6 (2018) Natural and Anthropogenic Changes in the Soils and Environment of the Moskva River Floodplain in the Holocene: Pedogenic, Palynological, and Anthracological Evidences
Aleksandrovskii A., Ershova E., Ponomarenko E., Krenke N., Skripkin V.
Том 49, № 6 (2016) Near infrared spectroscopy techniques for soil contamination assessment in the Nile Delta
Mohamed E., Ali A., El Shirbeny M., Abd El Razek A., Savin I.
Том 52, № 5 (2019) Neoformations (Nodules and Placic Layers) in Surface-Gleyed Loamy Sandy Soils of the Northern Part of the Tambov Plain
Zaidelman F., Stepantsova L., Nikiforova A., Krasin V., Dautokov I., Krasina T.
Том 51, № 12 (2018) Nitrogen in Chernozems under Traditional and Direct Seeding Cropping Systems: A Review
Zavalin A., Dridiger V., Belobrov V., Yudin S.
Том 52, № 10 (2019) Nitrogen Isotopes in Soils and Plants of Tundra Ecosystems in the Khibiny Mountains
Makarov M., Buzin I., Tiunov A., Malysheva T., Kadulin M., Koroleva N.
Том 52, № 10 (2019) Nitrogen Loss by Ammonia Volatilization in Cultivation of Olive Orchards Fertilized with Compost
Abascal S., Buschiazzo D., Mielnik L., Asensio C.
Том 52, № 6 (2019) Nonhydrolyzable Part of Soil Organic Matter in Buried and Modern Soils
Alekseeva T., Zolotareva B., Kolyagin Y.
Том 50, № 9 (2017) Nonspecific organic compounds in peat soils of the Subpolar Urals
Nizovtsev N., Kholodov V., Ivanov V., Farkhodov Y., Dymov A.
Том 51, № 1 (2018) Numerical Investigations of Moisture Distribution in a Selected Anisotropic Soil Medium
Iwanek M.
Том 52, № 11 (2019) Numerical Methods for Estimating the Soil Hydraulic Properties and the Wetting Front in the Soil
Hachimi M., Maslouhi A., Qanza H., Tamoh K.
Том 49, № 12 (2016) On inclusion of ecosystem services in the assessment of damage from land degradation
Tsvetnov E., Makarov O., Yakovlev A., Bondarenko E.
Том 49, № 3 (2016) On the development of soil-genetic zoning
Korolyuk T., Lebedeva I., Gerasimova M., Ovechkin S., Savin I.
Том 51, № 9 (2018) On the Probable Nature of Biological Activity of Humic Substances
Fedotov G., Shoba S., Fedotova M., Demin V.
Том 50, № 3 (2017) Orders in the soil classification system of Russia: Taxonomic distance as a measure of their adequate identification
Smirnova M., Gerasimova M.
Том 52, № 12 (2019) Organic Carbon Fractions, Aggregate Stability, and Available Nutrients in Soil and Their Interrelationships in Tropical Cropping Systems: A Case Study
Ratnayake R., Roshanthan T., Gnanavelrajah N., Karunaratne S.
Том 52, № 2 (2019) Organic Matter of the Air-Dry and Water-Stable Macroaggregates (2–1 mm) of Haplic Chernozem in Contrasting Variants of Land Use
Kogut B., Artemyeva Z., Kirillova N., Yashin M., Soshnikova E.
326 - 350 из 605 результатов << < 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 > >> 

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