
Evaluation of organic carbon stocks and СО2 fluxes in grasslands of Western Transbaikalia
Lavrentyeva I., Merkusheva M., Ubugunov L.
Short-range variation in a Wisconsin soilscape (USA)
Hartemink A., Gennadiyev A., Bockheim J., Bero N.
Soil organic matter in the Moscow State University botanical garden on the Vorob’evy Hills
Rozanova M., Prokof’eva T., Lysak L., Rakhleeva A.
Particulate Organic Matter in Noncultivated and Arable Soils
Semenov V., Lebedeva T., Pautova N.
Relationships between the Organic Carbon Content and Structural State of Typical Chernozem
Dubovik E., Dubovik D.
Changes in the Structural State of Soils in the Lower Volga Region during the Past 3500 Years as Related to Climate Fluctuations
Bukhonov A., Khudyakov O., Borisov A.
Composition of the Water-Soluble Soil Fraction on the Barents Sea Coast: Organic Carbon and Nitrogen, Low-Molecular Weight Components
Shamrikova E., Kubik O., Deneva S., Punegov V.
Linear Regression between CIE-Lab Color Parameters and Organic Matter in Soils of Tea Plantations
Chen Y., Zhang M., Fan D., Fan K., Wang X.
Temperature Sensitivity of Soil Respiration in Palsa Peatlands of the North of Western Siberia
Tarkhov M., Matyshak G., Ryzhova I., Goncharova O., Bobrik A., Petrov D., Petrzhik N.
Two-Dimensional Distribution of the Properties of Vertic Solonetz with Gilgai Microtopography in the Kamennaya Steppe
Khitrov N., Cheverdin Y., Rogovneva L.
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