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Vol 45, No 5 (2019)


Autoemission of Multipointed Cathode Matrices Based on p-Type Silicon in Strong Pulsed Electric Fields

Yafarov R.K.


In this paper, we experimentally studied the dynamic properties of autoelectron emission in strong pulsed electric fields of microsecond duration for multipointed cathode arrays based on surface-modified silicon crystals of the hole type. A decrease in the thresholds for the autoemission onset with an increase in the pulse duration is shown to increase the transparency of potential barriers due to an increase in the electron energy. Autoemission parameters are determined by surface dipole moments and embedded surface potentials that are formed during plasma etching of silicon in various chemically active media.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(5):423-425
pages 423-425 views

Mössbauer Studies of the Structure of Core/Shell Fe3O4/γ-Fe2O3 Nanoparticles

Kamzin A.S., Obaidat I.M., Valliulin A.A., Semenov V.G., Al-Omari I.A., Nayek C.


The phase composition, the structure of cores and shells, and the dependences of the shell thickness on the fabrication technique were determined by Mössbauer spectroscopy for core/shell Fe3O4/γ-Fe2O3 magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) with Fe3O4 cores of a fixed size (8 nm) and γ-Fe2O3 shells of a varying thickness (1, 3, or 5 nm). A layer on the MNP surface with a magnetic state differing from that in the bulk was found. It was also found that a spin-glass state probably exists between the core and the shell. The studied core/shell Fe3O4/γ-Fe2O3 MNPs have promising applications in various fields (e.g., biomedicine).

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(5):426-429
pages 426-429 views

Features of the Spectral Characteristics of Narrow-Band Optical Filters with Oblique Incidence of the Radiation Beam

Nguyen V.B., Gubanova L.A., Bui D.B.


The performance of narrow-band optical filters on the basis of frustrated total internal reflection was analyzed taking into account the Gaussian distribution of the angle of radiation incidence. The spectral characteristics of these optical filters are modelled with and without divergence of the incident beam. It is shown that, when measuring the spectral characteristics of optical filters, the divergence of the incident radiation beam should not be greater than a certain limit value that does not exceed several angular minutes.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(5):430-432
pages 430-432 views

A Compact Laser System for Remote Measurements by Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Based on a Nd:YAG Laser with Self-Phase Conjugation

Lebedev V.F., Pavlov K.V., Burkovskiy G.V., Fedin A.V.


A compact laser system based on a Nd:YAG laser with self-phase conjugation for remote analysis of substances by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy at a distance of not less than 10 m is proposed.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(5):433-435
pages 433-435 views

Specific Features of the Magnetoelectric Effect in Permendur–Quartz–Permendur Structures in the Region of Electromechanical Resonance

Laletin V.M., Filippov D.A., Poddubnaya N.N., Manicheva I.N., Srinivasan G.


The experimental frequency and field dependences of the magnetoelectric effect in three-layer permendur–quartz–permendur structures in the region of electromechanical resonance were studied. It was found that the magnetoelectric voltage coefficient and the Q-factor of these structures in the resonance region are much higher than those of similar structures based on lead zirconate titanate. Anomalous behavior of the field dependences of the magnetoelectric voltage coefficient and the Q-factor was observed in the region of electromechanical resonance. This feature is attributable to the negative ΔE effect.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(5):436-438
pages 436-438 views

The Entropy Maximum in Scale-Invariant Processes with 1/f  α Power Spectrum: the Effect of White Noise Anisotropy

Koverda V.P., Skokov V.N.


Extreme fluctuations are simulated by a system of nonlinear stochastic equations describing the interacting phase transitions. Random 1/α processes are formed under the action of anisotropic white noise with α-dependence of the power spectra on frequency and exponent α ranging from 0.7 to 1.7. It is shown that fluctuations with 1/α power spectra in the studied range of α correspond to the entropy maximum, which indicates the stability of such processes at different values of exponent α.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(5):439-442
pages 439-442 views

Self-Organization of Gas-Discharge Plasma in SF6 and Related Gas Mixtures

Apollonov V.V., Kazantsev S.Y.


It is shown that the features of the dynamics of the formation of a self-initiated volume discharge in SF6-based gas mixtures can be explained using the ecton model of the cathode spot formation and the effect of limiting the current density due to the processes of dissociation of molecular components of the gas mixture.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(5):443-445
pages 443-445 views

Features of Pulsed Laser Annealing of BC3 Films on a Sapphire Substrate

Fominski V.Y., Romanov R.I., Solov’ev A.A., Vasil’evskii I.S., Safonov D.A., Ivanov A.A., Zinin P.V., Filonenko V.P.


The morphology, chemical composition, microstructure, and electrical properties of BC3 thin films subjected to melting by a nanosecond laser pulse are investigated. The original films have been created by pulsed laser codeposition of B and C onto a sapphire substrate at 150 and 350°C. Morphological changes in the films depended on their initial structural state. However, a “frozen” structure of both films after irradiation corresponded to the B-saturated graphite-like phase, the local composition of which varied due to the formation of inclusions of amorphous boron carbide. Before and after irradiation, the films exhibited a slightly decreasing dependence of the surface resistance with increasing temperature from 4.2 to 330 K. After laser irradiation, the films resistance has decreased by a factor of ~2.6.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(5):446-449
pages 446-449 views

Generation of a Photoacoustic Signal in Two-Layer Transparent Samples on an Absorbing Substrate

Salikhov T.K., Melikkhudzha N., Makhmalatif A.


A theory of generation of a photoacoustic signal in a two-layer transparent sample on an absorbing substrate to a buffer gas of a photoacoustic cell has been developed. We have shown that the frequency dependence of the photoacoustic signal amplitude excited in the absorbing substrate obeys the law ∝ ω–1, when a free path of photons is less than the thermal diffusion length, and is proportional to ω–3/2 in the opposite case.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(5):450-452
pages 450-452 views

Thermomechanical Analysis of the Shape Memory Effect of a Polyurethane Composite Used to Create Deployable Space Structures

Shalygina T.A., Voronina S.Y., Vlasov A.Y., Pasechnik K.A., Obvertkin I.V.


The possible applicability of a three-point bending clamp of a thermomechanical analyzer to study the shape memory effect of a structural polyurethane composite is studied. The viscoelastic properties of the sample in the region of the transition from the glass to the highly elastic state are studied. The parameters affecting recovery rate Rr of the original shape and fixation rate Rf of the temporary shape are determined. Deformation and cooling conditions that allow one to achieve the values Rr = 99.98% and Rf = 99.70% are established for the polyurethane composite.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(5):453-456
pages 453-456 views

The Electric Conductivity of Nanofluids with Metal Particles

Rudyak V.Y., Minakov A.V., Pryazhnikov M.I.


The electric conductivity is experimentally studied in nanofluids based on water and ethylene glycol containing copper and aluminum particles. Other properties, such as heat conductivity and rheological characteristics, were evaluated as well. The electric conductivity of nanofluids is shown to increase almost linearly with a nanoparticle concentration, but, unlike the heat conductivity, a gain in electric conductivity is due to a decrease in particle size. In this respect, the mechanisms of electric conductivity and heat conductivity are assumed to have the fundamentally different nature.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(5):457-460
pages 457-460 views

A Model of a Surface Dimer in the Problem of Adsorption

Davydov S.Y., Zubov A.V., Lebedev A.A.


Abstract—The adsorption system has been represented in a form of two regions: a dimer, which includes the ad particle and substrate surface atom, and the rest of the space. Metal, semiconductor, and graphene (semimetal) have been considered as a substrate. The similarities and differences in the values of the ad particle occupation numbers that have been obtained in the framework of the proposed and standard adsorption models have been discussed.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(5):461-463
pages 461-463 views

Mn Clusters in Nanoporous Carbon: Magnetic Properties

Danishevskii A.M., Sharenkova N.V., Shanina B.D., Gordeev S.K.


A method is described for introducing Mn clusters into nanoporous carbon. The resulting magnetic properties of composite samples of this kind are demonstrated in the dynamics of their development in the course of time.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(5):464-466
pages 464-466 views

Low-Threshold Field Electron Emission from Two-Dimensional Carbon Structures

Fursey G.N., Voznyakovskii A.A., Polyakov M.A., Neverovskaya A.Y., Zakirov I.I., Voznyakovskii A.P.


Particles of multilayer graphene obtained by the method of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis are proposed as an active cathode component for field electron emission. It is shown that this material makes it possible to implement a new technology for creating efficient field emitters with a developed surface. It has been established that the effect of low-threshold field electron emission is observed in this material. In pulsed electric fields, the possibility of obtaining high-current electron beams with currents up to hundreds of amperes has been confirmed.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(5):467-470
pages 467-470 views

Formation of Highly Conducting Optically Transparent Films with Multigraphene Structure via Carbonization of Polyimide Langmuir–Blodgett Films

Goloudina S.I., Luchinin V.V., Pasyuta V.M., Smirnov A.N., Kirilenko D.A., Sevost’yanov E.N., Konoplev G.A., Andryushkin V.V., Sklizkova V.P., Gofman I.V., Svetlichnyi V.M., Kudryavtsev V.V.


Multigraphene films have been for the first time obtained on the surface of quartz glass via carbonization of polyimide Langmuir–Blodgett films. The Raman spectra of the films show bands G and D and a broad band at 2300–3200 cm–1, which are characteristic of graphite-like films. The transmission electron microscopy demonstrated that the films are constituted by “stacks” of layers spaced by 0.36 nm. The surface resistance of the 5-nm-thick films was 1.2 ± 0.2 kΩ, and the transmittance was 87% at λ = 550 nm. The transmittance was 97% in the IR part of the spectrum and 70–80% in the UV part.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(5):471-474
pages 471-474 views

Mechanoluminescence of a Thin Composite Layer Obtained by Incorporation of SrAl2O4:(Eu2+, Dy3+) Phosphor Microparticles into a Poly(methyl methacrylate) Surface

Banishev A.F., Banishev A.A.


A mechanoluminescent composite layer at the surface of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) was obtained by liquid-phase incorporation of SrAl2O4 : (Eu2+, Dy3+) phosphor microparticles into the polymer. The photoluminescence spectrum and kinetics of emission from the composite layer have been studied as dependent on the power density of exciting laser radiation pulses. The mechanoluminescence of the composite layer has been studied under the effect of short acoustic pulses and dynamic pressure of a solid stylus sliding over the composite layer surface. A possible mechanism of mechanoluminescence excitation is discussed. It is established that the obtained composite layer is characterized by high efficiency of the mechano-optical conversion and can be used for the detection and visualization of mechanical stresses.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(5):475-477
pages 475-477 views

The Influence of High-Frequency Discharge on Substrate Temperature during Film Deposition

Shirokov V.B., Zinchenko S.P.


The process of discharge-induced substrate heating at the initial stage of film synthesis by method of high-frequency cathode sputter deposition has been studied. The temperature to which the substrate was heated after the discharge switch-on was determined using the optical interferometry technique. In a working regime of barium strontium titanate film deposition onto a magnesium oxide substrate, the substrate temperature exceeded 1000°C.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(5):478-480
pages 478-480 views

Intraband Radiation Absorption by Free Holes in GaAs/InGaAs Quantum Wells with Allowance for Nonsphericity of the kP Hamiltonian

Pavlov N.V., Zegrya G.G.


A system of Kane’s equations has been derived and solved with allowance for elastic stresses and nonsphericity of the kP Hamiltonian. On this basis, analytic expressions for the energy spectra of charge carriers have been obtained and calculations of the optical absorption coefficient for heavy holes with transition to a spin-orbit-split hole band in GaAs/InGaAs quantum wells (QWs) have been performed for various polarization directions of the incident radiation. It is established that the maximum absorption in GaAs/InGaAs heterostructure takes place at a QW width of 4–6 nm.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(5):481-484
pages 481-484 views

A Highly Selective Bandpass Filter Based on Suspended Substrate Resonators with a Two-Sided Stripline Pattern

Belyaev B.A., Serzhantov A.M., Bal’va Y.F., Leksikov A.A., Grushevskii E.O.


New resonator design employing a hairpin stripline conductor with a stub situated on one side of a dielectric substrate and regular stripline conductors (connected to a screen) on the other side. Eigenfrequencies of the first three oscillation modes of this resonator can be made closer to each other, so that the resonances of two modes are involved in the formation of the passband while the third mode resonance forms a minimum of the transmission coefficient adjacent to the passband. A structure comprising four resonators of this type has the characteristic of an eighth-order bandpass filter arranged in a case with 45 × 16 × 6.25-mm internal dimensions possessing   f0 = 0.52 GHz central frequency with a 14% relative bandwidth. The filter is highly selective due to the attenuation poles being close to the pass band and a wide high-frequency stopband extending above a fivefold   f0  value at a level of  –100 dB.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(5):485-488
pages 485-488 views

Using Higher-Order Modes of Chalcogenide Optical Fibers for the Optimization of Evanescent Wave Mid-IR Spectroscopy

Korsakova S.V., Vinogradova E.A., Romanova E.A., Shiryaev V.S.


On the basis of a new theoretical approach that is proposed for solving tasks of the evanescent wave mid-IR spectroscopy, it is shown that the dispersion properties of higher-order modes of a multimode chalcogenide optical fiber partly immersed into an absorbing medium can be used for the creation of fiber-optic devices combining the functions of a supercontinuum generator and a sensing element for mid-IR spectroscopic sensors. The propagation of radiation in higher-order modes makes it possible to control the position of zero dispersion of group velocity and to generate supercontinuum with near-IR pumping. Using higher-order evanescent modes in a sensing element, it will be possible to increase its sensitivity and expand the dynamic range.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(5):489-493
pages 489-493 views

A Scanning Optical Quantum Magnetometer Based on the Hole Burning Phenomenon

Anisimov A.N., Babunts R.A., Breev I.D., Bundakova A.P., Il’in I.V., Muzafarova M.V., Baranov P.G.


A scanning optical quantum magnetometer with submicron spatial resolution is proposed that is based on the phenomenon of hole burning in the signal of optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) on atomic-sized color centers in silicon carbide crystals under conditions of spin level saturation by means of additional high-frequency resonance pumping. An increase in the sensitivity is achieved due to narrowing of the ODMR line and increasing slope of the dependence of signal frequency on the magnetic field.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(5):494-498
pages 494-498 views

Heat Transfer during Mixed Convection of a Molten Salt in the Presence of Magnetic Fields

Belyaev I.A., Biryukov D.A., Kotlyar A.V., Belavina E.A., Sardov P.A., Sviridov V.G.


Results of an experimental study of the salt melt downflow in a uniformly heated pipe under the influence of a strong transverse magnetic field are presented. The changes of heat transfer coefficients and statistical characteristics of temperature fluctuations under the influence of the magnetic field are investigated. The peculiarities of the transition of the viscous-gravitational flow in the viscous-inertial-gravitational flow at Reynolds numbers (Re = 3000–5000) under the influence of the magnetic field (Ha = 17) were studied.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(5):499-502
pages 499-502 views

Glow of Metals during Anodization in Distilled Water

Ovechenko D.S., Boychenko A.P.


Study of the anodization of aluminum and tantalum at 1.2 kV in pure (distilled) water showed the possibility of generating electroluminescence (EL) in this system, which excluded the need for introducing any impurities into the initial aqueous medium and simplified interpretation of the observed results. It is established that the products of high-voltage anodization of metals in distilled water and the EL emission accompanying this process are similar to those observed during low-voltage anodization of metals in aqueous electrolyte solutions.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(5):503-506
pages 503-506 views

The Influence of the Interface on the Magnetic State in Two-Layer Films of the Fe–Bi System

Patrin G.S., Yakovchuk V.Y., Yarikov S.A., Shiyan Y.G., Furdyk V.P.


Results of the experimental investigation of two-layer films in the Fe–Bi system are presented. It is found that the order of sequential deposition of the magnetic and nonmagnetic layers influences both the character of magnetization process and the magnetic resonance behavior. The obtained results are explained by the formation of a strongly anisotropic sublayer of nanogranular iron in the Bi/Fe film structure.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(5):507-510
pages 507-510 views

Experimental Observation of Chaotic Generation at 1.5% Spectral Width in a Gyrotron under Large Supercriticality Conditions

Rozental R.M., Fedotov A.E., Ginzburg N.S., Zotova I.V., Volkov A.B., Samsonov S.V., Semenov E.S., Sergeev A.S.


A complex chaotic dynamics in a gyrotron was experimentally observed under conditions of high supercriticality corresponding to 1000–1500-fold excess of the beam current parameter over the starting value. At electron beam currents typical of gyrotron test setups, this excess has been achieved by a transition to excitation of the lowest mode of a cylindrical waveguide. Chaotic generation regimes were observed in a 33 GHz frequency range with a spectral width of 500 MHz and record narrow relative width below 1.5% These results imply considerable progress in comparison to previous experiments with gyrotron type devices and are in good agreement with theoretical analysis based on a system of averaged evolution equations derived with allowance for finiteness of the transit time of electrons via the interaction space.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(5):511-514
pages 511-514 views

Reducing the Sonic Boom Level by Heating the Oncoming Airflow

Potapkin A.V., Moskvichev D.Y.


We present the results of calculations of the level of sonic boom in the presence of local heating of the airflow in front of a slender body during its supersonic flight in thermal wake behind the heated regions. The Mach number of a cold oncoming airflow was M = 2. Calculations were performed using a combined method of “phantom bodies.” It is established that sequential local heating of the oncoming airflow in two regions in front of the flying body can reduce the sonic boom level by more than 30% as compared to that in the cold airflow.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(5):515-518
pages 515-518 views

Anomalous Field-Induced Desorption of Cesium from a Quasi-Spherical Surface of a Carbon-Saturated Rhenium Crystal

Bernatskii D.P., Pavlov V.G.


Investigation of the field-induced desorption of cesium atoms from the surface of rhenium crystal emitter carbon-saturated in benzene vapors showed that, after desorption from the surface, the process continues and there appears a contour of desorption around {10\(\bar {1}\)1} and {1\(\bar {1}\)00} faces that contracts toward the centers of faces with increasing field strength. This previously unreported anomalous behavior of the field-induced desorption is explained by the intercalation of cesium into graphite structures formed on the emitter surface.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(5):519-521
pages 519-521 views

Kinetics of the Changes of Thermal Decomposition Spectra of Polybutylmethacrylate–Fullerene C60 Composite Subjected to Ultraviolet Irradiation

Pozdnyakov A.O.


Abstract—The kinetics of ultraviolet induced transformation of polybutylmethacrylate has been described by using thermal decomposition mass-spectra. The enhancement of the neat polymer decomposition at low temperatures is observed in the spectra after low irradiation doses. Further growth of irradiation dose results in the decrease of the total amount of the monomer formed upon thermal decomposition. In the case of the polybutylmethacrylate–fullerene C60 composite the changes of the spectra are observed in the same range of irradiation doses, however, the spectral shapes and intensities have different response to irradiation compared to neat polymer. The spectral changes are interpreted to be a consequence of binding between fullerene molecule and the products of decomposition of the side ester groups.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(5):522-524
pages 522-524 views

The Influence of Wide-Band Frequency Modulation on the Competition of Orthogonally Polarized Modes in a Two-Mode Laser

Voronov V.I.


Competitive interaction of orthogonally polarized modes in a two-mode laser operating in a regime of wide-band frequency modulation has been numerically simulated. This modulation was implemented by means of the corresponding variation of the laser cavity length. Parameters of the active medium adopted in the numerical model were characteristic of He–Ne lasers with an inhomogeneously broadened gain line. It is established that negative consequences of the mode competition can be significantly reduced at certain values of the modulation frequency and frequency deviation.

Technical Physics Letters. 2019;45(5):525-527
pages 525-527 views

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