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Vol 42, No 9 (2016)


Transmission of IR light by light guides made of silver halide solid solutions

Shmygalev A.S., Zhilkin B.P., Korsakov A.S., Nizovtsev M.I., Sterlyagov A.N., Terekhov V.I.


The possibility of transferring IR emission by light guides made of silver halide solid solutions has been experimentally studied. The energy loss in transmission of the heat radiation through a light guide in various wavelength ranges of IR light was determined. The possibility of using IR light guides for transport of thermal energy and temperature measurements by IR thermography was considered.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(9):883-885
pages 883-885 views

Describing the motion of a body with an elliptical cross section in a viscous uncompressible fluid by model equations reconstructed from data processing

Kuznetsov S.P., Mamaev I.S., Tenenev V.A., Borisov A.V.


From analysis of time series obtained on the numerical solution of a plane problem on the motion of a body with an elliptic cross section under the action of gravity force in an incompressible viscous fluid, a system of ordinary differential equations approximately describing the dynamics of the body is reconstructed. To this end, coefficients responsible for the added mass, the force caused by the circulation of the velocity field, and the resisting force are found by the least square adjustment. The agreement between the finitedimensional description and the simulation on the basis of the Navier–Stokes equations is illustrated by images of attractors in regular and chaotic modes. The coefficients found make it possible to estimate the actual contribution of different effects to the dynamics of the body.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(9):886-890
pages 886-890 views

A microwave interferometer based on a ferrite–ferroelectric layered structure

Ustinova I.A., Nikitin A.A., Kondrashov A.V., Popov D.A., Ustinov A.B., Lähderanta E.


A microwave interferometer using spin-electromagnetic waves was developed for the first time. Theoretical and experimental investigation of its characteristics was performed. The interferometer is a bridge circuit with a phase shifter in one of its arms, which is based on a planar multiferroic structure consisting of ferrite and ferroelectric layers. The device can be regarded as a prototype of spin-electromagnetic logic.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(9):891-894
pages 891-894 views

The effect of beta radiation on the susceptibility of high-energy materials to a high-current electron beam

Savenkov G.G., Morozov V.A., Persinen A.A., Os’kin I.A., Bragin V.A., Lukin A.A.


The results of experiments on initiating explosive transformations in layer samples of high-energy materials, which were first irradiated with beta particles, with a pulsed electron beam are reported. The potential to adjust the susceptibility of high-energy materials to an electron beam by performing preparatory ionization treatment is demonstrated.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(9):895-897
pages 895-897 views

Examination of the specific features of the electron density of states of weakly nonstoichiometric Fe–V–Al alloys through the analysis of low-temperature heat capacity

Lonchakov A.T., Marchenkov V.V., Podgornykh S.M., Okulov V.I., Okulova K.A., Govorkova T.E., Emel’yanova S.M.


The results of a comparative study of low-temperature heat capacity and resistivity of weakly nonstoichiometric Fe–V–Al alloys with their composition varied (in iron, vanadium, and aluminum atoms individually) with respect to the stoichiometric Fe2Val alloy are reported. The electron density of states near the Fermi energy is estimated for the studied alloys. The data confirming the presence of a narrow pseudogap at the Fermi level in alloys enriched with vanadium and the lack of such a pseudogap in alloys enriched with iron or aluminum are obtained.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(9):898-900
pages 898-900 views

Interaction of microwave radiation with an erosion plasma jet

Brovkin V.G., Pashchina A.S., Ryazanskiy N.M.


The interaction of high-power pulsed microwave radiation with a plasma jet formed by a discharge in an ablative capillary is studied. A significant influence of microwave radiation on the plasma jet flow is found. Depending on the intensity of the initial perturbation of the jet, different scenarios of its evolution downstream are possible: attenuation or amplification accompanied with the development of turbulence up to the disruption of the flow if a certain threshold of the energy action is exceeded. A significant influence of the plasma jet and its state on the spatial position of the microwave energy release zone is found.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(9):901-904
pages 901-904 views

The charge memory effect in polystyrene-based composite structures

Belogorokhov I.A., Belogorokhova L.I., Kotova M.S., Dronov M.A.


It is shown that the addition of light-sensitive particles to a polystyrene matrix enables control over processes of resistive voltage switching in the composite material, which involve photoinduced transitions between states with different conductivities. This specific feature of polymeric composite materials based on polystyrene and heterocyclic rings can be accounted for in terms of the model of charge accumulation and that of conducting channels.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(9):905-908
pages 905-908 views

The influence of nonstoichiometry on elastic characteristics of metastable β-WC1–x phase in ion plasma condensates

Sobol’ O.V.


The dependence of elastic moduli for different directions on the nonstoichiometry with respect to carbon atoms in octahedral interstices of face-centered cubic crystalline lattice is established for the first time for metastable tungsten carbide (β-WC1–x phase). It is shown that with decreasing content of carbon atoms in the tungsten carbide lattice it is compressed, which is accompanied by the growth of the contribution of metallic component, thus determining higher density of the coating material and change of elastic characteristics for different crystallographic directions. This makes it possible to obtain carbide coatings with the required ratio of elastic constants via corresponding technological regimes, which is especially important in formation of coatings with predominant crystallite growth orientation.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(9):909-911
pages 909-911 views

The airflow effect on a negative corona discharge

Barengol’ts S.A., Korostelev E.V., Pestovskii N.V., Petrov A.A., Savinov S.Y., Samoilov I.S., Amirov R.K.


The effect of the airflow on the negative corona discharge is studied. It is shown by use of telemicroscopy that the localization of the discharge torch on the cathode surface can be significantly affected by the aerodynamic action on the discharge gap region.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(9):912-914
pages 912-914 views

Features of spectra of low-energy neon ions scattered from gallium phosphide

Tolstoguzov A.B., Belykh S.F., Gololobov G.P., Suvorov D.V.


Using mass-resolved ion scattering spectrometry, spectra of Ne+ ions scattered at an angle of 120° from the surface of GaP in the energy range of 0.4–1.96 keV have been studied in detail. In the spectra, in addition to the peaks of elastic binary Ne+/P and Ne+/Ga collisions, the peak of sputtered neon ions has been found, as well as the wide peak (a “hump”), the energy of which slightly depends on the energy of primary ions and the intensity considerably increases with an increase in this energy. In our opinion, the main contribution to this peak is made by neon ions that undergo multiple collisions with gallium and phosphorus atoms on the surface and deeper layers of the sample and keep their charge due to reionization processes.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(9):915-918
pages 915-918 views

Autodyne interferometry for range-finding under laser radiation wavelength modulation

Usanov D.A., Skripal’ A.V., Astakhov E.I., Dobdin S.Y.


The results of solution of the inverse problem of determining the distance to the reflector in the case of current modulation of the laser radiation wavelength are presented. It is shown that current modulation of the autodyne signal amplitude can reduce the inverse problem of finding the distance to the reflector to a state of affairs characteristic only of phase modulation. The technique that we propose provides a higher range-finding accuracy than does direct analysis of the autodyne signal.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(9):919-922
pages 919-922 views

From boron carbide to glass: Absorption of an elongated high-speed projectile in brittle materials

Rumyantsev B.V.


Penetration into boron carbide of an elongated high-speed projectile in the form of a copper jet produced by an explosion of a cumulative charge is studied. The efficiency of absorption of a copper jet in different brittle materials for evaluating their protective ability is compared. Conditions for the absence of the influence of the lateral unloading wave on the penetration zone, which provide the minimum penetration depth, are determined.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(9):923-926
pages 923-926 views

Cleaning air from multicomponent impurities of volatile organic compounds by pulsed corona discharge

Filatov I.E., Uvarin V.V., Kuznetsov D.L.


The relative efficiency of the removal of impurities from airflow under the action of pulsed corona discharge has been studied by processing model mixtures of air with volatile organic compounds (VOCs). A method is proposed that allows the influence of the VOC structure on its reactivity to be directly determined. For this purpose, it is suggested to calculate a relative energy parameter characterizing the reactivity of a given impurity component in the framework of the method employed. This approach significantly intensifies the process of determination of the energy parameters of impurity removal and can be used as a criterion for comparative estimation of the efficiency of various methods employing nonequilibrium plasma for cleaning air from VOCs.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(9):927-931
pages 927-931 views

Micro- and nanostructure of a titanium surface electric-spark-doped with tantalum and modified by high-frequency currents

Fomin A.A., Fomina M.A., Koshuro V.A., Rodionov I.V., Voiko A.V., Zakharevich A.M., Aman A., Oseev A., Hirsch S., Majcherek S.


We have studied the characteristics of the porous microstructure of tantalum coatings obtained by means of electric spark spraying on the surface of commercial grade titanium. It is established that, at an electric spark current within 0.8–2.2 A, a mechanically strong tantalum coating microstructure is formed with an average protrusion size of 5.1–5.4 µm and pore sizes from 3.5 to 9.2 µm. On the nanoscale, a structurally heterogeneous state of coatings has been achieved by subsequent thermal modification at 800–830°C with the aid of high-frequency currents. A metal oxide nanostructure with grain sizes from 40 to 120 nm is formed by short-time (~30 s) thermal modification. The coating hardness reaches 9.5–10.5 GPa at an elastic modulus of 400–550 GPa.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(9):932-935
pages 932-935 views

Shock focusing upon interaction of a shock with a cylindrical dust cloud

Georgievskiy P.Y., Levin V.A., Sutyrin O.G.


Propagation of a strong plane shock wave through air containing a cylindrical cloud of low-concentration quartz dust is numerically modeled using Euler’s equations. A one-velocity single-temperature model of dust-air mixture is used. Refraction of incident shock and formation and focusing of transversal shocks are described. Two qualitatively different interaction regimes–external and internal–are found to take place for different dust concentration values. The dependence of peak shock focusing point position and relative shock focusing intensity on volume concentration of dust in the range of from 0.01 to 0.15% is determined. With an increase of dust concentration, the peak focusing point draws near the cloud edge and moves inside the cloud, while focusing intensity significantly rises.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(9):936-939
pages 936-939 views

Gas jet iimpingement on a liquid surface in the regime of stable oscillations

Mordasov M.M., Savenkov A.P.


We consider the impingement of a gas jet on a liquid surface in a stable oscillatory regime, where by the jet-induced cavity shape in various phases of oscillations is periodically reproduced with high precision. This regime is observed during gas jet impingement at an angle of 30°–40° relative to the surface of a liquid with viscosity above 1 Pa s. A mechanism of the impingement of gas jet on liquid in the oscillatory regime is described that accounts for variation of the shape of the cavity on the liquid surface. It is established that oscillations exhibit a relaxation character. It is a specific feature of the oscillatory process that the gas stream flowing out from cavity separates from the surface of liquid. Stable oscillations in the “gas jet–liquid” system can be used for contactless measurement of the physical properties (in particular, viscosity) of liquids.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(9):940-943
pages 940-943 views

Controllable optical trap arrays

Shostka N.V., Ivanov M.O., Shostka V.I.


A method of generating 3D optical trap arrays (OTAs) using a uniaxial crystal has been proposed and implemented. It is shown that the properties of obtained OTAs can be controlled by changing the parameters of the optical system and the state of radiation polarization past the crystal.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(9):944-947
pages 944-947 views

Determination of light beam curvature in a rotating Luneburg lens

Gladyshev V.O., Bazleva D.D., Tereshin A.A., Gladysheva T.M.


We have determined the curvature of a beam of coherent electromagnetic radiation and its angular and linear deviation in a rotating microsatellite representing a Luneburg lens in the optical segment of accuracy augmentation for new-generation global navigation satellite systems.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(9):948-950
pages 948-950 views

New distributions in thermodynamics

Maslov V.P.


A model of the equation of state for classical gases consisting of nonpolar molecules is constructed under the assumption that the spinodal, critical isochore, and second virial coefficients of the gas have been set. The corresponding thermodynamic distributions are determined. It is shown that the isotherms constructed in the framework of the proposed model coincide with the isotherms of the van der Waals model obtained on a different basis.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(9):951-954
pages 951-954 views

A new high-sensitivity X-ray diffraction technique for determining local deformations of a crystal surface using “bending interference fringes”

Suvorov E.V., Smirnova I.A.


A new high-sensitivity X-ray diffraction technique for studying local surface deformations caused by crystal defects is described. The method is based on analysis of the shape of “bending interference fringes” (BIFs) in the Bragg geometry of X-ray diffraction. The obtained results show that the BIF method allows one to qualitatively assess very weak local deformations of a crystal surface with local bending radii of crystallographic planes from several dozen to several hundred meters.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(9):955-958
pages 955-958 views

Shock-wave-induced grain refinement and phase state modification in coarse-grained and nanocrystalline titanium

Kolobov Y.R., Manokhin S.S., Kolobova A.Y., Kudymova Y.E., Betekhtin V.I., Golyshev A.A., Molodets A.M., Andrievskii R.A.


We have experimentally studied the structure and phase variations in polycrystalline titanium stimulated by stepwise shock compression at pressures up to 40 GPa with subsequent unloading. The experiments were performed on samples of commercial titanium (VT1-0 grade) in a broad range of initial grain sizes (0.2–50 μm). The phenomenon of grain refinement and phase composition variation in titanium under stepwise shock-wave action has been studied by transmission and scanning electron microscopy techniques. Specific features of these changes are discussed.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(9):959-962
pages 959-962 views

The influence of PdO content on circular photocurrent in resistive Ag/Pd films

Saushin A.S., Zonov R.G., Mikheev K.G., Aleksandrovich E.V., Mikheev G.M.


We have studied the influence of PdO content in resistive Ag/Pd films (consisting of this oxide and Ag–Pd solid solution) on photocurrent dependent on the sign of circular polarization of the exciting radiation. The photocurrent was excited by nanosecond pulsed laser radiation with a 532 nm wavelength and measured in the direction perpendicular to the plane of laser beam incidence onto the film. The content of PdO in the film was varied by electrolytic reduction of Pd from PdO in sulfuric acid solution. Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction measurements showed that reduced PdO content in the film leads to nonlinear decrease in the magnitude of photocurrent. It is established that photocurrent is also observed when PdO is fully absent on the film surface. The obtained results suggest that the nature of photocurrent in Ag/Pd films is related to the structure of Ag–Pd solid solution.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(9):963-966
pages 963-966 views

Nanolithographic self-assembly of colloidal nanoparticles

Moshnikov V.A., Maksimov A.I., Aleksandrova O.A., Pronin I.A., Karmanov A.A., Terukov E.I., Yakushova N.D., Averin I.A., Bobkov A.A., Permyakov N.V.


Methods of nanolithographic self-assembly of colloidal nanoparticles have been created, which are promising for the development of fractal nanolithography.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(9):967-969
pages 967-969 views

High-efficiency two-frequency laser generation in three-barrier nanostructures with ballistic electron transport

Borisov A.A., Zyrin S.S., Makovetskaya A.A., Novoselets V.I., Pashkovskii A.B., Ursulyak N.D.


For asymmetric three-barrier resonance-tunneling structures with thin high barriers, the dependence of the integral transmission coefficient on the amplitude and frequency of strong high-frequency resonance fields during two-photon transitions has been studied in the approximation of an electron distribution function weakly varying at energies on the order of several widths of the quantum level. It is established that, despite the strong dependence of the shape and width of resonance levels on the microwave field amplitude, the general pattern of integral electron–photon interaction in strong fields changes but little in a broad range of variation of the level widths and field amplitudes.

Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(9):970-972
pages 970-972 views


Erratum to: “A microfluidic chip with hydrodynamic traps for in vitro microscopic investigations of single cells”

Kukhtevich I.V., Belousov K.I., Bukatin A.S., Dubina M.V., Evstrapov A.A.
Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(9):973-973
pages 973-973 views

Erratum to: “Microfluidic chips for the study of cell migration under the effect of chemicals”

Kukhtevich I.V., Belousov K.I., Bukatin A.S., Chubinskiy-Nadezhdin V.I., Vasileva V.Y., Negulyaev Y.A., Evstrapov A.A.
Technical Physics Letters. 2016;42(9):974-974
pages 974-974 views

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