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Том 42, № 5 (2016)

Ionospheric and Space Plasmas

Magneto-thermal reconnection of significance to space and astrophysics

Coppi B.


Magnetic reconnection processes that can be excited in collisionless plasma regimes are of interest to space and astrophysics to the extent that the layers in which reconnection takes place are not rendered unrealistically small by their unfavorable dependence on relevant macroscopic distances. The equations describing new modes producing magnetic reconnection over relatively small but significant distances, unlike tearing types of mode, even when dealing with large macroscopic scale lengths, are given. The considered modes are associated with a finite electron temperature gradient and have a phase velocity in the direction of the electron diamagnetic velocity that can reverse to the opposite direction as relevant parameters are varied over a relatively wide range. The electron temperature perturbation has a primary role in the relevant theory. In particular, when referring to regimes in which the longitudinal (to the magnetic field) electron thermal conductivity is relatively large, the electron temperature perturbation becomes singular if the ratio of the transverse to the longitudinal electron thermal conductivity becomes negligible.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(5):383-387
pages 383-387 views

Formation and evolution of flapping and ballooning waves in magnetospheric plasma sheet

Ma J., Hirose A.


By adopting Lembége & Pellat’s 2D plasma-sheet model, we investigate the flankward flapping motion and Sunward ballooning propagation driven by an external source (e.g., magnetic reconnection) produced initially at the sheet center. Within the ideal MHD framework, we adopt the WKB approximation to obtain the Taylor–Goldstein equation of magnetic perturbations. Fourier spectral method and Runge–Kutta method are employed in numerical simulations, respectively, under the flapping and ballooning conditions. Studies expose that the magnetic shears in the sheet are responsible for the flapping waves, while the magnetic curvature and the plasma gradient are responsible for the ballooning waves. In addition, the flapping motion has three phases in its temporal development: fast damping phase, slow recovery phase, and quasi-stabilized phase; it is also characterized by two patterns in space: propagating wave pattern and standing wave pattern. Moreover, the ballooning modes are gradually damped toward the Earth, with a wavelength in a scale size of magnetic curvature or plasma inhomogeneity, only 1–7% of the flapping one; the envelops of the ballooning waves are similar to that of the observed bursty bulk flows moving toward the Earth.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(5):388-399
pages 388-399 views

Nonlinear equation for Farley–Buneman waves in multispecies plasma

Horton W., Litt S., Smolyakov A., Bains A., Pokhotelov O., Onishchenko O.


The nonlinear equation describing the Farley–Buneman (FB) waves in multispecies collisional plasmas is derived by employing the multiple-scale reduction analysis. It is shown that the presence of several ion species with different collisionalities and different ion masses removes the degeneracy of the nonlinear equation and generates the nonlinear terms resulting in wave steepening and wave breaking. This effect may be responsible for formation of one-dimensional coherent FB waves of a finite amplitude.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(5):400-406
pages 400-406 views

Waves and Instabilities in Plasma

On the dispersion of geodesic acoustic modes

Smolyakov A., Bashir M., Elfimov A., Yagi M., Miyato N.


The problem of dispersion of geodesic acoustic modes is revisited with two different methods for the solution of the kinetic equation. The dispersive corrections to the mode frequency are calculated by including the m = 2 poloidal harmonics. Our obtained results agree with some earlier results but differ in various ways with other previous works. Limitations and advantages of different approaches are discussed.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(5):407-417
pages 407-417 views

Onset condition of the subcritical geodesic acoustic mode instability in the presence of energetic-particle-driven geodesic acoustic mode

Itoh K., Itoh S., Kosuga Y., Lesur M., Ido T.


An analytic model is developed for understanding the abrupt onset of geodesic acoustic mode (GAM) in the presence of chirping energetic-particle-driven GAM (EGAM). This abrupt excitation phenomenon has been observed on LHD plasma. Threshold conditions for the onset of abrupt growth of GAM are derived, and the period doubling phenomenon is explained. The phase relation between the mother mode (EGAM) and the daughter mode (GAM) is also discussed. This result contributes to the understanding of “trigger problems” of laboratory and nature plasmas.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(5):418-423
pages 418-423 views

Drift and geodesic effects on the ion sound eigenmode in tokamak plasmas

Elfimov A., Smolyakov A., Melnikov A., Galvão R.


A kinetic treatment of geodesic acoustic modes (GAMs), taking into account ion parallel dynamics, drift and the second poloidal harmonic effects is presented. It is shown that first and second harmonics of the ion sound modes, which have respectively positive and negative radial dispersion, can be coupled due to the geodesic and drift effects. This coupling results in the drift geodesic ion sound eigenmode with a frequency below the standard GAM continuum frequency. Such eigenmode may be able to explain the split modes observed in some experiments.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(5):424-429
pages 424-429 views

Ion cyclotron emission studies: Retrospects and prospects

Gorelenkov N.


Ion cyclotron emission (ICE) studies emerged in part from the papers by A.B. Mikhailovskii published in the 1970s. Among the discussed subjects were electromagnetic compressional Alfvénic cyclotron instabilities with the linear growth rate ~\(\sqrt {n_\alpha /n_e } \) driven by fusion products, -particles which draw a lot of attention to energetic particle physics. The theory of ICE excited by energetic particles was significantly advanced at the end of the 20th century motivated by first DT experiments on TFTR and subsequent JET experimental studies which we highlight. More recently ICE theory was advanced by detailed theoretical and experimental studies on spherical torus (ST) fusion devices where the instability signals previously indistinguishable in high aspect ratio tokamaks due to high toroidal magnetic field became the subjects of experiments. We discuss further prospects of ICE theory applications for future burning plasma (BP) experiments such as those to be conducted in ITER device in France, where neutron and gamma rays escaping the plasma create extremely challenging conditions fusion alpha particle diagnostics.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(5):430-439
pages 430-439 views

Analytical and numerical treatment of resistive drift instability in a plasma slab

Mirnov V., Sauppe J., Hegna C., Sovinec C.


An analytic approach combining the effect of equilibrium diamagnetic flows and the finite ionsound gyroradius associated with electron−ion decoupling and kinetic Alfvén wave dispersion is derived to study resistive drift instabilities in a plasma slab. Linear numerical computations using the NIMROD code are performed with cold ions and hot electrons in a plasma slab with a doubly periodic box bounded by two perfectly conducting walls. A linearly unstable resistive drift mode is observed in computations with a growth rate that is consistent with the analytic dispersion relation. The resistive drift mode is expected to be suppressed by magnetic shear in unbounded domains, but the mode is observed in numerical computations with and without magnetic shear. In the slab model, the finite slab thickness and the perfectly conducting boundary conditions are likely to account for the lack of suppression.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(5):440-449
pages 440-449 views


Kinetic effects on the currents determining the stability of a magnetic island in tokamaks

Poli E., Bergmann A., Casson F., Hornsby W., Peeters A., Siccinio M., Zarzoso D.


The role of the bootstrap and polarization currents for the stability of neoclassical tearing modes is investigated employing both a drift kinetic and a gyrokinetic approach. The adiabatic response of the ions around the island separatrix implies, for island widths below or around the ion thermal banana width, density flattening for islands rotating at the ion diamagnetic frequency, while for islands rotating at the electron diamagnetic frequency the density is unperturbed and the only contribution to the neoclassical drive arises from electron temperature flattening. As for the polarization current, the full inclusion of finite orbit width effects in the calculation of the potential developing in a rotating island leads to a smoothing of the discontinuous derivatives exhibited by the analytic potential on which the polarization term used in the modeling is based. This leads to a reduction of the polarization-current contribution with respect to the analytic estimate, in line with other studies. Other contributions to the perpendicular ion current, related to the response of the particles around the island separatrix, are found to compete or even dominate the polarization-current term for realistic island rotation frequencies.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(5):450-464
pages 450-464 views

Interplay between intrinsic plasma rotation and magnetic island evolution in disruptive discharges

Ronchi G., Severo J., Salzedas F., Galvão R., Sanada E.


The behavior of the intrinsic toroidal rotation of the plasma column during the growth and eventual saturation of m/n = 2/1 magnetic islands, triggered by programmed density rise, has been carefully investigated in disruptive discharges in TCABR. The results show that, as the island starts to grow and rotate at a speed larger than that of the plasma column, the angular frequency of the intrinsic toroidal rotation increases and that of the island decreases, following the expectation of synchronization. As the island saturates at a large size, just before a major disruption, the angular speed of the intrinsic rotation decreases quite rapidly, even though the island keeps still rotating at a reduced speed. This decrease of the toroidal rotation is quite reproducible and can be considered as an indicative of disruption.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(5):465-471
pages 465-471 views

Influence of plasma pedestal profiles on access to ELM-free regimes in ITER

Medvedev S., Ivanov A., Martynov A., Poshekhonov Y., Konovalov S., Polevoi A.


The influence of current density and pressure gradient profiles in the pedestal on the access to the regimes free from edge localized modes (ELMs) like quiescent H-mode in ITER is investigated. Using the simulator of MHD modes localized near plasma boundary based on the KINX code, calculations of the ELM stability were performed for the ITER plasma in scenarios 2 and 4 under variations of density and temperature profiles with the self-consistent bootstrap current in the pedestal. Low pressure gradient values at the separatrix, the same position of the density and temperature pedestals and high poloidal beta values facilitate reaching high current density in the pedestal and a potential transition into the regime with saturated large scale kink modes. New version of the localized MHD mode simulator allows one to compute the growth rates of ideal peeling-ballooning modes with different toroidal mode numbers and to determine the stability region taking into account diamagnetic stabilization. The edge stability diagrams computations and sensitivity studies of the stability limits to the value of diamagnetic frequency show that diamagnetic stabilization of the modes with high toroidal mode numbers can help to access the quiescent H-mode even with high plasma density but only with low pressure gradient values at the separatrix. The limiting pressure at the top of the pedestal increases for higher plasma density. With flat density profile the access to the quiescent H-mode is closed even with diamagnetic stabilization taken into account, while toroidal mode numbers of the most unstable peeling-ballooning mode decrease from n = 10−40 to n = 3−20.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(5):472-485
pages 472-485 views

Linear MHD stability analysis of post-disruption plasmas in ITER

Aleynikova K., Huijsmans G., Aleynikov P.


Most of the plasma current can be replaced by a runaway electron (RE) current during plasma disruptions in ITER. In this case the post-disruption plasma current profile is likely to be more peaked than the pre-disruption profile. The MHD activity of such plasma will affect the runaway electron generation and confinement and the dynamics of the plasma position evolution (Vertical Displacement Event), limiting the timeframe for runaway electrons and disruption mitigation. In the present paper, we evaluate the influence of the possible RE seed current parameters on the onset of the MHD instabilities. By varying the RE seed current profile, we search for subsequent plasma evolutions with the highest and the lowest MHD activity. This information can be applied to a development of desirable ITER disruption scenario.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(5):486-494
pages 486-494 views

Neoclassical offset toroidal velocity and auxiliary ion heating in tokamaks

Lazzaro E.


In conditions of ideal axisymmetry, for a magnetized plasma in a generic bounded domain, necessarily toroidal, the uniform absorption of external energy (e.g., RF or any isotropic auxiliary heating) cannot give rise to net forces or torques. Experimental evidence on contemporary tokamaks shows that the near central absorption of RF heating power (ICH and ECH) and current drive in presence of MHD activity drives a bulk plasma rotation in the co-Ip direction, opposite to the initial one. Also the appearance of classical or neoclassical tearing modes provides a nonlinear magnetic braking that tends to clamp the rotation profile at the q-rational surfaces. The physical origin of the torque associated with PRF absorption could be due the effects of asymmetry in the equilibrium configuration or in power deposition, but here we point out also an effect of the response of the so-called neoclassical offset velocity to the power dependent heat flow increment. The neoclassical toroidal viscosity due to internal magnetic kink or tearing modes tends to relax the plasma rotation to this asymptotic speed, which in absence of auxiliary heating is of the order of the ion diamagnetic velocity. It can be shown by kinetic and fluid calculations, that the absorption of auxiliary power by ions modifies this offset proportionally to the injected power thereby forcing the plasma rotation in a direction opposite to the initial, to large values. The problem is discussed in the frame of the theoretical models of neoclassical toroidal viscosity.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(5):495-501
pages 495-501 views

Review of mixing length estimates and effects of toroidicity in a fluid model for turbulent transport in tokamaks

Weiland J.


Basic aspects of turbulent transport in toroidal magnetized plasmas are discussed. In particular the fluid closure has strong effects on zonal flows which are needed to create an absorbing boundary for long wave lengths and also to obtain the Dimits nonlinear upshift. The fluid resonance in the energy equation is found to be instrumental for generating the L–H transition, the spin-up of poloidal rotation in internal transport barriers, as well as the nonlinear Dimits upshift. The difference between the linearly fastest growing mode number and the corresponding longer nonlinear correlation length is also addressed. It is found that the Kadomtsev mixing length result is consistent with the non-Markovian diagonal limit of the transport at the nonlinearly obtained correlation length.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(5):502-513
pages 502-513 views

Bifurcations of axisymmetric plasma equilibrium in a tokamak

Skovoroda A.


Bifurcation of solutions to the Grad–Shafranov-type equation for helically symmetric plasma near the threshold for tearing instability are analyzed. Quadratic and cubic nonlinearities were added to the linear dependence of the current density on the helical flux. Depending on the character of nonlinearity, two types of bifurcation can be observed, the “small” and the “large” ones. The small bifurcation is typical of cubic nonlinearity and reveals itself in the growth of the magnetic island from zero as the profile parameter increases above the instability threshold. The large bifurcation is typical of quadratic nonlinearity and causes jumplike formation of a large-scale magnetic island upon exceeding the instability threshold. As the profile parameter decreases below the instability threshold, the large-scale island continues to persist for some time (the hysteresis effect) and then suddenly disappears.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(5):514-522
pages 514-522 views

Nonlinear Phenomena

Point-vortex approach in two-dimensional turbulence

Kuvshinov B., Schep T.


The properties of two-dimensional turbulence in a circular domain are investigated within the framework of the punctuated point-vortex model. Vortex dynamics is governed by Hamiltonian equations, and it is interrupted by instantaneous events resulting in vortex merging. Motion of about 100 point vortices is simulated using an accurate, symplectic integration method. Ensembles of like-sign vortices relax to a quasi-lattice state. Vortices with zero total vorticity tend to be randomized. Their motion still does not become fully chaotic. We observe emergence of long lived large dipoles (co-propagating pairs of vortices with opposite signs), which affect the evolution of the whole vortex ensemble. The presence of such dipoles accelerate the vortex decay rate. The decay exponent has been estimated as ξ ≃ 1.7, which is much larger than ξ ≃ 0.7, reported in previous studies of decaying turbulence. Since dipole dynamics depends on specific properties of the point vortex system, our findings suggest that a universal decay exponent in such systems does not exist.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(5):523-536
pages 523-536 views

Relativistic Plasmas

Modulational instabilities in relativistic pair plasmas

Mendonça J.


We study the modulational instability of an intense photon beam in a relativistic pair plasma. We use the wave-kinetic description of the photon field and relativistic fluid equations for electrons and positrons. This allows us to consider the influence of the photon spectral distribution and photon recoil effects on the instability threshold and growth rates. The case of very low frequencies modulations, well below plasma frequency, is compared to that of high-frequency modulations corresponding to the plasmon decay instability.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(5):537-542
pages 537-542 views

Dusty Plasma

Dusty plasma in the region of the lunar terminator

Popel S., Zelenyi L., Atamaniuk B.


Dusty plasma in the region of the lunar terminator is considered. It is shown that, in this region, a structure resembling a plasma sheath forms near the lunar surface. This sheath creates a potential barrier, due to which electrons over the illuminated part of the Moon are confined by electrostatic forces. The width of the sheath-like structure is on the order of the ion Debye length. In this structure, significant (about several hundred V/m) electric fields arise, which lift charged micron-size dust grains to heights of several tens of centimeters. The suggested effect may be used to explain the glow observed by the Surveyor spacecraft over the lunar terminator.

Plasma Physics Reports. 2016;42(5):543-548
pages 543-548 views

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