Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді  Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

Том 63, № 3 (2018)

Theoretical and Mathematical Physics

Expansion of the Potential of a Homogeneous Circular Torus in Terms of Geometrical Parameter

Kondratyev B.


The spatial potential of a homogeneous gravitating (or statically charged) circular torus is expanded in terms of geometrical parameter q. The first term of the expansion (coefficient of zero-power parameter q) coincides with the potential of a thin ring the mass of which is equal to the mass of torus and the radius of which is equal to the radius of the axial line. It is shown that the coefficients of terms with odd powers are zeros. Even terms of the expansion of the potential are analytically represented in terms of standard complete elliptic integrals. The corresponding series describes the potential of torus in entire space including internal region. The proposed method for representation of the potential makes it possible to obtain gravitational energy of a homogeneous circular torus. The method is used to calculate masses of two rings of the Chariklo asteroid. The mass of the internal ring is Mr1 ≈ 9.8 × 1018 g and the ratio of such a mass to the mass of asteroid is \(\frac{{{M_{r1}}}}{{{M_0}}}\)≈ 0.001. The results for the external ring are Mr2 ≈ 1018 g and \(\frac{{{M_{r1}}}}{{{M_0}}}\)≈ 10–4.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(3):311-314
pages 311-314 views

Gases and Liquids

Velocity of Electric Wind and Efficiency of Electric Energy Conversion

Vasil’ev V., Vereshchagin N.


The results of the theoretical and experimental studies of the electric wind velocity and efficiency are considered. The experiments are carried out in air at atmospheric pressure using the electrode system as a flat multispike electrode–two parallel tube.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(3):315-318
pages 315-318 views

Influence of Intake/Exhaust Channel Lateral Profiling on Thermomechanics of Pulsating Flows

Brodov Y., Zhilkin B., Plotnikov L.


The hypothesis that pipeline lateral profiling can be used to regulate pulsating flows in the air-gas systems of energy machines is tested. The results of the physical simulation of gas dynamics and local heat transfer in the intake and exhaust channels of various configurations in the piston internal combustion engine in the conditions of gas-dynamic nonstationarity are presented. We have established that the lateral profiling of intake and exhaust pipes promotes the stabilization of gas flows in the air-gas systems of the engine, and decreases the intensity of the local heat transfer by up to 30%, depending on the initial conditions.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(3):319-324
pages 319-324 views

On Calculating the Stopping Time of a Cylindrical Body Rotating in a Viscous Continuum and the Time of Entrainment of a Coaxial External Cylinder

Gladkov S.


The velocity distribution in the vicinity of the surface of an axisymmetric body rotating in a viscous medium at frequency ω directed along its axis is determined. The dissipative function has been calculated and used for deriving the equation of motion, from which an analytic expression for the stopping time of the body (until its complete stoppage) is obtained. The time of entrainment of an external stationary cylinder coaxial with the body is calculated by solving the time-dependent Navier–Stokes equation.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(3):325-330
pages 325-330 views

Kinetics of CO Molecules Taking into Account Resonant VE Exchanges in a Nonequilibrium Nozzle Flow

Mishina A., Kustova E.


The kinetics of CO molecules with excited electronic levels for a nonequilibrium flow in nozzles is studied. Three electronic energy levels are taken into account; the VV exchanges of the vibrational energy within each electronic energy level, VT transitions from the vibrational energy to the translational energy, and VE exchanges between the vibrational energy and the electronic terms occur in the system. The system of equations of vibrational level kinetics and gasdynamics, which is written in the zeroth approximation of the Chapman–Enskog method, is solved numerically. Special attention is paid to estimating the effect of the VE exchanges of the vibrational energy on the formation of nonequilibrium populations of the vibrational levels. It is shown that resonant VE transitions considerably affect the relaxation process and noticeably change the population of the upper vibrational levels even in the absence of recombination and dissociation processes; VE exchanges also affect the time dependence of the vibrational temperature.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(3):331-338
pages 331-338 views

Interaction of an Optical Discharge with a Shock Wave

Zudov V., Tret’yakov P.


The results of an experimental study of the impact of the focused pulsed-periodic radiation from a CO2 laser on a gas-dynamic structure in a supersonic jet are presented. The radiation of the CO2 laser is propagated across the stream and focused by a lens on the axis of the supersonic jet. To register the flow structure, a shadow scheme with a slit and a flat knife located along the flow is used. The image is fixed by a speed camera with an exposure time of 1.5 μs and a frame rate of 1000 1/s. In the flow, the plasma initiated by the pulsedperiodic laser is visualized in order to identify and determine the period of plasma development, as well as the motion of the initial front of the shock wave. It is shown that at the transverse input of laser radiation into the stream the periodic structure of the thermal trace is created with the formation of an unsteady shock wave from the energy release zone. At small repetition rates of laser radiation pulses, the thermal spot interacts with the flow in the pulsed mode. It is shown that elliptic nonstationary shock waves are formed only at low subsonic flow velocities and in a stationary atmosphere. The process of nonstationary ignition by an optical discharge of a methane–air mixture during a subsonic outflow into a motionless atmosphere is shown experimentally. The results of optical visualization indicate burning in the trace behind the optical discharge region.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(3):339-346
pages 339-346 views


Two Modes of the Self-Similar Evolution of Charged Plasma

Pavlov V.


Two self-similar modes of evolution of charged particles’ high-current beam are described analytically. The situation being considered falls within the field of nonneutral plasma electrodynamics. The process is considered in terms of the nonlinear 1D evolution of the charge density w(x, t) in the channel of a longdistance transmission line with nonlinearly distributed resistance R, capacitance C, and inductance L: R = R(w), C = C(w), and L = 0. It is shown that initially the front of w(x, t) accelerates and then slows down. The description of the process in the channel is based on the charge conservation law. An idealized “kinematic” approach is used according to which an equation in two unknowns (charge density and current density in the channel) can be reduced to an equation in one unknown w(x, t). A strongly nonlinear wave process is studied. A discontinuous solution w(x, t) is constructed with a zero boundary condition at infinity. Such a model description can apply only for revealing the main qualitative features of a complex process. Analytical expressions for the variation in the evolution of the front velocity and perturbed area length are derived. An interrelation between the nonlinearity parameter of the process and the amount of charge in the interelectrode gap is suggested based on the experimental data for the evolution of streamers.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(3):347-353
pages 347-353 views

Limiting Current of a Discharge from a Tubular-Cathode DC Arc Plasmatron

Kulygin V., Pereslavtsev A., Tresvyatskii S.


The published data indicating that the current toward the cathode insert of a plasmatron has a limiting value and that this limiting value is correlated with the diameter of the insert are discussed. It is assumed that this correlation is associated with the achievement of a critical value by the surface temperature of the insert at which the material evaporation rate grows sharply.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(3):354-356
pages 354-356 views

Solid State

The Influence of the Cobalt Content on the Strength Properties of Tungsten Carbide Ceramics under Dynamic Loads

Savinykh A., Mandel K., Razorenov S., Krüger L.


Based on the registration and analysis of the full wave profiles, the Hugoniot elastic limit and spall strength of ceramics based on tungsten carbide with different cobalt content are measured. We also study the influence of the cobalt content on the mechanical characteristics of tungsten carbide such as hardness, fracture strength, Young’s modulus, shear modulus, and sound velocity. It is shown that in the process of spalling, the failure stresses grow and the dynamic elastic limit decreases almost linearly within the scatter of their values with growing cobalt content; moreover, the value of the Hugoniot elastic limit is abruptly practically halved as the cobalt content grows from 0 to 2 wt %.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(3):357-362
pages 357-362 views

Origination and Propagation of the Temperature Front on Crystallization of Ti50Cu50 Amorphous Alloy

Slyadnikov E., Khon Y., Kaminskii P., Turchanovskii I.


A kinetic model and mechanism of the origination and propagation of a temperature front in the Ti50Cu50 alloy experiencing an amorphous-to-crystalline transition initiated by a volume thermal source are proposed. The physical reasons and conditions for this phenomenon are considered. The model qualitatively and quantitatively agrees with the experimental data for the propagation of the temperature front.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(3):363-368
pages 363-368 views

Titanium Melting Curve: Data Consistency Assessment, Problems and Achievements

Kulyamina E., Zitserman V., Fokin L.


Experimental data for the thermodynamic properties of titanium on the melting curve in the pressure range from atmospheric value to 90 GPa are analyzed and brought into correspondence. The problems that have been considered are (i) the lack of data for the solid β-phase density near the normal melting point and (ii) the formation probability of a triple point on the melting curve for the coexisting β-, ω-, and liquid phases of titanium. To estimate the change of the volume upon melting 3d elements from Mendeleev’s periodic system, a correlation between the change of the volume, ΔVm, and the change of the entropy, ΔSm, on the melting curve at atmospheric pressure is suggested and effectively used.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(3):369-373
pages 369-373 views

Nonlinear Elastic Waves in a Solid Isotropic Wedge with Defects

Korobov A., Agafonov A., Izosimova M.


The paper presents experimental data for linear and nonlinear elastic waves in an acute-angled wedge made of D16 isotropic polycrystalline alloy with defects. The localization of waves at the edge of the wedge has been studied using laser vibrometry. The velocities of wedge waves have been measured by a pulse method in the frequency range 0.25–1.50 MHz. Measurements have not revealed any dispersion. The second harmonic of the wedge waves has been found. The dependences of the velocity and amplitude of the second harmonic on the amplitude of the first harmonic have been studied. It is noted that nonlinear effects observed in wedge waves may be explained in terms of the Murnaghan classical five-constant theory of elasticity. They are attributed to a defect-induced structural nonlinearity present in the wedge.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(3):374-380
pages 374-380 views

Analysis of the Strength Characteristics of Acrylonitrile–Butadiene–Styrene Plastic under Dynamic Loading

Chevrychkina A., Evstifeev A., Volkov G.


The mechanical properties of the additive material prepared from acrylonitrile–butadiene–styrene plastic are studied experimentally on a 3D printer in the quasi-static and dynamic regimes. The strength curve describing the nonlinear dependence of the critical stress on the strain rate is constructed using the incubation time. The characteristic incubation time τ is determined by comparing the theoretical curve with the experimental data.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(3):381-384
pages 381-384 views

Physical Science of Materials

Effect of Processing by Femtosecond Pulsed Laser on Mechanical Properties of Submicrocrystalline Titanium

Kolobov Y., Korneeva E., Kuz’menko I., Skomorokhov A., Kudryashov S., Ionin A., Makarov S., Kolobova A., Manokhin S., Betekhtin V., Kadomtsev A.


Effect of femtosecond laser processing on mechanical properties of plates made of submicrocrystalline VT1-0 titanium alloy is studied using active deformation and fatigue testing involving cantilever bending.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(3):385-390
pages 385-390 views

Flash Sintering of Oxide Ceramics under Microwave Heating

Bykov Y., Egorov S., Eremeev A., Plotnikov I., Rybakov K., Sorokin A., Kholoptsev V.


We report on the results of the analysis of the effect of flash sintering, which is observed upon heating compacted powder materials by high-intensity microwave radiation. Ceramic samples of Y2O3, MgAl2O4, and Yb: (LaO)2O3 were sintered to a density exceeding 98–99% of the theoretical value during 0.5–5 min without isothermal hold. The specific microwave power absorbed volumetrically in the samples was 20–400 W/cm3. Based on the analysis of the experimental data (microwave radiation power and heating and cooling rates) and of the microstructure of the obtained materials, we propose a mechanism of flash sintering based on the evolution of the thermal instability and softening (melting) of the grain boundaries. The proposed mechanism also explains the flash sintering effect observed when a dc or a low-frequency ac voltage is applied to the samples. The microwave heating makes it possible to implement flash sintering without using electrodes for supplying energy to the articles being sintered.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(3):391-397
pages 391-397 views

Solid State Electronics

Specifics of the Electrical Properties of Composite Solid Oxide Membranes Based on SrTi0.5Fe0.5O3–δ

Sal’nikov V., Pikalova E., Kol’chugin A., Nikolaenko I.


The electrical properties of dual-phase fluorite-pervoskite oxide systems based on strontium titanate- ferrite (SrTi0.5Fe0.5O3–δ) are studied. We find that the oxygen ionic and ambipolar conductivities of strontium titanate-ferrite can be considerably improved by introducing the fluorite phase Ce0.8(Sm0.8Sr0.2)0.2O2–δ. This is advantageous considering the prospects of applying these types of composite materials in different electrochemical devices, e.g., as membrane materials in electrochemical converters for the production of hydrogen and syngas and anode materials in solid oxide fuel cells.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(3):398-406
pages 398-406 views

Physics of Nanostructures

Structure and Polarization Relaxation of Ba0.5Sr0.5Nb2O6/(001)Si Films

Pavlenko A., Stryukov D., Mukhortov V., Biryukov S.


The structure and dielectric characteristics of strontium barium niobate thin films deposited on single-crystalline silicon substrates without buffer layers are studied. It is found that the c axis in these heterostructures runs largely normally to the substrate surface and the a and b axes are randomly oriented in the plane of the substrate. The polarization relaxation in such heterostructures is investigated. It is shown that the film–substrate interface in the heterostructures grown by rf cathode sputtering may contain a low amount of long-lived charged defects.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(3):407-410
pages 407-410 views

Growth of Zinc Compound Nanocrystals from Different Electrolytes

Danilevskaya N., Lysytsya A., Moroz M., Nechyporuk B., Novoselets’kyi N., Rudyk B.


The influence of the electrolyte composition on electrolytically synthesized zinc compound powders has been studied. It has been shown that if an electrolyte made by dissolving Na2S2O3 ∙ 5H2O is kept at room temperature, a mixture of zinc sulfide and hydrozincite is obtained. An electrolyte containing Na2SO3 or Na2S ∙ 9H2O gives a mixture of hydrozincite with zinc oxide and/or with zinc sulfide. The size of nanocrystals has been determined. It has been found that hydrozincite decomposes into zinc oxide, water, and carbon dioxide in the temperature range of 200–250°C.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(3):411-415
pages 411-415 views


Phototransferred Thermoluminescence of Dosimetric α-Al2O3 Crystals Irradiated by a Pulsed Electron Beam

Nikiforov S., Kortov V., Moiseykin E., Kazantseva M.


The thermoluminescence (TL) of deep traps of anion-defective alumina monocrystals irradiated by a high-dose (more than 1 kGy) pulsed electron beam (130 keV) is studied. The deep traps in the studied material are classified according to the TL temperature range. It is demonstrated that the phototransferred thermoluminescence (PTTL) in the temperature range of the main TL peak is induced by optical charge migration from deep traps that are emptied at 400–470 and 470–600°C. An anomalous PTTL enhancement in crystals subjected to stepped annealing in the 350–400°C interval is observed. It is demonstrated that this effect may be caused by competing processes of charge transfer that involve deep traps corresponding to the TL peak at 390°C. The applicability of PTTL in the dosimetry of high-dose (1–50 kGy) pulsed electron beams is established.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(3):416-421
pages 416-421 views

Excitation of Surface Waves in Plane-Layered Structures and Development of Optical Modulators

Petrin A., Vol’pyan O., Sigov A.


An original theoretical method for the study of reflection of a plane electromagnetic wave from a plane-layered structure consisting of anisotropic films is used to develop optical modulators and tunable sensors. Relatively low switching voltages of modulators allow applications of such units in modern ICs and make it possible to construct high-rate optical channels for data transmission that connect fragments of a single IC or remote devices.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(3):422-426
pages 422-426 views

Enhancing Sensitivity of Methane Detection in Exoplanet Atmospheres and Nebulas Using Spectroscopic Methods

Tolmachev Y., Ivanov M., Glukhov V.


Technical development of optimal methods for detection of simple gas-phase molecules using rovibrational or rotational spectra by the simultaneous detection of several spectral lines of a molecular band with the aid of a comb filter is considered. Two variants for implementation of the methods are based on a spectrometer with the echelle grating with a limited number of elements and Fresnel lens (mirror) with specific ring components that serves as a grating. The Fresnel filter can be matched with the parameters of optics of astronomic instrumentation in the absence of a decrease in the effective aperture.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(3):427-433
pages 427-433 views


Angular and Spectral Distributions of the Broadband Radiation of a Photoemission Source

Kondrat’ev A.


Angular dependence of the electric field of electromagnetic wave generated by a rectangular photoemission source with the given surface density of dipole moment is determined. The dipole emission is initiated by the wave that propagates along the surface at a superluminal phase velocity. The spectral distribution of the radiation is determined, and the angular distribution of the radiation energy is calculated.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(3):434-437
pages 434-437 views

Surface Impedance of a Highly Inductive Two-layer Medium

Balkhanov V., Bashkuev Y., Angarkhaeva L.


In winter on the Northern Sea Route and Eurasian salt lakes, radio paths can be simulated using a two-layer medium, in which the first medium (ice) is a dielectric layer and the second (sea, salt water), in the very long-, long-, medium-, and short-wavelength ranges, is the underlying conducting medium. The considered two-layer medium with real electric, physical, and geometrical parameters is characterized by a highly inductive surface impedance. A great contrast between the electric and physical properties of the ice and water layers makes it possible to separate small magnitudes in the equations for calculating the surface impedance, owing to which finite analytical expressions for reduced surface impedance (referred to below as the impedance) can be obtained with different approximations with respect to small values. It has been found that the impedance phase for the considered medium is in the range of–45.1° to–89.9°, which is precisely the criterion for a highly inductive surface.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(3):438-442
pages 438-442 views

Physical Electronics

Development and Investigation of a Field Emission Medium for Autocathodes of Mobile Power Microwave Devices

Bespalov V., Il’ichev E., Kuklev S., Kuleshov A., Nabiev R., Patyukov N., Petrukhin G., Rychkov G., Sokolov D., Teverovskaya E., Shelyukhin E.


Silicon-diamond heterostructure based field emission media with silicon microtip arrays at the heterointerface were proposed and experimentally studied. The architecture of the heterostructures is optimized for the applications as an active medium for the field emission cathodes of mobile power microwave devices.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(3):443-451
pages 443-451 views

Features of the Development of Electron-Optical Systems for Pulsed Terahertz Traveling-Wave Tubes (Review)

Burtsev A., Grigor’ev Y., Danilushkin A., Navrotskii I., Pavlov A., Shumikhin K.


We present an analysis of the current state and development of pulsed amplifying traveling-wave tubes for terahertz radiation operation at frequencies of at least 200 GHz, as well as the development prospects of the principles of creating electron-optical and magnetic systems. The possibility of using field emission cathodes based on carbon nanotubes for constructing an electron-optical system with the compression of a sheet beam is discussed. A numerical simulation of a field emission electron gun forming a sheet electron beam for traveling-wave tubes of the terahertz range is carried out.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(3):452-459
pages 452-459 views

New Method for Determining the Thermoemission Nonuniformity Parameters of Cathode Materials for Microwave Devices

Kapustin V., Li I., Shumanov A.


A new method developed here for studying the thermoemission nonuniformity parameters of cathode materials makes it possible to determine the temperature dependences of the average size of the thermoemission centers on the cathode surface, the average distance between thermoemission centers, the relative area of the emission-active surface of the cathodes, and the true value of the work function for emissionactive centers on the cathode surface by processing the current–voltage characteristics. The method is tested on nickel oxide, agglomerated nickel oxide, and impregnated cathodes.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(3):460-466
pages 460-466 views

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