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卷 63, 编号 5 (2018)

Theoretical and Mathematical Physics

Temperature Field under Laser Ablative Destruction of Target at Low Temperatures

Shemanin V., Mkrtychev O.


A thermal model of the laser ablative destruction of materials is considered. The method of moments is used to numerically solve nonstationary heat-conduction equation for 1D system. The solution makes it possible to analyze the dynamics of several parameters that characterize the laser ablation, in particular, surface temperature and characteristic thermal length.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(5):623-627
pages 623-627 views

Numerical Modeling of Ion-Optical Systems for Extraction of a Beam of Negative Hydrogen Ions and Its Acceleration and Matching with a Radio-Frequency Quadrupole Accelerator

Klenov V., Frolov B.


A source of negative hydrogen ions is constructed at the Institute for High Energy Physics in order to raise the intensity of the U-70 accelerator complex using multiturn charge-exchange injection. The 3D ion-optical IBSimu simulation package was used to model and optimize the system for extraction of an ion beam from plasma, its acceleration to 100 keV, and matching with a radio-frequency quadrupole (RFQ) accelerator. The system of extraction of an ion beam with a current of 50 mA and electron-flow suppression was modeled. The magnetic transport channels with two solenoids and six quadrupole lenses were compared. The end goals of analysis of the matching channel were to obtain the needed Twiss parameters and to minimize the emittance growth at the RFQ input.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(5):628-633
pages 628-633 views

Oscillations and Waves in a Nonlinear System with the 1/f Spectrum

Koverda V., Skokov V.


Numerical methods are used to study a spatially distributed system of two nonlinear stochastic equations that simulate interacting phase transitions. Conditions for self-oscillations and waves are determined. The 1/f and 1/k spectra of extreme fluctuations are formed when waves emerge and move under the action of white noise. The distribution of the extreme fluctuations corresponds to the maximum entropy, which is proven by the stability of the 1/f and 1/k spectra. The formation and motion of waves under external periodic perturbation are accompanied by spatiotemporal chaotic resonance in which the domain of periodic pulsations is extended under the action of white noise.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(5):634-640
pages 634-640 views

Gases and Liquids

Acceleration of the Flow and Increase in the Enthalpy in an Ionized Gas Source by an Electric Field in the Constant Mach Number Regime

Kucherov A.


The possibility of passing from some characteristic physical parameters (stagnation enthalpy, temperature, pressure, density, etc.) to other preset parameters is investigated within the problem of control over a radial source (vortex) in the regime of the Mach number maintained constant by energy input and an external force (radial electric field in the given case). The variations of the total enthalpy upon the variation of the energy- and force-similarity parameters are demonstrated in the case when the force per unit mass and per unit volume is specified for identical convection current and conduction current, as well as for a conducting current prevailing over the convection current, and vice versa. In the limit of a negligibly small convection current or a conduction current, a transition to analytic solutions is demonstrated for the case of a purely energy action and a purely force action. Analytic dependences of the velocity increment (kinetic energy), temperature, and total enthalpy on the intensities of the external force and energy input, on the Mach number, and on the length of the zone of action are obtained.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(5):641-652
pages 641-652 views

Mass Transfer Induced by a Wave Perturbation on the Surface of the Velocity Field Tangential Discontinuity

Belonozhko D., Ochirov A.


An analytical asymptotic model of relative mass transfer in a system of two ideal immiscible unmixed liquids with a capillary gravitational periodic wave propagating over the interface has been constructed.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(5):653-661
pages 653-661 views

Analysis of Plasmadynamic Nanosecond-Range Processes in the Formation of Shock Waves from Pulsed Discharges

Doroshchenko I., Znamenskaya I., Kuznetsov A., Mursenkova I., Sysoev N.


We have studied the dynamics of the plasma glow of pulsed discharges (sliding surface discharge and combined volume discharge with plasma electrodes) in the nanosecond range (100–12 000 ns) in stationary air and in the flow behind the front of a plane shock wave with Mach numbers 1.7–5.0 in the shock tube channel. The temporal characteristics of the flow, the radiation spectra, and the discharge currents in air are compared in the pressure range 5–150 Torr, a pulsed voltage of 20–30 kV, and a current of about 1 kA. It is shown that the time of current under various conditions does not exceed 400 ns, and the duration of the glow can reach a few microseconds. It is shown that as a result of energy supply near the planar shock wave front, the decay of discontinuities occurs with the formation of shock waves and contact surfaces. The positions of the plasma glow regions are compared with the positions of discontinuity surfaces of numerically calculated gasdynamic parameters in the flow.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(5):662-669
pages 662-669 views


A Source for Fuel Supply to a Fusion Reactor Core

Voronin A., Bakharev N., Gusev V., Novokhatskii A., Ponyaev S.


We present the results of studies of the plasma source based on the coaxial accelerator with the slothole channel geometry for plasma acceleration and working gas inlet into the accelerator via the electrodynamic valve. The plasma parameters at the output of the accelerator are measured. The slot-hole channel of the accelerator created higher jet pressure, as compared to the coaxial channel, especially at large distances from the source. The jet pressure reached 106 N/m2 at a distance of 0.7 m. The source created moderately pure plasma for a current below 80 kA. The density was (2.5–5) × 1022 m–3, which was higher than the density obtained with the coaxial gun.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(5):670-673
pages 670-673 views

Statistical Studies of the Electric Breakdown in Nitrogen in the Duration Range of 3 ms–60 min

Gorokhov V., Karelin V., Perminov A., Repin P.


The statistical characteristics of an electric breakdown in the nitrogen in the spike (cathode)–plane gap in the duration range of (3 × 10–3)–3600 s at voltages close to a static breakdown have been studied. It has been found that a probability of a gap breakdown is nonmonotonously distributed over time. The presence of maxima in the probability distribution confirms a contribution of some processes that both stimulate and suppress a breakdown. The typical times of the processes are ~30 ms, ~10–1 s, and ~300 s.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(5):674-679
pages 674-679 views

Estimation of Qualitative and Quantitative Parameters of Air Cleaning by a Pulsed Corona Discharge Using Multicomponent Standard Mixtures

Filatov I., Uvarin V., Kuznetsov D.


The efficiency of removal of volatile organic impurities in air by a pulsed corona discharge is investigated using model mixtures. Based on the method of competing reactions, an approach to estimating the qualitative and quantitative parameters of the employed electrophysical technique is proposed. The concept of the “toluene coefficient” characterizing the relative reactivity of a component as compared to toluene is introduced. It is proposed that the energy efficiency of the electrophysical method be estimated using the concept of diversified yield of the removal process. Such an approach makes it possible to substantially intensify the determination of energy parameters of removal of impurities and can also serve as a criterion for estimating the effectiveness of various methods in which a nonequilibrium plasma is used for air cleaning from volatile impurities.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(5):680-688
pages 680-688 views

Measurements of the Drift Current Oscillations in Thrusters with Closed Electron Drift

Chernyshev T., Krivoruchko D., Skrylev A.


An induction method used to measure the drift current in thrusters with anode layer (TAL) has been applied for measuring the integral distortion of the magnetic field in the channel of a low-power stationary plasma thruster (SPT). Experiments are described in which the integral level of magnetic field oscillations in the narrow channel of a thruster with closed electron drift was determined. Experimental data show that when a discharge is ignited in an SPT, the drift current completely demagnetizes the discharge gap (the ratio between the self-magnetic and external fields reaches 90%). The same effect has been observed in TALs. In thrusters of both types, the total discharge current is one and a half order of magnitude higher than that typical of the stationary discharge and the plasma glow is observed not only inside but also outside the discharge channel. Drift current oscillations have been measured under steady-state conditions. It has been shown, in particular, that when the oscillations are intense (in weak magnetic fields on the order of 100 G), the drift-current-induced distortion of the magnetic field may reach 33%. Under rated operating conditions (200 G), the distortion does not exceed 8%. Beyond optimal operating conditions, the type of oscillation in SPTs and TALs and their performances differ. For example, in SPTs, a critical magnetic field at which the “turbulent” regime sets in is absent. In general, the discharge current is weakly dependent on the magnetic field.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(5):689-694
pages 689-694 views

Discharge between Liquid Jet and Metallic Electrodes

Gaisin A., Kashapov N., Kuputdinova A., Mukhametov R.


Experimental investigation of the low-temperature plasma of a gas discharge initiated in an interelectrode gap where one electrode is a liquid jet cathode and the other is a metallic anode has been carried out. Data are presented for the physical and spectral characteristics of the discharge and plasma composition. The electron concentration and temperature, as well as the vibrational and rotational temperatures of the heavy component have been estimated. The form and type of the discharge and also gas-hydrodynamic and thermal processes at the interface are described.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(5):695-699
pages 695-699 views

Solid State

Analysis of the Mo/Mo Nanocrystalline Optical Coating Obtained with the Aid of Simultaneous Deposition and Ion Sputtering

Rogov A., Martynenko Y., Kapustin Y., Fanchenko S., Belova N.


Structure, optical properties, and resistance to sputtering are studied for a reflecting Mo-coating that is fabricated using magnetron deposition with simultaneous low-energy ion sputtering at the deposition rate that is higher than the etching rate. A Mo-polycrystalline mirror is used as a substrate. It is shown that the coating exhibits textured nanocrystalline structure with a relatively low spread of crystallite sizes and high resistance to sputtering. It is also demonstrated that the spectral reflection coefficient of such a Mo-coating differs from the spectral reflection coefficient of polycrystalline and single-crystalline Mo and the difference results from the effect of the structure of coating on its optical properties. A theoretical model of the coating formation is proposed.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(5):700-710
pages 700-710 views

The Influence of Parameters of the Stabilizing Layer of 2G HTS Tapes and the Specifics of Heat Removal on the CVC Shape in the Resistive State and on the Critical Voltage Inducing Irreversible Changes in Superconducting Properties

Malginov V., Malginov A., Gorbunova D.


The actual form of the resistive section of the AC current–voltage curve (CVC) is determined experimentally. It is found that the CVC is shaped both by the electrical properties of the superconducting layer and by the thermomechanical properties of layers in the tape structure. The specific features of CVC behavior in different current ranges are determined. It is demonstrated that small amounts of heat released in stabilizing and superconducting layers do not affect the CVC shape below the critical current. Above the critical current, combined heat releases in stabilizing and superconducting layers raise the temperature and the resistance of an HTS tape in the resistive state. It is found that the stabilizing layer has a critical thickness. Below this critical level, the current in the resistive state flows primarily along the HTS layer, and its slight overheating initiates the transition of the sample to the normal state due to the thermal instability of heat removal to liquid nitrogen. In tapes with thicker copper layers, the current in the resistive state is distributed between stabilizing and HTS layers, and the transition to the normal state occurs near the critical temperature of the superconductor at zero current. The dependence of critical voltages characterizing different damage levels of HTS tapes on the thickness of the copper layer is determined. It is found that the breakdown occurs at higher voltages if step voltage is applied.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(5):711-717
pages 711-717 views

Physical Science of Materials

Dynamic Strength of a Titanium Alloy with an Electron-Beam-Modified Surface

Savenkov G., Kuznetsov A., Bragov A.


Data are presented of plane-wave experiments aimed at determining the dynamic strength of 3M titanium alloy with a surface processed by a microsecond electron beam. It has been found that the dynamic strength of processed specimens is higher than that of unprocessed specimens. Metallographic examination of test specimens has revealed spallation macrofracture inside the unprocessed specimens and spallation microfracture at the interface between the hardened layer and the substrate in the beam-processed specimens.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(5):718-722
pages 718-722 views

Effect of Load-Induced Oxygen Absorption in YBa2Cu3O6 + x on Mechanical Properties of the “Polyimide–YBa2Cu3O6 + x” System

Muradov A., Kyrykbaeva A.


We have studied the effect of oxygen absorption by disperse powder fillers made of high-temperature superconductor YBa2Cu3O6 + x (YBCO) with concentrations of 0.05, 0.1, and 0.5 mass % on mechanical properties of polyimide composite materials (PCMs) in the form of films. It has been established that an adsorption boundary layer consisting of an aggregate of several transition layers with a varying structure is formed between filler particles and the matrix. A sharp increase in relative elongation (strain) Δεc, which is observed for a PCM with YBCO fillers in the form of a jump in the region of loads of 40–47 MPa, is due to the fact that the bonds between the matrix macromolecules and the molecules in the vicinity of the upper boundary layer are ruptured, leading to a strain jump. An increase in the filler concentration increases the rigidity of the bonds between macromolecules in the boundary layers, leads to a shift of Δεc to the region of low stresses, and reduces its value.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(5):723-732
pages 723-732 views

Electrophysics, Electron and Ion Beams, Physics of Accelerators

Leading Edge Erosion of a Low-Energy Beam Injected into a Gas in a Magnetic Field

Grigor’ev V., Zvigintsev I.


The leading edge erosion of a low-energy high-current electron beam injected into a low-energy neutral gas in a magnetic field has been investigated. The system’s parameters at which a virtual cathode arises, the erosion duration of the beam leading edge, and the time of complete charge neutralization have been determined.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(5):733-737
pages 733-737 views

Content and Isotope Ratios of Noble Gases in Congelation Ice of Lake Vostok

Chetverikov Y., Aruev N., Bulat S., Gruzdov K., Ezhov V., Jean-Baptiste P., Kamenskii I., Lipenkov V., Prasolov E., Solovei V., Tyukal’tsev R., Fedichkin I.


Isotope ratios of noble gases (He, Ne, Ar) were studied in samples collected by degassing of cores of water frozen over a glacier of Lake Vostok. The gases were collected into glass retorts during three days of degassing of cores, which have just been extracted from the borehole. Within the error, the isotope 3He/4He ratios of 0.28 ± 0.08 RA (RA = 1.38 × 10–6 is the ratio for air) correspond to those from [1]. The 4He/20Ne and 40Ar/36Ar ratios (12.4 ± 4.6 RA and 1.0074 ± 0.0023 RA, respectively) exceed their contents in air (4He/20NeA = 0.29; 40Ar/36ArA = 298.6) and may indicate some contribution of terrigenous gas to the gaseous balance of the lake, as well as the high content of ancient ground waters in the lake. The 3He/4He ratio of 0.28 RA means low mantle 3He flux typical of continental platforms far from active rift zones.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(5):738-746
pages 738-746 views

Physical Electronics

Destruction of Peptides and Nucleosides in Reactions with Low-Energy Electrons

Muftakhov M., Shchukin P.


Mass-spectrometry of negative ions is used to study dissociative electron capture by molecules of several nucleosides, simplest di- and tripeptides, and modified dipeptides. Energy domains and efficiencies of dissociative capture are determined for the objects under study, and threshold energies of several fragmentation processes are estimated. It is shown that cytidine and peptides are stable against fragmentation due to simple bond breaking at electron energies ranging from ~0 to 1 eV.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(5):747-758
pages 747-758 views

Biomedical Physics

Adaptive Filtration of Physiological Artifacts in EEG Signals in Humans Using Empirical Mode Decomposition

Grubov V., Runnova A., Hramov A.


A new method for adaptive filtration of experimental EEG signals in humans and for removal of different physiological artifacts has been proposed. The algorithm of the method includes empirical mode decomposition of EEG, determination of the number of empirical modes that are considered, analysis of the empirical modes and search for modes that contains artifacts, removal of these modes, and reconstruction of the EEG signal. The method was tested on experimental human EEG signals and demonstrated high efficiency in the removal of different types of physiological EEG artifacts.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(5):759-767
pages 759-767 views

Short Communications

Circulation Plasma Centrifuge with Product Flow

Borisevich V., Potanin E.


We have analyzed the isotope separation in a high-frequency plasma circulating centrifuge operating with a product flow. The rotation of a weakly ionized plasma is ensured by a rotating magnetic field, while the countercurrent flow (circulation) is produced by a traveling magnetic field. We have calculated the dependences of the enrichment factor and the separative power of the centrifuge on a product flow. The optimal characteristics of the separation unit have been determined.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(5):768-771
pages 768-771 views

Phase Portrait of a Scattered Charged-Particle Bunch

Kurakin V., Kurakin P.


The distribution function of a moving charge experiencing multiple Coulomb scattering has been used to derive relationships for the scattered beam parameters through the parameters of a beam incident on a target. The notion of a beam consistent with a target has been introduced, and a formula has been derived that relates the emittances of the incident and scattered beams.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(5):772-775
pages 772-775 views