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Vol 64, No 7 (2019)


Scientific and Technical Basis of Application of Nanostructured Materials Science and Nanoelectronics in Systems of Electromechanical Energy Converters for Special Purposes

Gandilyan S.V., Gandilyan D.V.


We consider the current state of a completely new area of science; microsystem electromechanics. Тhe wide spectra of its practical applications and prospects for further development are analyzed. We discuss in detail two main directions of creating micro- and nanoelectromechanical converters as basic elements of microsystem electromechanics: “top down” and “down top.” We also describe the main technological methods in constructing basic functional elements of microsystem electromechanics, areas of their application in traditional and new technologies (information and computer technologies, medicine, aerospace, rocket and artillery systems, etc.). At the same time, we discuss some key issues of generalized physical and mathematical modeling of microelectromechanical and nanoelectromechanical systems (MEMS and NEMS). A new generalized approach is proposed to study dynamic and energy characteristics of MEMS and NEMS as complex dynamic systems with binary conjugate subsystems. Based on proposed theoretical principles and models, the possibilities of studying electrophysical characteristics of biological nanostructures have been considered.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(7):917-925
pages 917-925 views

Theoretical and Mathematical Physics

Hot Target. Physicochemical Model of Reactive Sputtering

Shapovalov V.I.


In this paper, we further develop the non-isothermal physicochemical model of reactive sputtering. A new version of the model describes the sputtering of a hot metal target in a mixture of argon and a reactive gas. The synthesis of the film on all surfaces of a vacuum chamber is specified as a surface chemical reaction. The basic postulate of chemical kinetics considering the Langmuir isotherm equation and the Arrhenius equation under non-isothermal conditions was used for mathematical description of the reaction. The dependence of target temperature on discharge current density is determined based on the measurement results of discharge spectra in the near-infrared range. A system of eight algebraic equations is proposed for the analytical description of the model. Using this system, the analysis of the effect of current density and reactive gas consumption on reactive sputtering of a hot titanium target in an argon + nitrogen mixture at a current density of 25–600 A/m2 was performed. Warming up the target was established to shift the points of change in target operation modes to a region of lower nitrogen flow rates and reduce the hysteresis loop width as compared to a cold target. In this case, the effect of target evaporation on the process begins to occur at a current density of more than 400 A/m2.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(7):926-932
pages 926-932 views

Synchronization in Turbulent Spherical Couette Flow Subject to Nonuniform Rotation

Zhilenko D.Y., Krivonosova O.E.


The paper presents the results of numerical study of turbulent flows of viscous incompressible fluid in a rotating spherical layer in the presence of synchronization. The synchronization of the turbulent flow occurs under the action of periodic variation of the inner sphere rotation speed; the angular velocity of the outer sphere is constant. Comparison with the experiment is conducted, and the range of modulation amplitudes is determined where synchronization is accompanied by chaos–chaos type intermittency.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(7):933-938
pages 933-938 views

Gases and Liquids

Excitation of Vortex Flows on the Free Surface of a Liquid by a Vibrating Plate

Aleksandrov V.A., Kopysov S.P., Tonkov L.E.


The surface flows of a liquid in the presence of a partially submerged vibrating plate are investigated. In the case of low-frequency plate vibrations, two vortices are formed on the surface of the liquid on each side of the plate in which liquid particles move away from plate surfaces. Under parametric excitation of transverse capillary waves near the boundary of the liquid layer wetting the plate surface, the flow direction in vortices becomes opposite. High-frequency vibrations of the plate create additional secondary vortices on the liquid surface.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(7):939-946
pages 939-946 views

Analysis of Aerodynamic Characteristics of Two Parallel Rotating Cylinders

Tanasheva N.K., Nusupbekov B.R., Dyusembaeva A.N., Shuyushbayeva N.N.


We report on the results of experimental investigations on determining drag and lift coefficients for a system of two parallel rotating cylinders. The results show that with increasing the distance between rotating cylinders, drag and lift coefficients decrease. It has been established experimentally that the distance beginning with which cylinders almost stop acting on each other is 0.4 of the diameter of these cylinders.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(7):947-949
pages 947-949 views


Dependence of the Breakdown Potential on the Voltage Rise Rate in a Long Discharge Tube at Low Pressure

Ionikh Y.Z., Meshchanov A.V., Ivanov D.O.


We have measured the dynamic breakdown voltage in a long (80 cm) discharge tube in neon, argon, their mixture, and in argon with mercury vapor at pressures of 80–400 Pa in a wide range of anode voltage rise rates (dU/dt ~ 10–4–102 kV/ms). We have detected a nonmonotonic dependence of the breakdown voltage on dU/dt with a minimum in the region 0.1–10 kV/ms. The breakdown voltage rise in the range of low voltage growth rate can probably be explained by the specific features of breakdown in long tubes and is associated with the accumulation of a surface charge on the tube walls. The charge reduces the potential difference between the anode and the wall and complicates the primary breakdown between them. The results of additional experiments with pulses superimposed on a constant bias voltage confirm the admissibility of such an explanation.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(7):950-956
pages 950-956 views

Microwave Breakdown of Air Initiated by an Electromagnetic Vibrator Placed on a Dielectric Surface

Bulat P.V., Grachev L.P., Esakov I.I., Ravaev A.A., Severinov L.G.


The feasibility of air breakdown initiation by a quasi-optical subcritical-field microwave beam has been studied experimentally. Breakdown has been initiated by a linear electromagnetic vibrator, which was placed in a traveling electromagnetic wave (i) on the surface of a dielectric sheet that faces wavevector k of the wave, (ii) on the opposite surface of the sheet, and (iii) near the sheet. Fields induced at the ends of the vibrator have been calculated theoretically for all arrangements. Numerical estimates and experimental data have shown that when a vibrator is placed on a dielectric surface, electrical breakdown of air may be initiated in a much deeper subcritical field of the microwave beam than when it is placed in the field of a traveling microwave.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(7):957-961
pages 957-961 views

Investigation of a Rail Electromagnetic Plasma Jet Source

Voronin A.V., Goryainov V.Y., Gusev V.K., Novokhatsky A.N., Ponyaev S.A.


We report the results of investigation of elements of a rail-type electromagnetic accelerator (railgun), which are aimed at analysis of the mechanism of formation of a dense clean plasma jet with a high kinetic energy. The accelerator is tested with a pulsed gas puffing and with electrodes of different shapes and lengths, as well as an additional magnetic field produced by external current-carrying conductors. We have developed a method for monitoring plasma jet parameters on a plasma gun test bench using a pressure sensor and an infrared camera. We have analyzed the dependence of deuterium plasma jet pressure on the distance to the accelerator and estimated kinetic energy of the jet.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(7):962-965
pages 962-965 views

Low-Frequency Asymptotics of the Spectral Energy Distribution of Equilibrium Radiation in an Electron Plasma

Bobrov V.B.


It has been shown that a logarithmic singularity in low-frequency asymptotics of the spectral energy distribution of equilibrium radiation in an electron plasma may occur in the case of arbitrary degeneracy of electrons in the ideal gas approximation for transverse permittivity.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(7):966-971
pages 966-971 views

Solid State

Experimental Study of the Destruction of Obstacles with Different Physical and Mechanical Characteristics at Impact Loading

Zakharov V.M., Burkin V.V.


The destruction of homogeneous obstacles having different physical and mechanical properties is experimentally investigated under interaction with high-strength steel rams. The comparability of the results for different types of obstacles was ensured based on weight equivalency, that is, equality of the weight in the thickness for an area unit of the obstacle. The initial velocity of interaction was varied in the range 50–800 m/s. The double-exposed X-ray pulse recording was used to register ram motion after obstacle penetration. X-ray processing (i) gives the values of ram velocity behind the obstacle depending on its initial impact velocity and (ii) aids analyzing the features of obstacle destruction and their protecting properties by drawing penetration diagrams.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(7):972-976
pages 972-976 views

Determination of Plasma Oscillations in Metals Using Total External Reflection of X-Rays

Stozharov V.M.


A method to determine plasma oscillations in metals with the aid of total external reflection (TER) of X-rays is proposed. It is shown that the plasmon energy, concentration of conduction electrons, and Fermi energies can be calculated using experimentally measured grazing angles of X-rays after TER. Such characteristics depend on crystallographic directions and may depend on the TER depth.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(7):977-979
pages 977-979 views

Flexomagnetic and Flexoantiferromagnetic Effects in Centrosymmetric Antiferromagnetic Materials

Kabychenkov A.F., Lisovskii F.V.


A concept of magnetic symmetry is used to show that centrosymmetric antiferromagnetic materials may exhibit linear flexomagnetic and flexoantiferromagnetic effects (magnetization induced by gradient of elastic stress or gradient of antiferromagnetic moment, respectively).

Technical Physics. 2019;64(7):980-983
pages 980-983 views

Electrically Controlled Logical Switch Based on a Step Yttrium–Iron Garnet Waveguide and a Piezoelectric Actuator

Vysotskii S.L., Khivintsev Y.V., Sakharov V.K., Filimonov Y.A.


We have demonstrated the possibility of functioning a device based on a spin-wave waveguide containing two channels with different ferrite film thicknesses as a logical switch. For switching states, we have used the dependence of interference type (constructive or destructive) at the output converter common for two channels on the waveguide strain under action of the electrically controlled actuator.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(7):984-986
pages 984-986 views

Magnetic Thermocouples Made of Co–Fe and Ni–Fe Permalloys

Panakhov T.M., Isaeva A.A., Rafiev N.M., Guseinov A.G.


Magnetized and unmagnetized Co–Fe and Ni–Fe alloys fabricated on a two-high casting installation in the form of thin flexible amorphous films are promising materials for thermocouples. Using thin-film thermocouple arms, one can minimize temperature measurement errors due to heating by induction currents in a variable magnetic field.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(7):987-989
pages 987-989 views

Influence of Current Annealing on the Temperature Dependences of Magnetoimpedance in Amorphous Microwires

Dzhumazoda A., Panina L.V., Nematov M.G., Yudanov N.A., Tabarov F.S., Morchenko A.T., Ukhasov A.A.


Further miniaturization of magnetic electron devices and devices of microsystem engineering in many ways depends on the optimal choice of functional materials (media) used in working bodies, specifically, sensory elements (for example, in local magnetic field sensors, mechanical stress/strain sensors, temperature sensors, etc.). Among promising materials in this respect are ferromagnetic wires consisting of a glass-coated amorphous alloy filament. The magnetoimpedance of such filaments turns out to be highly sensitive to the above external factors: the so-called giant magnetoimpedance effect. The performance of these devices is highly temperature stable, which is important for many applications.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(7):990-993
pages 990-993 views

Limitation of the Allowed Coercive Force Caused by the Scattering Field of Magnet

Moiseeva N.S., Rezchikova I.I., Korolev D.V., Morgunov R.B., Piskorskii V.P.


It is shown that the shape of a sample determines the allowed lower-bound limit of the coercive force of material that can be used for fabrication of magnets with the given shape. Rings with radial magnetization are used as examples to show that such samples can be made of only rare-earth alloys with the coercive force that is sufficiently high to satisfy technical requirements at the maximum allowed working temperature of the magnet.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(7):994-997
pages 994-997 views

Modeling of Mechanical Properties of Highly Inhomogeneous Systems under External Action

Aleksandrov P.A., Svechnikov A.B., Gorev V.V., Ryan E.V., Ryan W.H., Stange-Love H.K.


Laboratory tests that were supplemented by a new numerical model have been conducted to study mechanical properties of asteroids with a highly heterogeneous structure. The functional form of the method of molecular dynamics, which was extended to macroscopic spatial scales, has been used in the numerical model. In the experiment, targets that were composed of glass balls, which were bonded by conventional ice, interacted with fast impactors. High-speed cameras recorded the destruction process of the ice matrix and preservation of glass balls without damage. In parallel, parameterization of the mathematical model was performed and calculated data have been compared with the experiment. The energy range of impactors when the impact causes deflection of the target with minimal destruction was able to be determined.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(7):998-1005
pages 998-1005 views

Solid State Electronics

Anomalous Behavior of Lateral CV Characteristic of an MNOS Transistor with an Embedded Local Charge in the Nitride Layer

Atamuratova Z.A., Yusupov A., Khalikberdiev B.O., Atamuratov A.E.


The CV characteristic of the lateral source–substrate junction in a metal–nitride–oxide–semiconductor transistor has been simulated. With a certain voltage across the junction that depends on the dopant concentration in the substrate, a local trapped charge embedded in the nitride layer causes an anomalous rise or fall of the junction capacitance. Such a capacitance variation is associated with charge carrier redistribution in the near-surface region of the substrate when the trapped charge is embedded. This feature of the CV characteristic can be used to detect a local charge embedded in the insulating layer of a field-effect transistor.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(7):1006-1009
pages 1006-1009 views

A Lightweight Flexible Solar Cell Based on a Heteroepitaxial InGaP/GaAs Structure

Putyato M.A., Valisheva N.A., Petrushkov M.O., Preobrazhenskii V.V., Chistokhin I.B., Semyagin B.R., Emel’yanov E.A., Vasev A.V., Skachkov A.F., Yurko G.I., Nesterenko I.I.


Problems arising in fabrication of lightweight flexible solar cells based on heteroepitaxial AIIIBV structures with substrate etching are discussed. Possible solutions are proposed. A tandem lightweight flexible solar cell based on a heteroepitaxial InGaP/GaAs structure was fabricated. Its mass and dimensional characteristics were determined, and bending tests were performed. The specific mass of this solar cell was 0.51 kg/m2, and the allowable bend radius was 36 mm. Its current–voltage curves were measured for the AM0 and AM1.5D spectra at 28.6°C and 25°C, respectively. The cell efficiency was found to be 23.1% and 28.3%.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(7):1010-1016
pages 1010-1016 views

Physics of Nanostructures

Formation of Sodium and Potassium Nanoparticles upon Local Electron Bombardment of Alkali-Halide Crystals

Sidorov A.I., Yurina U.V., Podsvirov O.A.


It has been shown experimentally that upon local bombardment of NaCl, KCl, and KBr crystals with 50-keV electrons, sodium and potassium nanoparticles with plasmon resonances in the visible spectral region are formed in these crystals. We have obtained optical-density spectra of crystals after the bombardment with electrons in various doses. The probability of location of nanoparticles in the solid or liquid phase, as well as interference effects emerging in the irradiated zone of crystals, have been studied using numerical simulation.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(7):1017-1023
pages 1017-1023 views

Influence of CO Admolecules on the Electronic State of Ytterbium Nanofilms Grown on Silicon Substrates

Kuz’min M.V., Mittsev M.A.


The adsorption of carbon monoxide (CO) molecules on ytterbium nanofilms from 16 to 200 monolayers thick (61–76 nm) has been studied. The films have been grown on single-crystal Si(111) substrates. It has been shown that before CO molecule adsorption, ytterbium is in the divalent state with electronic configuration [Xe]4f 146s2. After gas molecule adsorption, a layer of trivalent ytterbium (electronic configuration [Xe]4f 135d16s2) forms in a part of the film that is adjacent to the surface. The thickness of the layer modified by CO admolecules has been estimated. It has been found that the thickness is within 9–22 monolayers (3.4–8.4 nm).

Technical Physics. 2019;64(7):1024-1028
pages 1024-1028 views


Effect of Ionosphere and Inhomogeneity of the Earth Structure on the Polarization Characteristics of Magnetic Field at Frequencies of 0.2–200 Hz in the Near-Field Zone of a Horizontal Grounded Antenna

Tereshchenko E.D., Sidorenko A.E., Tereshchenko P.E.


Polarization characteristics of the field of an on-Earth emitter located at the Kola Peninsula are experimentally measured at a distance that is no greater than the height of an effective ionospheric waveguide in the FENICS-2014 experiment. Variations in the field amplitude and orientation of the major axis of polarization ellipse are observed at lower frequencies upon significant changes of the K index of geomagnetic activity. Polarization characteristics of the horizontal component of magnetic field calculated with allowance for the ionosphere and two-layer Earth structure prove the observed sensitivity of the ultralow- and lower-frequency filed in the near-field zone to the state of ionosphere at lower conductivity of underlying medium. Theoretical results are compared with the experimental data. The results are important for deep sounding of the Earth and monitoring of ionosphere with the aid of controlled low-frequency ground sources.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(7):1029-1035
pages 1029-1035 views


Applicability Limits of the Holm–Kohlrausch Approximation to Determine Heating of High-Current Symmetrical Electric Contacts

Begal’ D.I., Pavleino M.A., Pavleino O.M., Safonov M.S., Statuya A.A.


On the basis of numerical simulation of heating of symmetric contacts with flowing current, conclusions were drawn about the accuracy of determining the temperature by the Holm–Kohlrausch method for various methods of cooling the contacts, including with intensive air and liquid cooling. The possibility to apply this method at pulse heating of the contacts has been considered. The dependence of accuracy of determination of the temperature of contact pads on the choice of points of measurement of the surface temperature and potential difference has been revealed.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(7):1036-1041
pages 1036-1041 views

Changes in Ion-Current Composition in the Process of Field Evaporation of Tungsten at High Temperatures

Golubev O.L., Blashenkov N.M.


Field evaporation of tungsten at T ~ 2000 K was studied using a sector magnetic mass spectrometer with a field ion source and a field emission microscope. Only low-charge ions W+2 and W+ of all W isotopes were observed in the process of evaporation. The mass distribution of ion currents of isotopes agreed roughly with the standard isotopic ratio for natural tungsten, although certain deviations from it, which were attributed to fluctuations and the erratic nature of evaporation process, were also detected.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(7):1042-1045
pages 1042-1045 views

Further Development and Refinement of the Effective Potential Concept for Stroboscopic Samplings of Ion Coordinates and Velocities in Quadrupole RF Fields

Berdnikov A.S., Gall’ N.R., Masyukevich S.V.


We consider the concept of effective potential, that has been proposed recently based on analysis of stroboscopic sampling of coordinates and velocities of ions moving in an rf quadrupole field. Exact expressions have been obtained for the stroboscopic model of motion of ions, which are valid at any point of a stability zone. Analysis of these expressions has led to correction of some postulates of the initial effective potential concept of stroboscopic sampling, which was developed for the neighborhood of the stability zone peak.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(7):1046-1050
pages 1046-1050 views

Physical Electronics

Escape Depth of Secondary and Photoelectrons from CdTe Films with a Ba Film

Umirzakov B.E., Tashmukhamedova D.A., Tursunov M.A., Ergashov Y.S., Allayarova G.K.


Escape zone depths λ' for true-secondary electrons and photoelectrons from pure CdTe and CdTe with a Ba film of thickness θ ≤ 1 monolayer have been estimated for the first time. It is shown that upon a decrease of the work function of the surface by 2 eV, the value of λ' increases by 1.2–1.3 times.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(7):1051-1054
pages 1051-1054 views

Physics for Sciences of Life

Development of an NMR Relaxometer for Determining Magnetization Dynamics of Water Protons in Living Tissues and Its Use for Evaluating Age-Related Changes

Neronov Y.I., Kosenkov D.D.


A desktop NMR relaxometer was created, which allows determining spin–spin relaxation times of water protons in living tissues. Spin relaxation times of protons of water reflect changes in the mean number of paramagnetic centers, since the presence of these centers increases the magnetization recovery rate of water protons in living tissues tens of times. In particular, this method allowed observing age-related changes (sarcopenia) related to substitution of connective tissue for muscle fibers. Relaxometers of this type are comfortable to use and are promising devices for analysis and diagnostics of changes and disorders of metabolic processes.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(7):1055-1059
pages 1055-1059 views

Experimental Instruments and Technique

Combined Electromagnetic Suspensions with Reduced Energy Consumption for Levitation Vehicles

Andreev E.N., Arslanova D.N., Akhmetzyanova E.V., Bazarov A.M., Vasil’ev V.N., Vasil’eva O.S., Verkhoturov M.S., Gapionok E.I., Demina A.A., Zavadskii S.V., Zenkevich M.Y., Kaparkova M.V., Kuz’menkov V.D., Labusov A.N., Larionov M.S., Manzuk M.V., Mizintsev A.V., Nezhentsev A.N., Ovsyannikov D.A., Ovsyannikov A.D., Khokhlov M.V.


At present, the development of magnetic levitation transportation is conducted based on electromagnetic and electrodynamic suspensions the technical and commercial implementation of which has been successfully demonstrated in Korea, China, Japan, and other countries. Sources of an electromagnetic field in suspensions can be normally conducting electromagnets, superconducting magnets and high-coercive permanent magnets. The progress made in the development of new magnetic materials (permanent magnets and high-temperature superconductors) opens up prospects for reducing the energy consumption of levitation transport systems. The authors proposed magnets of all three types, which together ensure the functioning of combined electromagnetic suspension, and created scale models of such magnets. The permanent levitation of suspension models with a load is provided. The correctness of technical solutions is confirmed, software created in the Russian Federation allows one to reliably-scale magnetic systems of suspensions. Thus, all the prerequisites have been completed for the next stage of creating full-scale prototypes of effective levitation systems, in particular, a 50-ton cargo platform.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(7):1060-1065
pages 1060-1065 views

Magnetometer Based on a Structure Consisting of High-Temperature Superconductor and Epitaxial Iron-Garnet Film

Protasov E.A.


A scheme for construction of a magnetometer based on periodic spatial modulation of magnetic flux density by a multielement HTS structure is proposed and physically substantiated. The magnetic flux density is measured using a planar magnetooptical device with a sensitivity of no worse than 10–12 T.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(7):1066-1072
pages 1066-1072 views

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