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卷 43, 编号 5 (2017)


Dispersion of scale-invariant size-distribution functions

Dubrovskii V.


It is shown that the size-distribution function of nanostructures, which obeys scale invariance (scaling), always displays a dispersion proportional to the square of the average size. Theoretical analysis is carried out for the shape and dispersion of a biparametric scale-invariant distribution describing the growth of homogeneous or heterogeneous nanoobjects with monomer capture rates proportional to their size. It is found that the Gaussian distribution is replaced by a broader and asymmetric distribution upon a decrease in the nucleation probability.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(5):413-415
pages 413-415 views

Fragmentation of a valine molecule by electron impact

Vukstich V., Romanova L., Megela I., Papp A., Snegurskii A.


The formation of ion products of single and dissociative ionization of a valine molecule (C5H11NO2) by high-energy (11.5 MeV) and low-energy (below 150 eV) electrons has been investigated by mass spectrometry. Mass spectra of this molecule and near-threshold functions of yield of its ion fragments, for which the magnitudes of occurrence energies are determined, have been obtained. The analysis of the changes in mass spectra of valine molecules irradiated with doses of 5 and 20 kGy in comparison with those for unirradiated molecules shows that high-energy irradiation changes irreversibly the structure of some of the initial molecules.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(5):416-420
pages 416-420 views

IR-radiation detection by ultrasonic thermometry

Petrov D., Genin D., Korolkov V.


A method based on ultrasonic thermometry for detecting radiation in the IR range is described. The first results of experimental verification of this method are presented using the example of CO2-laser-radiation detection, and ways to improve its threshold sensitivity are described.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(5):421-423
pages 421-423 views

The influence of the formation and storage conditions of silicon nanoparticles obtained by laser-induced pyrolysis of monosilane on the nature and properties of defects

Minnekhanov A., Konstantinova E., Pustovoy V., Kashkarov P.


A detailed study of the paramagnetic properties of silicon nanoparticles obtained by laser-induced pyrolysis of monosilane is carried out by the method of electron-paramagnetic-resonance spectroscopy as dependent on the conditions of subsequent processing and storage. Defects of the Pb0-, Pb1-, and D-center types are detected, and their parameters and concentration values are determined. It is established that the defects in the studied structures are centers of nonradiative recombination. It is shown that, to obtain samples with low concentrations of paramagnetic centers and stable luminescence, the procedure of etching the original silicon nanoparticles in an aqueous solution of HF and HNO3 acid followed by natural oxidation under normal conditions can be used.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(5):424-427
pages 424-427 views

A method for determination of spatial distribution of gas concentration in supersonic jets outflowing into vacuum

Petrenko M., Bobashev S., Tumakaev G.


An experimental method for determination of the spatial distribution of gas concentration in millimeter-sized supersonic jets outflowing into vacuum is proposed. This method is based on jet visualization by its illumination with a laser–plasma radiation source and processing of the obtained intensity distribution of the jet glow. The spatial distribution of the jet glow intensity for the visualized jet is measured. The gas concentration distribution in the jet is determined, and the results of experiment are compared with the calculated data obtained by numerical hydrodynamic simulation.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(5):428-430
pages 428-430 views

Decoding of digital magnetic recording with longitudinal magnetization of a tape from a magneto-optical image of stray fields

Lisovskii F., Mansvetova E.


For digital magnetic recording of encoded information with longitudinal magnetization of the tape, the connection between the domain structure of a storage medium and magneto-optical image of its stray fields obtained using a magnetic film with a perpendicular anisotropy and a large Faraday rotation has been studied. For two-frequency binary code without returning to zero, an algorithm is developed, that allows uniquely decoding of the information recorded on the tape based on analysis of an image of stray fields.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(5):431-434
pages 431-434 views

A study of products formed in ablation of single-crystal silicon in aqueous medium under irradiation with nanosecond pulses from fiber-optic ytterbium laser

Veiko V., Polyakov D., Skvortsov A., Chopenko E.


Products formed in laser ablation of single-crystal silicon beneath a water layer under irradiation with nanosecond pulses from a fiber-optic ytterbium laser have been studied. SEM images of structures deposited by dewatering of the colloid solution formed in the course of the ablation are presented. IR spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy were used to determine their chemical composition and structural features.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(5):435-438
pages 435-438 views

Electron traps in Gd3Ga3Al2O12:Ce garnets doped with rare-earth ions

Khanin V., Rodnyi P., Wieczorek H., Ronda C.


The curves of thermally stimulated luminescence of Gd3Ga3Al2O12:Ce3+ ceramics (a nominally pure sample and samples doped with rare-earth ions) are measured in the temperature range of 80–550 K. The depth and the frequency factor of electron traps established by Eu and Yb impurities are determined. An energy-level diagram of rare-earth ions in the bandgap of Gd3Ga3Al2O12 is presented.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(5):439-442
pages 439-442 views

Stress generation and relaxation in (Al,Ga)N/6H-SiC heterostructure grown by plasma-assisted molecular-beam epitaxy

Nechaev D., Sitnikova A., Brunkov P., Ivanov S., Jmerik V.


In situ stress generation and relaxation in Al0.25Ga0.75N/GaN/AlN heterostructure with an overall thickness exceeding 3 μm in the process of its growth on a 6H-SiC substrate by low-temperature plasma-assisted molecular-beam epitaxy at substrate temperatures ranging from 690 to 740°C was studied. At room temperature, AlN and GaN layers revealed residual compressive stresses of–2.3 and–0.1 GPa, respectively. This made it possible to avoid cracking during postgrowth cooling of the structure.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(5):443-446
pages 443-446 views

Interaction of water vapor with silicate glass surfaces: Mass-spectrometric investigations

Kudriavtsev Y., Asomoza-Palacio R., Manzanilla-Naim L.


The secondary ion mass-spectroscopy technique was used to study the results of hydration of borosilicate, aluminosilicate, and soda-lime silicate glasses in 1H218O water vapor containing 97% of the isotope 18O. It is shown that hydration of the surface of the soda-lime silicate glass occurs as a result of the ion-exchange reaction with alkali metals. In the case of borosilicate and aluminosilicate glasses, water molecules decompose on the glass surface, with the observed formation of hydrogenated layer in the glass being the result of a solid-state chemical reaction—presumably, with the formation of hydroxides from aluminum and boron oxides.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(5):447-449
pages 447-449 views

Analysis of IR spectra of mineralized deposits on human cardiac valves

Ivanov-Omskii V., Yastrebov S., Gulyaev N.


IR spectroscopy in the range of vibration of hydroxy groups has been used to analyze the binding energy of mineralized deposits to cardiac valves of patients of varied gender and age. A tendency was revealed toward a gender-independent rise in the binding energy of mineralized deposits to valve tissues with increasing age of patients. The analysis enables making recommendations concerning the early diagnostics of valve calcination, monitoring of its development, and therapy of calcinoses.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(5):450-452
pages 450-452 views

Mechanical effects in a vortex device with a rotating core

Samokhvalov V.


The process of the appearance of forced rotation of an axial core mounted in a modified vortex tube in the direction opposite to the rotation of the air vortex and the precession of its axis have been studied. It has been established that dynamical bending of a metal axial core arises in the process of rotation which causes mechanical wear of its end part and fracture in the fastening area of the bearing without residual curvature of the core axis. The excitation of rotation and observed force effects are not related to the mechanical action of rotating air flow on the axial core.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(5):453-455
pages 453-455 views

A method of relativistic synchronization of moving atomic clocks and experimental verification thereof

Fateev V., Rybakov E., Smirnov F.


We present results of the experiment on compensation of a relativistic shift in the timescale of a transportable hydrogen quantum clock with 3 × 10–15 instability over its motion path. Calculation of the relativistic shift of the onboard timescale of the moving clock was based on continuous measurements of its current coordinates and velocity over the path with the aid of GLONASS/GPS navigation equipment. The experimental error of the proposed method does not exceed ±1 ps.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(5):456-459
pages 456-459 views

Studying barrier-discharge-stimulated plasmachemical reactions

Malanichev V., Malashin M., Moshkunov S., Nebogatkin S., Khomich V., Shmelev V.


Barrier-discharge stimulation of chemical reactions has been studied in the case of methane oxidation by atmospheric oxygen with the formation of carbon monoxide and hydrogen. Experiments in a plasmachemical reactor demonstrated the possibility of increasing the yield of synthesis gas (syngas) by means of plasma pretreatment of the initial mixture of air and methane in a 7: 1 ratio at atmospheric pressure. The output-gas composition was determined by gas chromatography. It is established that the plasma-discharge treatment of the initial gas mixture leads to a 15% increase in the amount of syngas at the reactor output and increases the reaction selectivity with respect to hydrogen and carbon monoxide by 3.2 and 6.5%, respectively.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(5):460-462
pages 460-462 views

Annular structures formed in a beam of ions during their collective acceleration in a system with dielectric anode

Lopatin V., Remnev G., Martynenko A.


We have studied the collective acceleration of protons and deuterons in an electron beam emitted from plasma formed at the surface of a dielectric anode insert. The experiments were performed with a pulsed electron accelerator operating at an accelerating voltage up to 1 MV, current amplitude up to 40 kA, and pulse duration of 50 ns. Reduction of the accelerating voltage pulse front width and optimization of the diode unit and drift region ensured the formation of several annular structures in the electron beam. As a result, up to 50% of the radioactivity induced in a copper target was concentrated in a ring with 4.5-cm diameter and 0.2-cm width. The formation of high energy density in these circular traces and the appearance of an axial component of the self-generated magnetic field of the electron beam are related with the increasing efficiency of acceleration of the most intense group of ions.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(5):463-465
pages 463-465 views

Simultaneous increase in the strength, plasticity, and corrosion resistance of an ultrafine-grained Ti–4Al–2V pseudo-alpha-titanium alloy

Chuvil’deev V., Kopylov V., Nokhrin A., Bakhmet’ev A., Sandler N., Kozlova N., Tryaev P., Tabachkova N., Mikhailov A., Ershova A., Gryaznov M., Chegurov M., Sysoev A., Smirnova E.


The influence of severe plastic deformation on the structural-phase state of grain boundaries in a Ti–4Al–2V (commercial PT3V grade) pseudo-alpha-titanium alloy has been studied. It is established that increase in the strength, plasticity, and corrosion resistance of this alloy is related to the formation of an ultrafine- grained structure. In particular, it is shown that an increase in the resistance to hot-salt intergranular corrosion is due to diffusion-controlled redistribution of aluminum and vanadium atoms at the grain boundaries of titanium formed during thermal severe plastic deformation.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(5):466-469
pages 466-469 views

Peculiarities of fracture in submicrocrystalline Al–Mg–Mn alloy under impact compression

Petrova A., Brodova I., Razorenov S.


The method of nondestructive X-ray computed tomography (CT) has been used to study the structure of A5083 (magnesium- and manganese-doped aluminum) alloy samples upon impact compression. The initial samples had an average grain size of 600 nm and submicrocrystalline (SMC) structure formed by dynamic equal-channel angular pressing. Three-dimensional CT images of local fracture regions were obtained and the degree of material damage was estimated by calculating the average and maximum size of discontinuities (pores and microcracks) in various cross sections. The techniques of transmission and scanning electron microscopy were used to trace evolution of the SMC structure of impact-compressed alloy and determine the morphological characteristics of spallation surfaces and other defects.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(5):470-472
pages 470-472 views

Determining integral density distribution in the mach reflection of shock waves

Shevchenko A., Golubev M., Pavlov A., Pavlov A., Khotyanovsky D., Shmakov A.


We present a method for and results of determination of the field of integral density in the structure of flow corresponding to the Mach interaction of shock waves at Mach number M = 3. The optical diagnostics of flow was performed using an interference technique based on self-adjusting Zernike filters (SA–AVT method). Numerical simulations were carried out using the CFS3D program package for solving the Euler and Navier–Stokes equations. Quantitative data on the distribution of integral density on the path of probing radiation in one direction of 3D flow transillumination in the region of Mach interaction of shock waves were obtained for the first time.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(5):473-476
pages 473-476 views

Selective analysis of the elemental composition of InGaAs/GaAs nanoclusters by secondary ion mass spectrometry

Drozdov M., Danil’tsev V., Drozdov Y., Khrykin O., Yunin P.


New possibilities of the method of secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) in application to quantitative analysis of the atomic composition of InGaAs nanoclusters in GaAs matrix are considered. Using InxGa1–xAs test structures, nonlinear calibration dependences of the yield of secondary In2As and InAs ions on the concentration of indium have been determined, which do not involve normalization to the matrix elements (Ga or As) and make possible selective analysis of the composition of nanoclusters. Using these relations, quantitative depth profiles of indium concentration were measured and statistical characteristics of the arrays of nanoclusters in InGaAs/GaAs heterostructures were determined.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(5):477-480
pages 477-480 views

Studying the orientation of bio-objects by nematic liquid crystals

Zubtsova Y., Kamanin A., Kamanina N.


We have studied the ability of a liquid-crystal (LC) matrix to visualize and orient DNA molecules. It is established that the relief of the interface between the LC mesophase and conducting contact can be improved without using an additional high-ohmic polymer layer. Spectroscopic and ellipsometric techniques revealed changes in the refractive properties and structure of composites. The obtained results can be used in creating devices for rapid DNA testing with retained form of biostructures.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(5):481-483
pages 481-483 views

Peculiarities of the optical properties of organometallic perovskites with variable content of iodine and bromine

Sekerbayev K., Taurbayev Y., Bazylenko T., Taurbayev T., Timoshenko V.


We have studied the optical properties of thin films of organometallic halide perovskites with variable content of iodine and bromine, which were obtained by two-stage deposition from solution. The results are indicative of an increased contribution of excitons to light absorption at the bandgap edge in bromine-containing perovskites as compared to the iodine-containing ones. The possibilities of using perovskites with preset halogen composition in cascade solar cells are discussed.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(5):484-486
pages 484-486 views

A singular integral equation for the current density of a conformal microstrip dipole on a dielectric cylinder

Dement’ev A., Klyuev D., Sokolova Y.


The problem of current-density distribution over the surface of a microstrip dipole antenna conformally arranged on a dielectric cylinder is reduced to a singular integral equation with a Cauchy kernel. Patterns of current distribution on the antenna surface for various values of dielectric permittivity of the cylinder material are presented.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(5):487-489
pages 487-489 views

Current distribution in a liquid electrospray system with two counter-electrodes

Gromov I., Samsonova N., Gall L., Gall N.


We have experimentally studied the distribution of current in an electrospray system with two counter-electrodes. It is established that, at low values of the total current, its distribution between these electrodes is proportional to the electric field flux to a given electrode. As the total current grows, this proportionality changes toward more uniform distribution, probably, due to increased role of a space charge producing mutual repulsion of charged particles.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(5):490-492
pages 490-492 views

Change of the properties of turbulent flows in a spherical layer under the action of modulation of rotation velocity

Zhilenko D., Krivonosova O.


Isothermal turbulent flows in a layer of viscous incompressible fluid confined between counter-rotating spherical boundaries have been experimentally studied. The influence of modulation of the velocity of inner sphere rotation on the characteristics of turbulence is considered. Measurements of flow velocity were carried out by laser Doppler anemometer. A local minimum is found in the dependence of the magnitude of turbulent pulsations on the amplitude of velocity modulation. It is established that, in the absence of modulation, the slopes of velocity spectra are close to–11/5. Modulation amplitude enhancing can lead to the formation of velocity spectra typical to two-dimensional turbulence, with slopes of–5/3 at low frequencies and–3 at high frequencies.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(5):493-495
pages 493-495 views

Luminescence of solar cells with a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunctions

Zhigunov D., Il’in A., Forsh P., Bobyl’ A., Verbitskii V., Terukov E., Kashkarov P.


We have studied the electroluminescence (EL) and photoluminescence (PL) of solar cells containing a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunctions. It is established that both the EL and PL properties of these cells are determined by the radiative recombination of nonequilibrium carriers in crystalline silicon (c-Si). The external EL energy yield (efficiency) of solar cells with a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunctions at room temperature amounts to 2.1% and exceeds the value reached in silicon diode structures. This large EL efficiency can be explained by good passivation of the surface of crystalline silicon and the corresponding increase in lifetime of minority carrier s in these solar cells.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(5):496-498
pages 496-498 views

Determining the degree of synchronism for intermittent phase synchronization in human electroencephalography data

Koloskova A., Moskalenko O.


The phenomenon of intermittent phase synchronization during development of epileptic activity in human beings has been discovered based on EEG data. The presence of synchronous behavior phases has been detected both during spike-wave discharges and in the regions of background activity of the brain. The degree of synchronism in the intermittent phase-synchronization regime in both cases has been determined, and it has been established that spike-wave discharges are characterized by a higher degree of synchronism than exists in the regions of background activity of the brain. To determine the degree of synchronism, a modified method of evaluating zero conditional Lyapunov exponents from time series is proposed.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(5):499-502
pages 499-502 views