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Vol 62, No 4 (2017)

Theoretical and Mathematical Physics

Theory of atomic–molecular conversion under the conditions of Bose–Einstein condensation

Khadzhi P.I., Zingan A.P.


A set of nonlinear differential equations that describe the dynamics of atomic–molecular conversion under the action of two arbitrarily shaped Raman pulses of resonance laser radiation has been derived in the mean-field approximation. The dynamics of the system subjected to Gaussian pulses has been studied in detail. It has been shown that the time evolution of the system depends on the initial conditions.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(4):503-508
pages 503-508 views

Mathematical simulation of complex formation of protein molecules allowing for their domain structure

Koshlan T.V., Kulikov K.G.


A physical model of the interactions between protein molecules has been presented and an analysis of their propensity to form complex biological complexes has been performed. The reactivities of proteins have been studied using electrostatics methods based on the example of the histone chaperone Nap1 and histones H2A and H2B. The capability of proteins to form stable biological complexes that allow for different segments of amino acid sequences has been analyzed. The ability of protein molecules to form compounds has been considered by calculating matrices of electrostatic potential energy of amino acid residues constituting the polypeptide chain. The method of block matrices has been used in the analysis of the ability of protein molecules to form complex biological compounds.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(4):509-516
pages 509-516 views

Gases and Liquids

Magnetic properties of undecane-based magnetic fluids

Aref’ev I.M., Ispiryan A.G., Kunikin S.A., Sirunyan V.A.


The magnetic properties of magnetic fluids based on n-undecane have been presented. The temperature dependences of the magnetic susceptibility in the absence and presence of a bias field have been analyzed. A step change in the specific heat of the medium, which is characteristic of magnetic phase transitions, has been discovered.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(4):517-522
pages 517-522 views

Influence of the initial pressure of polydisperse bubble media on characteristics of detonation waves

Sychev A.I.


The influence of the initial pressure of polydisperse bubble media on the initiation conditions, structure, propagation velocity, and the pressure of detonation waves has been experimentally studied. It has been established that variations in the initial pressure of the bubble medium is an effective method of controlling the parameters of bubble detonation waves.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(4):523-526
pages 523-526 views


Average velocity of electrons in the cathode fall region during glow-discharge nitriding

Pastukh I.M., Lyukhovets’ V.V.


The problem about the average velocity of electrons in the cathode fall region of a glow discharge during nitriding has been solved theoretically and verified experimentally. The technique and analytical apparatus for practical calculations of the average electron velocity have been presented.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(4):527-536
pages 527-536 views

Solid State

Variation of elastic characteristics of metastable austenite steel under cycling straining

Gonchar A.V., Mishakin V.V., Klyushnikov V.A., Kurashkin K.V.


We have analyzed the effect of elastoplastic cyclic straining on anisotropy of elastic properties of 08Kh18N10T metastable austenite steel. The possibility of determining the strain amplitude of the fatigue loading cycle by an acoustic method involving measuring the elastic characteristic of the material has been demonstrated. The resulting experimental dependences that can be used to estimate the number of cycles before failure using ultrasonic measurements have been revealed.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(4):537-541
pages 537-541 views

Energy parameters of activation processes in the area of phase transformations in a nanocluster of superionic conductor LaF3

Krivorotov V.F., Nuzhdov G.S.


The results of quantum chemical calculations of the profiles of intracell potential relief at the elementary disordering act in various parts of the lattice of a crystallite LaF3 of the size 3.5 × 2.0 × 2.2 nm containing 1200 ions have been presented. For dielectric and highly conductive (HC) phases it has been established that the potential barriers, which limit the movement in the anion sublattice, in the central part of the nanocluster are about 1.5−2.0 times higher than the potential barriers on its faces. It has been shown that for this reason, the efficiency of thermally stimulated motion in the anion sublattice on the faces of a crystallite is several orders of magnitude greater than the efficiency of the movement of fluorine ions in its central regions.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(4):542-546
pages 542-546 views

Failure-delay effect in destruction of steel samples under spalling conditions

Mikhailova N.V., Volkov G.A., Meshcheryakov Y.I., Petrov Y.V., Utkin A.A.


Dynamic spalling tests have been run on two batches of 30KhN4M steel samples. Experimental data have been processed with the classical technique based on solution of the elastic wave equation. Three samples have been revealed that demonstrated the failure-delay effect under testing. The incubation-time criterion has been used to show the conditions of emergence of failure delay with the example of triangular loading pulses. A rate strength curve has been constructed for the other samples. It has been shown that the limiting strengths under dynamic loads considerably differ for samples from different batches despite the same chemical composition and static strength.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(4):547-552
pages 547-552 views

Resistive states of the composite superconductors at magnetic flux creep

Romanovskii V.R.


The effect of magnetic flux creep on the formation of resistive states of the composite superconductors has been studied taking into account their self-heating. The obtained results have been compared with the calculations carried out using the existing thermal stabilization theory, which is based on the model of a stepwise transition from the superconducting to normal state. It has been shown that, over a wide range of the superconductor temperature, this model leads to overrated effective electric resistances of the composite. As a result of its stable self-heating, the notions on the critical current, which determine the maximum transport current and on the resistive transition temperature, the higher of which in the transport current begins dividing between the superconductor and matrix, a loss a physical sense at magnetic flux creep, are used in the existing thermal stabilization theory. As a result, the limits of the theory of thermal stabilization of the composite superconductors can be extended if the theory has been used to describe stable sates at currents, which are higher than the conditionally defined critical current of the composite.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(4):553-559
pages 553-559 views

Thermal stabilization of the resistive states of superconducting composites: Quasilinear approximation

Romanovskii V.R.


The conditions of the occurrence and development of thermal instabilities in the composite superconductor with a continuously increasing current-voltage characteristic, which is described by the power equation, have been studied. The conditions for thermal stabilization have been analyzed in the general form using dimensionless variables that keep their invariance when varying. For the local temperature disturbance, the critical energies and velocities of its irreversible propagation have been calculated. It has been proved that composites superconductors can have stable states, when the ultimate currents can be higher or lower of the conventionally preset critical current of the composite. Furthermore, superconductivity destruction at supercritical currents takes place not in the form of a stepwise transition from the superconducting to normal state, but due to the formation of thermal and electric switching waves that propagate along the composite superconductor with a constant speed. The condition for full thermal stabilization has been formulated for the superconducting composites with a power current–voltage characteristic. The results of the numerical experiments have proved that the existing theory of thermal stabilization, which assumes a stepwise superconducting–normal transition, leads to the considerable limitation of the range of the stable currents, at which a superconducting state can be kept.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(4):560-568
pages 560-568 views

Change in the lattice properties and melting temperature of a face-centered cubic iron under compression

Magomedov M.N.


All four parameters of the Mie–Lennard-Jones pair interatomic potential have been determined, and the state equation (P) and baric dependences of the lattice properties of an fcc iron are calculated using a previously proposed method. The dependences have been studied for the following properties: Debye temperature; the first, second, and third Gruneisen parameters; isothermal bulk modulus BT and B′(P); isochoric specific heat Cv and Cv′(P); isobaric specific heat Cp; coefficient of thermal expansion αp and αp′(P); specific surface energy σ and σ′(P). Calculations performed along two isotherms (1500 and 3000 K) have shown good agreement with the experimental data. Analytical approximations of the baric dependences for B′(P), αp(P), Cp(P), and σ′(P) have been obtained, and it is shown that at P → ∞ the functions BT(P) and σ(P) change linearly, while the functions αp(P) and Cp′(P) tend to zero. The calculated baric dependence of the melting temperature shows good agreement with the experimental data.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(4):569-576
pages 569-576 views

The effect of adding aluminum and iron to Tb–Dy–Ho–Co multicomponent alloys on their structure and magnetic and magnetocaloric properties

Politova G.A., Burkhanov G.S., Tereshina I.S., Kaminskaya T.P., Chzhan V.B., Tereshina E.A.


A comprehensive analysis of the structure, phase composition, surface topology features, and magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of Tb0.3Dy0.35Ho0.35Co1.75T0.25 (T = Al, Fe) multicomponent alloys has been performed. The specifics of variations in the structure and functional properties induced by the partial substitution of cobalt atoms in the 3d sublattice of RCo2 with aluminum or iron atoms have been determined.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(4):577-582
pages 577-582 views

Elastic modulus, surface tension, adhesion, and ideal and real strengths of solids

Kustov E.F., Kustov M.E., Antonov V.A.


Formulas for the surface tension coefficient, adhesion energy, elastic modulus, and strength of solids versus the atomic density have been derived. The theoretical values of these parameters have been confirmed by experimental data gathered from many metals, insulators, and semiconductors.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(4):583-588
pages 583-588 views

Solid State Electronics

Solar radiation concentrators paired with multijunction photoelectric converters in ground-based solar power plants (Part II)

Ionova E.A., Ulanov M.V., Davidyuk N.Y., Sadchikov N.A.


The present work is devoted to determining the conditions of the joint operation of photoelectric converter–solar concentrator pairs, which are used in solar power plants with concentrators. Three-cascade photoconverters based on A3B5 materials with different distributions of solar radiation in spectral ranges are studied. Concentrators of solar radiation are designed as the Fresnel lenses with silicon-on-glass structure. Refractive lens profile fabricated on the basis of Wacker RT604 silicone rubber is characterized by significant changes in refractive index with temperature. The effect of geometric parameters of the Fresnel lenses and their operating temperature on characteristics of solar radiation concentration in specified spectral intervals have been examined. The parameters of concentrators being paired with a photoelectric converter, which may ensure the efficient functioning of the solar power plant, have been calculated.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(4):589-597
pages 589-597 views

Physics of Nanostructures

Defect structure of epitaxial layers of III nitrides as determined by analyzing the shape of X-ray diffraction peaks

Kyutt R.T.


The shape of X-ray diffraction epitaxial layers with high dislocation densities has been studied experimentally. Measurements with an X-ray diffractometer were performed in double- and triple-crystal setups with both CuKα and MoKα radiation. Epitaxial layers (GaN, AlN, AlGaN, ZnO, etc.) with different degrees of structural perfection grown by various methods on sapphire, silicon, and silicon carbide substrates have been examined. The layer thickness varied in the range of 0.5–30 μm. It has been found that the center part of peaks is well approximated by the Voigt function with different Lorentz fractions, while the wing intensity drops faster and may be represented by a power function (with the index that varies from one structure to another). A well-marked dependence on the ordering of dislocations was observed. The drop in intensity in the majority of structures with a regular system and regular threading dislocations was close to the theoretically predicted law Δθ–3; the intensity in films with a chaotic distribution decreased much faster. The dependence of the peak shape on the order of reflection, the diffraction geometry, and the epitaxial layer thickness was also examined.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(4):598-603
pages 598-603 views

Temperature fields control in the process of spark plasma sintering of thermoelectrics

Bulat L.P., Novotel’nova A.V., Tukmakova A.S., Yerezhep D.E., Osvenskii V.B., Sorokin A.I., Pshenai-Severin D.A., Ashmontas S.


The process of creating thermoelectrics by spark plasma sintering of nanostructured powders in order to obtain materials with improved thermoelectric properties has been modeled. The factors that influence the distribution of thermal field in the sintering process have been analyzed. The influence of geometric parameters of tooling on the formation of temperature gradient field required for effective sintering of functionally gradient materials and segmented branches of thermo-elements has been considered. The results can be used to determine the conditions and modes of sintering of functionally gradient materials in installations of spark plasma sintering and hot pressing.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(4):604-612
pages 604-612 views

Synthesis of complex oxides with garnet structure by spray drying of an aqueous salt solution

Makeenko A.V., Larionova T.V., Klimova-Korsmik O.G., Starykh R.V., Galkin V.V., Tolochko O.V.


The use of spray drying to obtain powders of complex oxides with a garnet structure has demonstrated. The processes occurring during heating of the synthesized oxide–salt product, leading to the formation of a material with a garnet structure, have been investigated using DTA, TGA, XPS, and XRD. It has been shown that a single-phase garnet structure of system (YxGd(3–x))3Al5O12 can be synthesized over the entire range of compositions.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(4):613-618
pages 613-618 views


Characteristics of the electromagnetic wave field far away from the radiation source

Balkhanov V.K., Bashkuev Y.B.


A solution to the Sommerfeld problem of the far (in terms of wavelengths) field of a vertical electrical dipole placed at the interface between two media has been found. The characteristics of a surface electromagnetic wave that propagates over a medium with highly inductive surface impedance δ have been determined. The spatial characteristics of the wave are expressed through the real and imaginary parts of impedance δ. It has been proved that the surface electromagnetic wave is the major contributor to the electromagnetic field of the ground wave in the case of highly inductive radio paths.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(4):619-624
pages 619-624 views

Electrophysics, Electron and Ion Beams, Physics of Accelerators

Linear ion trap with a deterministic voltage of the general form

Rozhdestvenskii Y.V., Rudyi S.S.


An analysis of the stability zones of a linear ion trap in the case of applying the voltage of the common form to the electrodes has been presented. The possibility of the localization of ions for specific types of periodic (but not harmonic) signals has been investigated. It has been shown that, when changing the types of temporal functions of the applied voltage the control by both trapping and dynamics of ions in a linear radiofrequency (RF) trap occurs, while preserving its design. The latest developments present new possibilities of implementing devices based on single ions, e.g., quantum frequency standards and quantum processors.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(4):625-632
pages 625-632 views

Experimental Instruments and Technique

Estimation of the ultracold neutron production by a source designed for the WWR-M reactor

Onegin M.S., Serebrov A.P., Fomin A.K., Lyamkin V.A.


The results of calculations related to designing an ultracold neutron source with superfluid helium for the WWR-M reactor have been presented. The ultracold neutron production rate has been estimated for different types of premoderator chamber filling. The dependence of this rate on the temperature of helium has been determined. If the premoderator chamber is filled with liquid orthodeuterium, the ultracold neutron production rate remains almost constant in the range of helium temperatures of 1.0–1.5 K and is as high as 3.1 × 103 cm–3 s–1.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(4):633-637
pages 633-637 views

Short Communications

Thermostimulated electret depolarization currents: Methods for estimating and controlling the characteristic parameters of dipoles

Rizakhanov M.A., Rasulov M.M., Atlukhanova L.B.


The optimal number of method for estimating and controlling the characteristic parameters (energy ED and frequency ν) of dipole relaxation has been determined using the theory of thermostimulated depolarization currents. Along with the known method for estimating energy ED from the slope of the initial segment of the curve describing thermostimulated depolarization currents, these techniques include another method for determining frequency ν proposed in this study, as well as the method for estimating parameters ED and ν by fitting the experimental and calculated spectra of thermostimulated depolarization current, and the diagram of characteristic dipole parameters ED and ν (which is universal for the entire set of electrets) and the corresponding spectra of thermostimulated depolarization currents.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(4):638-641
pages 638-641 views

Determining the phase-field mobility of pure nickel based on molecular dynamics data

Novokreshchenova A.A., Lebedev V.G.


The temperature dependence of the interface mobility in the directed solidification of pure nickel has been obtained in a locally nonequilibrium phase-field model using optimization based on the results of modeling a plane interface by the method of molecular dynamics. Thermodynamic calculations of motive forces and solidification heat-release process are based on the real Gibbs potentials for nickel.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(4):642-644
pages 642-644 views

Influence of temperature on the rhombic shape of paracetamol molecular crystals

Belyaev A.P., Rubets V.P., Antipov V.V.


The method of differential scanning ellipsometry has been used to study the influence of heating on the rhombic shape of paracetamol molecular crystals. Rhombic molecular paracetamol crystals have been synthesized in vacuum from the vapor phase of paracetamol as a result of complex transformation, which includes a second-order transition that gives rise to a pretransition phase. It has been found that these crystals contain monoclinic nuclei, which favor the form I-to-form II polymorphic transformation during heating.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(4):645-647
pages 645-647 views

Formation of cavities in a Z pinch plasma

Dolgov A.N., Klyachin N.A., Prokhorovich D.E.


The spatial structure and dynamics of the plasma in a high current vacuum spark discharge are studied via pulsed shadowgraphy. The formation of cavities in the neck plasma at the end of pinching has been registered.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(4):648-651
pages 648-651 views

Influence of a pulsed current on the Portevin–Le Chatelier effect in AlMg5 aluminum–magnesium alloy

Shibkov A.A., Gasanov M.F., Denisov A.A., Zolotov A.E., Ivolgin V.I.


We have reported on the results of experiments on the influence of current pulses on the band formation and intermittent deformation of AlMg5 alloy. It has been established that, to suppress the nucleation of deformation bands, preliminary treatment of the alloy by a current of density 60 A/mm2 for at least 1 s is required.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(4):652-655
pages 652-655 views

Influence of adsorption on the work function and conductivity of carbon nanostructures: Inconsistency of experimental data

Davydov S.Y., Posrednik O.V.


Available experimental data for the influence of gas molecules on the work function and conductivity of nanostructured graphite and graphene layers have been scrutinize in terms of the theory earlier developed by one of the authors. The inconsistency of these data has been demonstrated. The adaptability of this theory to carbon nanostructures is discussed.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(4):656-659
pages 656-659 views


pages 660-660 views

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