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Volume 45, Nº 4 (2019)


2D Full-Wave Simulation of the Propagation and Absorption of a Microwave Beam in the L-2M Stellarator Plasma

Sakharov A.


A 2D full-wave-model is developed and a 2D numerical code is designed to calculate the propagation and absorption of an X-polarized microwave beam in magnetized plasma with allowance for the nonlocal (differential) thermal correction to the plasma permittivity tensor near the electron-cyclotron resonance (ECR) at the second harmonic of the electron gyrofrequency. 2D full-wave numerical simulations of the propagation and absorption of the heating microwave beam in the standard poloidal cross section of the L‑2M stellarator are performed for three ECR heating scenarios differing in the position of the resonance region: central heating, heating on the vacuum magnetic axis, and off-axis heating at the midradius of the plasma column. It is shown that optimal conditions for microwave power deposition in plasma are achieved when the microwave beam is incident normally on the resonance surface, which, in the offered 2D model, takes place under ECR heating on the vacuum magnetic axis.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2019;45(4):289-299
pages 289-299 views


Revisiting Carbon Materials as Plasma-Facing Materials of a Fusion Reactor

Tanabe T.


Carbon materials (C) are revisited to use as a plasma-facing material (PFM) of a fusion reactor. Characteristics of C concerned, such as erosion, redeposition, H retention, and neutron damages, are reinvestigated considering recent observations in laboratories and plasma machines, in particular, JET and JT-60U. It is concluded that C can be a good PFM of a fusion reactor if they are used as armor tiles mechanically fixed to heat sink allowing possible temperature escalation of tile surfaces, which mitigate T retention and neutron irradiation effect. The mechanical fixing ensures easy replacement of the carbon armor tiles by remote handling and periodic break for reactor maintenance gives opportunity for routine replacements of the armor tiles. In addition, routine T removal by isotopic exchange with D discharges and installation of replaceable cooled plates at divertor area to take up redeposited C incorporating with T would significantly reduce T inventory in a rector.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2019;45(4):300-314
pages 300-314 views

Particle Acceleration in Plasma

RS-20MR High-Current Relativistic Electron Beam Generator Based on a Plasma Opening Switch and Its Applications

Dolgachev G., Kazakov E., Kalinin Y., Maslennikov D., Shvedov A.


A modified scheme of the RS-20MR generator is presented that can be used not only as a source of high-power pulsed hard X-ray emission (the dose power per 1-L volume in atmospheric air exceeds 1010 rad/s) but also as a tool to study various processes occurring under the interaction of high-current electron beams with materials: excitation and propagation of shock waves, destruction of solids, etc. Due to specific properties of the sharpening system, the diode voltage pulse has a relatively steep front, which ensures the dominance electrons with energies of about 1 MeV in the beam. For electron beams with currents of I = 20–100 kA and particle energies of E ≥ 0.5 MeV, isochoric energy release can be achieved in the volume of the irradiated sample. This can lead to substantial changes in the formation mechanism of a shock wave and the character of damage it causes. The results of the first experiments of this kind are reported.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2019;45(4):315-324
pages 315-324 views

Plasma Dynamics

Ion Temperature Distribution in Current Sheets Formed in Argon Plasma

Kyrie N., Frank A., Vasilkov D.


The processes of heating and acceleration of argon ions in different charge states in current sheets formed in 2D and 3D magnetic configurations were studied experimentally. It is shown that the temperature of argon ions depends on the ion charge state. The maximum temperatures of Ar II, Ar III, and Ar IV ions are found to be 60, 120, and 200 eV, respectively. The time of energy exchange between ions due to Coulomb collisions is much shorter than the current sheet lifetime, which indicates that ions in different charge states reside in different sheet regions located at different distances from the sheet midplane (y = 0). It is shown that Ar II and Ar III ions are accelerated to energies of \(W_{x}^{{\max }}\) ≈ 200 eV. It is found that the temperature and the energy of directed motion of Ar II, Ar III, and Ar IV ions do not depend on the magnitude of the longitudinal magnetic field. Argon ions Ar IV radiating in the near UV region are detected for the first time in the current sheet plasma.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2019;45(4):325-333
pages 325-333 views

Plasma Radiation

Experimental Dependence of the Neutron Yield on the Discharge Current for Plasma Focus Chambers Filled with Deuterium and Deuterium–Tritium

Mikhailov Y., Lemeshko B., Prokuratov I.


Results of measurement of the mean neutron yield from plasma focus (PF) chambers filled with deuterium and deuterium–tritium are compared for various Mather-type and spherical PF devices at discharge currents in the range of 200−1000 kA. On the basis of the experimental results, an expression for the ratio of the neutron yields \({{\xi }_{{{\text{exp}}}}} = \left\langle {{{Y}_{{{\text{DT}}}}}} \right\rangle {\text{/}}\left\langle {{{Y}_{{\text{D}}}}} \right\rangle \) in the D + T and D + D reactions as a function of the discharge current is derived, according to which ξexp decreases from 150 to 110 (by ≈1.4 times) as the PF discharge current increases from 200 to 1000 kA. Assuming the beam–target mechanism of neutron generation in the PF, the ratio ξexp for D + T and D + D reactions is compared with the ratio σDTDD of the cross sections for the corresponding nuclear reactions at different mean energies of accelerated ions. Taking into account the mean energies of accelerated ions (~50–70 keV) determined from the measured space–energy anisotropy of neutron emission, it is suggested that the mean effective energy of accelerated D+ and T+ ions in the plasma beam formed in the pinch decay stage increases with increasing PF discharge current, which leads to a decrease in the ratio \({{\xi }_{{{\text{exp}}}}} = \left\langle {{{Y}_{{{\text{DT}}}}}} \right\rangle {\text{/}}\left\langle {{{Y}_{{\text{D}}}}} \right\rangle \) with increasing current.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2019;45(4):334-344
pages 334-344 views

Relativistic Plasma Electronics

Ultrawideband Plasma Relativistic Microwave Source

Strelkov P., Tarakanov V., Dias Mikhailova D., Ivanov I., Shumeiko D.


An ultrawideband (UWB) plasma relativistic microwave source based on the amplification of self-noise of a relativistic electron beam in plasma is described. There is a fundamental difference of the described source from the existing high-power UWB radiation sources. The UWB plasma microwave source allows one to obtain higher energy per pulse than existing sources (up to 10 J). In addition, the mean frequency of the microwave signal generated by the UWB plasma microwave source can be tuned from pulse to pulse (e.g., from 2 to 3.5 GHz). It is important that the microwave pulse energy remains unchanged after tuning the frequency.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2019;45(4):345-354
pages 345-354 views

Dusty Plasma

Role of Collisions with Neutrals in the Process of Modulational Excitation of Dust Acoustic Perturbations in Dusty Ionosphere

Borisov N., Kopnin S., Morozova T., Popel S.


The role of inelastic collisions of electrons and ions with neutrals during the development of modulational instability involving dust acoustic perturbations in dusty ionospheric plasma, as well as the effect of collisions of electrons, ions, and dust grains with neutrals on the manifestations of modulational interaction in the dusty ionosphere, are estimated. It is shown that, in this case, the influence of collisions of electrons and ions with neutrals is usually less significant than the influence of collisions between dust grains and neutrals. It is demonstrated that the effect of modulational instability on the propagation of electromagnetic waves in the dusty ionospheric plasma is the most significant at altitudes of 100–120 km. The modulational interaction in the dusty ionosphere is important for the explanation of such effects as ground-based observations of low-frequency ionospheric radio noises with frequencies below 50 Hz, generation of infrasonic waves in the ionosphere and the possibility to detect them near the Earth’s surface, enhancement of the green nightglow emission at a wavelength of 557.7 nm from the lower ionosphere layer at altitudes of 110–120 km, and modulational excitation of inhomogeneities in the electron and ion densities in the ionosphere at altitudes of 100–120 km. The absence of observations of low-frequency ionospheric radio noise during such phenomena as noctilucent clouds and polar mesosphere summer echoes caused by the presence of dusty plasma at altitudes of 80–95 km is explained. It is shown that the latter phenomenon is related to the suppression of modulational processes at these altitudes.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2019;45(4):355-360
pages 355-360 views

Ionospheric Plasma

Small-Scale Plasma Irregularities in the Ionospheric D Layer

Laptukhov A., Laptukhov V.


Taking into account the vertical current in the Earth’s atmosphere and rejecting the frequently used quasineutral plasma approximation, which is wrong in the given case, the existence in the ionospheric D layer of thin plane regions with a characteristic size of ~1 m in which the plasma density increases abruptly with altitude is shown. Especially strong variations in the plasma density occur in the equatorial ionosphere, where the geomagnetic field is horizontal. The magnitude of the plasma density jump strongly depends on the electric field E at the lower boundary of the layer. In particular, at E = 0.1 V/m and an altitude of 85–90 km in the equatorial ionosphere, the plasma density jumps by a factor of 3.6, while at E = 0.2 V/m, by a factor of 15.5. A mechanism for the emergence of ionospheric precursors of earthquakes associated with the presence of such a jump is offered.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2019;45(4):361-365
pages 361-365 views

Plasma Instabilities

Nernst Effect and Generation of Magnetic Field in Radiation-Heated Plasma

Urpin V.


A new magnetic field generation mechanism in radiation-heated plasma is considered. This mechanism is based on the Nernst effect and operates in plasma with oppositely directed temperature and density gradients. The efficiency of the mechanism is determined by the values of these gradients.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2019;45(4):366-371
pages 366-371 views

Oscillations and Waves in Plasma

Radiation Pattern and Radiation Spectrum of the Plasma Asymmetrical Dipole Antenna

Bogachev N., Gusein-zade N., Nefedov V.


Results of comparative experimental studies of the radiation patterns and radiation spectra of the plasma asymmetrical dipole antenna and metal asymmetrical dipole antenna are presented. It is shown that the directions of the main and lateral lobes of the radiation patterns of both antennas are the same; however, the amplitude of the main lobe of the plasma antenna pattern is lower and it has a higher directionality. The recorded spectrum of the continuous-wave signal allows one to estimate power losses for plasma generation in the plasma antenna. The spectrum demonstrates nonlinear amplification of the multiple harmonics of the signal frequency. The possible causes of these nonlinear distortions and the means to decrease them are discussed.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2019;45(4):372-375
pages 372-375 views

Plasma Diagnostics

Electrical Characteristics of Capacitive Coupled Radio Frequency Discharges in Argon and Hydrogen

Murat Tanışlı ., Şahin N., Demir S., Mertadam S.


A symmetric radio frequency (RF) (13.56 MHz) electrode discharge system with different geometry has been investigated at low pressure. All electrical properties of symmetric capacitive RF discharge in pure argon (Ar) and pure hydrogen (H2) have been obtained from the current and voltage waveforms. Here, the changes of voltage and current were investigated according to external electrical discharge parameters. The electron densities of these discharges were measured with a single Langmuir probe. A homogeneous model of capacitive coupled RF (CCRF) discharge was used to determine the electrical properties of a parallel-plate RF discharge system and their dependences on the input RF power and gas pressure .

Plasma Physics Reports. 2019;45(4):376-386
pages 376-386 views

Low-Temperature Plasma

Beaded Discharges Formed under Pulsed Breakdowns of Air and Nitrogen

Beloplotov D., Boichenko A., Tarasenko V.


The mode of a pulsed discharge in a nonuniform electric field is investigated at which bright plasma bunches with a beaded structure are generated in atmospheric-pressure air. Using an ICCD camera, it is found that, at centimeter gap lengths and a voltage pulse duration of ≈300 ns, the beaded structure can be observed with a probability close to 100% within time intervals from a few nanoseconds to several tens of nanoseconds. The beaded structure can also be observed in the time-integrated photographs of the discharge gap, but with a low probability. It is shown that individual beads arise in the point-to-plane gap after the diffuse stage of the discharge and start from the electrode with a small curvature radius. It is established that the spark channel bridges the gap by passing through the formed beads. The glowing beads are again observed in the final stage of the discharge, when the discharge current and, accordingly, the intensity of spark emission decrease.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2019;45(4):387-396
pages 387-396 views

Effect of Nitrogen Additive on Inhomogeneous Microwave Discharge in Hydrogen at Reduced Pressures

Lebedev Y., Tatarinov A., Epstein I.


The effect of a small nitrogen additive on a microwave discharge in hydrogen ignited near the antenna at a pressure of 1 Torr was studied by emission spectroscopy and visualization methods. It is shown that, in the presence of a nitrogen additive, the discharge shifts along the antenna toward the generator and the intensities of hydrogen spectral lines and bands near the antenna decrease. These results are qualitatively explained on the basis of the earlier 1D simulation of the discharge. The changes in the discharge parameters are caused by the replacement of the light \({\text{H}}_{3}^{ + }\) ion in hydrogen plasma with the heavy N2H+ ion in a discharge in a hydrogen–nitrogen mixture. As a result, the rate of diffusive particle loss decreases, so that the discharge can exist in regions with a weaker microwave field.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2019;45(4):397-400
pages 397-400 views

Applied Physics

Specific Features of the Longitudinal Distribution of Plasma Parameters in the Initial Segment of a Supersonic Jet Formed by a Pulsed Capillary Discharge

Efimov A., Pashchina A., Chinnov V., Kazanskiy P.


The paper presents the results of spectroscopic studies of the initial segment of a supersonic plasma jet formed by a pulsed discharge in a capillary made of carbon-containing polymer. Detection of the emission properties of the high-temperature core of the jet (the intensities and contours of the Hα and Hβ Balmer lines and the relative intensities of C II ion lines) with high temporal (1–50 μs) and spatial (30–50 μm) resolutions allowed the authors to reveal specific features of the longitudinal distributions of the electron density and temperature caused by the flow nonisobaricity along the initial segment of the supersonic jet.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2019;45(4):401-405
pages 401-405 views

Calculations of Thermodynamic Parameters of Charged Microparticle Structures in Electrodynamic Traps

Lapitskii D., Filinov V., Vasilyak L., Syrovatka R., Deputatova L., Vladimirov V., Pecherkin V.


In the framework of the statistical theory of liquids, the thermodynamic parameters of a strongly nonideal Coulomb microparticle structure confined in a Paul linear trap in atmospheric-pressure air are calculated using the Brownian dynamics method. The Coulomb potential of interparticle interaction and the calculated pair correlation functions of the Coulomb structure are used in calculations. The average interparticle interaction parameter (the coupling parameter Γ), the internal energy of the Coulomb structure, and the pressure it imposes on the trap are calculated. It has been found that the parameters mentioned above decrease with increasing size and charge of particles due to an increase in the average equilibrium interparticle distance in the electrodynamic trap. As the system approaches a steady state, the energy and pressure also decrease due to an increase in the average interparticle distance caused by a partial ordering of the Coulomb system of particles.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2019;45(4):406-409
pages 406-409 views

Optimization of a Multidischarge Actuator System

Nebogatkin S., Rebrov I., Khomich V., Yamshchikov V.


A multidischarge actuator system (MAS) based on an improved three-electrode scheme with a screening electrode has been studied. The geometrical and physical parameters of the MAS are optimized to increase the velocity and energy efficiency of the generated airflow. The dependences of the airflow velocity at the output of the MAS on the frequency, voltage amplitude, and average supply power are experimentally determined. The maximum velocity is measured as a function of the total thickness of the dielectric substrate.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2019;45(4):410-413
pages 410-413 views

Coulomb Dust Spheres in a Glow Discharge in Neon at Cryogenic Temperatures

Polyakov D., Shumova V., Vasilyak L.


The discharge parameters for the formation of charged spherical dust structures (Coulomb dust spheres) in neon plasma at a discharge tube wall temperature of 77 K are determined. The dust spheres were experimentally observed at fixed neon pressures of 0.15, 0.9, and 1.2 Torr. They were also obtained by extrapolation at pressures of 0.42 and 0.65 Torr. The dust spheres form at the discharge current corresponding to the intersection points of the dependences of the radial and axial dimensions of the dust structures on the discharge current. The correlation between the plasma parameters at which the dust spheres are formed and their composition, phase and dynamic states of their components, and dimensions of the dust spheres is analyzed. The variations in the parameters of the discharge plasma and dust spheres caused by a change in the gas pressure are numerically simulated. A continuous second-order phase transition is discovered in dust spheres at pressures of 0.15–0.65 Torr. An increase in the “chemical potential” of dust spheres is found near the liquidus line and the line separating the dust mixture components on the PI phase diagram.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2019;45(4):414-419
pages 414-419 views

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