
Distribution of transformed organic matter in structural units of loamy sandy soddy-podzolic soil
Kogut B., Yashin M., Semenov V., Avdeeva T., Markina L., Lukin S., Tarasov S.
Morphology of Soils in the Impact Zone of Kuchiger Hot Springs, the Barguzin Depression
Khitrov N., Ubugunov V., Ubugunova V., Rupyshev Y., Ayushina T., Zhambalova A., Tsyrempilov E., Paramonova A., Nasatueva T.
Transformation of soil organic matter in leached chernozems under minimized treatment in the forest-steppe of West Siberia
Sharkov I., Samokhvalova L., Mishina P.
Subsoil Compaction: The Intensity of Manifestation in Silty Clayey Calcic Pantofluvic Fluvisols of the Iğdır Region (Eastern Turkey)
Simsek U., Shein E., Mikailsoy F., Bolotov A., Erdel E.
Particulate Organic Matter in Noncultivated and Arable Soils
Semenov V., Lebedeva T., Pautova N.
Relationships between the Organic Carbon Content and Structural State of Typical Chernozem
Dubovik E., Dubovik D.
Effect of temperature and moisture on the mineralization and humification of leaf litter in a model incubation experiment
Larionova A., Maltseva A., Lopes de Gerenyu V., Kvitkina A., Bykhovets S., Zolotareva B., Kudeyarov V.
Soddy-Podzolic Soils with a Complex Organic Profile in the Right-Bank Part of the Lower Vyatka River Basin
Prokashev A., Soboleva E., Imenitova A., Vartan I., Matushkin A., Okhorzin N., Mokrushin S., Borodatyi I.
Enzymatic activity inside and outside of water-stable aggregates in soils under different land use
Garbuz S., Yaroslavtseva N., Kholodov V.
Particle-Size, Microaggregate-Size, and Aggregate-Size Distributions in Humus Horizons of the Zonal Sequence of Soils in European Russia
Filippova O., Kholodov V., Safronova N., Yudina A., Kulikova N.
Dynamics of the agrochemical fertility parameters of arable soils in the southwestern region of Central Chernozemic zone of Russia
Lukin S.
Effect of Contrasting Trophic Conditions on the Priming Effect in Gray Forest Soils
Zhuravleva A., Alifanov V., Blagodatskaya E.
Effect of Altitude on Forest Soil Properties at Northern Karakoram
Shamsher Ali , Hussain I., Hussain S., Hussain A., Ali H., Ali M.
The Role of Mycorrhiza in Transformation of Nitrogen Compounds in Soil and Nitrogen Nutrition of Plants: A Review
Makarov M.
Temperature Sensitivity of Soil Respiration in Palsa Peatlands of the North of Western Siberia
Tarkhov M., Matyshak G., Ryzhova I., Goncharova O., Bobrik A., Petrov D., Petrzhik N.
Soils of postpyrogenic larch stands in Central Siberia: Morphology, physicochemical properties, and specificity of soil organic matter
Startsev V., Dymov A., Prokushkin A.
Restoration of Soils and Vegetation on Reclamation Sites of the Kingisepp Phosphorite Field
Dmitrakova Y., Abakumov E.
Agrogenic degradation of soils in Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe
Shpedt A., Trubnikov Y., Zharinova N.
Effect of Long-Term Regular Application of Fertilizers on Main Parameters of Soil Fertility and Productivity of Fodder Crop Rotation on Deeply Freezing Meadow-Chernozemic Soil of Transbaikalia
Pilipenko N., Andreyeva O.
Biological Activity of Soils in Mountain Tundra Ecosystems under Postpyrogenic Restoration
Maslov M., Maslova O., Pozdnyakov L., Kopeina E.
Comparison of the Properties of Humic Acids Extracted from Soils by Alkali in the Presence and Absence of Oxygen
Zavarzina A., Kravchenko E., Konstantinov A., Perminova I., Chukov S., Demin V.
Rheological properties of typical chernozems (Kursk oblast) under different land uses
Khaidapova D., Chestnova V., Shein E., Milanovskii E.
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