
Changes in the Content, Composition, and Properties of Humic Substances in Particle-Size Fractions of Soddy-Podzolic Soils under the Impact of Long-Term Drainage
Ovchinnikova M.
Soil Formation in the Taiga–Steppe Ecotone of the Selenga Mountains, Western Transbaikal Region
Sympilova D., Badmaev N.
Long-term dynamics of heavy metals in the upper horizons of soils in the region of a copper smelter impacts during the period of reduced emission
Vorobeichik E., Kaigorodova S.
Dynamics of ecological and biological characteristics of soddy-podzolic soils under long-term oil pollution
Petrov A., Versioning A., Karimullin L., Akaikin D., Tarasov O.
Parameters of the Native Hydrocarbon Status of Soils in Different Bioclimatic Zones
Pikovskii Y., Smirnova M., Gennadiev A., Zavgorodnyaya Y., Zhidkin A., Kovach R., Koshovskii T.
Transformation of Trioctahedral Mica in the Upper Mineral Horizon of Podzolic Soil during the Two-Year-Long Field Experiment
Tolpeshta I., Sokolova T., Vorob’eva A., Izosimova Y.
Distribution of yeast complexes in the profiles of different soil types
Glushakova A., Kachalkin A., Tiunov A., Chernov I.
Assessment of Ecotoxicity of Soils Contaminated by Heavy Metals
Plekhanova I., Zolotareva O., Tarasenko I., Yakovlev A.
Soddy-Podzolic Soils with a Complex Organic Profile in the Right-Bank Part of the Lower Vyatka River Basin
Prokashev A., Soboleva E., Imenitova A., Vartan I., Matushkin A., Okhorzin N., Mokrushin S., Borodatyi I.
Regularities of extracting humic acids from soils using sodium pyrophosphate solutions
Bakina L., Drichko V., Orlova N.
Iodine in Soils and Potatoes Produced in Private Farms of Bryansk and Gomel Regions Located in the Impact Zone of the Chernobyl Accident
Korobova E., Berezkin V., Korsakova N., Krigman L., Romanov S., Baranchukov V.
Long-term dynamics of anthropogenic solonetzicity in soils of the Eastern okrug of Moscow under the impact of deicing salts
Nikiforova E., Kasimov N., Kosheleva N.
Acid–Base Characteristics and Clay Mineralogy in the Rhizospheres of Norway Maple and Common Spruce and in the Bulk Mass of Podzolic Soil
Sokolova T., Tolpeshta I., Danilin I., Izosimova Y., Chalova T.
Compositions of n-Alkanes and n-Methyl Ketones in Soils of the Forest-Park Zone of Moscow
Anokhina N., Demin V., Zavgorodnyaya Y.
Enzymatic activity inside and outside of water-stable aggregates in soils under different land use
Garbuz S., Yaroslavtseva N., Kholodov V.
Transformation of Forest Ecosystems in Moscow Megapolis under Recreational Impacts
Kuznetsov V., Ryzhova I., Stoma G.
The Effect of Treatment with Hydrogen Peroxide and the Mehra–Jackson Reagent on X-ray Diffraction Patterns of Clay Fractions
Sokolova T., Tolpeshta I., Izosimova Y., Umnova V., Lashukov P.
Radiometric Study of Soil Profiles in the Infrared Band
Ponomareva T., Ponomarev E.
Particle-Size, Microaggregate-Size, and Aggregate-Size Distributions in Humus Horizons of the Zonal Sequence of Soils in European Russia
Filippova O., Kholodov V., Safronova N., Yudina A., Kulikova N.
Changes in the properties of soils of Moscow forest parks under the impact of high recreation loads
Kuznetsov V., Ryzhova I., Stoma G.
Humus and nitrogen in soddy-podzolic soils of different agricultural lands in Perm region
Zav’yalova N.
Long-Term Postfire Changes of Soil Characteristics in Dark Coniferous Forests of the European North
Stavrova N., Kalimova I., Gorshkov V., Drozdova I., Alekseeva-Popova N., Bakkal I.
Comparative analysis of the luminescence microscopy and cascade filtration methods for estimating bacterial abundance and biomass in the soil: Role of soil suspension dilution
Polyanskaya L., Pinchuk I., Stepanov A.
Temporal changes of eroded soils depending on their agricultural use in the southern Cis-Ural region
Gabbasova I., Suleimanov R., Khabirov I., Komissarov M., Fruehauf M., Liebelt P., Garipov T., Sidorova L., Khaziev F.
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