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Vol 51, No 11 (2018)

Genesis and Geography of Soils

Two-Dimensional Distribution of the Properties of Vertic Solonetz with Gilgai Microtopography in the Kamennaya Steppe

Khitrov N.B., Cheverdin Y.I., Rogovneva L.V.


A specific swelling clayey strongly alkaline soil with gilgai microtopography is characterized. The profile of this soil displays diagnostic features of both Solonetzes and Vertisols. In the Russian soil classification system, it is classified as a crusty quasigley slitic (vertic) sulfate–sodic clayey dark solonetz. In the WRB-2015 system, it can be defined as a Nudinatric Vertic Stagnic Protosalic Solonetz (Clayic, Columnic, Cutanic, Humic, Hypernatric). The area with this soil is found on the northern spurs of the Kalach Upland in the Kamennaya Steppe (Talovskii district of Voronezh oblast). Data on the particle-size distribution, soil density, composition of extracts from water-saturated pastes, and the content of exchangeable cations in the soil profile are analyzed. The 2D distribution of the morphological features indicated by symbols of the soil diagnostic horizons and features is presented. Data on the contents of organic carbon and calcium carbonates; the activities of sodium, calcium, and chloride ions and their ratios; the contents of oxalate- and dithionite-soluble iron compounds and their ratios, and the swelling capacity of ground samples are also presented. Three levels of morphologically manifested deformation structures are identified in the soil profile. Their impact on the spatial distribution of the physical and chemical properties is discussed.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(11):1275-1287
pages 1275-1287 views

Postmeliorative Transformation of Carbonate and Gypsum Profiles of Solonetzic Soils in the Dry Steppe Zone

Lyubimova I.N.


It is shown that deep ameliorative plowing with destruction and disintegration of solonetzic horizons changes the morphology of the profile and water-physical properties of soils in solonetzic soil complexes of the dry-steppe zone. This results in a more active migration of calcium salts and dissolution and recrystallization of carbonate and gypsum pedofeatures. Data on the tendencies of changes in the contents of carbonates and gypsum and the morphology of carbonate and gypsum pedofeatures at the macro- and mesolevels are given for the reclaimed high-carbonate deep-gypsum solonetzic soils and light chestnut soils (Protosalic Solonetzes (Loamic, Columnic, Cutanic, Differentic, Ochric); Eutric Cambisols (Loamic, Protocalcic, Ochric)). Reclaimed solonetzes and light chestnut soils are characterized by an increase in the carbonate content of the plow horizon. This attests to the accumulation of carbonates in the plow layer of these soils, which is a new elementary pedogenic process for them. The mechanism of this process is described. It includes dissolution of carbonates in the carbonate-accumulative horizon in spring followed by the upward migration of dissolved carbonates upon the soil drying in summer.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(11):1288-1296
pages 1288-1296 views

Salt-Affected Soils in Russian, American, and International Soil Classification Systems

Pankova E.I., Gerasimova M.I., Korolyuk T.V.


The notions of saline and solonetzic soils are compared in two Russian (1977 and 2004), American (Soil Taxonomy 1999), and the International (WRB 2014/2015) classification systems. The diagnostics and lists of soils referred to as solonchaks, solonetzes, and other soils containing soluble salts and exchangeable Na are presented. Some features of similarity and differences were revealed in the approaches to identifying salt-affected soils and their taxonomic position. In the Russian systems, data on soil water extracts (1 : 5) are used for the assessment of soil salinization; in addition, the contents of toxic salts are calculated. In western classifications, soil salinity is assessed on the basis of the analysis of extracts from water-saturated pastes. Solonetzes are estimated according to their morphological features and data on the content of exchangeable Na. In three classifications (except for Soil Taxonomy), solonchaks and solonetzes are distinguished at the high taxonomic level. In addition, in all classification systems, soils (both saline and containing exchangeable Na), whose saline and solonetzic horizons do not completely fit their definitions, are considered at a lower taxonomic level. While improving the classification of soils of Russia, some changes and corrections to the definitions of saline soils are recommended.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(11):1297-1308
pages 1297-1308 views

Soil Chemistry

Content of Acid-Soluble Copper and Zinc in Background Soils of Komi Republic

Lodygin E.D.


Geochemical features of copper and zinc in soils of background landscapes of northeastern European Russia have been revealed. Soils of accumulative landscapes are enriched with copper and zinc compounds compared to those of eluvial landscapes. Humus horizons serve as a geochemical barrier for elements. Analysis of the sorption parameters of humic acids (HAs) shows that the actual content of the studied heavy metals (HMs) in soils is far from the maximum sorption capacity. The contribution of HAs to the total sorption of metals makes up 4% for copper and 21% for zinc. The distribution of HMs among the genetic horizons is more contrast in loamy automorphic soils than in sandy semihydromorphic and hydromorphic soils. Paired correlations have been revealed between the contents of copper and zinc in sandy and loamy soils, which points to the similarity of their biogeochemical migration in landscapes. An actual database has been created, which is foundational to schematic maps of the spatial distribution of elements in background soils. The geochemical assessment of the environmental status of soils has allowed establishing norms for the regional background contents of copper and zinc in taiga and tundra soils.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(11):1309-1316
pages 1309-1316 views

Biological Characteristics and Concentrations of Extractable Fe, Al, and Si Compounds in Spruce Rhizosphere in Podzolic Soil

Sokolova T.A., Tolpeshta I.I., Lysak L.V., Zavgorodnyaya Y.A., Chalova T.S., Karpukhin M.M., Izosimova Y.G.


Some biological properties and concentrations of extractable Fe, Al, and Si compounds in the samples of the AOEL horizon of podzolic soil taken in five replicates from the rhizosphere of 15- to 20-year-old spruce and from the nonrhizosphere soil are discussed. The soil mass of the rhizosphere is characterized by a significantly higher total number of bacteria, more abundant and diverse saprotrophic bacterial complex, greater length of fungal mycelium, and higher content of benzenecarboxylic acids dominated by benzoic acid in comparison with the nonrhizosphere soil. The soil mass of the rhizosphere and the fraction of 1–5 µm isolated from it are also characterized by significantly higher concentrations of Fe and Al extracted by the Tamm and Bascomb reagents because of the accumulation of Fe-organic and Al-organic complexes. For extractable Al compounds in the rhizosphere, this finding is confirmed by the high coefficient of correlation between the amount of Al in the extracts and the Corg content in the bulk soil mass and in the fraction 1–5 µm. Such a correlation is absent in the nonrhizosphere soil. The content of iron compounds extracted by the Mehra–Jackson reagent from the rhizosphere and nonrhizosphere soils is significantly higher than that extracted by the Tamm and Bascomb reagents; in the nonrhizosphere samples, it is significantly higher than in the rhizosphere. This difference can be explained by the fact that the content of Fe oxides and hydroxides minerals decreased in the soil mass of the rhizosphere due to more active dissolution processes under the conditions of more acid medium and higher concentration of organic ligands, so that the mobilized Fe enters Fe–organic complexes.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(11):1317-1325
pages 1317-1325 views

Soil Physics

From the Notion of Elementary Soil Particle to the Particle-Size and Microaggregate-Size Distribution Analyses: A Review

Yudina A.V., Fomin D.S., Kotelnikova A.D., Milanovskii E.Y.


A review of approaches to particle-size and microaggregate-size distribution analyses applied in soil science is given. The concepts of the structural organization of soils, primary soil particles, elementary soil particles, and soil microaggregates are considered. Methodological problems, such as the preparation of soil samples for the analyses and interpretation and comparison of the results obtained by different methods, are discussed. The authors suggest the theoretical substantiation of differences between the notions of primary soil particles (soil building units) and elementary soil particles. Primary soil particles are individual mineral particles. Elementary soil particles are solid-phase products of pedogenesis represented by fragments of rocks and minerals and by organomineral and organic particles, all the components of which participate in chemical and physicochemical interactions. Special attention is paid to the existing classifications of soils according to their textures. It is suggested that the upper boundary of the clay fraction in the Russian classification should be shifted from 1 to 2 µm.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(11):1326-1347
pages 1326-1347 views

Color Diagnostics of Soil Horizons (by the Example of Soils from Moscow Region)

Kirillova N.P., Sileva T.M., Ul’yanova T.Y., Smirnova I.E., Ul’yanova A.S., Burova E.K.


Soil color is the most important diagnostic feature in soil studies, though still being determined mainly qualitatively. Uncertainty in color determination can be eliminated by the transition to the precise color estimate in the CIELAB space coordinates. The results of color study for 347 soil samples are presented. These samples were obtained from the area of 274 ha in the southern taiga landscapes. The possibility to differentiate between twelve main horizons according to their color characteristics in both wet and dry states is shown for ten soil types (podzolic, bog podzolic, lowmoor peat bog, soddy, soddy gley, acid soddy alluvial, acid meadow alluvial, meadow-bog alluvial, silty mucky gley alluvial, and silty-peat bog alluvial soils). The color characteristics of soil horizons correlate with the landscape positions of the soils: watershed slopes, terraces, ravines, backswamps, and floodplain of the Klyazma River. Among three optical indices (L*, a*, and b*), only lightness (L*) correlates reliably with the horizons distinguished in the Classification and Diagnostics of Soils of the Soviet Union (1977), Classification and Diagnostic System of Russian Soils (2004–2008), and the World Reference Base for Soil Resources (2014).

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(11):1348-1356
pages 1348-1356 views

Mineralogy and Micromorphology of Soils

Mineralogical and Micromorphological Diagnostics of Pedogenesis on Intermediate and Mafic Rocks in the Northern Taiga of the Timan Range

Lebedeva M.P., Shishkov V.A., Zgangurov E.V.


Mineralogical, micromorphological, and physicochemical characteristics of soils developed on the outcrops of intermediate and mafic rocks in the central part of the Timan Range under northern taiga vegetation are discussed. These soils have been classified within the order or iron-metamorphic soils of the new Russian soil classification system and as Hyperskeletic Leptosols (Humic) in the WRB system. The in situ accumulation of nonsilicate iron compounds (ferrugination) controlled by the specific features of iron-rich parent rocks is the major process in these soils. In dependence on the composition of parent material, the direction of its modern weathering, the character of plant litter, the degree of its biological transformation, and the presence of features attesting to the mobility of silicate plasmic material, these soils are subdivided into two types: rzhavozems on colluvium of mafic rocks with some admixture of siliceous morainic fine earth and organic rzhavozems on the eluvium of mafic rocks with a predominance of specific polycrystalline aggregates of iddingsite and bowlingite (saponite) representing supergene postmagmatic pseudomorphs after pyroxenes and olivine with the initially different iron contents.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(11):1357-1368
pages 1357-1368 views

Degradation, Rehabilitation, and Conservation of Soils

Polyarenes and Bitumoids from Analogous Technogenic Hydrocarbon Sources with Different Parameters in Soils

Gennadiev A.N., Zhidkin A.P., Koshovskii T.S., Lobanov A.A.


A study was done of soils in the Moscow, Omsk, and Samara oblasts subjected to hydrocarbon pollutant fluxes from industrial enterprises of the same production profile (carbon black plants) differing in (a) the type and environmental safety of production technologies, (b) the time of operation, and (c) the spatial location with respect to other possible sources of technogenic hydrocarbons. Polyarene and bitumoid geochemical fields in the impact zones of the enterprises were identified and investigated, and power functions reflecting the decrease in pollutant concentrations with increasing distance from the enterprises were determined. From the obtained functions, which are mathematical expressions for the generalizing vectors of hydrocarbon fields, their degrees of gradients were estimated. Polyarene associations and their localizations were determined using cluster analysis, and relationships of associations with the distance from the pollutant sources, the technological specialization of the enterprises, and the local factors of pollutant redistribution and transformation were revealed.

Eurasian Soil Science. 2018;51(11):1369-1380
pages 1369-1380 views

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