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Том 42, № 4 (2016)


Formation of self-consistent pressure profiles in simulation of turbulent convection in tokamak plasmas

Pastukhov V., Smirnov D.


The formation of pressure profiles in turbulent tokamak plasmas in ohmic heating regimes and transient regimes induced by turning-on of electron-cyclotron resonance (ECR) heating is investigated. The study is based on self-consistent modeling of low-frequency turbulent plasma convection described by an adiabatically reduced set of hydrodynamic-type equations. The simulations show that, in the ohmic heating stage, turbulence forms and maintains profiles of the total plasma pressure corresponding to turbulentrelaxed states. These profiles are close to self-consistent profiles of the total plasma pressure experimentally observed on the T-10 tokamak in ohmic regimes with different values of the safety factor qL at the limiter. Simulations of nonstationary regimes induced by turning-on of on- and off-axis ECR heating show that the total plasma pressure profiles in the transient regimes remain close to those in the turbulent-relaxed state, as well as to the profiles experimentally observed on T-10.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(4):307-318
pages 307-318 views

Magnetic Confinement Systems

Experiments on the transportation of a magnetized plasma stream in the GOL-3 facility

Postupaev V., Batkin V., Burdakov A., Ivanov I., Kuklin K., Mekler K., Rovenskikh A.


The program of the deep upgrade of the GOL-3 multiple-mirror trap is presented. The upgrade is aimed at creating a new GOL-NB open trap located at the GOL-3 site and intended to directly demonstrate the efficiency of using multiple-mirror magnetic cells to improve longitudinal plasma confinement in a gasdynamic open trap. The GOL-NB device will consist of a new central trap, adjoint cells with a multiple-mirror magnetic field, and end tanks (magnetic flux expanders). Plasma in the central trap will be heated by neutral beam injection with a power of up to 1.5 MW and duration of 1 ms. At present, physical experiments directed at developing plasma technologies that are novel for this facility are being carried out using the 6-m-long autonomous part of the GOL-3 solenoid. The aim of this work was to develop a method for filling the central trap with a low-temperature start plasma. Transportation of a plasma stream from an arc source over a distance of 3 m in a uniform magnetic field with an induction of 0.5–4.5 T is demonstrated. In these experiments, the axial plasma density was (1–4) × 1020 m–3 and the mirror ratio varied from 5 to 60. In general, the experiments confirmed the correctness of the adopted decisions for the start plasma source of the GOL-NB device.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(4):319-326
pages 319-326 views

Laser Plasma

Towards a novel laser-driven method of exotic nuclei extraction−acceleration for fundamental physics and technology

Nishiuchi M., Sakaki H., Esirkepov T., Nishio K., Pikuz T., Faenov A., Skobelev I., Orlandi R., Pirozhkov A., Sagisaka A., Ogura K., Kanasaki M., Kiriyama H., Fukuda Y., Koura H., Kando M., Yamauchi T., Watanabe Y., Bulanov S., Kondo K., Imai K., Nagamiya S.


A combination of a petawatt laser and nuclear physics techniques can crucially facilitate the measurement of exotic nuclei properties. With numerical simulations and laser-driven experiments we show prospects for the Laser-driven Exotic Nuclei extraction–acceleration method proposed in [M. Nishiuchi et al., Phys, Plasmas 22, 033107 (2015)]: a femtosecond petawatt laser, irradiating a target bombarded by an external ion beam, extracts from the target and accelerates to few GeV highly charged short-lived heavy exotic nuclei created in the target via nuclear reactions.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(4):327-337
pages 327-337 views

Plasma Diagnostics

Analysis of the processes occurring in a submicrosecond discharge with a linear current density of up to 3 MA/cm through a thick-wall stainless-steel electrode

Branitsky A., Grabovski E., Dzhangobegov V., Laukhin Y., Mitrofanov I., Oleinik G., Sasorov P., Tkachenko S., Frolov I.


The state of conductors carrying a megampere current from the generator to the load is studied experimentally. It is found that the plasma produced from cylindrical stainless-steel tubes during the passage of a submicrosecond current pulse with a linear density of 3 MA/cm expands with a velocity of 5.5 km/s. Numerical results on the diffusion of the magnetic field induced by a current with a linear density of 1–3MA/cm into metal electrodes agree with the experimental data on the penetration time of the magnetic field. For a linear current density of 3.1 MA/cm, the experimentally determined electric field strength on the inner surface of the tube is 4 kV/cm. The calculated electric field strength on the inner surface of the tube turns out to be two times higher, which can be explained by plasma production on the outer and inner surfaces of the electrode.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(4):338-346
pages 338-346 views

Diagnostics of Pulsed Systems

Suprathermal electrons in a vacuum spark discharge

Bashutin O., Savjolov A.


Results of experiments on the detection of suprathermal electron beams in the plasma of a highcurrent low-inductance vacuum spark by means of space-resolved spectral X-ray polarimetry are presented. It is shown that the observed polarization of bremsstrahlung may be caused by an ~100-keV electron beam propagating along the discharge axis from the pinching region toward the anode. The influence of the discharge initiation conditions on the parameters of the generated electron beams is analyzed.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(4):347-354
pages 347-354 views

Plasma Dynamics

Measurements of the parameters of a condensed deuterated Z-pinch on the angara-5-1 facility

Aleksandrov V., Bryzgunov V., Grabovski E., Gritsuk A., Volobuev I., Kazakov E., Kalinin Y., Korolev V., Laukhin Y., Medovshchikov S., Mitrofanov K., Oleinik G., Pimenov V., Smirnova E., Ustroev G., Frolov I.


Results are presented from measurements of the parameters of high-temperature plasma in the Z-pinch neck formed when a current of up to 3.5 MA flows through a low-density polymer load. To enhance the effect of energy concentration, a deuterated microporous polyethylene neck with a mass density of 100 mg/cm3 and diameter of 1–1.3 mm was placed in the central part of the load. During the discharge current pulse, short-lived local hot plasma spots with typical dimensions of about 200–300 μm formed in the neck region. Their formation was accompanied by the generation of soft X-ray pulses with photon energies of E > 0.8 keV and durations of 3–4 ns. The plasma electron temperature in the vicinity of the hot spot was measured from the vacuum UV emission spectra of the iron diagnostic admixture and was found to be about 200–400 eV. The appearance of hot plasma spots was also accompanied by neutron emission with the maximum yield of 3 × 1010 neutrons/shot. The neutron energy spectra were studied by means of the time-of-flight method and were found to be anisotropic with respect to the direction of the discharge current.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(4):355-361
pages 355-361 views

Dusty Plasmas

Nonlinear ion modes in a strongly coupled plasma in the presence of nonthermal ion fluids and polarization force

Ema S., Hossen M., Mamun A.


The nonlinear propagation of ion-acoustic (IA) waves in a strongly coupled plasma system containing Maxwellian electrons and nonthermal ions has been theoretically and numerically investigated. The well-known reductive perturbation technique is used to derive both the Burgers and Korteweg−de Vries (KdV) equations. Their shock and solitary wave solutions have also been numerically analyzed in understanding localized electrostatic disturbances. It has been observed that the basic features (viz. polarity, amplitude, width, etc.) of IA waves are significantly modified by the effect of polarization force and other plasma parameters (e.g., the electron-to-ion number density ratio and ion-to-electron temperature ratio). This is a unique finding among all theoretical investigations made before, whose probable implications are discussed in this investigation. The implications of the results obtained from this investigation may be useful in understanding the wave propagation in both space and laboratory plasmas.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(4):362-368
pages 362-368 views

Low-Temperature Plasma

Amplitude−temporal characteristics of a supershort avalanche electron beam generated during subnanosecond breakdown in air and nitrogen

Tarasenko V., Baksht E., Beloplotov D., Burachenko A., Lomaev M.


The amplitude−temporal characteristics of a supershort avalanche electron beam (SAEB) with an amplitude of up to 100 A, as well as of the breakdown voltage and discharge current, are studied experimentally with a picosecond time resolution. The waveforms of discharge and SAEB currents are synchronized with those of the voltage pulses. It is shown that the amplitude−temporal characteristics of the SAEB depend on the gap length and the designs of the gas diode and cathode. The mechanism for the generation of runaway electron beams in atmospheric-pressure gases is analyzed on the basis of the obtained experimental data.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(4):369-381
pages 369-381 views

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