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Vol 61, No 8 (2016)

Theoretical and Mathematical Physics

Equilibrium configurations and transitions between them in annular magnetic nanodipole systems

Shutyi A.M., Sementsov D.I.


The equilibrium states of annular systems of magnetic dipoles have been studied by computer simulation. The bistability conditions under which the total magnetic moment of one of equilibrium configurations is zero, while the magnetic moment of another equilibrium configuration lies in the ring plane and is close to the sum of the magnetic moments of dipoles in the system, have been determined. The realization of other equilibrium configurations has also been demonstrated. We analyze transitions between equilibrium configurations by acting on the system by longitudinal and circular static fields, as well as transitions from the configuration with the maximal magnetic moment of the system to the configuration with zero total magnetic moment after the relaxation of oscillatory regimes excited by a varying field.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(8):1121-1129
pages 1121-1129 views

Analysis of electrode system for generation of high-power electrodynamic flow

Rebrov I.E., Khomich V.Y., Yamshchikov V.A.


A high-power electrodynamic flow in atmospheric air is numerically simulated and experimentally studied. An electrode system consisting of a cylindrical plasma emitter and a plane metal grid collector of ions is used to generate a flow with a speed of 2 m/s and a volume rate of 15 L/s.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(8):1130-1134
pages 1130-1134 views

Stochastic synchronization in a spatially distributed system with 1/f power spectrum

Koverda V.P., Skokov V.N.


A spatially distributed system of two nonlinear stochastic equations, which models 1/f fluctuations in the interaction of nonequilibrium phase transitions, is investigated numerically. It has been shown that, for a high intensity of white noise, noise-induced synchronization in the form of a nonequilibrium phase transition is observed in the system. The critical point of the noise-induced transition corresponds to the information entropy peak.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(8):1135-1140
pages 1135-1140 views

Numerical simulation of the formation of compact strikers from low-sphericity linings

Kolpakov V.I., Savenkov G.G., Rudometkin K.A., Grigor’ev A.Y.


We consider the physicomathematical formulation of the problem of explosive formation of a penetrator from a low-sphericity copper lining. Calculations are made for the formation of a penetrator for a phlegmatized hexogen charge for two models of the behavior of the lining material (copper), and the results are compared with the experimental data.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(8):1141-1145
pages 1141-1145 views

Numerical investigation of the methods for reducing the runaway electron beam divergence

Lisenkov V.V., Shklyaev V.A.


We have performed a comparative numerical analysis of two methods for reducing the runaway electron beam divergence using an external magnetic field or a dielectric tube. The generation of runaway electrons takes place in an inhomogeneous medium that consists of a hot channel (spark channel, laser torch, etc.) surrounded by air under normal conditions. The model makes it possible to consistently calculate the formation of a subnanosecond gas discharge and the generation of accelerated electrons under these conditions. The possibility of effectively decreasing the runaway electron beam divergence using an external magnetic field, as well as a dielectric tube, has been demonstrated. However, the number of runaway electrons in the case with the tube is considerably smaller than in the case with the magnetic field due to the fact that some runaway electrons settle on the tube walls. The energy spectra of the runaway electrons significantly differ in these cases, which can be explained by the differences in the dynamics of the discharge formation.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(8):1146-1151
pages 1146-1151 views

Verification of the standard model of shear stress transport and its modified version that takes into account the streamline curvature and estimation of the applicability of the Menter combined boundary conditions in calculating the ultralow profile drag for an optimally configured cylinder–coaxial disk arrangement

Isaev S.A., Baranov P.A., Sudakov A.G., Popov I.A.


A modification of the popular model of shear stress transport aimed at calculating the separation flow of an incompressible viscous liquid is justified. The modification eliminates the nonphysical pumping of the vortex viscosity in the cores of large-scale vortices. It has been verified with regard to the influence of the streamline curvature on the vortex viscosity by introducing a reciprocal linear function of the turbulent Richardson number with the Isaev–Kharchenko–Usachov constant equal to 0.02.Verification is based on solving the test problem an axisymmetric steady flow about a disk–cylinder tandem with an optimally configured nose, which has an ultralow profile drag for a Reynolds number of 5 × 105. It has been shown that the Menter combined boundary conditions are valid if y+y of the wall does not exceed two.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(8):1152-1161
pages 1152-1161 views

Statistical simulation of the flow of vibrationally preexcited hydrogen in a shock tube and the possibility of physical detonation

Kulikov S.V., Chervonnaya N.A., Ternovaya O.N.


The direct simulation Monte Carlo method is used to numerically simulate the problem of the shock wave front in vibrationally excited hydrogen flowing in the low-pressure channel of a shock tube. It is assumed that the vibrational temperature of the hydrogen equals 3000 K. The cases of partially and completely excited hydrogen are considered. Equilibrium hydrogen is applied as a pusher gas, but its concentration is 50 times higher than the hydrogen concentration in the low-pressure channel. In addition, the strength of the shock wave is varied by heating the pusher gas. It has been shown that, if the prestored vibrational energy is weakly converted to translational energy, the shock wave slows down over time. If the energy conversion is sufficiently intense, when the pusher gas is warm and only completely vibrationally excited hydrogen is in the low-pressure channel, the wave gains speed over time (its velocity increases roughly by a factor of 1.5). This causes physical detonation, in which case the parameters of the wave become dependent on the vibrational-to-thermal energy conversion and independent of the way of its initiation.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(8):1162-1167
pages 1162-1167 views

Separation of angular and energy relaxations of nonequilibrium electrons in a solid

Bakaleinikov L.A., Tropp E.A., Flegontova E.Y.


We demonstrate that the collision integral of the kinetic equation for the interaction of hot electrons with phonons can be split into substantially different parts that correspond to elastic and inelastic collisions. In particular, this applies to electrons with energies of about 1 eV that propagate in semiconductors. The difference in the characteristic energy and momentum relaxation times makes it possible to separate the angular and energy relaxation processes. If the differential cross section of elastic scattering depends, not on the scattering angle, but on the directions of incident and scattered electrons (which is observed, e.g., for the interaction of an electron with piezoelectric lattice vibrations in AIIIBV compounds), the Laplacian in the equation that describes the spatial and energy distributions of electrons can be replaced by an elliptical operator; i.e., the electron diffusion turns out to be anisotropic.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(8):1168-1180
pages 1168-1180 views

Gases and Liquids

On the structure of the steady-state flow velocity field near the interface between a homogeneous liquid and a Brinkman porous medium

Tsiberkin K.B.


The structure of a homogeneous liquid flow at the interface with a porous medium saturated with the same liquid has been studied in the boundary layer approximation. The porous medium is described by the Brinkman model. Self-similar equations of motion in the form of Blasius equation have been found, and their numerical solutions have been presented. An expression for the force exerted by the flow on the porous medium is derived.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(8):1181-1186
pages 1181-1186 views

Electromagnetic emission of a strongly charged oscillating droplet

Grigor’ev A.I., Kolbneva N.Y., Shiryaeva S.O.


Analytical expressions for electric field in the vicinity of an oscillating strongly charged droplet of nonviscous conducting liquid and intensity of electromagnetic radiation are derived in the linear approximation with respect to perturbation amplitude of the droplet surface. Order-of-magnitude estimations of the radiation intensity are presented. The intensity of electromagnetic radiation of a ball lightning that can be simulated using a charged droplet is not related to the surface oscillations.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(8):1187-1194
pages 1187-1194 views

Nonequilibrium gas absorption in rotating permeable media

Baev V.K., Bazhaikin A.N.


The absorption of ammonia, sulfur dioxide, and carbon dioxide by water and aqueous solutions in rotating permeable media, a cellular porous disk, and a set of spaced-apart thin disks has been considered. The efficiency of cleaning air to remove these impurities is determined, and their anomalously high solubility (higher than equilibrium value) has been discovered. The results demonstrate the feasibility of designing cheap efficient rotor-type absorbers to clean gases of harmful impurities.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(8):1195-1201
pages 1195-1201 views

Effect of the gas density on the force action of a turbulent jet

Mordasov M.M., Savenkov A.P.


We have reported on the results of experimental and theoretical studies of the effect of the gas density on the force action of a gas jet for the flow parameters monitored by the pressure upstream of the outlet aperture. No appreciable effect of density has been revealed. At attempt has been made to describe the dependence of the force of action of the jet on the pressure upstream of the outlet aperture using isentropic expressions. It has been found that the only parameter of the gas that can affect the force action of the jet is the adiabatic exponent.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(8):1202-1205
pages 1202-1205 views

On the effect of temperature and the width of the turbulent combustion zone on the ionization detector readings

Shaikin A.P., Galiev I.R.


We have considered the functional dependence of the ionization detector readings (ion current) on the composition of the fuel–air mixture, adiabatic temperature, and the turbulent combustion zone width. Experiments on the engine show that, for an air excess factor of 0.75–1.15, the coincidence of the calculated and experimental data exceeds 90%. Our results can be used to predict and monitor the adiabatic temperature of the flame and the width of the turbulent combustion zone in the combustion changer of the internal combustion engine using the ionization detector.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(8):1206-1208
pages 1206-1208 views


Determining the energy balance in barrier-discharge Xe2 excilamp by the pressure jump method

Sosnin E.A., Panarin V.A., Skakun V.S., Pikulev A.A., Tarasenko V.F.


The energy redistribution in barrier-discharge Xe2 excilamp in various excitation regimes is investigated using the pressure jump method. Analytic expressions are derived for calculating power W dissipated in the excilamp discharge plasma in the form of heat and for calculating total discharge heat power PT spent on heating the excilamp. It is shown that the mechanism of the thermal energy dissipation gradually changes upon an increase in the xenon pressure in the excilamp. The conditions for generating the maximal radiation power of the excilamp are determined. It is shown that the maximum of the average radiation power is attained for an excitation pulse duration of 500 ns and the maximal pulse power is attained for a pulse duration of 100 ns. It is found that the optimal operation regime for the excilamp corresponds to the maximal values of the PTW difference.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(8):1209-1213
pages 1209-1213 views

Experimental investigation of cooling of a plate by ionic wind from a corona-forming wire electrode

Elagin I.A., Yakovlev V.V., Ashikhmin I.A., Stishkov Y.K.


We report on the results of experimental investigations of the kinematic structure of ionic wind from a wire electrode placed near a heated plate, which plays the role of the earthed electrode. Experiments are carried out in a wide range of voltages for different polarities of the wire for several values of the electrode gap. We compare the structures of the flows emerging as a result of natural convection in open air for different positions of the plate and in the presence of a fast ionic wind jet that considerably intensifies heat transfer in the boundary layer at the heated planar electrode. Local temperature distributions over the plate surface are obtained, as well as the integral dependences of the effective heat removal on the electric parameters of the corona discharge. The velocity of air flows with ionic wind reaches 4 m/s, and the heat power removed from the plate for fixed overheating increases ninefold compared to the situation with natural convection.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(8):1214-1219
pages 1214-1219 views

Solid State

Modified relations for calculating the dielectric constant of barium–strontium titanate nanofilms

Esipov Y.V., Mukhortov V.M., Biryukov S.V., Mamatov A.A., Masychev S.I.


The results of measuring the capacitances of planar capacitors are used to calculate the dielectric constants of barium–strontium titanate nanofilms. An expression is derived to calculate an adjustable coefficient to obtain adequate dielectric constants for 20-nm-thick ferroelectric films. The field of applicability of the adjustable coefficient is determined.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(8):1220-1224
pages 1220-1224 views

Effect of the microstructural porosity parameters on the fracture and deformation of copper during creep at 773 K

Petrov A.I., Razuvaeva M.V.


The parameters of intergranular fracture of copper during creep under tension at T = 773 K and σ = 12.5 MPa are determined, and the contribution of grain-boundary porosity to the increase in the creep rate at stage III is estimated. The increase in the creep rate is shown to occur due to the pore-induced decrease in the grain boundary area, an increase in the mobile-dislocation density, and the deformation of the material because of the formation of pores and cracks.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(8):1225-1228
pages 1225-1228 views

Temperature–rate dependences of the flow stress and the resistance to fracture of a VT6 titanium alloy under shock loading at a temperature of 20 and 600°C

Kanel G.I., Garkushin G.V., Razorenov S.V.


The evolution of elastic-plastic shock compression waves in a VT6 titanium alloy is measured at a distance of 0.16–17 mm at room temperature and 600°C. The results of measuring the decay of an elastic precursors and the compression rate in a plastic shock wave are used to determine the temperature–rate dependences of the flow stress in the strain-rate range 103–107s–1. New data for the spall strength of the alloy at normal and elevated temperatures are obtained.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(8):1229-1236
pages 1229-1236 views

Physical Science of Materials

Effect of implantation regimes of silver ions on the structure and optical properties of zinc-oxide nanocrystalline films

Lyadov N.M., Gumarov A.I., Valeev V.F., Nuzhdin V.I., Shustov V.A., Bazarov V.V., Faizrakhmanov I.A.


Thin (about 270 nm) nanocrystalline films of zinc oxide (ZnO) are obtained on quartz substrates using ion sputtering and irradiated with Ag+ ions at an energy of 30 keV and relatively high fluences at ion current densities of 4, 8, and 12 µA/cm2. The X-ray analysis, scanning electron microscopy, and optical spectroscopy are used to study the effect of irradiation dose and ion current density on the structural modification and optical properties of the ZnO films. Nontrivial dependences of the structural and optical parameters of the films on the ion irradiation regimes are due to radiation heating and film sputtering under the action of the ion beam, diffusion of impurity, formation of silver nanoparticles in the irradiated layer at high implantation fluences, and the diffusion of implanted impurity at relatively high ion current densities.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(8):1237-1243
pages 1237-1243 views

Estimation of the thermodynamic parameters of a shock-wave action on high-porosity heterogeneous materials

Kinelovskii S.A., Maevskii K.K.


The properties of high-porosity powder mixtures during shock-wave loading are determined using a thermodynamically equilibrium model. The calculations performed with this model agree well with the data obtained from experiments over a wide pressure range. An equation of state of the Mie–Grüneisen type is used for condensed phases on the assumption of a temperature-dependent Grüneisen coefficient. The thermodynamic properties of mixtures are described for two or more condensed components over wide pressure and porosity ranges up to aerogels. Only the parameters of components are used to calculate the behavior their mixtures. The calculation results are compared with both the experimental data and the simulation results obtained by other authors.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(8):1244-1249
pages 1244-1249 views


Reasons for the formation of incoherent additional microwaves in fresh ice under plastic deformation

Bordonskiy G.S.


It is supposed that incoherent additional waves that appear in fresh ice in the microwave range are associated with the spontaneous decomposition of an unstable phase. This decomposition produces periodic phases. The unstable phase may result from the plastic deformation of the ice, from vapor condensation on a cold substrate, or from other effects causing spinodals. Experimental data obtained for millimeter and centimeter waves have been presented that support the above supposition regarding the formation of the incoherent additional waves.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(8):1250-1255
pages 1250-1255 views

The mutual synchronization of coupled delayed feedback klystron oscillators

Emel’yanov V.V., Emelianova Y.P., Ryskin N.M.


We report on the results of a numerical investigation of the synchronization of two coupled klystron oscillators with an external feedback circuit. Simulation has been carried out using the particle-in-cell method. We have also considered the results of a numerical analysis of an amplifier klystron and an isolated klystron oscillator, which make it possible to choose the optimal values of parameters of coupled klystrons. The structure of the synchronization domain for various parameters has been analyzed. The possibility of increasing the total output power with an appropriate choice of parameter of coupling between the oscillators has been revealed.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(8):1256-1261
pages 1256-1261 views

Electrophysics, Electron and Ion Beams, Physics of Accelerators

Collison nebulizer as a new soft ionization source for mass spectrometry

Pervukhin V.V., Sheven’ D.G., Kolomiets Y.N.


We have proposed that a Collison-type nebulizer be used as an ionization source for mass spectrometry with ionization under atmospheric pressure. This source does not require the use of electric voltage, radioactive sources, heaters, or liquid pumps. It has been shown that the number of ions produced by the 63Ni radioactive source is three to four times larger than the number of ions produced by acoustic ionization sources. We have considered the possibility of using a Collison-type nebulizer in combination with a vortex focusing system as an ion source for extractive ionization of compounds under atmospheric pressure. The ionization of volatile substances in crossflows of a charged aerosol and an analyte (for model compounds of the amine class, viz., diethylaniline, triamylamine, and cocaine) has been investigated. It has been shown that the limit of detecting cocaine vapor by this method is on the level of 4.6 × 10–14 g/cm3.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(8):1262-1268
pages 1262-1268 views

Short Communications

Continuous optical discharge in a laser cavity

Chivel’ Y.A.


Optical discharge in a laser cavity is experimentally studied. A significant increase in the absorption of laser radiation (up to total absorption) is revealed. Optical schemes for initiation and maintaining of optical discharge in the cavity are proposed for technological applications of the optical discharge.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(8):1269-1271
pages 1269-1271 views

Cylindrical mirror energy analyzer with the input of charged particles through end-surface diaphragm

Baranova L.A.


Computer simulation is used to study electron-optical properties of a cylindrical mirror analyzer with the input of charged particles through the end-surface diaphragm. Regimes with double crossing of the optical axis (two-stage analyzer) are considered to increase the linear dispersion. The external electrode of the electron-optical system under study can be divided into several insulated parts with independently controlled potentials. Such an approach allows the second-order tuning of focusing and wide-range variation in the dispersion. Optimal working regimes make it possible to increase the linear dispersion by a factor of 3–4 in comparison with the one-stage regime.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(8):1272-1274
pages 1272-1274 views

Technique for calculating the vulnerability of explosive surface objects by lightning

Gundareva S.V., Kalugina I.E., Temnikov A.G.


A probabilistic technique for estimating the vulnerability of explosive surface objects by lightning has been proposed. It uses a combined criterion for initiation of upward streamer and leader discharges form the elements of the object and lightning diverters. This criterion takes into account the probabilistic nature of avalanche–streamer and streamer–leader transitions and also the trajectories of the lightning’s downward stepped leader and lightning current. It has been shown that, if the formation of the downward leader of incomplete streamer discharges from the elements of the object in an electric field is neglected (these discharges may set fire on explosive emissions), the probability of lightning-induced failure of the object is underestimated by several times compared with the calculated value.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(8):1275-1277
pages 1275-1277 views

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