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Том 43, № 7 (2017)


Transition into the improved core confinement mode as a possible mechanism for additional electron heating observed in the lower hybrid current drive experiments at the FT-2 tokamak

Altukhov A., Gurchenko A., Gusakov E., Dyachenko V., Esipov L., Irzak M., Kantor M., Kouprienko D., Perevalov A., Saveliev A., Stepanov A., Shatalin S., Lashkul S.


In experiments on lower hybrid current drive (LHCD) carried out at the FT-2 tokamak, a substantial increase in the central electron temperature Te(r = 0 cm) from 550 to 700 eV was observed. A complex simulation procedure is used to explain a fairly high LHCD efficiency and the observed additional heating, which can be attributed to a transition into the improved core confinement (ICC) mode. For numerical simulations, data obtained in experiments with deuterium plasma at 〈ne〉 = 1.6 × 1019 m–3 were used. Simulations by the GRILL3D, FRTC, and ASTRA codes have shown that the increase in the density and central temperature is apparently caused by a significant suppression of heat transport in the electron component. The mechanism for transition into the improved confinement mode at r < 3 cm can be associated with the broadening of the plasma current channel due to the lower hybrid drive of the current carried by superthermal and runaway electrons. In this case, the magnetic shear s = (r/q)(dq/dr) in the axial region of the plasma column almost vanishes during the RF pulse. In this study, the effect of lower hybrid waves on the plasma parameters, resulting in a transition into the ICC mode, is considered. New experimental and calculated data are presented that evidence in favor of such a transition. Special attention is paid to the existence of a threshold for the transition into the ICC mode in deuterium plasma.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(7):711-719
pages 711-719 views


Is it possible that MHD instability triggers a transition into the improved confinement regime of toroidal plasmas?

Shchepetov S., Vasilkov D.


Analyzing the experimental data from L-2M stellarator and performing appropriate theoretical analysis, the authors affirmatively answer the question raised in the title of the article. The external peeling mode is proposed as the instability triggering the transition. Peeling mode stability in magnetic-hill Mercierstable plasmas is analyzed analytically. It is shown that correctly taking into account vacuum region forbids internal peeling modes, while the external peeling mode has a threshold with respect to the plasma pressure gradient. Calculations and experimental data are in reasonable agreement.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(7):720-725
pages 720-725 views

Plasma Dynamics

Study of the anode plasma dynamics under the action of a high-power electron beam on epoxy resin

Ananyev S., Bagdasarov G., Gasilov V., Dan’ko S., Demidov B., Kazakov E., Kalinin Y., Kurilo A., Ol’khovskaya O., Strizhakov M., Tkachenko S.


Results are presented from experimental studies of plasma dynamics in a diode gap under the action of a high-current relativistic electron beam on epoxy resin at energy densities in the range of 170–860 J/cm2. The plasma expansion was studied by means of an optical streak camera. Three-dimensional numerical simulations in the one-temperature hydrodynamic approximation were also performed. The experimental data are compared with the results of numerical simulations.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(7):726-732
pages 726-732 views

Space Plasma

On fast solid-body rotation of the solar core and differential (liquid-like) rotation of the solar surface

Pashitskii E.


On the basis of a two-component (two-fluid) hydrodynamic model, it is shown that the probable phenomenon of solar core rotation with a velocity higher than the average velocity of global rotation of the Sun, discovered by the SOHO mission, can be related to fast solid-body rotation of the light hydrogen component of the solar plasma, which is caused by thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium inside the hot dense solar core. Thermonuclear fusion of four protons into a helium nucleus (α-particle) creates a large free specific volume per unit particle due to the large difference between the densities of the solar plasma and nuclear matter. As a result, an efficient volumetric sink of one of the components of the solar substance—hydrogen—forms inside the solar core. Therefore, a steady-state radial proton flux converging to the center should exist inside the Sun, which maintains a constant concentration of hydrogen as it burns out in the solar core. It is demonstrated that such a converging flux of hydrogen plasma with the radial velocity vr(r) = −βr creates a convective, vrvφ/∂r, and a local Coriolis, vrvφ/r,φ nonlinear hydrodynamic forces in the solar plasma, rotating with the azimuthal velocity vφ. In the absence of dissipation, these forces should cause an exponential growth of the solid-body rotation velocity of the hydrogen component inside the solar core. However, friction between the hydrogen and helium components of the solar plasma due to Coulomb collisions of protons with α-particles results in a steady-state regime of rotation of the hydrogen component in the solar core with an angular velocity substantially exceeding the global rotational velocity of the Sun. It is suggested that the observed differential (liquid-like) rotation of the visible surface of the Sun (photosphere) with the maximum angular velocity at the equator is caused by sold-body rotation of the solar plasma in the radiation zone and strong turbulence in the tachocline layer, where the turbulent viscosity reaches its maximum value at the equator. There, the tachocline layer exerts the most efficient drag on the less dense outer layers of the solar plasma, which are slowed down due to the interaction with the ambient space plasma (solar wind).

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(7):733-740
pages 733-740 views

Plasma Diagnostics

Radio-frequency capacitive discharge with flowing liquid electrodes at reduced gas pressures

Gaisin A., Son E., Petryakov S.


Results are presented from experimental studies of the electrophysical and spectral characteristics of the low-temperature plasma of a radio-frequency capacitive discharge excited between two flowing liquid electrodes at gas pressures of 103−105 Pa. The plasma composition, the electron density, and the vibrational and rotational temperatures of gas molecules are estimated. The types and shapes of discharge are described, and the thermal and gas-hydrodynamic processes in the discharge zone are analyzed.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(7):741-748
pages 741-748 views

Comparative study of X-ray emission from plasma focus relative to different preionization schemes

Ahmad S., Qayyum A., Hassan M., Zakaullah M.


A 2.7-kJ Mather-type plasma focus has been investigated for X-ray emission with preionization produced by an α-source, a β-source, and a shunt resistor. Time-resolved and time integrated measurements are carried out using a PIN-diode-based X-ray spectrometer and pinhole camera. The β-source (28Ni63) assisted preionization enhances the X-ray emission up to 25%, while preionization induced by depleted uranium (92U238) increases both Cu-Kα and total X-ray yield of about 100%. The preionization caused by the optimum shunt resistor enhances the Cu-Kα and total X-ray yield of about 53%. It is found that preionization also broadens the working pressure range for the high X-ray yield and improves the shot-to-shot reproducibility of the system. Pinhole images reveal that the X-ray emission from the anode tip is dominant owing to impact of electron bombardment, while the X-ray emission from hot spots is also visible.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(7):749-755
pages 749-755 views

Low-Temperature Plasma

Radio-frequency discharge in a molecular gas flow at a frequency of 1.76 MHz

Baranov I., Koptev A.


Results are presented from experiments on the initiation of a homogeneous stable capacitive RF discharge at a frequency of 1.76 MHz in a high-speed molecular gas flow between metal electrodes at a pressure of 5 Torr or dielectric-coated electrodes at a pressure of up to 50 Torr. A mechanism of the current closure in the electrode sheaths related to the primary photoelectric current generated alternately from different electrodes is proposed. The average electron energy increases via second-kind (superelastic) collisions, and fast electrons with energies corresponding to the amplitude value of the RF voltage appear in the electron energy spectrum. As a result, primary emission arises due to the excitation of emitting states from metastable molecular levels. The primary photoelectric current initiates electron avalanches in the electrode sheaths due to secondary photoelectron emission. According to calculations, the current−voltage characteristic of the sheath in this type of discharge is ascending and the field strengths in the electrode sheath and positive column are lower than those in a self-sustained dc discharge. The calculated results are compared with the experimental data.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(7):764-770
pages 764-770 views

Study of a DC gas discharge with a copper cathode in a water flow

Tazmeev G., Timerkaev B., Tazmeev K.


A dc gas discharge between copper electrodes in the current range of 5–20 А was studied experimentally. The discharge gap length was varied within 45–70 mm. The cathode was a 10-mm-diameter rod placed in the water flowing out from a dielectric tube. Three discharge configurations differing in the position of the cathode upper end with respect to the water surface were considered: (i) above water; (ii) flush with the water surface, and (iii) under water. The electric and optical characteristics of the discharge in the second configuration were studied in more detail. It is established that the discharge properties are similar to those of an electric arc. Considerable cathode erosion was observed in the third configuration. It is revealed that fine-dispersed copper grains form in the course of erosion.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(7):771-777
pages 771-777 views

Applied Physics

Imaging of spatial distributions of the millimeter wave intensity by using the Visible Continuum Radiation from a discharge in a Cs–Xe mixture. Part II: Demonstration of application capabilities of the technique

Gitlin M., Glyavin M., Fedotov A., Tsvetkov A.


The paper presents the second part of the review on a high-sensitive technique for time-resolved imaging and measurements of the 2D intensity profiles of millimeter-wave radiation by means of Visible Continuum Radiation emitted by the positive column of a medium-pressure Cs-Xe DC Discharge (VCRD method). The first part of the review was focused on the operating principles and fundamentals of this new technique [Plasma Phys. Rep. 43, 253 (2017)]. The second part of the review focuses on experiments demonstrating application of this imaging technique to measure the parameters of radiation at the output of moderate-power millimeter-wave sources. In particular, the output waveguide mode of a moderate-power W-band gyrotron with a pulsed magnetic field was identified and the relative powers of some spurious modes at the outputs of this gyrotron and a pulsed D-band orotron were evaluated. The paper also reviews applications of the VCRD technique for real-time imaging and nondestructive testing with a frame rate of higher than 10 fps by using millimeter waves. Shadow projection images of objects opaque and transparent for millimeter waves have been obtained using pulsed watt-scale millimeter waves for object illumination. Near video frame rate millimeter-wave shadowgraphy has been demonstrated. It is shown that this technique can be used for single-shot screening (including detection of concealed objects) and time-resolved imaging of time-dependent processes.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(7):778-791
pages 778-791 views

Characteristic radiation of nitrogen under subnanosecond breakdown in a highly nonuniform electric field near the positive-polarity electrode

Tarasenko V., Baksht E., Burachenko A., Lomaev M.


Results are presented from experimental studies of elevated-pressure diffuse discharge in a highly nonuniform electric field. It is shown that, in discharges in nitrogen and air, the characteristic radiation (the K-line of nitrogen) is generated at the positive polarity of the electrode with a small curvature radius. X-ray bremsstrahlung from the anode was detected in a discharge in atmospheric-pressure air at a 12-kV amplitude of the incident voltage pulse.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(7):792-795
pages 792-795 views

Specific features of the radial distributions of plasma parameters in the initial segment of a supersonic jet generated by a pulsed capillary discharge

Pashchina A., Efimov A., Chinnov V., Ageev A.


Results are presented from spectroscopic studies of the initial segment of a supersonic plasma jet generated by a pulsed capillary discharge with an ablative carbon-containing polymer wall. Specific features of the spatial distributions of the electron density and intensities of spectral components caused, in particular, by the high electron temperature in the central zone, much exceeding the normal temperature, as well as by the high nonisobaricity of the initial segment of the supersonic jet, are revealed. Measurements of the radiative properties of the hot jet core (the intensity and profile of the Hα and Hβ Balmer lines and the relative intensities of C II lines) with high temporal (1–50 μs) and spatial (30–50 μm) resolutions made it possible to determine general features of the pressure and temperature distributions near the central shock. The presence of molecular components exhibiting their emission properties at the periphery of the plasma jet allowed the authors to estimate the parameters of the plasma in the jet region where “detached” shock waves form.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(7):796-800
pages 796-800 views

Effect of the anode material on the X-ray spectrum of micropinch discharge plasma

Grigoryeva I., Savjolov A., Salakhutdinov G.


The effect of the elemental composition of the anode material on the parameters and X-ray spectrum of micropinch discharge plasma have been studied using a low-inductance vacuum spark device. It is shown that the plasma electron temperature Te and intensity of hard X-ray emission increase with increasing nuclear charge number Z of the anode material of the discharge system.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(7):801-804
pages 801-804 views

Dusty Plasma

Stability of dust acoustic wavepackets suffering from polarization force due to the presence of trapped ions

El-Labany S., El-Taibany W., El-Bedwehy N., Zedan N.


The combined effects of the polarization force, free and trapped ions, and dust charge variation are incorporated in a rigorous study of the nonlinear dust acoustic waves (DAWs) propagating in an unmagnetized dusty plasma. Owing to the departure from the Boltzmann ion distribution, it is found that the nonlinear DAWs are governed by a modified Korteweg−de Vries (mKdV) equation. The association between the mKdV solitary wave and the DAW envelope in the system under consideration is discussed. A modified nonlinear Schrödinger equation appropriate for describing the modulated DAWs is derived. The modulation instability (MI) and the dependence of the system physical parameters on the polarization force, trapped ions, and dust charge variation have been analyzed. It is found that the critical curve separating the stable/unstable regions is strongly influenced by both of the polarization and the ion trapping parameters. Moreover, increasing the polarization leads to an increase of the critical wave number, while increasing the trapping parameter yields the opposite effect. The MI maximum growth rate decreases (increases) as the polarization (trapped ion) increases. The obtained results may be helpful in better understanding of space observations of the solar energetic particle flows in interplanetary space and the energetic particle events in the Earth’s magnetosphere.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2017;43(7):756-763
pages 756-763 views

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