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Vol 43, No 7 (2017)


Calculating impedance vibrator antennas

Eminov S.I.


The technique of analytical reversal of a hypersingular equation is used to solve the equation of an impedance vibrator antenna. A numerical method for solving the equation is developed, and its efficiency is demonstrated.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(7):593-595
pages 593-595 views

Instrumental implementation of a neuronlike generator with spiking and bursting dynamics based on a phase-locked loop

Mishchenko M.A., Bolshakov D.I., Matrosov V.V.


An instrumental model of a neuron based on a phase-locked loop with a bandpass filter in the control loop is proposed. The main constructive elements of the system are described. The existence of different dynamic modes that are qualitatively similar to the spiking and bursting neuron dynamics has been experimentally demonstrated.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(7):596-599
pages 596-599 views

Surface-profile reconstruction of a liquid droplet based on layer-by-layer laser probing

Pavlov I.N., Raskovskaya I.L., Rinkevichyus B.S.


An experimental technique was developed for reconstructing the surface profile of a drop of liquid on a horizontal solid substrate using refractive images obtained by means of layer-by-layer laser probing. Examples of typical images obtained by vertical probing of drops of distilled water with a volume of 10–15 μL using a collimated laser beam are given. The inverse refraction problem is solved, and the global shape of the drop surface is restored. It is noted that, to restore the surface parameters of a microrelief, it is effective to use probing with a wide collimated beam.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(7):600-602
pages 600-602 views

The effect of high-enthalpy argon plasma flow on the structure and properties of YBa2Cu3O7 – δ nanoceramics

Gadzhiev M.K., Gadzhimagomedov S.K., Demirov N.A., Ragimkhanov G.B., Kurbanismailov V.S., Palchaev D.K., Murlieva Z.K.


The structure and electrical resistivity of YBa2Cu3O7 – δ-based nanostructured ceramics before and after exposure to the high-enthalpy argon plasma flow are investigated. It is demonstrated that the plasma-flow processing can strengthen the intergrain bonds in the surface layer of the ceramics and change its oxygen stoichiometry index.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(7):603-606
pages 603-606 views

Characteristics of spectrum registration of condensed medium by the method of nuclear-magnetic resonance in a weak field

Davydov V.V., Myazin N.S., Velichko E.N.


The characteristics of signal registration of nuclear-magnetic resonance in a weak magnetic field from a small volume of an investigated medium have been considered. The consideration of the characteristics revealed in a new developed design of a magnetic system for a compact nuclear-magnetic spectrometer, and also in the NMR-signal registration method allows significant extension of the possibility to use the phenomenon of nuclear-magnetic resonance for the study of condensed medium in an express mode. The experimental results of different media studies have been presented.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(7):607-610
pages 607-610 views

Interaction of CO, NO, and H2 molecules on the surface of a Ni/MgO(111) metal oxide system

Grigorkina G.S., Ramonova A.G., Kibizov D.D., Fukutani K., Magkoev T.T.


The adsorption and interaction of carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxide (NO), and hydrogen (H2) molecules on the surface of a system produced when nanosize nickel clusters are formed on the surface of a magnesium oxide film [MgO (111)] has been studied in an ultrahigh vacuum by IR, thermal desorption, and photoelectron spectroscopy. It is shown that, at a substrate temperature of 85 K, CO and NO molecules at low surface concentrations, are mostly adsorbed on the surface of Ni particles, whereas at higher surface coverage CO molecules are forced to the Ni/MgO(111) interface. The adsorption of hydrogen results in NO molecules also being displaced to the interface. The particular state of the molecules at the interface between the metal and the polar surface of the oxide is responsible for the observed processes in which CO is converted to CO2 due to the reduction of NO to N2.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(7):611-614
pages 611-614 views

The orientation dependence of critical shear stresses in Al0.3CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy single crystals

Kireeva I.V., Chumlyakov Y.I., Pobedennaya Z.V., Vyrodova A.V., Kuksgauzen I.V., Poklonov V.V., Kuksgauzen D.A.


It is established that the critical shear stresses under tensile strain of Al0.3CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy single crystals are independent of crystal orientation. It is shown that the development of the planar dislocation structure in Al0.3CoCrFeNi single crystals at T = 296 K leads to a decrease in the ratio between the strain-hardening coefficient and shear modulus relative to that the value for Cu single crystals, where the cellular dislocation structure is developed at the similar staking fault energy.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(7):615-618
pages 615-618 views

Adaptive filtering of electroencephalogram signals using the empirical-modes method

Grubov V.V., Runnova A.E., Koronovskii A.A., Hramov A.E.


A new method for the removal of physiological artifacts in the experimental signals of human electroencephalograms (EEGs) has been developed. The method is based on decomposition of the signal in terms of empirical modes. The algorithm involves EEG signal decomposition in terms of empirical modes, searching for modes with artifacts, removing these modes, and restoration of the EEG signal. The method was tested on experimental data and showed high efficiency in the removal of various physiological artifacts in EEGs.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(7):619-622
pages 619-622 views

Analysis of the development of perturbations in a hypersonic boundary layer behind a wavy surface

Bountin D.A., Maslov A.A.


The stability of a supersonic near-wall flow above a finely corrugated plate in the incident flow inside an aerodynamic tube with a Mach number of 6 has been studied experimentally. We obtained the perturbation growth coefficients that show that a wavy wall stabilizes the flow in the boundary layer with respect to the perturbations of the second mode, but it destabilizes the perturbations of the first mode. A bispectral analysis of perturbations is carried out. It is shown that with decreasing pulsation amplitudes of the second mode, nonlinear processes in the boundary layer behind the wavy surface become strongly suppressed: there is no harmonic resonance of the second mode, and nonlinear processes in the low-frequency region of the spectrum have an interaction amplitude that is an order of magnitude smaller and a much more limited frequency range. Due to the stabilizing effect of a wavy surface on perturbations of the second mode, the onset of a laminar-turbulent transition is generally delayed.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(7):623-626
pages 623-626 views

Using optical diagnostics to determine the melt temperature field in layer-by-layer laser alloying of metal powder

Zavalov Y.N., Dubrov A.V., Mirzade F.K., Dubrovin N.G., Makarova E.S., Dubrov V.D.


The results of application of optical diagnostics in the estimation of the temperature field at the melt surface in layer-by-layer laser alloying of metal powder are presented. It is demonstrated that surface concavity induced by the thermocapillary effect upon nonuniform heating may distort pyrometry data considerably. The use of external illumination provides an opportunity to determine the shape of the melt surface. The obtained minimum estimate of the temperature gradient in the metal region affected by laser radiation is 2.8 × 104 K/cm.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(7):627-630
pages 627-630 views

The Gorsky effect in the synthesis of silicon-carbide films from silicon by topochemical substitution of atoms

Kukushkin S.A., Osipov A.V.


The mechanisms of evaporation of silicon from the surface of silicon carbide (SiC) grown by atomic substitution are studied. It is assumed that the emergence of elastic deformations at the stage of cooling of the sample with a SiC film is one of the causes of Si evaporation. It is demonstrated theoretically that elastic stresses induce the mechanochemical Gorsky effect in the SiC layer. This effect initiates redistribution of Si and C atoms in the SiC layer, which results in violation of the stoichiometry of films and asymmetry of their composition over the SiC-layer thickness. A method for growing epitaxial SiC films with a homogeneous composition and a low density of silicon vacancies from a gas mixture of carbon monoxide and trichlorosilane is proposed.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(7):631-634
pages 631-634 views

Acousto-optic modulation and deflection of terahertz electromagnetic radiation in nonpolar liquids

Nikitin P.A., Voloshinov V.B., Gerasimov V.V., Knyazev B.A.


The results of a series of experiments on controlled deflection of electromagnetic radiation of a free-electron laser upon diffraction by an acoustic wave in nonpolar liquids are presented. Acoustic and optical properties of liquids that are transparent in the terahertz range are discussed. It is demonstrated that nonpolar liquids may turn out to be a more efficient acousto-optic interaction medium than dielectric crystals or semiconductors.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(7):635-637
pages 635-637 views

An experimental study of subsonic microjets escaping from a flat nozzle

Aniskin V.M., Maslov A.A., Mukhin K.A.


We have experimentally studied subsonic laminar gas jets escaping from a flat nozzle with dimensions of 83.3 × 3600 μm. Reynolds numbers calculated for the given nozzle height and average flow velocity at the nozzle output edge ranged within 58–154. The working gas was air at room temperature. Distributions of the gas velocity and its pulsation along the jet axis were determined. It is established that the obtained characteristics of laminar subsonic microjets are fundamentally different from those of macroscopic turbulent jets. Based on the results of velocity pulsation measurements, it is shown that a laminar–turbulent flow transition is present and its position is determined.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(7):638-640
pages 638-640 views

Noisy signal filtration using complex wavelet basis sets

Yaseen A.S., Pavlova O.N., Pavlov A.N.


Methods of noisy signal filtration using a discrete wavelet transform (DWT) with real basis sets of the Daubechies family are compared to methods employing a double-density dual-tree complex wavelet transform (DDCWT) with excess (nonorthonormalized) basis sets. Recommendations concerning the choice of filter parameters for minimization of the error of noisy signal filtration are formulated.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(7):641-644
pages 641-644 views

Switching of bistable magnetic states in (NdSmDy)(FeCo)B alloy in the vicinity of a spin-reorientation transition

Dmitriev A.I., Kostyuchenko S.A.


Bistable magnetic states with two equiprobable orientations of the magnetization vector (corresponding to opposite polarities of a permanent magnet) exist in (NdSmDy)(FeCo)B magnetic alloy in the vicinity of a spin-reorientation transition. A critical value of the magnetic field strength ~1 kOe is determined, at which switching of these bistable magnetic states takes place. It is established that the polarity of polycrystalline sintered magnets of the Nd2Fe14B family in the vicinity of a spin-reorientation transition can be stabilized by a small external bias magnetic field, which opens up new possibilities for using these magnets in cryomagnetic systems.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(7):645-647
pages 645-647 views

The influence of a thin gold film on the optical spectral characteristics of a porous anodic aluminum-oxide membrane

Ushakov N.M., Vasilkov M.Y., Fedorov F.S.


We have experimentally studied how a thin mesostructured gold film, deposited onto one side of a porous anodic aluminum-oxide membrane, influences its optical spectral characteristics in a 200–900 nm wavelength range. It is established that the gold film only modifies the spectral characteristics of the composite membrane at light wavelengths above 500 nm. The presence of a thin gold film ensures the surface conductivity of membrane on a level of 3.4 × 106 Ω–1 m–1, retains optical transparency within 10–20%, leads to the appearance of anomalous dispersion in the long-wavelength part of the transmission spectrum, and reduces the bandgap width from 5.61 eV (in anodic aluminum oxide) to 4.51 eV (in the composite). The obtained anodic aluminum-oxide membranes with thin gold films can be used as transparent conducting electrodes in optoelectronic devices with large light transmitter/receiver active areas.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(7):648-651
pages 648-651 views

Spectral properties and anti-Stokes luminescence of TeO2–BaF2:Ho3+, Ho3+/Yb3+ ceramics and glass excited by 1.9-μm radiation of a Tm:LiYF4 laser

Savikin A.P., Egorov A.S., Budruev A.V., Perunin I.Y., Krasheninnikova O.V., Grishin I.A.


We demonstrate the up-conversion of Tm:LiYF4 infrared (IR) laser radiation with 1908-nm wavelength into visible light with a spectral maximum at 650 nm by ceramics with a composition of (100 − x)TeO2xBaF2 − 1 wt % HoF3yYbF3, where x = 20, 30, or 40 mol % and y = 0 or 0.5 wt %. The samples of 60TeO2−40BaF2 − 1 wt % HoF3 − 0.5 wt % YbF3 exhibited anti-Stokes luminescence at a threshold radiation power density of 1.0−1.5 W cm−2.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(7):652-654
pages 652-654 views

Generation of fast charged particles in a superposition of oscillating electric fields with stochastically jumping phases

Loginov V.M.


The motion of a nonrelativistic charged particle in an alternating electric field representing a superposition of monochromatic waves with phases described by stochastic jumplike functions of time has been studied. Statistical analysis is performed in the framework of an exactly solvable model, in which the phases are treated as independent random telegraph signals. The mean kinetic energy of the charged particle is calculated. It is shown that there is a manifold of characteristics of stochastically jumping phases (shift amplitudes and mean frequencies) for which the oscillating mean energy grows with the time. For time periods much greater than the characteristic decay time of phase correlations, the mean kinetic energy linearly increases with time (stochastic heating). The growth rate nonmonotonically depends on the parameters of phase jumps, and the maximum increment is proportional to the number of harmonics.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(7):655-657
pages 655-657 views

Field-assisted sintering of effective materials for alternative power engineering

Bulat L.P., Novotel’nova A.V., Osvenskii V.B., Sorokin A.I., Pshenai-Severin D.A., Tukmakova A.S., Yerezhep D.


The process of field-assisted sintering of nanostructured thermoelectrics for the formation of effective materials for alternative power engineering has been numerically simulated. Functionally graded thermoelectrics and segmented thermoelement branches have been sintered in a temperature-gradient field. Modified die tooling elements are proposed that allow the desired thermal conditions to be created for the sintering of inhomogeneous effective materials.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(7):658-661
pages 658-661 views

The energy characteristics and structure of carbon nanoscrolls

Siahlo A.I., Popov A.M., Poklonskii N.A., Lozovik Y.E.


The structure and energy characteristics of carbon nanoscrolls formed from a rectangular graphene ribbon have been studied using semianalytical and numerical calculations. Geometric parameters of the initial graphene ribbon are determined for which stable and energetically favorable nanoscrolls can be obtained. Energy barriers for rolling the graphene ribbon up into a nanoscroll and unrolling it back, as well as the nanoscroll lifetime in a stable state have been estimated. It is established that nanoscrolls with layer overlap lengths of about 1 nm are stable at room temperature.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(7):662-665
pages 662-665 views

Heterostructures for quantum-cascade lasers of the wavelength range of 7–8 μm

Nevedomskii V.N., Kurochkin A.S., Kolodeznyi E.S., Sokolovskii G.S., Bugrov V.E., Karachinsky L.Y., Novikov I.I., Bousseksou A., Egorov A.Y., Babichev A.V., Gladyshev A.G., Filimonov A.V.


It is shown that molecular-beam-epitaxy technology can be used to fabricate heterostructures for quantum-cascade lasers of the wavelength range of 7–8 μm with an active region comprising 50 cascades based on a heterojunction of In0.53Ga0.47As/Al0.48In0.52As solid solutions. The optical emission is obtained using a quantum-cascade design operating on the principle of two-phonon resonance scattering. The properties of heterostructures were studied by the methods of X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy, which showed their high quality with respect to the identical compositions and thicknesses of all 50 cascades. Stripe-geometry lasers made of these heterostructures exhibited lasing with a threshold current density below 1.6 kA/cm2 at a temperature of 78 K.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(7):666-669
pages 666-669 views

Screening of a flow of evaporated metal atoms by the Langmuir layer formed at the point of contact of hot plasma with metal

Kozhevin V.M., Gorokhov M.V., Bormatov A.A.


We have theoretically analyzed conditions under which the screening of a flow of evaporated metal atoms by the Langmuir layer formed due to ionization of atoms in this layer can significantly influence the dynamics of hot plasma in contact with a metal surface. It is established that allowance for the screening of evaporated atomic flow by this Langmuir layer is necessary in many cases, in particular, in simulations of laser-plume dynamics.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(7):670-673
pages 670-673 views

The electron-stimulated desorption yield and penetration range of exciting electrons

Kuznetsov Y.A., Lapushkin M.N.


We have studied the concentration dependences of the yield of electron-stimulated desorption (ESD) of Cs and Na atoms adsorbed on nonmetallic coatings grown on W substrates. It is established that ESD processes occur at the interface between the adlayer and underlying nonmetallic coating. The decay in the concentration dependence of the ESD yield of alkali-metal atoms observed after reaching their monolayer coverage is related to a decrease in the amount of exciting electrons attaining this interface.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(7):674-677
pages 674-677 views

Peculiarities of photoconversion efficiency modeling in perovskite solar cells

Sachenko A.V., Kostylyov V.P., Bobyl A.V., Vlasyuk V.M., Sokolovskyi I.O., Terukov E.I., Evstigneev M.A.


A theoretical approach to photoconversion efficiency modeling in perovskite pin structures is developed. The results of the theoretical modeling are compared with the experiment. Analysis of the experimental data indicated that the surfaces of the perovskite solar cells (SCs) are spontaneously textured, which leads to more effective light absorption and increased photoconversion efficiency. It is established that photoconversion efficiency as a function of i-layer thickness has a maximum in the region 0.3–0.9 μm.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(7):678-680
pages 678-680 views

Phase composition of gas sensitive thin films of tin oxide operating at near room temperature

Zakharevich A.M., Smirnov A.V., Sinev I.V., Venig S.B., Mahdi O.S., Malyar I.V.


We have studied the phase composition of thin polycrystalline tin oxide films deposited on silicon substrates by reactive RF magnetron sputtering. The films are sensitive to ethanol vapors at 38°C. They consist of SnO2 crystallites with the average grain size of about 7 nm, covered with a nanodimensional layer of amorphous SnO phase. It was found that the volume fraction of the former phase is about 95% and that of the latter phase is about 5%. Calculations of the film texture indicate the predominant growth of SnO2 crystals along 〈110〉, 〈211〉, and 〈310〉 crystal directions perpendicular to the substrate.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(7):681-683
pages 681-683 views

Determining heat-transfer coefficients of solid objects by laser photothermal IR radiometry

Aleksandrov S.E., Gavrilov G.A., Kapralov A.A., Muratikov K.L., Sotnikova G.Y.


A simple method for determining heat-transfer coefficients of solid objects is proposed that is based on direct measurement of the sample surface temperature dynamics. The object is probed by a laser beam with preset temporal variation of the radiation power, and the thermal response is detected by photodiodes operating in the mid-IR spectral range without forced cooling.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(7):684-686
pages 684-686 views

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